
Effective exercises for burning fat on the stomach, sides, hips. A set of exercises for burning fat at home

Effective exercises for burning fat on the stomach, sides, hips. A set of exercises for burning fat at home
The article describes home exercises for burning fat for men and women.

In today's modern world, you can increasingly meet people who suffer from obesity and constantly encounter overweight. This is directly related to the lifestyle of people, which is characterized by inactivity and malnutrition. All this forces women and men to lose weight intensively, exhaust themselves with long diets and constant visits to gym halls and fitness clubs.

One proper nutrition is not enough to maintain an ideal figure, so you need to regularly engage in yourself and use special complexes for burning fat for this. To do this, it is not necessary to look for free time in your schedule for a visit to the instructor, just be patient and choose the optimal complex for yourself. You can easily independently perform exercises to burn fat at home.

In this article, we consider the features of burning fat in various problem areas in women and men, as well as give a description of the best exercises for burning fat.

Features of performing fat burning exercises

A beautiful and slender body is the limit of dreams for all girls and women, especially before the summer season, when everything should look gorgeous. Slender legs, a clearance between the hips, a beautiful and flat stomach, a chiseled waist-all these are components of a dream figure that all fashionistas strive for. Since not all people have a beautiful body by nature, you have to achieve gorgeous outlines with the help of exhausting diets and training. After all, no creams and lotions will help to get a toned belly or hips and remove cellulite, it is important to choose the right exercises and perform them regularly.

It is optimal to constantly engage in exercises for burning fat, which can be carried out at any level of physical preparation and perform both in the gym and at home. To achieve a positive effect, it is not enough just to perform all known exercises, they must be correctly selected.

Experienced instructors recommend using aerobic exercises to maintain the figure in tone and prevent the appearance of fat, and strength exercises are ideal for effective weight loss. However, it will be the most optimal to use a set of fat burning exercises, consisting of both strength exercises and from aerobic training. Before starting training at home, it is necessary to carefully understand the causes of fat in problem areas of the body: on the stomach, hips and sides. After that, you should radically change your diet, make it balanced and correct, additionally add a set of exercises, and over time you will achieve positive results.

The causes of fat on the stomach, sides and hips

Fat deposits are not always bad, its very insignificant amount is considered the norm and serves as protection for all internal organs and bones. However, its excess is already a problem, affects not only the appearance, but also on the general state of the human body. There is a lot of reasons for the appearance of fat deposits in the most problematic places, for example, a stomach or hips. The main thing is to understand her in time and start to fight her to return to your body of fit and beautiful forms.

  • Violation of metabolism. Sometimes, with age or other reasons, metabolism may be violated, the slowdown of which leads to a set of excess weight. This does not mean that each person should definitely decrease the level of metabolism. Some can eat cakes, buns in large quantities and at the same time do not gain a gram of fat. Others even suffer from a small cake.
  • Genetic problems. Scientists have long proved that each person has genes that are responsible for the location of weight gain. If your parents, grandparents had problems with fullness, then most likely you will encounter it. At the same time, the weight can be distributed in different ways, it all depends on the type of your figure: a pear or apple.
  • A sedentary lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle as nothing else affects the deposition of fats in problem areas. If you spend a long time at the computer, then this increases the risk of gaining extra pounds.
  • Incorrect diet. A balanced diet is a guarantee of an ideal figure. Therefore, it is so important not to overeat constantly, since in a compartment with a sedentary lifestyle, this will inevitably lead to obesity.
  • Postering in a sitting position. Oddly enough, the correct posture in a sitting position also affects maintaining the perfect weight. With improper posture, with a constant hunched position when working with a computer or documents, you risk getting excess fat in the abdomen - one of the most problematic place for women, less often in men.
  • Stress, various diseases. Modern life is constantly associated with stress, which also negatively affects the body and figure of a person. In stressful situations, a substance is developed in the body, which contributes to the accumulation of fat deposits in the abdomen. In some diseases, there is also a risk of obesity, for example, with cardiovascular diseases or diabetes.
  • Hormonal changes. This reason is especially relevant regarding the fair sex, as hormones play an important role in the regulation of fat deposits in the body. This is especially true for menopause.

Contraindications to conduct fat burning exercises

Effective fat burning exercises should become an integral part of your lifestyle if you have problem areas and excess weight. However, before proceeding with the implementation, it is important to weigh the pros and cons, get acquainted with contraindications to such training that can aggravate the state of health. This is especially true for training at home, where there is no instructor or coach who controls everyone. Here is a description of the most serious contraindications to home exercises for burning fat.

