
How to clean blood at home

How to clean blood at home
How to cleanse blood of toxins, toxins and improve the condition of the body.

The state of blood and lymph are important indicators of health and productive human life. Each cell, each organ feeds and functions due to the flow of blood. The necessary oxygen, the necessary trace elements and vitamins deliver branched channels of the circulatory system throughout the body. It is on its quality that the health and productivity of our body directly depends. Therefore, it is important to maintain an excellent state of not only internal organs, but also the purity of blood in general.

Cleaning blood is the simplest and most effective way to maintain the purity of lymph after leading a healthy lifestyle. Special hem -coating products have a positive effect on the purity of the circulatory system and plasma. The need to purify blood in the body is indisputable, because stagnation and excess of toxins lead to lymphostasis and expansion of veins. Further deterioration in the state of blood leads to the accumulation of harmful microorganisms, their rapid reproduction and diseases of the internal organs, the deterioration of bone strength, painful sensations in the joints and cartilage.

The causes of blood pollution


Excess toxins of the circulatory and lymphatic systems of the body can be the result of the influence of individual factors or their complex. The most common and probable cases are: the influence of the environment, conducting an improper lifestyle, bad habits, poor nutrition and hereditary problems with the circulatory system. The prolonged effect of one of such factors leads to the gradual accumulation in the circulatory system of decay products and the vital activity of harmful microorganisms. If you regularly do not clean blood and lymph, then over time, the concentration of the level of hazardous substances reaches a critical level and harmful microorganisms in the active stage already begin to infect internal organs and, as a whole, the body.

The most common substances affecting human blood pollution:

  • nicotine and cigarette smoke;
  • abuse of drugs;
  • low -quality household chemistry of general and hygienic purposes;
  • frequent use of fatty and heavy foods;
  • the use of genetically modified additives and substances;
  • chronic or congenital diseases;
  • non -compliance with the production standards of labor protection.

In fact, it is quite problematic to avoid increasing the level of toxins and pollution of the lymphatic system in the current conditions. However, regularly cleaning blood from toxins will help control the fragile balance, and the methodical control and prevention of a harmful lifestyle - correct the situation.

Than and how blood can be cleaned


Blood and lymph are, in fact, the same tissues of the body, only they are in a liquid state. Their main task is to maintain the life of the remaining cells and internal organs of a person. Having flowed through the vessels, blood washes every millimeter and supplies cells with the necessary oxygen, useful substances, and also leaks life products, harmful bacteria and fights viruses using leukocytes.

In addition, an important task of the circulatory system is the uniform transfer of human hormones across the body and ensuring metabolic processes between cells. Therefore, regular blood treatment is not easy, and mandatory for the blood system performed by the described important functions for human health. The presence of a high level of toxins and toxins in the blood leads to its thickening and a decrease in the properties of permeability. Blood begins to leak more slowly through the vessels, wash worse and penetrate into small capillaries. This leads to insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients of certain tissues, which entails anemia. Therefore, regular purification of blood with folk or drugs is more likely to need, but not a whim.

How to clean blood from alcohol yourself


Unfortunately, the abuse of alcoholic beverages is the malicious problem of our modernity. And even if you allow yourself a slight weakness from time to time, then the harmful effect on the body still accumulates and does not affect your health. Clean blood from small alcohol intoxication with folk remedies simply with the help of elementary improvised means.

Means that contribute to the effective purification of blood in the body from alcoholic products:

  • fresh, unsalted beef or chicken broth;
  • cucumber or tomato brine;
  • green tea or a mixture of black tea;
  • warm homemade cow's milk;
  • fresh honey in its pure form;
  • medicines of an absorbing nature.

What to do, how to apply?

  • for quick intoxication at any time, take white or black activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 kg of human weight;
  • a plentiful warm drink during the day will be very useful after drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • warm herbal tea will facilitate your condition during the day and quickly improve well -being;
  • the use of warm milk is at least 1 glass per hour, quickly remove toxins and cleanse blood and lymph from alcoholic decay products;
  • dilute 1 tbsp. l. honey per cup of warm, in no case with hot boiled water, and drink the resulting solution in the morning;
  • on the first day, light nutrition of hot broths is recommended.

How to clean blood from toxins yourself


Unfortunately, no matter what the right lifestyle you led, elementary intoxication can overtake everyone. Take, for example, the presence of harmful substances in food that you could not provide for either a painful condition provoked by a virus - all this leads to the accumulation of toxins and malicious microorganisms in the blood and lymph. The achievement of the critical mass of toxins is primarily felt in the breakdown of the joints and the painful pressure of the muscles. Elementary folk remedies will help to clean blood from a small number of toxins.

