
How to salt garlic at home. Ways how to salt garlic in banks - recipes with photos

How to salt garlic at home. Ways how to salt garlic in banks - recipes with photos
Simple ways to harvest garlic for the winter: how to salt garlic in a dry way. Salt garlic with cloves, beets and spices. How to salt garlic: the best recipes.

Garlic is a natural medicine, will help out in the peak of colds, strengthen immunity, will help in the fight against parasites and other pathogens. People's garlic is called a cure for thousands of troubles. It is easy to grow garlic in the garden, only not everyone can save a rich crop. In conditions of living in a city apartment, it is not easy to keep the garlic fresh. We offer a simple option and tell you how to salt garlic.

Now all products can be bought in stores, even canned cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables. Therefore, there is no need to waste time on such work, but to prepare a product useful for health for the winter - garlic, this is for every mistress.

How to salt garlic at home

Garlic prepared in such a simple way is tasty, vitamins are preserved in it. Such a workpiece as a snack for the first and second dishes is suitable.

To make a workpiece for the winter, you will need the following products:

  • garlic cloves - how much will fit into a large jar;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 80 g;
  • black pepper with peas - 6 pcs.;
  • dill with umbrellas - several pieces;
  • leaves of horseradish and blackcurrant - 3 pcs.

Preparation of a small -sized appetizer:

  1. This is a classic salting recipe for the winter. The recipe indicates how much water and salt are needed at the rate of one 3-la bank. But this does not mean that you need to roll up a large jar, you can take 3 liter jars or 6 half -liter.
  2. We get to work: garlic take so much so that the cloves fit in the bank. Clean it from the shell, use a small knife. In young garlic, the shell is still soft and it is easy to remove it with your hands.
  3. We prepare the marinade as follows: pour water into the pan, pour the indicated amount of salt, put on the stove.
  4. As soon as the water begins to heat up, mix the brine so that the salt dissolves.
  5. Fold slices, dill and other spices in banks, pour a brine. Banks must be pre -treated with boiling water or sterilized in the oven.
  6. Pour the garlic with a brine, roll up the lids. Keep such a blank in the pantry.

How to salt garlic with heads? To save a useful product and not resort to heat treatment, we recommend using this recipe. Such a dry salting method will allow you to maintain garlic, it will not deteriorate and all the beneficial substances in it will be completely preserved. The shelf life of such a workpiece is 8 months, just enough until the next season.

To pick up 1 kg of garlic, take 300 g of large stone salt. This method is considered the simplest, since you do not need to separate the cloves. All preparatory moments are minimized: it is necessary to remove only the damaged scaly layer, remove the roots and prepare a convenient container for salting.

Working process:

  1. At the bottom of clean and dry (!) Banks pour several tablespoons of salt.
  2. On top of the salt, “plant” garlic so that the heads of garlic are located tightly to each other.
  3. On top of the first layer you need to pour salt so that it completely closes all the holes between the heads.
  4. Next - another layer of garlic and salt and so to the very top, until the bank is completely filled. If there are few salt, feel free to add more. The heads should be in salt and the very last layer - reliably covered with a good layer of salt. When you finish everything, close the jar with a lid. Choose a dense cover, wipe it dry so that there is no hint of moisture.

Such garlic is stored in a cool pantry or cellar. It does not differ from the usual fresh garlic, you only need to carefully extract one or more heads of garlic from the can so that the rest remain under the cover of salt.

The use of such salty garlic into food, you need to free the head completely from salt, divide into slices and clean them of the shell. Such a product cannot be distinguished from the fresh one, since it will be the same crispy and juicy, as well as dense and fragrant. Try it and you salute garlic in this way.

How to salt garlic in brine

Another simple recipe for harvesting delicious snacks for the winter. The plus of this method is that the garlic is very juicy, but still part of the beneficial substances is lost.

In order to make a workpiece for the winter, you will need:

  • pigoline water or conventional tap - 1 l;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • garlic - how much will fit in a bank.