  • With general or chronic fatigue, it is not recommended to engage in exercises for burning fat, as they require a lot of physical return.
  • Contraindications for training in fat burning are also various hekopols and knees. It can be dislocations, stretching, bruises. It is best to wait for the complete recovery and normal functioning of the lower extremities, especially when using strength exercises.
  • Do not perform exercises to burn fat at home and in the gym with various gynecological inflammations in acute form.
  • Training is contraindicated both at home and gym with a body weight index above 35, which corresponds to severe obesity. In this case, a completely different approach and consultation with a doctor are needed.

Rules for training for fat burning at home

  • First of all, one of the basic rules for conducting fat burning is a high pace of the entire training. At a lower pace, fats are burned much more slowly. For example, the effect will be higher when running for 30 minutes than when walking for the same gap.
  • It is important to correctly choose individual exercises and the whole range of training as a whole. The main thing is that all exercises are at the right pace and are carried out regularly.
  • It is also necessary to constantly increase endurance and strength, which will also contribute to the speedy burning of fat. Try to use as many muscles of the back, chest, legs, arms, which will allow you to use more calories. In this case, squats will help.
  • Be sure to maintain a good pace of exercises throughout the training period, which will increase the fat burning effect.
  • To accelerate fat burning, you can use interval training, which include maximum loads alternating with recovery periods. You can start, for example, with training for 2 minutes and a subsequent two -minute rest.
  • Give preference in your training exercises, in which your own weight and gravity will be involved as much as possible. These include cardio exercises for burning fat, such as running or walking. When the body begins to fight its own weight, calories are consumed faster.
  • Try to lead the constantly active lifestyle, so fats will be burned more actively.
  • To achieve the maximum effect, experts recommend training on an empty stomach. This will accelerate fat burning, but you need to be neat so as not to overdo it, since the body can weaken.
  • The regularity of the exercises for burning fat is one of the most basic rules for such a training. This will quickly achieve a positive result. It is also important evenly and gradually increase the intensity of exercise.
  • Before performing exercises, never forget to perform a warm -up.
  • It is important to perform a sufficient number of repetitions. One exercise must be repeated about 50-60 times.
  • To achieve a positive effect, it is important to perform exercises correctly, i.e. You need to breathe correctly, wear only comfortable and breathing clothes and shoes.
  • Be sure to drink enough water and perform exercises only with a good mood.
  • If you want to burn fats faster, it is important to combine strength exercises for burning fat with endurance exercises.

Fat burning exercises in women

Exercises for men and women are not much different, but there are still some differences. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that the female body is as hardy as male, but women are less strong. It is important to consider these nuances when planning training for fat burning. Women more than men pay attention to problem areas and do everything possible to return a beautiful and slender body.

  • First of all, it is ideal to use cardio exercises that will help burn calories as much as possible. It is important to use running as such exercises, but one lesson should last within 15 minutes, otherwise there will be no result. Good results for burning fats in the female body give jumping on a rope. You can start with 40-50 repetitions, gradually increasing the number of repetitions, bringing the exercise to 5 minutes. If you have a bike, bike rods will be simply indispensable. You can just lie on your back, bend your legs in your knees and make a bicycle move.
  • Press exercises will be an excellent complex for burning fat in women. These exercises can become more complicated, change, which will provide you with a positive result. In this regard, various types of bar will become indispensable, which must be performed within 50-60 seconds.
  • Squats will also help remove excess fat on the hips and legs of women. In this case, squats can also change and complicate.
  • Great exercises for women are working with a hoop with which you will get the perfect and accurate waist. It is enough to twist it for an hour every day and soon you can see positive results.
  • You can use strength exercises with small loads in the form of dumbbells to enhance the effect.

Fat burning exercises for men

Men just like women suffer from excess fat on their stomach and hips, but they pay less attention to it. Although in the last goals it has become fashionable to take care of itself and with its body, so it is also important for the strong floor to use training for burning fat.

  • Men are also recommended to use cardio exercises associated with running, cycling, swimming. There should be more repetitions than for women.
  • An excellent option for men is to use pressing exercises with twisting, which allows you to favorably emphasize the press and oblique muscles of the abdomen.
  • Push -ups on socks and knees are also very effective exercises for men aimed at burning fat.
  • Men should make the main emphasis on strength exercises that will allow you to quickly lose calories and keep all the muscles in good shape.
  • At home, you can use exercises with a towel. Take it in outstretched hands and start turning movements in each direction, while your hands must be held straight. The number of repetitions can be done individually.

Complexes of exercises for burning fats in problem areas: stomach, hips, sides

To achieve the maximum effect on burning fat, it is important to correctly choose a set of exercises, which should consist of various training. It is important that one complex includes strength exercises, and cardio exercises, and endurance exercises. Everything must be performed without stopping with a gradual increase in intensity and number of approaches. Complexes can be developed for each problem area, which will achieve a good result in the shortest possible time. Let us consider in more detail the approximate complexes for burning fat on the stomach, sides and hips.

