
Violation of metabolism

Violation of metabolism
Disrupted metabolism. Methods of struggle

The metabolic process in the body (metabolism) is one of its most important consistent reactions that exist for the correct functioning and life of each person. Violation of this phenomenon can lead to various diseases.

All metabolic processes of any organism are caused by timely advancing chemical reactions. Often a violation of these reactions can be caused by the irregular operation of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, kidneys and adrenal glands, and genitals. Recently, experts argue that the metabolism in the body is increasingly suffering from malnutrition: overeating or strict diets.

Violation of a healthy diet leads to a malfunction in the regulatory nervous system, which is also responsible for the operation of metabolic processes. As a result, the state of brain centers and hypothalamus changes in particular. It is this section of the brain that is responsible for the regulation of energy, health and accumulating reactions in the entire body.



Metabolism in Greek means “transformation” or “change”, that is, in fact, the exchange process of substances is responsible for chemical reactions that support the life and healthy development of the body.

Metabolic functions

All chemical metabolism reactions determine the maintenance of vital functions:

  • protection;
  • reproduction;
  • response to environmental influences;
  • height;
  • conservation;

Metabolic reactions

In turn, for the correct and timely fulfillment of its main functions, metabolism goes through two stages of chemical reactions:

  1. Catabolism or dissimilation. The division of complex components, their oxidation, splitting and differentiation for metabolism in cells at the next level.
  2. Anabolism or assimilation. Proteins, lipids or fats, sugar and nucleic acids are synthesized at the stage of energy metabolism.

These processes are held in a certain order, which conditionally should be divided into several stages undergoing alternately.


Stages of metabolism

Throughout the life of the body of the body of any person, the exchange process takes this way:

  1. The receipt of beneficial and nutrients directly from food inside the body.
  2. Distribution to enzymes that provide splitting and absorption of nutrient and useful elements from the digestive system into blood (lymph) systems.
  3. Transportation, distribution, energy release and absorption of nutrient and beneficial substances.
  4. The removal of decay elements that were not assimilated by the cells of the body, through the epidermis (skin), respiratory and excretory systems.

Metabolism and energy


In the process of energy exchange, specific enzymes are involved, which are responsible for the transformation of any substance into the necessary elements for the normal life of the body. It is at this stage that enzymes control the activity of chemical reactions and regulate the response signals taken from the cells of the body. Enzymes decide when, how and whether it is necessary to use molecules to turn them into energy.

Metabolic molecules and their types

The synthesis occurs in order to secrete organic substances that are vital, and are used in the construction of cells or turning them into energy. The main metabolism is aimed at the release of such biological molecules:

  1. Squirrels. The main creative material of the body, which is part of the blood and is responsible for the normative levels of hormones, hemoglobin, cytoplasm, cells, water-salt balance and the release of enzymes.
  2. Fat. They create energy reserves that are given only when combined with carbohydrate molecules, ensure the production of hormones, help to absorb vitamins, build a protective membrane of cells and ensure the normal preservation of nutrients.
  3. Carbohydrates. They are important sources for energy, take part in the synthesis of amino acids and fats.

Enzymes that accelerate or slow down chemical processes are responsible for regulating metabolism. However, in case of violation of processes and fermentation of molecules, the body begins to work incorrectly, and the processing of incoming substances will lead to various disorders. There are a lot of causes of the imbalance of chemical reactions and often their combination can lead to chronic diseases.

Causes of metabolic reactions


There are several main factors that can contribute to a violation of metabolic reactions:

  1. Genes. Hereditary information and genetic metabolism features can develop defects in metabolic processes.
  2. Violation of a healthy regime and lifestyle. Sleep mode and an active lifestyle have a great influence on energy costly processes.
  3. Pathologies. Diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and pituitary gland are directly related to metabolic processes.
  4. Nutrition. The metabolism takes all elements from food and, accordingly, with their limitations or excess begins to fail.
  5. Stress and depression. They lead to the unbalance of the nervous system, nutrition and metabolic processes.

Signs of metabolic disorders in the body can make themselves felt by visual symptoms or be accompanied by characteristic metabolic diseases.

The main symptoms of metabolic reactions


Symptoms of violations of all chemical processes responsible for metabolic reactions can be different depending on their impaired metabolic level:

  1. Cell stage.
  2. Molecular stage.
  3. Stage of tissues and organs.
  4. Holistic (general) stage:
  • synthesis of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates;
  • disimilation (decay) of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates.

