
Sea buckthorn jam - benefits and harm. How to cook a boat jam at home. Recipes of jam from sea buckthorn step by step with photos

Sea buckthorn jam - benefits and harm. How to cook a boat jam at home. Recipes of jam from sea buckthorn step by step with photos
A sea buckthorn jam is delicious, helps strengthen the immunity, improve the condition of the body. How to cook a boat jam with a cold way, a five-minute jam. How to cook jam from sea buckthorn juice, with orange, nuts and pumpkin. Cook a delicious jam in a slow cooker with sea buckthorn.

Since ancient times, people have learned to heal many illnesses using the gifts of nature. Sea buckthorn - powerful medicine against many diseases. It has a lot of vitamins, minerals and acids and even there is a hormone of happiness. No wonder in the people of sea buckthorn nicknamed with a tree that brings happiness.

Sea buckthorn fruits are a valuable product that will help to quickly cure colds, prevent this unpleasant disease and generally strengthen the immune system. For the benefits of this product, people have known for a long time. Literally a handful of berries per day will help give the strength and remove the inflammatory process in the body, get rid of the handra, improve the mood and even heal the wounds.

The fruits of sea buckthorn are known not only in traditional medicine. People have long been learned to make billets for the winter and even cook delicious jam. To improve the work of the whole organism, establish the process of digestion, replenish the reserves of vitamins and minerals, it is enough to eat on the day the spoonful of such a magical jam.

It is believed that jam from the fruit of a sea buckthorn tree is not only a delicious dessert, but also a drug. And all because in the berries are preserved at the maximum all useful properties, even it has been thermal processing.

Sea buckthorn jam: benefits and harm

The most valuable in the sea buckthorning tree for human health is ripe berries. Because in them, as mentioned earlier, a lot of useful components. Even with heat treatment, most of these beneficial substances remain. Therefore, the benefits of such a finished product for people of any age are always huge. Especially - during the period of colds, when immunity is reduced. Therefore, the jam just helps the body to cope with the attack of viruses. By the way, just a few spoons of jam per day - it will be an excellent prevention of colds. And no more tablets and vitamin complexes will not need!

The benefits of the finished product:

  • prevention of colds;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • replenishment of stocks of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • improving the condition of the patient with a cold;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn - powerful antioxidant, it is an excellent means of preventing heart disease and vessels;
  • improves metabolism;
  • cleans the vessels;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol;
  • dilutes blood and is a prophylactic means of formation of thromboms;
  • establishes the work of the stomach and intestines;
  • improves mood;
  • cleans the liver.

Harm or contraindications: berries in fresh form and in the form of jam, it is undesirable in large quantities to use people suffering from diabetes mellitus.

In addition, it is prohibited to use sea buckthorn in any form to people who have such diseases:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • diseases of gall and liver during the exacerbation period;
  • gastritis;
  • allergic reaction to sea buckthorn berries.

Carefully! If you buy a sea buckthorn jam on the market or in the store, give preference to the product in a glass container. Although plastic will be more affordable and cheaper, but for long-term storage of the product does not fit.

Sea buckthorn jam. Photo:

How to cook sea buckthorn jam

Do you know when first jam was welded for the first time? His mistress in ancient Russia was invented. But then any berries and fruits have failed with sugar, but with honey. The delicacy was very tasty and helpful. But in those times, the hostess was more aimed at preserving most of the fresh fruits and berries, make more billets for the winter. And only a little later, the amazing beneficial properties of barbed tree fruits were opened - sea buckthorn.

Rarely, who will die of drinking in the cheese, because it is acidic, tart and tasteless. But if you add a little honey or sugar - a completely different business. Such jam is obtained fragrant, sweet and tasty.

Naturally, the most useful jam and, by the way, the most fragrant is a wrapping jam without cooking. It keeps all the beneficial substances to the maximum.

How to make a sea buckle jam:

  • take a kilogram of sea buckthorn;
  • sugar - kilogram or one and a half, if you like sweet jam.