How to salt garlic in banks:

  1. Choose whole heads, without damage. They need to be washed under the tap and remove the dirt (if any). Gently cut the roots with a sharp knife.
  2. Put the heads in a jar or in a pan, pour water from under the tap, cover with a lid and leave for 3 days. Every day, the water needs to be drained and poured fresh.
  3. When the garlic is infused, the water needs to be drained. Transfer garlic into pre -prepared and sterilized banks.
  4. How to make a brine: for 1 jar with a volume of 3 liters, you will need approximately 1 liter of the finished salt solution. Dilute the salt in water, put on the stove so that the liquid boils.
  5. Set aside the brine aside, you need to wait until it cools down and then, pour the garlic prepared and laid in jars, a brine of room temperature.
  6. That's it, roll the banks with lids and put in storage in a cool, but necessarily a dark place. With this method of workpiece, the beneficial properties are preserved to the maximum, and the garlic to the taste will be the same as fresh, even much tastier!

How to salt green garlic correctly

In the season of garlic ripening, this plant produces green arrows. It’s a pity to throw them away, if you grow a lot of garlic for the winter and even for sale, then from these shooters you can make a delicious workpiece. By the way, there are many useful substances in such green arrows, even more than in the ripened large head of garlic.

Salt garlic for the winter:

  • we take garlic arrows;
  • water - 1 l;
  • spices: pepper with peas and cloves-3-5 pcs. on the bank;
  • gorky peppers - according to a small piece for each jar;
  • salt - 100 g from the calculation per liter of water.

Salt garlic. Recipe:

  1. We prepare green arrows: first we put in a large bowl, pour water, rinse. We drain the water, get rid of excess fluid.
  2. Cut the arrows into pieces equal to 5 cm.
  3. Preparation of the cans: scald with boiling water or wash each jar well, sterilize in the oven or on the stove above the pots with boiling water.
  4. In the jar at the bottom, we first put spices: in each jar of 4-5 peas of black pepper, cloves can be a little less.
  5. Fold the chopped garlic arrows tightly.
  6. We cook a brine from a liter of water and 100 g of salt. Pour the arrow with a hot brine, roll it with lids. When the jars cooled to room temperature, the blanks can be lowered in the cellar or put in storage in the pantry. Storing such a delicious workpiece for the winter is preferably in a cool place.

Another way to pickle the green parts of the spicy plant. The brine according to this recipe is prepared from salt and sugar and as a result of the workpiece it turns out to be softer and sweet, just a great appetizer to the first and second dishes.

From the products we take:

  • salt - 5 tbsp. per liter of water;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • any spices: bay leaf, cloves, pepper peas to taste;
  • green parts of garlic.

How to salt the greens of garlic:

  1. Prepare the green parts of the spicy plant, wash and cut into pieces equal to 5-7 cm.
  2. Prepare banks: wash, sterilize with the lids.
  3. In each jar, put spices to taste: cloves 2-3 pcs., Black pepper and fragrant-3-4 pcs. In each jar, bay leaf - on a leaf for every small jar.
  4. Put the greens of garlic.
  5. Prepare the brine: Dissolve salt and sugar in water, put it on the stove when it boils - you can fill the garlic with a hot brine and immediately roll it with lids.
  6. When the workpieces cooled to room temperature, they need to be lowered in the cellar or put in a pantry. Such a delicious workpiece is stored for 8-10 months in a cool and dark room.

Now you know how to salt green garlic, we wish you a pleasant appetite!

How to salt garlic with beets

Another variation of workpieces for the winter.

Let's prepare such products to get to work:

  • it will take a kilogram of garlic;
  • medium -sized beets.

To cook delicious marinade, take:

  • salt and sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • dried cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • pepper peas (black or fragrant)-5-6 peas;
  • vinegar (fortress 9%) - 100 ml.;
  • water - 1 l.

