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How to quickly get rid of age spots

How to quickly get rid of age spots
Pigment spots do not decorate the woman. How to quickly and effectively get rid of them?

Very often women collide with problem appearance pigmented spots on face. What the same such « pigmentation»? This change colors skin cover, which maybe arise on different parts bodies and faces. Spots can differ by features structures, by reason their  occurrence, respectively  differs and method treatment.

Color human skin maybe change v connection with certain presence v her pigments: black, yellow, red and blue.

Red pigment v skin cover appears due to oxidation hemoglobin v capillaries skin. Thanks to presence reduced hemoglobin v skin veins appears blue pigment. Carotinoids provide yellow color, a melanin v epidermis provides availability black and shades brown colors.

Color skin depends from degree training capillaryov, v which contained blood, a also from thickness epidermis and robovy layers.

Smooth and nice color skin maybe overshadow the appearance different pigmented spots, freckles, moles. Sometimes availability violations pigmented color skin maybe call and psychological problems.

Before those how find out, what way costs delete pigmenting spots (especially if they located on face), should understand, which cause their appearance. For high -quality treatment contact to professionaldermatologist, which after conducting examinations appoint treatment.

If pigmenting spots appear after long stay on sun, try close skin neck and faces from straight sunny rays. Going out on street not forget pro hat with wide fields, caps with long visors, snoons. Not forget pro sunscreen cream, a also pro cosmetics, which contains ultraviolet filters. Try use products, v which contained many vitamins WITH, A, IN.

Removal pigmented spots houses


On today day exists huge quantity so called « home» recipes from unnecessary pigmentation. Practically all ingredients there is v availability u each housewives houses.

  1. Beautiful doctor from skin problems from a long time ago counts parsley. IN mainly use infusion (on one bunch parsley  need to take 1 liter boiling water). Green grind, pour boiling water and give drive on lengthhours. Skin faces costs twice v day (by mornings and by evenings) rub data infusion. Cooked in advance infusion you you can use and for whitening masks. For masks necessary wet napkin v infusion and put on 20 minutes on pigmenting spot. If infusion mix cO sour cream or with milk (v proportions 1:1) can give skin fresh and healthy view.
  2. Citric juice can use and for bleaching skin with pigmented spots. For this necessary dilute v 10 art.  l.  water 1 art.  l.  juice. Face should rub in advance prepared infusion some once v day. For preparations masks need to take 1 art.  l.  starch and dilute lemon juice to states gruel. Mask necessary impose only on pigmented sites approximately on 20 minutes. Be caution with such maskshe maybe call irritation.
  3. IN quality whitening tonic try it take advantage cucumber juice. For preparations tonic take it fresh cucumber peel (approximately 50 gram) and brew at help glasses boiling water. Through 6 hours infusion can use.
  4. For removal pigmented spots can use and dairy products: yogurt, milk serum, yogurt. Use these products how lotions (procedure should last not more 15 minutes).
  5. If u you there is black currant, you can do mask from her. For this take it honey and not at all ripe berries currants (v ratio one to one). All products necessary thoroughly pull out. Grinding gruel should apply on pigmenting spots on minutes thirty. Wash off mask warm water. After togo  how metting, rinse face solution on basis lemon juice.
  6. In winter can do mask from bodyagi. For this necessary mix powder bodyagi with peroxide hydrogen (if no houses peroxideuse vegetable oil) to states gruel. Rub on 15 minutes on pigmenting spots. Maybe You feel lung tricking, not fear, so and must be. Lubricate skin moisturizing cream, so how she through pair days can begin peel off. Not abuse this maskconduct procedure can not more oftentimes v a week.
  7. Grated raw potato mix with a few drops vegetable oils, almond bran and dining room spoon milk. Put it prepared mixture on previously purified skin faces on 1520 minutes.
  8. Beautiful mask for any skin anyone age will honey mask on fish fat. Mix fish fat with honey v proportions 1:1. Apply necessary on 15 minutes.
  9. For bleaching freckles and spots use juice luke. For this necessary wipe face juice only what cut bulbs. To avoid irritation on skin, apply thin layer sour cream after togo, how turn face juice. Through 10 minutes wash face warm water. This perfect procedure for normal and dry skin.
  10. From spots maybe help more and boiled houses oatmeal « soap».  Grind on meat grinder oatmeal flakes. Wrap v clean (better all v new) kapron nozzle. Use daily v quality soap at washing.
  11. Very often problem appearance pigmented spots is excess bile v body. If doctor put it such diagnosis, can drink easy collection, cooked v home conditions. For this to you necessary will do decoction from the following ingredients: leaves birch, chamomile, corn ryltsa, mint and calendula.

Using simple recipes, which can do on one's own houses, each woman maybe (after preliminary consultations with doctordermatologist) get rid from unnecessary pigmentation on your own face and body. Not forget o volume, what persistence and compliance all procedures are the main ones assistants  v this business.

