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PIN-AP style in clothes

PIN-AP style in clothes
Information on how to choose PIN-AP-style clothes, as well as emphasize its right make-up and accessories.

Often, you can find images of girls on which weathered clothes in the style of which can be seen in the graphic images of the mid-20th century, so popular in America. This style is customary called "PIN-AP"

A little story about PIN-Up

If you remember when the PIN-UP style was used for the first time, then you need to refer to 1941. Then images with girls in such style were popular in calendars, as well as on posters hanging on the walls.

Who were Pin-Up Style Models

Basically, the models depicted on the posters were mannequins, or celebrities and, of course, after such images, they became real sex symbols.

In their works, the authors of Ping-Up pictures tried to display the ideal of how an attractive woman should look like. And the first most famous model in this style can rightly consider Betty Page.


Other famous pin-up style models

Among other well-known models, the following names can also be noted:

  • Flight Leadard;
  • Ava Gardner;
  • Rita Heivort;
  • Anita Ekberg;
  • Rose Macgoone;
  • Brigitte Bardot;
  • Dita Von Teese;
  • LED Charissa.

PIN-AP style in clothes

Many people may mistakenly decide that the image in the style of PIN-AP is somewhat limited. But this is not at all as much as there are thousands of various options for clothes, as well as hairstyles and makeup, but it is probably worth it from clothes.

Housewife from America

American housewife

It will not be superfluous to say that it is the image of an American housewife that is most popular in the style of PIN-AP, and it has never been seen again.

The first thing that emphasizes this style is a shirt in a cage that is tied by a node, as well as jeans with an overwhelmed waist, which is fed by the ankle, which have become very fashionable today. In addition, the characteristic feature of the style is both a bandana, which can close the head completely or get tied up in the form of a rim.

As for the shoes, you have several options here:

  1. Shoes.
  2. Sandals.
  3. Tennis shoes.

If you have long legs, you perfectly fit tennisk white. It can be converse sneakers, for example. Well, if your legs are ordinary, we recommend that you wear shoes on a wedge or sandals.

As for the bandana, it is very easy to tie it, and you are unlikely to come across difficulties. Just remember the following sequence of actions:

  1. Roll into striped bandan.
  2. Wrap it my head.
  3. Take a node.

If suddenly, after the accumulated bandann operations it will be bad, you can take invisible and to consolidate it with them.

In addition, the bandana can be folded with a triangle and wrap her head. The tips of the kink will be on top.

Girl next door

Girl Next Door

For the next style, you need to pick up dresses in the Pin-AP style. It can be a dresses of several varieties:

  1. Dress with color print.
  2. Polka-dot dress.
  3. One-photon dress.

True, you need to follow this dress to emphasize the chest, as well as the waist. But vulgarity does not have a place in pin-up, so it should not be in the tightness and should not be mini. At the same time, it is quite acceptable to the neckline.

More modern pin-up

Modern Ping Axt

Since the girls in the style of Pin-Ap are seriously attracting attention, it was quite obvious to assume that in the modern world this style will receive its distribution.

The main difference of modern PIN-APA is dark and narrow jeans, as well as cotton T-shirt. Naturally, elements of style and heads must be present. Among these can be various bandages and pages.

Pin-APA in the modern world is that you yourself can play with style, taking into account your characteristics, preferences and taste.

Pin-Up style makeup


Who uses such makeup and its important elements

Today, among the famous people who use the style of PIN-AP for makeup, it can be noted primarily Katy Perry, Christina Aguilera, as well as a dita photora. But to achieve such an appearance, like these diva, you need to adhere to three very important points:

  1. Lipstick bright color.
  2. Eye liner neat and extremely accurate line.
  3. Ideally chosen to the skin of the face.

What we need for Makeup in the style of Pin-Up

To create the concept of perfect makeup in the style of Pin-up, you can not do without the following tools and means:

  • eliminating the irregularities of the face, a consiler;
  • eyeshadow;
  • tonal cream (it should have a rather dense texture of the shade approximate to light color), which will be used to simulate the effect of pale skin;
  • blush;
  • black eye pencil;
  • bright lipstick;
  • persistent eyeliner;
  • lip pencil;
  • mascara, resistant to water.

We work on skin tone


Basically, Makeup PIN-AP requires the most light face. It is very simply explained, this is exactly the background of the white tone of the skin, made of painted lips and the elected eyes.

First of all, you have to prepare a person to apply the basics of makeup. Naturally, the gommage-roller or scrub will help here.

At the end of the skin cleaning procedure, you need to start its moisturity. And if the skin of your face is suitable for the definition of oily, there is no more acceptable choice for you than the matting base.

With light movements, with small patches, you can apply a tonal cream. The T-zone is recommended to make a little more listened. Thus, you can achieve a more sculpture relief of the face, with a more beautiful oval. Mix the powder with flickering particles, and you can achieve such an effect of the relevant this mix in the chin, forehead, nose, and also on your cheeks.

If there are dark circles under your eyes, it is possible to use a consileter from lacking or stress. It smears on the lower and top eyelid. By the way, the smaller wrinkles can be hidden in the same way.

Application Rumyant


Blushes need to choose the wildest. The following tones are ideal:

  • peach;
  • brick;
  • pink.

By the way, when you apply a blush, it is not recommended to pull your cheekbones visually. You need to become in front of the mirror and, smiling, touched the brush to your cheeks that were to be rounded. If you once heard about the effect called "Apple", then it is done in this way.