Cooking sequence:

  1. First you need to sort the garlic and leave only the largest and most elastic heads, not damaged. Each must be carefully cleaned to get rid of the upper, dry layer.
  2. Put a pot of water on the stove when the water boils, lower the prepared garlic in boiling water, leave it for a minute, then catch a slotted spoon and immediately dip the heads into a bowl of cold water. Water must first be cooled in the freezer.
  3. Beet preparation: wash, clean, cut with a sharp knife into strips.
  4. We put the products in pre -prepared jars (wash the jars, pour boiling water or hold over the steam).
  5. At the bottom of each jar, put spices, then a layer of garlic - a layer of chopped beets and so on to the very top. Lay the ingredients tightly to fit more.
  6. In parallel, put a pot of water on the stove to cook the brine: add 2 tablespoons of salt and sugar (only without a slide!) For the indicated amount of water, put several peas of pepper and cloves for the aroma.
  7. When the brine boils, remove the pan from the heat and add vinegar. The marinade is ready, you can fill in the prepared garlic with a hot marinade and immediately roll it with lids.
  8. Such garlic can be tried only after 3 days, when it is infused. We recommend that you turn the jars upside down and wrap it with something warm, leave for 1-2 days.
  9. If you want to make more delicious garlic-bearded snacks so that it is enough for the whole winter, banks with a brine need to be sterilized in a pan with water for 5 minutes. Time is counted from the moment the water begins to boil.

How to salt garlic with cloves

Each housewife has their own recipes for blanks, which they use from year to year and share with friends, colleagues and neighbors. Here is another simplest recipe for the workpiece for the winter. The advantage of this method is that garlic retains its taste and aroma and will not deteriorate during storage all winter.

For salting you will need:

  • a kilogram of garlic;
  • salt - 300 g.

How to make a workpiece for the winter:

  1. This recipe will help out when the garlic was prepared for the winter with their heads, and there are also a lot of small cloves. That's just that they need to be free from the shell and salin.
  2. If you have less than a kilogram of garlic cloves, salt proportions are as follows: 30 g of salt is taken per 100 g of the main product.
  3. The cloves can be chopped manually by cutting with cubes or cut into 2 parts. There are 2 recipes, try making the workpiece differently. First, chop (you can cut into cubes or grate the garlic on a grater. It is advisable not to pass through the press) for example, 500 g of garlic (we recommend weighing on kitchen scales), mix with 150 g of salt and fill the prepared banks.
  4. On top you need to pour salt with a thin layer and tightly close the jars with lids. Put for storage in a cool place.
  5. And the second option: do not grind the cloves: pour a thin layer of salt to the bottom of the jar, lay the garlic tightly, pouring each layer with salt.

How to salt garlic: a popular recipe

This recipe is borrowed by housewives from Georgian cuisine. You will have to spend more time and effort, but you will be satisfied with the result and you will still tell everyone your friends this recipe.


  • 20 heads of garlic;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • pepper peas and fragrant - 10 peas;
  • 3 clove buds;
  • vinegar (preferably grape) - 500 ml.
  • grape juice - 1 l.

How to cook:

  1. We sort through spices, choose the most elastic and large heads. We spread on a flat surface, leave to dry for 14 days. Choose a dark place and cool, but not wet.
  2. After preliminary preparation, the main ingredient needs to be sorted and cut off so that the cloves are not damaged.
  3. Prepare a large glass container or take a pan to put garlic into it. It is necessary to fill it with well water, leave it for 24 hours.
  4. Then drain the water, free each head from the upper layer, rinse well in clean water and put in a saline for salting.
  5. We make brine from water and salt. We take 1 liter of water, add salt, put on the stove. When it boils - fill it, leave for 3 weeks.
  6. Every day at the same time, you need to drain the brine and pour the garlic with a fresh brine.
  7. After 3 weeks, you need to drain the entire brine and prepare a new one. This time - with the addition of sugar (as much as indicated in the recipe) and add 2 tbsp. Salt, plus spices. When the brine prepares, pour in vinegar, boil for 2 minutes.
  8. The finished brine must be cooled and strain, pour the garrin with the marinade.
  9. Cover the container with a clean towel, withstand in a cold place (you can even in the refrigerator) for 2 weeks.
  10. After 14 days, it is necessary to remove the pan or jar from the refrigerator, drain the liquid, prepare another marinade. This time it will be pure grape juice. Pour the garlic juice, withstand 7 days in a cool room.
  11. Then you need to drain the juice again, pour the garlic with fresh marinade (water+salt), withstand 5 days and then can be tasted.

How to salt garlic. Video



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