We make independently raw jam from sea buckthorn:

  1. Berries choose ripe, bright orange - they are more useful substances and vitamin C.
  2. Berries need to be carefully loosen, remove branches, leaves and tails.
  3. Pretty rinse a useful product: Place the berries in the colander, rinse under running water. Give her a drain so that no extra moisture remains.
  4. Place the berries in a saucepan or a spacious bowl.
  5. Pull with sugar. Sugar can be taken a kilogram or even less, and maybe more if you are sweet tooth.
  6. You need to fall asleep berries with sugar and take the interleavers to make a very careful berry. It is important to achieve that they let juice. You can use a blender, then a homogeneous mass, even without bones. What is even better, especially if such jam is given to small kids. It turns out a bunch of sea buckthorn.
  7. Now you need to prepare banks: pre-sterilize in any way, as well as the lids. Banks must be dry and clean.
  8. You need to fill banks with raw jam, close the lids and put on a permanent storage place: in a cold cellar / basement or refrigerator. Store such jam without loss of all useful substances will be about 5 months.
  9. If you want to save jam and prepare a lot of such beneficial product health, you need to roll up jam caps, pour a sugar layer, and then put the circle carved from paper. Everything, long-term storage in a dark and dry, cool place is provided. Such a product will not deteriorate and does not moldy.

This product is useful in the cold season as a preventive agent, as well as to cure faster, if already sick.

Warry jam five-minute

Another popular way to prepare a delicious vitamin jam for the winter is by quick boil.

Number of ingredients:

  • berries of sea buckthorn - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg or 1.200 g;
  • water - 300 ml.

How to cook fast jam:

  1. Immediately, we draw your attention to the fact that if you cook jam from sea buckthorn and you will not measure 1 kg of berries, give an accurate formula: 120 g of sugar and 30 ml of water will be needed at 100 g of berries.
  2. Berries need to go through, throw off twigs and leaves, rinse in cold water. You can speed up the process as follows: You need to place berries in a bowl, pour water from under the tap, mix neatly so as not to damage the berries. On the surface will pop up all the garbage that needs to be carefully removed.
  3. Drain the water, fill with fresh water portion, rinse again berries.
  4. Drain completely all the liquid, berries to throw on the sieve to the glass water.
  5. In the saucepan, bring water to a boil, put the berry, boil about 5 minutes on slow fire.
  6. Remove a saucepan from the plate, straighten the hot decoction and pour the resulting liquid into the saucepan, put the sugar on the stove.
  7. Berries do not add yet. Still the decoction until sugar is completely dissolved.
  8. As soon as you see that the syrup begins to pour, return the berries back into the saucepan.
  9. Stirring, remove the noise foam. From this point on, the countdown begins: negotiate the jam for 5 minutes, then quickly distribute the hot mass according to pre-sterilized banks and sunk the lids. You can close such jam with dense kapron covers until the bank is hot.
  10. Such jam after cooling should be omitted into the cellar or stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

It was a recipe for a simple bunch of sea buckthorn. He is very loved by busy mistresses, because time is spent at least, all useful substances are preserved.

Cooking jam from sea buckthorn at home

You already know simple methods of utility products for the winter. Now let's find out how else you can cook the jam from sea buckthorn.

Sea buckthorn jam, recipe for small children and not only. This recipe is just a find for those who do not like in the bone jam. Babies like this jam because of the soft texture, and moms will not worry that the child swallows the berry along with the bone.

In order to cook delicious jam, needed:

  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn berries;
  • and sugar - on a glass of juice 300 g

How to make jam:

  1. Pretty rinse berries in water, removing all the extra garbage.
  2. We use the juicer to get pure juice.
  3. Put the juice into the pan, add sugar, mix. You can immediately put on the stove, only turn on the slow heating.
  4. Now you will have to regret a little on the plate - constantly stir the mass so that the sugar dissolve evenly and jam as thickening did not stick to the bottom of the saucepan. As soon as the syrup begins to thicken, you can remove the container from the plate and put the jam on the table to cool a little.
  5. After 5 minutes, while prepare banks with covers, the finished jam can be poured into the container and roll up for the winter.