Eyebrow correction


No details in Makija in the Pin-Up style can not be missing, so attention should be paid to the eyebrows. After all, it is all together in the aggregate creates an amazing picture. You can take a brown pencil, as well as black, and with them to carry out neat lines.

Application of shadows and eyelashes

To begin with, you need to decide which shadows should be used for the base, as well as to highlight the folds in the upper eyelid. For the base, white or beige tones or pink or golden are suitable. In turn, to highlight the folds need to take dark tones.

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The arrows are drawn by very clear and expanding strokes. If in the eyeliner, you are not a real master, it is recommended to use a pencil.

The eyeliner is made as follows:

  1. Draw a thin line near the growth line of the eyelashes in both eyes.
  2. Swipe the contour already marked if the result was insufficient for you.

In addition, it should be remembered that this makeup is obliged to include highly scratched eyelashes with a black carcass. If you are not satisfied with this option, you can always use false eyelashes.

Lipstick applying

For proper makeup in PIN-AP style, you will need to take a lipstick, as well as a pencil for lips. But their tones should be varied - the pencil should be darker than the lipstick about the tone.

Crouching lips follows from the center, moving towards the edges at least this is how professional stylists are recommended. After the end of the lipstick, the lips need to get into the napkin, refreshing after that lipstick.

If you are going to some kind of thematic retro style or "styles," can ideally approach the makeup with bright pink color of lipstick. With this color, which is more like a gum.

Pin-Up dresses

The dress

Any dress in this style should emphasize your shape and give it a look of hourglass. Although, of course, if your figure is not suitable for the characteristics of the hourglass, then it will be a little more difficult, but there is nothing impossible.

In the case of proper precipitation of accents in clothing, you can definitely achieve the creation of a "hourglass" silhouette.

Dresses should also have a neckline, because the style of Ping-AP itself is attractive. And what could be attractiveness without the presence of a decollet?

Permissible Colors of Styles Pin-Up

By itself, this style is very interesting because it allows you to choose any shades for the dress. You can start with the brightest colors, and end with pastel colors.

Although, first of all, it is recommended to pay attention to pink, red, yellow and blue colors.

By the way, the dresses should not necessarily be one tone, as we said, peas are the perfect choice in Pin-AP style. In addition to peas, you can choose dresses with the prints of floral or fruit topics.

Pin-up lush skirt


Even glanced in the photo in the style of PIN-AP, it becomes noticeable that the magnificent skirt is exactly the detail that is capable of visually expanding the hips. But this is a very important point in this style.

Ladies, with the already magnificent hips, clearly ask about what to do it. For them, the skirt-pencil is better suitable, which has tight details and a high waist. Such a skirt will clearly emphasize all the beauty and dignity of your figure.

Other Pin-Up Style

Tops and Blouses in Pin-Up

This style may include tops and blouses, but they owe a deep cut in them. Do not be afraid of the original cutouts, like a heart shape.

Pin-Up Studes and Shorts


Pants, smoothly like dresses, should create volume in the upper part, so they should expand on top. But the lower part of the trousers should be narrowed. Remember this.

As for shorts, they do not need to be too short. Choose shorts without obtasses, or with their presence - personally your choice, but note that they have big pockets.

Accessories PIN-AP Style

In this style, as perhaps, in any other, accessories are also important as the clothes itself. Therefore, it is necessary to firmly know which accessories are suitable most and how to combine them correctly.

Among the popular accessories should be noted as follows:

  • gloves;
  • shoes;
  • pIN-AP shawls and dressings;
  • tights;
  • scarves;
  • belts and belts;
  • bags;
  • glasses.

And now - in order.

PIN-AP Gloves

For supporters PIN-AP style perfectly fit gloves made of leather, lace or even textiles. At the same time, the length of the gloves is practically not important, because there are different cases in life, and parties that you dress are definitely too. Long gloves are suitable for you to enter the party. Short, in turn, will go for everyday use.

Pin-up handkerchiefs and hats


One of the most simple details of the modern PIN-AP style can be a simple handkerchief. It is easily observed and can be in the wardrobe far from one. In addition, a wide-frame hat is quite suitable, which can be worn in summer or spring, in warm and dry weather.

PIN-AP Style Tights

Tights are also an important element of the style. If you have chosen a dress or skirt, you should think about correctly selected pantyhose. It is important to know that PIN-AP style is characterized by tights with arrows, which in the modern world will not be the slightest work in stores.

Scarves, straps and belts in the style of Pin-Up

Talking about scarves, you need to report that Ideal for style silk scarves. They can be tied around the head or painted on the shoulders. Such accessories can be deservedly called one of the best PIN-AP style.

Belts and belts are also not lagging behind the scarves, as they not only play a visually adorning role, but also practical, creating accents on your waist. The choice here may depend solely on your preferences. If you like narrow belts, wear them boldly, if wide - dare!

PIN-AP style glasses

But the glasses are not used as often, but what to hide, sunscreen accessories will never be superfluous and if you choose a model with large glasses, it will be released perfectly to emphasize your entire style.


A bag

Finally, it is worth paying attention to both the things without which the girl simply cannot get out of the house. We are talking about bag. Argued with the fact that the bag is a very important aspect of the entire appearance, it is simply meaningless.

You have a choice in favor of any bag size, but there is one condition. It concerns the presence of retro elements that are simply obliged to be on the accessory. Bags with prints are not excluded.

PIN-AP style girls

At the end of our conversation, I would like to demonstrate a very interesting video. It is possible to see a comparison of popular posters and covers in PIN-AP style, photographs of real models, with which the cover data in the end is painted. In general, see it below.


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