How to remove pigmented ones spots on hands


The appearance pigmented spots on hands maybe provoke how sun, so and aging yours organism. Each woman wants look younger your own age. TO unfortunately, if for beauty and health skin on face looks each the second woman, that for beauty and skin their own handseach fourth. WITH age hands women they become more dryaby, leather maybe lose mine beautiful color and maybe appear so called senile pigmentation (her more called senile freckles, senile lentigo or liver spots). Reason their appearance maybe be sucking liver, decrease protective properties organism and skin man v whole, a also aging. Earlier similar pigmentation appeared exclusively v with an elderly age. TO unfortunately, on today day this disease hiring. Reasons different: deterioration ecology, qualities life, violation healthy image life and others harmful influence on human organism.

Compliance simple recommendations it will help to you save skin yours hands beautiful and warn the appearance senile pigmentation.

For natural cleaning liver, which it will help get rid from liver pigmentation, necessary return to correct healthy nutrition.

Before all exclude from your own diet all harmful food (not forget, what fastfood —  this not healthy, chips same relate to harmful products): salt, pickled, fried, smoked. Not abuse alcohol. Sometimes can drink natural dry white wine. IN reasonable quantities it not forbidden.

If noticed changes colors skinnot forget pro visit to dermatologist or cosmetologistIf allow meansmake it yourself chemical peeling v salon beauty. Usage fruit and dairy acids it will help light up or bleach skin yours hands, a also will do it her soft and tender.

Ahromin from pigmented spots


Few who dares to argue with those fact, what usage creams and ointments for dermatological problems much facilitated life the layman. Action cream simplei smeared it and wait, bye it will appear effect! Most the main thing —  know, which cream or ointment should use. IN Bulgaria produce wonderful cream Ahromin, which it will help to you get rid from pigmented spots.

Cream Ahromin can take it to department therapeutic cosmetics, which used and v preventive goals. Cream will allow bleach yours skin and protect her from harmful impact ultraviolet. IN composition cream there is hydroquinone, a also vitamins groups WITH, which help protect skin from harmful influence sunny rays, sodium chloride, lanolin, glycerol, dairy acid, trilon IN and others components.
Cream white colors, it smells rose. Consistency light. Fast apply and absorbed v skin.
For the best result necessary apply on face (directly on spot) a little cream, leave hour, to has absorbThe remains delete at help napkins. For consolidation result, necessary apply cream twice v day.

Cream Ahromin fits for:

  • removal pigmented spots chloe;
  • prevention from excessive pigmentation;
  • removal excessive pigmentation;
  • removal freckles;
  • protection skin from harmful influence sunny rays;
  • clarification spots, which appeared in time pregnancy.

Ahromin refers to highly effective drugs. First result can notice already through pair weeks his use. Complete disappearance spots observed after one months use cream.

Contraindications to application cream Ahromin:

  • categorically forbidden usage cream children to 12 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactating mother;
  • If you inclined to allergies.

Cream necessary apply forhours to output on street.
Side effects: itching, the appearance rash, hyperemia, allergy.

Removal  laser pigmented spots


If disrupted v cells distribution melanindisrupted pigmentation skin. If melanin accumulates v one defined placeon skin formed pigmenting spots from yellow to brown shade.

Most optimal method removal superfluous pigmentation is laser. Principle removal laser based on rays, which dosed directs on pigmentation. After spent procedures spots will be noticeable darkered  to those por, bye not it will begin intensive peeling. Method can use and for mature skin. In time procedures laser, mature leather even rejuvenating!

Who maybe conduct procedure removal pigmented spots laser?

  1. Those, u whom spots on face, on body.
  2. U whom appeared spots after long location on sun.

If u you observed whichor exacerbations chronic diseases, sharp infectious diseases, inflammation, if you pregnant or feed breaststo you contraindicated procedures removal laser pigmented spots.

For the best effect necessary conduct from 2 to 5 procedures with interval v 1015 days. For a weekone and a half it is forbidden sunbathe on sun and v solarium. IN flow two weeks to and after procedures necessary apply sunscreen cream with high factor protection (not less 50 SPF). Not visit pool, sauna, bathhouse on length three days.

At compliance all these simple tips and recommendations, you get it smooth and clean skin without whichor spots.

To prevent the appearance different pigmented spots, necessary remember some rules: use good cosmetics for faces and bodies, which contains retinol, arbutin and vitamin WITH, not forget pro oils with ultraviolet filters (to so oils relate: oil jojoba and oil shi). AND not neglect visits to cosmetologistduring provided consultation it will help yours skin for a long time stay young, beautiful, smooth and silky. IN case appearance whichor spots, not fear turn to doctordermatologist. During set correct diagnosis it will help fast and effective cure yours skin and get rid from superfluous pigmentation.

How to get rid of age spots. Video



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