Keep such a jam cooked from sea buckthorn for the winter, you can even in the refrigerator. Simple sea buckthorn jams are prepare from such products:

  • ripe fruits of sea buckthorn, assembled before the onset of the first frost;
  • sugar - 1 kg or a little more;
  • glasses of water;

How to cook jam from sea buckthorn. We prepare healthy product as follows:

  1. Berries need to be removed from the branches so that they remain integer. All damaged and those berries that burst, you need to remove.
  2. Rinse berries in cold water, drain all the garbage rose on the surface.
  3. Wrap the berries on the colander, leave for 5 minutes to the glasses of excess liquid.
  4. We boil the syrup from water and sugar, after the boil we reduce the fire, periodically stirring, cook the syrup of half an hour, remove the foam to the noise as it is formed.
  5. Carefully pour the berries into a boiling syrup, stirring, waiting for boiling.
  6. As soon as the jam starts to throw, count 7 minutes and remove the jam from the fire.
  7. Immediately spill on banks. Tara must be prepared pre-or in parallel until you do berries. All jars and covers should be dry!
  8. Jam need to be poured over jars, close the lids and send to the cellar after cooling.

You can use dense kapron covers for winter blanks. It is necessary to store such a jam in a cold place, and if we rolled out tin lids - at room temperature. Despite the fact that it turned out a bone care jam, it will be very tasty and beautiful.

Recipes of jams with sea buckthorn fruits and additives

Imagine: Winter, outside the blizzard window, beautiful patterns on the windows, and the houses are warm and cozy. We put the kettle on the slate and get a jar of fragrant sea buckthoric jam from the refrigerator. One teaspoon is enough to feel the tide, improving the mood and remember the summer and warm days.

So that here is so cozy to get a cup of tea with sea buckthorn jam, let's work fruitfully in the fall and make a lot of delicious billets for the winter!

Cooking sea buckthorn jam with nuts

It will take:

  • 1 kg of berries and a glass of purified walnuts;
  • sugar Take 1.5 cups;
  • water well or filtered - 2 glasses.

Cooking does not take away a lot of strength and time, provided that you already have prepared sea buckthorn berries and a glass of cleaned nuts:

  1. Nuts need to grind: chop the knife or in a blender, rinse berries.
  2. Cook separately sugar syrup. When it boils, add berries and nuts, boil about 20 minutes on slow fire, constantly stirring.
  3. Then add the fire to bring the jam to a boil and remove the foam. After that, again you need to drop fire and cook on the stove such a jam for another 20 minutes.
  4. Then standard: pour over jars and roll with covers. Tasty and very helpful!

Sea buckthorn jam with orange

Real vitamin attack plus a delightful aroma and mixing tastes. Of course, you never tried such a delicious jam! We recommend to go back to search for sea buckthorn berries in order to quickly cook useful product for immunity.

In order to start work, you need:

  • berries of sea buckthorn (remove from the twigs) - 1.5 glasses;
  • one major orange;
  • 1.5 Sugar glasses.

We prepare as follows:

  1. We rinse berries, fold on the colander.
  2. While the excess water flows, clean the citrus (only pre-orange you need to wash) and squeeze the juice to be strain.
  3. Cook from water and sugar syrup as soon as you see that it boils, pour the berries of sea buckthorn, mix.
  4. Wait for the booster, remove the foam and add orange juice.
  5. Reduce the heating of the plate, boil periodically, for 15 minutes, then run over the jars and sunk.
  6. The cooled jars must be sent to the cellar or in the refrigerator.

Sea buckle with apples

Also an excellent option and, by the way, minimum costs.


  • berries of sea buckthorn - 1 kg;
  • apples of sour-sweet varieties - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


  1. In this recipe, sea buckthorn needs to be chopped in a blender (or scrolling through a meat grinder), put sugar in the resulting raw puree, mix. Leave for a while so that sugar under the influence of acid (i.e. vitamin C), dissolved.
  2. In the meantime, without stopping the process, we are engaged in apples. It is necessary to wash the fruits and slaughter the whole in the water for a quarter of an hour.
  3. After the apples are slightly cool, you need to remove the middle and infant with the help of a blender. This mass add to sea buckthorn with sugar, mix, peel on slow heat. When boils, cook for another 2 minutes maximum and quickly decompose on pre-prepared banks.
  4. Such jams are stored in the cellar and even in the storage room, at room temperature.

