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How to quickly get rid of bruises

How to quickly get rid of bruises
No one is safe from bruises: neither an adult nor a child. But thanks to various methods, you can quickly get rid of the hematoma.

We are not insured against strokes or falls, and this often leads to the occurrence of bruises. People are especially affected by people whose skin is very delicate and any rude touch can cause a hematoma reaction. And well, if such a nuisance could be hidden under a pile of clothes, so no, most often bruises, as luck would have it, arise in the most prominent parts of the body. It is quite realistic to remove the bruise: today there are a huge number of ways thanks to which the skin will return its natural appearance in just a few days.

How to get rid of bruises: what is a bruise?


A bruise or, as is commonly called in doctors, a hematoma is an internal, subcutaneous bruise that occurs as a result of mechanical exposure to the human body.

Since the effect is insignificant, so the blood accumulates only in the place of greatest contact.

Basically, bruises from a blow or bruise, but not always. Sometimes it is the occurrence of hematomas that is the result of a spontaneous rupture of capillaries, which is a sign of serious diseases. In this case, the treatment of bruises will not give any benefit - it is necessary to contact specialists so that they identify and cure the cause, not the result.

How to get rid of bruises: what to do if a bruise appeared?


A bruise, it is not so important where he came from, not the most worthy decoration of the body, which is why each of us seeks to get rid of the hematoma as quickly as possible. And if the child’s bruises are quite familiar and few people pay attention to them, then a woman’s bruise, and even on her face, is an occasion to discuss the behavior, marital status and living standards of a representative of the fair sex.

Today there are a lot of ways that will help to escape from an unattractive blue-green spot. First of all, it is necessary to learn that hematomas on the face and on the neck are much faster than in other parts of the body. Bruises do not pass on their feet for the longest.

In general, the “timing” of bruises are individual - they depend exclusively on the circulation of the blood in the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin where the hematoma arose. That is why it also happens that one person has a huge bruise from a slight blow, and the other has only a slight redness from a strong blow.

How to get rid of bruises: if bruises are very often


Most often, people who have bruises are not uncommon, they say that they have “such a body”, but in fact, the reason may not be hidden in this justification.

  1. Vitamin C. The lack of vitamin C leads to the fact that bruises appear quite quickly on the body, even from the most insignificant effect on the skin. If you have noticed such a dissonance behind your body, you need to lean on products that contain vitamin C, mainly citrus fruits: oranges, lemons, tangerines. If overseas fruits are expensive or you are allergic to them, pay attention to the green onion. Buy yourself a special vitamin complex with a high content of vitamin C, but do not forget that with such a “treatment” of bruises, you need to drink as much water as possible - otherwise the kidneys will experience heavy loads. If vitamins do not help, here you are one road - to the hospital. Otherwise, you can skip the development of some serious illness that causes frequent internally bleeding.
  2. Animal drugs. Many drugs, and especially this, "sin" painkillers and antipyretic drugs, dilute blood, which leads to additional bruising. If you notice such symptoms at yourself, consult your doctor, you may need to change drugs or reduce the one -time dose prescribed to you.
  3. If, in addition to bruises, you also have itching, you should not hesitate for a minute - immediately go to the hospital!

How to get rid of bruises on the face

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In the event that you have a bruise under the eye or in general, a hematoma on the face from the blow (anything happens), there are several ways that can remove the edema, reduce the size and in general, a little hide this unpleasant “decoration”. But remember - in a few minutes bruises will not pass, you will need several days to absorb the hematoma.

How to remove bruises on the face:

  1. Cool. The oldest and most proven method of combating bruises. But it acts only if a short period of time has passed from mechanical exposure (bruise, blow, etc.) to the form of a bruise - the main thing is the efficiency, because the hematomas can be avoided at all! Attach something cold to the bruise: ice, frozen products, banks, etc. Anything is suitable. Thanks to the cold, the vessels are narrowed, the blood will not flow so abundantly, respectively, and the bruise will become less or at all the bruise will not appear. Do not hold the cold for more than seven minutes! If the cold will touch the skin longer, then this can damage the skin, especially if you cool the place in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eye. The cooling procedure can be repeated after two hours - and again, keep the cold for no more than 7 minutes.
  2. Heat. If you act on hematomas, then it is also able to lead to rapid healing of the bruise. The fact is that in this way increased blood circulation is ensured. You can warm the bruises with a heating pad (no matter, electric or water). You can also use the pepper patch (just not under the eyes!), But very carefully, so as not to harm - burns are possible from the peppers, which will significantly exacerbate the situation - and the appearance will spoil.
  3. Small. Today there are a huge number of ointments, creams and gels from bruises and bruises. Moreover, there are funds for each specific area of \u200b\u200bthe skin - from bruises on the face, from bruises on the body, etc. But there are universal medicines that are in the public domain in all pharmacies and supermarkets. The most famous drugs that have earned the trust of people: “Rescuer”, “Sinyakoff”, “Troxevazin”. Basically, they have no contraindications and side effects, however, before use it is still advisable to familiarize themselves with the instructions or consult a familiar doctor. By the way, ointment from bruises can be used for children.
  4. Make up. The above methods, of course, will help you, but in order to have an effect, you still need to have several days in stock. If you have absolutely no time, for example, you need to urgently appear in public, there is only one option - makeup to help you! Will have to, of course. Apply more powder to the face, tonal base or cream, choose the corresponding shadows and blush, in general, the whole arsenal that is available. But the appearance will be much better. Not only women can hide the bruise, but also men - smear with foundation.

