
How to run right to lose weight

How to run right to lose weight
Running is a great way to lose weight and improve your appearance. But only on one condition - you need to run in such a way as not to harm your health. What is the difference between useful running and harmful? How to run correctly?

Running is one of the most popular means that are used to lose weight. But is it really effective? Why do some people lose weight very quickly while running, while others practically do not change in any way?

Running for weight loss - is it worth starting to engage?


A lot of options for getting rid of unwanted kilograms are known. That's just their effectiveness, safety and accessibility are very much different. Running refers to the most optimal options for the ratio of these factors:

  • it is available to almost every person, because for jogging you do not need any special equipment, special conditions-you can run even without leaving home;
  • running is safe enough if there are no serious health problems and if you are running correctly;
  • running really helps to part with fat deposits, if you choose the right program or methodology.

In order to achieve good results, you need to understand what exactly the running option contributes to weight loss, and not to other goals, for example, strengthening the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, increasing endurance. It is also important to remember how to run correctly, that is, so that the run is beneficial, not harm.

Proper run for weight loss

How to run right to lose weight

Features of the correct, healthy run for weight loss include aspects regarding the running time, and the duration of classes, and the selection of clothing, and many other points. Consider them in turn.

Running for weight loss: running duration

The duration of running depends on how intense the training option is chosen and how much time is allocated for it, as well as on the level of physical training.

In the first classes, you do not need to run too long - the body should have time to adapt to the new option of functioning. Over time, it is worthwhile to gradually increase both the duration of classes and the size of the running distance.

The more intense the load, the less time it will be needed to make fats split. Therefore, when running with a coward, you will need more time, at least 40 minutes, to start the expenditure of energy from fat deposits. With interval running, this happens much faster.

Running for weight loss: the importance of preparatory and final stages

It is wrong to assume that for running it is enough to allocate a certain time, and the remaining remaining period of time can be lived regardless of this. In order for classes to benefit, it is important to adhere to certain rules and recommendations regarding behavior before and after class.

Before the run:

  • do not eat food at least 2 hours before training;
  • even in 2-3 hours you can’t eat fat, sweets. In this case, the run will be meaningless in terms of losing weight;
  • before training, it is advisable to take a contrast shower - it will raise the tone of muscles and blood vessels, will help to adequately perceive the load;
  • be sure to work before running. This will reduce the likelihood of injuries and make running more effective.

Between training:

  • it is important to monitor the use of salt, as it interferes with the elimination of fluid from the body. And the excretion of fluid is necessary to free the body from toxins. During running, this process occurs during intensive sweating;
  • do not use high -calorie, fatty, fried, smoked, sweet foods.

After training:

  • no need to drink a lot at once, but you should not allow dehydration;
  • it is advisable to take a warm shower in order to calm the nervous system;
  • it is important to ensure that it does not overcool - heated by running, it is easy not to notice the wind or draft, and it can easily affect health.

Running for weight loss: select the optimal intensity

How to run right to lose weight

Run intensity is a very important question that should not be forgotten by everyone who wants to achieve some positive result without harm to health.

As mentioned above, the more intensively running, the faster energy is spent. Too relaxed, calm run, of course, will not harm health, but it will not help to lose weight very much. And too intense will weaken the body, promote the breakdown of not only fats, but also muscle tissue, can adversely affect the state of the heart.

Therefore, gradual and sequence in the classes are important. At the same time, it is worth considering that for some people whose level of physical training is quite low or there are small health problems, it is worth starting with very insignificant loads. Sometimes a medical consultation is needed to determine what is shown to this person for weight loss: running or walking.

In order to regulate the intensity yourself, you can use the calculation of the pulse. For most people, running is effective for weight loss if the pulse reaches 130 times per minute. But at the same time, the pulse is over 150 times a minute suggests that the load is too large and harmful to the body. With the right load, the pulse should return to the values \u200b\u200bthat are common for a state of rest no later than half an hour after the completion of the run.

In addition, it is important to monitor breathing: of course, its increased increase and change in depth, but there should be no shortness of breath.

  Running for weight loss: clothes and shoes

Clothing and shoes should be comfortable, do not interfere with movement. It is highly recommended to use special clothing for weight loss, which will help concentrate the effect in problem areas. For example, on sale there are shorts and breeding bridges.

Convenient, light shoes, accurately suitable in size, will help prevent injuries and reduce the load on the joints.

Running for weight loss: Recommendations during running


It is very important to take care of health during running, and not just for weight loss:

  • take care of the physical condition - there should be no heaviness in breathing, pain, dizziness;
  • it is advisable to run in nature, not asphalt. This will reduce the load on the joints of the legs and the spine, and also contributes to greater enrichment of oxygen and increased endurance;
  • follow the running technique: hold the posture, try to breathe evenly, do not make sharp jerks, gradually go from one pace to another.

