
Treatment of uterine fibroids

Treatment of uterine fibroids
Uterine fibroids, treatment, surgery

One of the most widespread diseases of the female genital organs is myoma. Almost every fifth woman can have this disease aged 30 years and every eight of 20 years.

First of all, it is necessary to know that uterine fibroids are not a mandatory indication for the surgical removal of the organ, but only a reason for anxiety about health and timely treatment. There are several varieties of the disease, on which the medical diagnosis and prescribed treatment of myoma depends. The development of the disease, first of all, is affected by a violation of the hormonal background of a woman.

Also, the location of the myoma node in the childbearing organs and the possibility of its progressive growth affects determining the danger to life and health. The disease is considered not dangerous until it goes into a group of malignant tumors, which requires urgent treatment and removal. In addition, the lack of timely diagnosis and treatment can cause infertility in young women.

The concept of fibroids and the causes of its occurrence


Myoma is a benign tumor that occurs in the uterus and myometria (the uterine layer of muscles). The knot or cyst of myoma is a chaotic connection of muscle fibers and have a rounded shape. Basically, such nodes are measured in millimeters or centimeters, but sometimes they reach large sizes of fibroids, the weight of which is several kilograms.

Depending on the location of the nodes (more often in the uterus itself than in its neck), they distinguish:

  • interstitial or intramural fibroids - in the wall of the uterine muscles;
  • intraligamentous myoma - between ligaments of muscles;
  • submucous fibroids - in the submucosal cavity of the uterus;
  • subserosis myoma - on the surface of the uterus directed into the abdominal cavity.

The causes of occurrence can be expressed by several aspects:

  1. Abortion.
  2. Anemia.
  3. Infertility.
  4. Genetics. Myoma can be transmitted by heredity from the older generations of the female.
  5. Gynecological diseases. Often a consequence of inflammatory diseases of the female genitalia is a myoma (endometriosis, adenomyosis).
  6. Hormones. The abuse of hormonal drugs and contraceptives, as well as violations of the hormonal background.
  7. Dystrophy.
  8. Heart and blood vessels.
  9. Abuse of meat products.
  10. Excess weight.
  11. Disturbed menstrual cycle.
  12. Late birth. In non -6 years of age or with late pregnancy, myoma may occur more often.
  13. Diabetes.
  14. Chronic stress.
  15. Ecology and radiation.

The main symptoms of myoma


Often, many women do not even suspect the presence of a hoax, since the disease can occur for several years without symptoms. Depending on the progression of growth, location, quantity and size of the nodes, there are some signs of fibroids:

  • anomalous abdominal enlargement;
  • lower back pain, gluteal muscles and lower extremities;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • pain of a pulling nature and discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • dystrophy;
  • constipation;
  • excess weight;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle and abundance of bleeding;
  • pregnancy breakdowns and infertility;
  • surgical operations and uterine injuries;
  • frequent urination.

Why is myoma dangerous?


Myoma can become one of the main causes of infertility, since squeezing the fallopian tubes violates ovulation and complicates the movement of sperm. The question remains quite controversial: is it possible to get pregnant with myoma and take out a child? The outcome of pregnancy depends, first of all, on the size and place of the location of the nodes.

During pregnancy, myoma increases the risk of miscarriage, as it can begin to progress and leave less space for the growth of the placenta and fetus. However, there is the possibility of bearing and childbirth without consequences. Referring to reviews about a myome with complications during pregnancy, we can say that its removal even during pregnancy does not affect the final outcome and allows you to completely maintain the fetus.

However, myoma can adversely affect the health of the mother during pregnancy and after childbirth:

  • myoma causes profuse bleeding during childbirth and after;
  • mattering or increasing the placenta may occur;
  • almost half of pregnant women with a myoma birth are delayed;
  • dissollation of the Caesarean section is more common in pregnant women with myoma, since the fetus is in the wrong position.

What to do with myoma?


First of all, myoma needs to be diagnosed with a doctor, find out its size, place and state of possible growth progression. Diagnosis may include:

  1. Gynecological examination by palpation, that is, probing of places of possible localization of myoma.
  2. Ultrasound of myoma confirms the diagnosis and allows you to accurately set the characteristics of myoma, the dimensions of which doctors determine in weeks as in the size of the fetus during pregnancy.
  3. MRI and CT. In case of difficulties in diagnosis, magnetic resonance or computed tomography can be carried out, which will help to clarify the controversial moments of the diagnosis and proper treatment.
  4. Laparoscopy (endoscopy) and hysteroscopy (optical diagnosis) are rarely carried out and helps to determine myoma in the abdominal cavity or in the vagina and cervix.

Effective treatment can depend on the size, nature and location of myoma, as well as on the age and desire of the patient. So small fibroids, which flow asymptomatic, may not be subject to surgery, and treatment will be prescribed therapeutic. If a young woman plans a pregnancy in the future or a progressive growth of fibroids is noticed, then the removal of myomic nodes is recommended.

Folk treatment of fibroids

Often, the diagnosis of fibroids made by experts scares women with the opportunity to remove it with operational surgical agents or removal of organs. However, the treatment of fibroids with folk remedies in the form of medicinal plants or homeopathic drugs is not effective and scientifically not justified. Therefore, the advertising and advice of such funds should not be taken into account, since their positive action is not confirmed by any research.