Pumpkin jam with sea buckthorn

Excellent solution - cook jam from autumn gifts: sea buckthorn berries and a piece of fragrant pumpkin!

Have to take:

  • 1 kg of pumpkins (already purified);
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • liter of finished juice obtained from fresh sea buckthorn berries.


  1. We will cook jam from sea buckthorn juice so: in a large saucepan we connect all the products, put on the stove, stirring, wait when the mass boils.
  2. After - we reduce the heat heating and further boil the jam on slow heat for 20 minutes. You can and longer, as you like more. But the longer you will cook, the faster the aroma of berries and pumpkins is lost, as well as useful substances.
  3. If you want to strengthen the fragrance, you need to add citric or orange zest in jam.
  4. Before going to spill the jam on the jars, you need to bring it again to a boil, remove the foam, decompose into the cans, roll with covers. Such an aromatic and beautiful color of the jam will become a decent decoration of any desserts: casserole, puddings, cottage cheese desserts, baking.

Is it possible to cook jam from frozen sea buckthorn?

Such a question is often asked very busy people and those who have got the most important role in the preparation of jam - clean the berries from the twigs. It is known that sea buckthorn is a tree spiny, so it's easy to get to it will not work, you need to get into special clothes and collect fruits straight with branches. And then at home, in warm it's slowly to shoot a berry behind the berry from each twig. It is too long and tedious, so we go short. Plugs with sea buckthorn put in the freezer, and when they frozen - remove and easily remove from the branches. There are enough 3-hour exposure of berries in the freezer to start work. For such a short period, berries will not lose their useful substances.

List of all necessary:

  • berries of sea buckthorn - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l

Cooking jam:

  1. Pour frozen berries with cold water, rinse several times to get rid of excess garbage.
  2. On the defrost of berries, highlight 2 hours. During this time, you can cook syrup or deal with your business.
  3. Welcome sugar syrup so that it becomes transparent.
  4. Ground berries put in a saucepan with hot syrup, mix. Turn off the plate, leave the berries in the syrup for 3-4 hours. Boiling such jam so far is not needed.
  5. Then the jam must be put on the stove, turn on the slow heating and wait for the boil, remove the foam and then boil on slow fire about a quarter of an hour. Jam during this period should be transparent.

It was another simple recipe for a useful billet for the winter. Enjoy your meal!

How to cook jam from sea buckthorn in a slow cooker

It has long been verified that a delicious pastry, first dishes, porridge, vegetable steam, casserole and jam turns out in a slow cooker. Any jam can be welded in a slow cooker, because the device is simply ideal for the embodiment of our idea.

To prepare a delicious jam to tea, you will need:

  • a kilogram of sea buckthorn;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water is half a glass.

Cook jam together. Sequencing:

  1. The berries went over, removed all the garbage, poured with water, washed, they gave the opportunity to drain the water. I do not pay much attention to the appearance of the berries, since we will cook the jam from the juice, so there is a surrounding sea buckthorn.
  2. Berries send to the bowl of the device, pour so much water as indicated in the list of ingredients. Turn on the device, choose the "fry" mode for 10 minutes, the cover must be open.
  3. Water boils, we immediately switch the multicooker on the "quenching" program, we prepare only 10 minutes. But during the time you have to follow, you will still stir the berries to be prepared evenly.
  4. Then you need to throw off the sea buckthorn to the sieve to press the flesh. Get puree. Do not rush the water, we will prepare syrup without cooking. Sugar Pour into a multicooker's bowl, add some hot water so that sugar is dissolved.
  5. The resulting sea buckthorn masculine must be shifted into the bowl, mix with sugar, sweat ("quenching mode") Time 15 minutes, then lay out on jars and close with lids.

Jam is ready if there is still a little bit, try sea buckthorn jam when you drink tea. Enjoy your tea drinking!

How to cook jam from sea buckthorn - video


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