During running, you can focus the load on certain parts of the body:

  • running for losing weight of the legs may include running with high lifting the hips, attached step, alternation of running with jumping with a rope;
  • running for losing weight of the abdomen provides for an additional load on the abdominal muscles both during running (monitor muscle tone) and outside of classes (to allocate time to regularly pump the press).

Running for weight loss: Regularity

How to run right to lose weight

In order for weight loss with the help of running to be effective, the regularity of classes is important. The run a couple of times a month will not give any result. But to run every day is too much a load for the body, especially if there were no sports before.

Therefore, for beginners, you should run 2-3 times a week, those who are already running a certain period of time-every other day. In order for losing weight to occur faster, you can engage in other sports on weekends from running, for example, strength training.

Running for weight loss: attitude to classes

In any sports loads, a positive attitude towards them is important. The unwillingness to do something leads to a violation of technology, increases the risk of injuries. But how do you want to run?

To do this, it is important to run regularly, do not take excessive loads, engage in a convenient time, monitor the results. For motivation, you can look for a photo where the result of running for weight loss is visible.

Interval run for weight loss


Most experts agree that the most effective run for weight loss is interval. What is its essence?

The peculiarity of the interval run is to alternate the periods of physical activity of high intensity with much less load. The classic version is an alternation of a hundred -meter sprint run with a hundred -meter running coward.

Pros of interval running:

  • during such a run, energy from fat deposits begins very quickly, which allows reducing the training time without reducing its effectiveness;
  • energy for movement is extracted by splitting fat deposits, and not glycogen or muscle structures;
  • according to some scientists, after interval running, the breakdown of fat continues even when a person is in relative rest - according to some sources, up to 6 hours after the run.

But since interval run involves periods of sufficiently large physical activity, it is not recommended for those who smoke, who have even minor problems with the heart or vascular system, people with very weak physical training.

Running for weight loss at home

Another pleasant feature of running is that it relates to sports that you can engage in without leaving home. This is very convenient: you can not be shy about anyone, near the shower, the weather changes do not interfere.


In this case, to regulate the load, you can use the function provided for by the manufacturer of the treadmill. For the first classes, it is better to choose light levels and programs, and then gradually move on to programs with a more intensive load.

What time of day to run for weight loss

There are different opinions on this subject. But after considering them all we can conclude that you can run at any time that is convenient with your personally graphics of life, except that it is undesirable to run immediately before bedtime. The body is ready for loads in the periods between 6:30 and 7:30 in the morning, 11 and 12 hours of the day, 16 and 18 pm - the choice is quite large.

There are some differences in the run effect in different intervals of the day:

  • morning run is very useful for the heart, blood vessels, nervous system;
  • daytime - remarkably strengthens the muscles;
  • evening - has the greatest effect of fat burning.

In any case, a huge amount of energy is spent during running, therefore, regardless of the time of day, it will positively affect weight loss.

The runs are more common in the morning and in the evening. Running in the morning for losing weight does not directly burn fats directly, but helps muscle growth and more active awakening of the body, which leads to a large expenditure of energy throughout the day. But the run in the evenings for losing weight is more convenient for most, since even without running you need to get up to work very early in the morning. Here are some recommendations for those who want to do in the morning or in the evening.

Running in the morning for losing weight:

  • run on an empty stomach;
  • drink a glass of water before running;
  • take a contrast shower before running;
  • be sure to do high -quality warm -up.

Running in the evening for weight loss:

  • run where sufficient lighting;
  • do not eat 2 hours before the run and at least an hour after;
  • after running, take a warm relaxing shower.

What time is chosen, it is important to do regularly. To do this, you should independently or with the help of a coach to make a program for weight loss. One option is depicted in the photo. Running for weight loss will become more pleasant when classes become a habit.


The benefits of running for weight loss

Regardless of where, at what time and for what purpose the ranks of the run take place, the correct run is enormous to the human body.

How running affects the functioning of the body:

  • strengthening the nervous system, in particular, a decrease in susceptibility to stress;
  • training of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of the digestive system (regulation of appetite, glands, including liver and pancreas);
  • strengthening the muscle system;
  • stimulation of excretion from the body of toxins and metabolic products;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • reducing fat deposits.

Running for weight loss: video


Contraindications for running


Running is one of the safest means used for weight loss. But there are some contraindications for him. Caution should be caused during class or at all refuse to run when:

  • serious disorders of the heart and blood vessels (heart defects, the presence of heart failure, problems with an increase in blood pressure);
  • varicose veins;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • serious vision problems;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (flat feet, diseases of the spine and joints).

In the absence of contraindications, you should not abandon such a variant of weight loss as running. It will help not only lose weight, but also strengthen health, become stronger and more resilient.



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