Unreasonable fear in front of the tumor occurs due to outdated methods of treatment when completely removed the uterus. However, today the surgical operation of myoma is rarely carried out and even in such cases the 2nd organs are preserved. Modern methods of treatment allow you to remove the disease and prevent relapse of the occurrence of nodes.

Woman with Headache in Front of Laptop Computer

Drug treatment of uterine fibroids

Conservative therapy can be prescribed only in the following cases:

  • asymptomatic current;
  • as a preparatory stage before removal;
  • as a rehabilitation course after removal of myoma;
  • small dimensions of the components of myoma up to 12 weeks;
  • young age;
  • lack of desire in the patient to maintain reproductivity;
  • lack of growth;
  • contraindications to surgical intervention;
  • the location of the nodal bases on the legs.

Drug therapy involves treatment with the following type:

  1. Acid transexama and Norster. The drug slows down the processes of destruction of blood clots and significant blood loss for menstruation. It is prescribed for sizes no more than 8 weeks. After the course of the course of drugs, a second recurrence of fibroids may occur.
  2. Hormones and steroid agonists. Reduce the production of hormones with a pituitary gland that contribute to the development of a hoax. The nodes are reduced only when taking drugs, and the course is limited by side effects, therefore, medicines are usually prescribed for small sizes or preparation for the removal of nodes. The use of some hormonal drugs is contraindicated in benign fibroids, since it causes not a decrease, but the growth of nodes.

Removal of fibroids


It is worth noting absolute indications for surgical intervention in myoma:

  • infertility;
  • influence on other organs;
  • miscarriages;
  • abundant bleeding;
  • torsion of the legs of myoma or its necrosis;
  • the size of myoma from 13 weeks;
  • the risk of developing cancer malignant tumor;
  • tumor growth after 30 years;
  • the growth of myoma components for more than 4 weeks per year;
  • strong pain syndromes.


To date, modern equipment, technologies and high qualifications of specialists allow you to do without radical surgical operations of the childbearing organs:

  1. Embolization. The method consists in blocking blood vessels that provide power to myomic nodes. Anesthetic is carried out under observation through an X -ray by stringing thigh arteries. After blockage by a special substance, the knot dries and dies.
  2. Remote Ablation or Fuz-MRI. It is considered an experimental technique and is used for small fibroids. The procedure is based on thermal radiation with an ultrasound beam on myoma under the control of tomography. It is based on necrosis (dying) with a hoax under the influence of temperature, which leads to their destruction. Despite the simplicity and painlessness of the methodology, the nodes can appear again, and some are simply not amenable to thermal effects at all. It is used in the presence of contraindications for surgical methods and with difficulty with a hoax.
  3. Mimectomy. Mioma during surgical surgery is removed, preserving the 2nd organs. It is used for patients who want to preserve a detailed function or with a successful location of small nodes on the leg. There is a risk of new fibroid nodes during uterine injury or its gaps during pregnancy.
  4. Laparoscopy or laparotomy. It is carried out through punctures in the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavity in a surgical way. It requires general anesthesia and observation in the hospital.
  5. Hysteroscopy or hysterosectoscopy (diagnostic or operational). The surgical method of removing by the guerroscope (telescopic tool) connected to a video recorder, which allows you to see the uterus and nodes for complete removal.
  6. Hysterectomy. It is a radical removal of the uterus and is carried out under general anesthesia. It is used only when the patient’s condition is deteriorated, who does not plan to preserve the 2nd function and in the presence of large fiber, which are difficult to do with other methods.

Prevention of myomic nodes


If you are planning a pregnancy or you can have a genetic tendency to such a genus of benign tumors, then the risk of myoma should be prevented by preventive methods:

  • vitamin therapy will help the body in the fight against diseases of any nature;
  • a healthy intimate life will help to establish a menstrual cycle and prevent gynecological diseases;
  • a healthy and active lifestyle will prevent the appearance of excess weight and diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • correction of the hormonal background with special preparations will prevent impaired function of the genital organs;
  • restriction of the influence of ultraviolet rays and thermal overheating (solarium, bath, sauna, intensive massage) will ensure the prevention of cancerous diseases;
  • the rejection of intrauterine spiral and other contraceptives reduces the risk of injuries and the occurrence of the uterine fiber nodes;
  • refusal of hormonal contraceptives will prevent hormonal imbalance;
  • refusal of artificial termination of pregnancy will retain a detailed function;
  • pregnancy planning up to 30 years will ensure its prosperous current and permission;
  • proper hormone therapy helps to establish a menstrual cycle and prepare a woman for childbearing;
  • the correct regime and a healthy diet (excluding too salty, acute, fatty) will help the body in the fight against diseases and their prevention;
  • regular consultations of the gynecologist will allow you to detect the disease in time and prescribe gentle treatment;
  • timely treatment of gynecological diseases will eliminate many problems in conception and pregnancy;
  • the preservation of early pregnancy will eliminate the risk of fibroids and infertility;
  • ultrasonic studies will help identify nodes with a myoma in the early stages.

Video-imitation of surgical removal of myoma

A detailed video material will help to realize how the surgical removal of the uterine fibroids takes place:



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