How to get rid of bruises under the eyes


Bruises under both eyes do not arise from physical impact. But, unfortunately, it is they who are the most unpleasant for women, since the hematoma passes quickly from the blow, and it will be more difficult to cope with bruises under the eyes.

First you need to determine why you have bruises under the eyes. The reasons are most often three: lack of sleep (the easiest way to cope), kidney problems or heart problems (a specialist consultation is necessary). That is why, as soon as you noticed dark circles under the eyes, you need not to put things in a long box and think that you are doing wrong? Perhaps you work a lot and rest a little? And perhaps you completely do not pay attention to your health?

How to remove bruises under the eyes:

Bruises under the eyes are an occasion to change your life. First of all:

  1. Rest. Take your off, day off or vacation.
  2. Disconnect the phone, forget for a while about the TV and the computer and just a drive a little.
  3. Go to bed early.
  4. Eat on time.
  5. Read interesting books, often in the fresh air, communicate with your family and friends.

This is a great way to help you improve your appearance and remove bruises in the day.

In the event that bruises even after a long leave do not leave you, you need to visit the hospital and conduct an examination - the doctor will definitely establish a diagnosis, you may have a chronic disease that you do not know about. The corresponding and timely treatment will help you.

How to get rid of bruises on the body


Bruises do not arise on the body so often. The reasons are different, if due to serious injuries, such as an accident or accident, then they will only be able to help you in the hospital. Well, if you just fell unsuccessfully, or something fell on you, then you can treat bruises at home.

  1. Badyaga. Good and, importantly, an effective remedy for bruises from bruises. It is recommended to use even doctors, since this drug is indispensable for bruises, bruises and various injuries. Today, the Baddyag can be found in pharmacies in different types - this is a cream, ointment, and powder. They use the drug to treat bruises on the body, but not on the face, since the Badyag can cause irritation and allergies.
  2. Vinegar. Vinegar can also be used to combat bruises - using compresses. For the preparation of the product, it is necessary in 1 tsp. Add 5 drops of iodine. To wet a bandage or gauze in the resulting solution (make a swab) and attach to the bruise. Ideally, you need to leave the swab until completely dry, but if this is not possible, it will be enough to hold for about 20 or 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times a day.
  3. Aloe. A bruise on the body can be reduced if you warm it with a pepper patch. If there is no pepper patch, you can pierce - cut a piece of scarlet into two parts, put it to the hematoma and glue the usual patch on top.
  4. Parsley. Parsley tincture is also used as a compress from bruises. It is necessary to finely chop 50 g of greens, then pour a glass of vodka. Apply a gauze moistened in the solution, to leave a bruise before drying.

How to get rid of bruises on your feet

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Bruises on the legs are most often, that is perhaps that is why there are a huge number of ways to get rid of them. It is noteworthy, the legs are exactly the place where you can get rid of bruises the fastest, because the skin here is dense and much rougher than, say, on the face. In addition, you should not be afraid that there will be allergies or irritation from the drugs used. In principle, for the treatment of hematomas on the legs, you can use all the means from bruises that were described above, but there are other measures to return the skin of a natural look.

  1. Iodine. The iodine grid contributes to the rapid healing of the bruise. It is enough after the blow (or other mechanical exposure to the body) to draw an arbitrary mesh in the place of the bruise with iodine. Use a strong iodine solution so that the net is excellently visible. By the way, you can check the body for iodine - if the grid disappears in just three hours, then your body needs iodine - drink complex vitamins that will help with a lack of iodine.
  2. Bandage. As soon as a bruise began to form on the body, it is necessary to immediately apply a bandage to this place - it is best from a dense elastic bandage. Thanks to this fraud, you can prevent the growth of the bruise. True, it should be borne in mind that a strongly tight bandage will lead to the formation of an even larger hematoma.
  3. Arnica. This is one of the most famous homeopathic preparations that will help get rid of the hematoma. You can take Arnic both inside and out - lubricating the bruise. You will not have time to look around, as there will be no trace of your bruise.

Remove the bruise at home


If you do not have special creams and ointments from bruises at home, you can use grass lotions. Thanks to these folk methods, bruises are absorbed quite quickly. For the preparation of decoctions, you can use herbs such as calendula, coltsfoot, St. John's wort. The treatment looks as follows: it is necessary to soak the gauze or bandage in the solution and attach to the hematoma.

For the treatment of bruises, you can use the leaves of plantain or burdock, grated potatoes (or even its peel, though previously peeled), onions or cabbage juice, as well as crushed garlic. It is desirable to use these products immediately after a cold compress.

You can lubricate the bruise with aromatic oils - lavender or rosemary are best suited for this.

How to get rid of bruises. Video



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