The use of home cranberry juice for 3 weeks will bring you and your blood to normal:

  • first week: drink 0.5 cups of chilled cranberry juice to regular eating - 3 times a day;
  • second week: gradually reduce the amount of juice to 2 full glasses 2 times a day - in the morning and evening;
  • third week: consume 1 glass in lunch before meals.

How to clean blood from toxins with improvised means


Separately, tea and milk are excellent natural antioxidants, and in combination they can be effectively used to remove toxins from the body.

  • brew green or a mixture of black tea in a thermos;
  • add a few spoons of warm homemade milk at the rate of 2 tbsp to the volume. tablespoons for every 0.5 l of tea;
  • use such tea in a warm form 2 times a day;
  • in the morning add a little salt, and in the evening - a spoonful of honey;
  • a two -week course will quickly save your body from toxins and improve well -being.

How to clean blood drugs


Prevention and treatment of blood pollution results with home methods are mainly effective as preventive measures. In case of serious or chronic problems, this approach brings temporary relief rather than eliminates symptoms forever. In such situations, medical intervention using droppers and other drugs for cleaning blood is mandatory. Unlike folk remedies that eliminate the consequences, and not the causes of infection, medical medicines used to clean blood are aimed at normalizing the liver, kidneys, digestive systems and strengthening immune barriers in the body.

The goals and objectives of the drug cleaning of blood and lymph:

  • complete purification of the circulatory and lymphatic systems of the body from toxins and toxins, foreign microorganisms and harmful bacteria;
  • normalization of sugar and cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • work with immune stimulants helps improve the body's protective functions and increase the tone of internal organs;
  • cleaning internal processing vital organs: intestines, stomach, kidneys, liver, esophagus;
  • work on repayment of inflammatory foci of infection and elimination of chronic intoxication of blood.

Medical treatment methods:

  • the process of cleaning blood with medicines in combination with dietary supplements;
  • a full -fledged stationary blood cleaning course using droppers and drug prescriptions.

Most of the drugs used in medicine to purify lymph and blood are medicines of the sorbent group. Their use does not affect the composition of the blood, and the action is determined by cleansing through the intestinal-yellow tract. By absorbing common slags and toxins, sorbents naturally remove them from the body. The course of treatment according to this technology usually lasts from 1 week to 10 days and allows not only to clear the lymph and blood systems of toxins and toxins, but also to strengthen the immune protection of the body. Typically, such methods are used for states of rapid poisoning with toxins or poisons, for example, food poisoning.

How to clean blood with folk remedies


In the body of an adult, an average of about 5 - 5.5 l of blood. The movement in the vessels does not carry out the entire volume, but only the peripheral part of it, which is about 30% of the total. The rest of the blood fluid and lymph is in blood tanks or “depot”. The blood itself in structure consists of the liquid part - plasma, water, protein components, and uniform cells - red blood cells, platelets and leukocytes.

The blood reaction to any change in the body is unconditional. Any imbalance, inflammation or virus are reflected in the changing number of blood cells. In addition, an increase in cholesterol and acidity also becomes the first bells that blood needs an accelerated purification course.

Adherents of traditional medicine and even some representatives of traditional believe that the most effective and natural ways to clean human blood are herbs. Of particular popularity in blood purification are: dandelions, echinacea, garlic, nettle, alfalfa and red clover.

  1. Lucerne is a natural strong diuretic. In addition, its tinctures effectively normalize blood cholesterol.
  2. Dandelions perfectly clean the liver by working with a gall bladder and intestines. Their tinctures are effective for problems with bloating and constipation.
  3. Echinacea is considered the most powerful tool for cleansing the lymph and stabilizing the normal level of constituent blood.
  4. Red clover is a good means to relieve intoxication of a viral nature, weakening symptoms of joint compression and an excellent preventive tool for normalizing the state of the body.
  5. Garlic is one of the most beloved plants among fans of traditional medicine. Its juice copes with free radicals in the body. It is a strong preventive means, reduces the risk of diseases and eliminates the root cause of intoxication in the blood. Garlic is a natural likeness of antibiotics that can easily control the level of cholesterol.
  6. Cleaning blood with nettles has a quick effect, but has a certain seasonality. The best effect of the blood cutting agent from nettle is provided in May, when nettles of nettles are still young and full of riot of color. It is then that the nettle leaves are still not so burning and full of useful substances for the body. The most delicate and small leaves are collected for tinctures, usually they are pale green. And importantly, tincture must be done immediately. The wilted or frozen sheets of nettles of the desired effect will no longer bring. But the drying process in the shade is well suited if you plan to regularly clean the blood with this method. Of course, the effect will not be the same as from a fresh product, but also not bad. But keep in mind that in winter it is extremely not recommended to clean blood.



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