A set of exercises for burning fat on the stomach

  • Raising the body. One of the most important exercises is precisely the raising of the body, the implementation of which is familiar to everyone since childhood. The exercise is carried out lying on the rug. It is necessary to bend your legs in your knees and arms your hands and bend your head and bend in your elbows. On inspiration, it is necessary to raise the body to the knees, and then slowly return to the starting position on the exhale. Perform 20-25 repetitions.
  • Raising the legs. This is also a very effective exercise for burning fat in the abdomen. It is necessary to take an ordinary chair and sit on its edge. Then raise your legs smoothly closer to the body, and then also smoothly return them to their original position.
  • In the next exercise, you need to lie on a rug or mat, bend your legs in your knees, and have your hands behind the head bent at the elbows. During the exercise, we perform the raising of the head and shoulders, while you can not move your back - it should be motionless. It is also important to always keep the elbows expanded, no matter how difficult it is. For the effectiveness of the exercise, you can alternate the rise at a fast and slow pace.
  • It is necessary to lie on the floor, bent at the knees, lift up with an angle of 90 degrees, after which you need to raise the head and shoulders, as in the previous exercise.
  • The next exercise is also performed lying on a rug or on a mat. The legs are straight, your hands can be put along the body or tied them behind the head and brought to the castle. The meaning of the exercise is to raise straight legs in compliance with important rules: first of all, the legs should be straight, in addition, it is recommended not to lower the legs completely. So the exercise will be more effective.
  • Push -ups. Effective for burning fat are push -ups. For the correct execution, you need to kneel and cross your legs, then perform the exercise with a gradual increase in repetitions.
  • Planck. This exercise is one of the most effective for burning fat on the stomach. To perform it, you need to lie on your stomach, and then lean on bent elbows and socks. In this position with a perfectly even back, you need to hold out for 60 seconds. During the exercise, it is important to strain all muscles.

A set of exercises for burning fat on the sides

  • An ideal exercise for burning fat is the use of hool-huup. Tearing of a hoop has always been the best training for obtaining a beautiful and chisel waist. It is necessary to twist the hoop regularly every day. You can start from 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the period of execution to 60 minutes a day. It is also important to use a high-quality and rather heavy hula-hup, the weight of which can be gradually increased.
  • Exercise "Mill". Stand exactly, legs shoulder -width apart. During the exercise, it is necessary to make tilments to each leg with the opposite hand. It is recommended to perform 15 repetitions on each leg.
  • Tilts to the side. It is necessary to stand up smoothly, legs shoulder -width, one hand on the belt, and with the other hand you need to make swings with the simultaneous tilt of the body. For effectiveness, you can use dumbbells for each hand. It is recommended to perform 15-20 tilts in each direction.
  • Oblique twisting. To perform the exercise, you need to lie on the floor and turn your hands behind the head, your legs must be bent at your knees. After that, you need to raise the upper body, turning the right shoulder towards the left, while the left shoulder should remain pressed to the floor. Next, repeat the exercise in the other direction. The exercise must be repeated about 12-15 times on each side.

A set of exercises for burning fat on the hips

  • Jumping on a rope. This exercise is very effective for burning fat in the hips. You can start jumping from 5 minutes, gradually increasing the execution time to 1 hour a day. At the same time, you can jump on a rope in different versions: on two legs, on one.
  • Exercise Plie. To perform this exercise, you need to stand your shoulder-width apart, take a dumbbell of 1-2 kg in your hands or a regular bottle of water. Perform squats, while watching the back is straight, the hips are parallel to the floor. It is recommended to make 15 repetitions in 3 approaches.
  • Lifting the legs lying on the side. You need to lie on the left side, then lean on the left elbow. After that, the right leg is bent in the knee and exhibited in front of the left foot. After that, raise your left leg to two accounts, then lower it into two accounts. It is recommended to perform 15 repetitions of 3 approaches to each direction.
  • Twins foot to the side. Stand exactly, legs shoulder -width apart, you can grab your hand by the chair or by the wall. It is necessary to make a swing with a foot in the left side, while the leg needs to be lifted as high as possible. Return to the starting position, and then raise your leg again. So perform approximately 15-20 repetitions, and then perform swings with another foot.
  • Diagonal attacks. Starting position - legs shoulder -width apart, arms on the sides. It is necessary to perform lunges, just not forward, but a little to the side. After that, fall into the attack, holding your back even. Return to the starting position, then repeat the exercise on the other leg. It is recommended to perform 15 repetitions for each leg in 3 approaches.

Fat burning exercises - video

A beautiful and ideal figure is a dream of any woman or man. Not everyone is given to get a toned body from nature without unnecessary kg, many have to invest in it a lot of time and effort. With proper exercises, you can quickly burn fat in problem areas even at home.



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