Symptoms can sometimes not appear, but often they can be recognized by the following signs:

  • the appetite is increased or reduced;
  • weight changes (more or less) with a daily diet;
  • swelling of the face and limbs;
  • increased skin pigmentation;
  • dental problems and diseases;
  • deterioration of hair structure (loss, dryness of brittleness, gray hair);
  • deterioration in the structure of the skin (acne, allergic rashes, dryness, pallor, cracks);
  • deterioration of nails (fragility, fungus);
  • frequent diarrhea or constipation.

Metabolic diseases


All diseases leading to a violation of metabolic properties can be hereditary or acquired with age during life.

Hereditary violations

The following pathologies can lead to a violation of metabolic processes:

  1. Atherosclerosis or hypercholesterolemia. It occurs due to impaired decay of lipoproteins and is characterized by symptoms:
  • hypertension;
  • numbness or freezing of the limbs;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • deterioration in concentration and memory;
  • cyanosis or blue blue.
  1. Girke disease. The imbalance of the enzyme function of the liver is manifested through symptoms:
  • slow growth;
  • dyspnea;
  • the backwardness of development;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • increase in the size of the liver or hepatomegaly.
  1. Gout. Change in uric acid, salt in cartilage, characterized by such symptoms:
  • joint pain;
  • joint inflammation;
  • the formation of subcutaneous nodes in the limbs and ears;
  • swelling;
  • fever;
  • redness of the limbs.
  1. Phenylketonuria. In addition to impaired metabolic reactions, symptoms of pathologies of psychological development and nervous system are manifested:
  • albinism;
  • apathy and lethargy;
  • dermatitis;
  • the backwardness of physical and psychological development;
  • turning the limbs;
  • sharp irritability.
  1. Alkaptonuria. Violation of enzymes and splitting of useful amino acids is accompanied by:
  • arthritis;
  • lethargy;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • osteoporosis;
  • silness of the voice;
  • dark urine color.

Acquired diseases


Pathologies that are directly related to metabolic reactions come from a lack or excess of some elements and vitamins:

  1. Potassium. Is responsible for the work of muscle and nervous systems and enzymes, normalizes the acid-base balance. Violations of the norm indicators are accompanied by:
  • Gastrointestinal tract - nausea, lack of appetite, diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting, abdominal cramps, worsened retaluation;
  • acid-base balance-a pathological increase in acid content in the digestive tract;
  • the urinary tract is frequent or vice versa too rare urination;
  • the muscle system - seizures of the limbs, fatigue, weakness, paralysis;
  • the nervous system - increased irritability, lowering attention and memory, lack of reflexes;
  • the heart and vessels are frequent dizziness, darkening in the eyes, arrhythmia or tachycardia.
  1. Calcium. Is responsible for the formation of cells and bones, blood coagulation. Violations are manifested:
  • Gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, thirst, dehydration, constipation;
  • the nervous system - facial tics and limbs, pain spasms, increased irritability, anxiety, drowsiness, apathy, frequent headaches;
  • heart and vessels - arrhythmia or tachycardia, hypotension or hypertension;
  • the skeleton and muscles are numbness, convulsions, tics, fragility of bones and tissues.
  1. Magnesium. Is responsible for the functioning of the nervous and muscle system. The imbalance is accompanied by:
  • muscles - convulsions, deterioration of reflexes, lethargy, paralysis, pain spasms, myalgia;
  • the nervous system - drowsiness, apathy, dejection, lethargy, hallucinations;
  • the heart and blood vessels are arrhythmia or tachycardia, low pressure, cardiac arrest.
  1. Sodium. It regulates the work of the kidneys, pressure, acid-base balance, nervous, muscle, excretory systems, takes part in the transportation of glucose and amino acids. The imbalance of sodium level is accompanied by:
  • external signs - swelling, excess weight;
  • breathing - blueness, shortness of breath;
  • Gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, cramps, colic, thirst, dryness;
  • skin - sweating, redness, dryness;
  • the urinary system is a rare urination, but frequent urge;
  • the nervous system - frequent headaches, muscle cramps, tics, anxiety, excitability;
  • the heart and blood vessels are hypotension, a weak pulse.
  1. Vitamin A. The deficit is characterized by:
  • small stature;
  • dry mouth;
  • dry eyes;
  • dry skin.
  1. Vitamin V. The shortage suggests:
  • niacin - diarrhea, vomiting, rapid overwork, dementia, skin dermatitis;
  • pyridoxine or B6 - numbness of the limbs, muscle cramps, skin dermatitis, hair loss, fragility and nail fungus;
  • riboflavin or B2 - cracks in the corners of the mouth, itching, cracks in the lips and mucous membranes, inflammation of the eyes, anemia;
  • tiamin or B1 - increased irritability, pallor of the skin, swelling of the face and limbs, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, heavy breathing, muscle cramps, nervous overwork;
  • cyanocobolamine or B12 - anemia, loss of total weight, diarrhea, constipation, swelling of the tongue, mental disorders.
  1. Vitamin C. The shortage is expressed:
  • muscle atrophy;
  • impotence;
  • depression;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • infectious diseases;
  • wounded uninhabitability;
  • nervousness;
  • swelling;
  • salt deposition;
  • increase in bleeding;
  • loss of appetite;
  • irritability;
  • destruction of bones;
  • bruises and fragility of capillaries;
  • weakness;
  • weight loss;
  • scurvy.

Treatment of metabolism


In the treatment of metabolic disorders, it is supposed to be properly observed by a healthy lifestyle. The proper nutrition, maintaining the required level of vitamins and trace elements with their lack, sport and physical activity, the regime of the day and sleep, timely treatment of diseases, and the fight against stresses should be included here.

Accelerated metabolism

When accelerating metabolism processes, it is recommended to observe a healthy diet in combination with drug treatment under the control of specialists:

  • amino acids provide a lack of substances and regulate the conductivity of energy with rapid metabolism;
  • antitrombical medicines stabilize the level of iron and regulate hemostasis;
  • biostimulators provide the normal state of the nervous system and increase the protective functions of the whole organism
  • vitamin preparations take an active positive part in the entire life of the body, can be taken regularly when a doctor is prescribed;
  • hormonal drugs regulate the normalization of metabolic and other body systems;
  • enzymes restore metabolism and contribute to neutralization, deactivation or slowing down some working at an accelerated pace, chemical metabolic reactions of the body.

Slow metabolism


For the metabolism of a slow pace, it is recommended to adhere to a certain diet of dishes and diets, which is found not for weight loss, but to accelerate the metabolism, but can contribute to the loss of extra pounds:

  • consume at least two liters of purified water per day;
  • chicken or fish at least 200 g per day;
  • the oil is used sunflower, olive, corn, it is better to refuse cream;
  • pasteurized dairy products are consumed with low fat;
  • flour is not consumed, except for bran bread no more than 200 g per day;
  • mandatory to take light chicken broth of 300 g per day;
  • mandatory presence of fresh vegetables and fruits of at least 300 g per day;
  • rejection of dried products;
  • rejection of potatoes, sauces, coffee, alcohol, rice, semolina;
  • rejection of pasta and boiled dough (dumplings, dumplings);
  • rejection of too salt, spicy and canned food;
  • reception of eggs up to two per day (boiled, steam omelet);
  • liquid porridge and boiled cereals are recommended;
  • sDOBA and sweets are excluded;
  • tea is only green without sugar.

Folk remedies to improve metabolism

Traditional medicine will help improve metabolism and fight its impaired reactions at home:

  • the infusion of red viburnum fruits is used twice a day;
  • a decoction of the roots of a field steel is used half an hour before the main meals;
  • a decoction of motherwort, dryers, horsetails and crows of circles is taken half a glass after the main tricks write;
  • a decoction of the grass of immortality, birch buds, St. John's wort and chamomile take half an hour before breakfast and before bedtime with honey;
  • a decoction of a series, violets, burdock root, nettles, yarrow, currant leaves and strawberries are taken an hour after eating;
  • a decoction of walnut leaves is taken to the main meals.

Video lesson to normalize metabolism

A detailed video material of the Malakhov+program will help to learn about other ways to fight metabolism:


Faith 06.02.2018 Answer

the causes of the violation can be completely different ... I had problems with the thyroid gland, insomnia was ... saw Eccrinol. Gradually, the metabolism is accelerated by normal sleep, sports, fractional nutrition.
