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How gynecological massage is done

How gynecological massage is done
What is gynecological massage, to whom and why it can be useful.

Gynecological massage is a way of physiological effects on the female organism that allows you to get rid of many diseases of the uterus, as well as tidy up the whole organism as a whole.

History of the "discovery" of gynecological massage

The author of the methodology of gynecological massage is a tour of Brandt. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis procedure covered his consciousness in the far in 1861, when too few ways to get rid of gynecological diseases were known. The author of the unique massage methodology had to achieve almost 7 years of licensing his discovery, since Brandt himself was not an obstetrician-gynecologist, therefore, he had no reason to convince doctors in the effectiveness of gynecological massage.

In Russia on the unique development of Brandt,, who immediately organized practical courses for obstetrician-gynecologists in St. Petersburg and issued a guide to gynecological massage.

Information about the new “invention” to normalize the functionality of the female body has spread and has become available not only in large cities, but also in the provinces. Over time, the excitement subsided and the procedure in the 20s shifted from the advanced positions of the most important gynecological developments, in the 30-40 years of the last century, gynecological massage briefly gained popularity, but also lost it soon.

To date, against the backdrop of a mass of procedures: therapy, gynecological operations, pharmaceutical innovations and developments - gynecological massage has practically received the status of “unnecessary”. However, there are women who want to be as close as possible to natural medicine, not leading to serious consequences for the body and women's health in the future. Therefore, their choice is absolutely correctly aimed at gynecological massage of the uterus.

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Who needs to do gynecological massage

A modern woman is constantly in motion, somewhere in a hurry-she has no time to pay attention to her health. Those representatives of the fair sex who spend full -time, sitting in front of a computer or leaning over important papers - sitting work has a serious negative effect on the pelvic organs.

If the woman is familiar with the following problems, then gynecological massage will definitely be useful to her:

  • it is not possible to get pregnant for a long time;
  • it is not possible to take out the child (miscarriages);
  • extremely painful menstruation;
  • pelvic pains;
  • inherited or the pathology of the pelvic organs acquired over time;
  • frigidity (sexual coldness), which appeared due to violent sexual intercourse, childbirth or abortion;

It is much more difficult to detect deviations from the norm that only a specialist can diagnose. If a woman has a chance to hear unpleasant news at a gynecologist, then do not despair - gynecological massage can help in many ways:

  • chronic inflammation in the pelvis;
  • improper location of the uterus (an excess, bend, displacement or omission), weak muscles in the pelvic floor;
  • adhesions or scars that may appear due to surgical intervention (even removal of appendicitis can cause the formation of adhesions and scars);

Are there any contraindications for gynecological massage?

Of course, gynecological massage, like any therapeutic procedure, has its own contraindications. After all, we intend to get a positive effect from the session, and not aggravate diseases and not use the principle of substitution: to cure one thing, and the other will begin to hurt even more.
The procedure cannot be carried out if a woman has:

  • diagnosed oncology or erosion of the cervix;
  • within two months before the procedure, operations in the genital area were performed;
  • 2 months have not passed since the abortion or childbirth;
  • pregnancy, lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • certain diseases of the intestine;
  • menstruation at the time of the procedure;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • tuberculosis, sexually transmitted disease or general infection of the body;

There are also other exceptional contraindications, which a gynecologist must tell about before the procedure. More precisely, if a woman is diagnosed with any contraindication, then the procedures will not simply be carried out.

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The procedure for conducting gynecological massage

Gynecological massage can be carried out only by a qualified doctor as an obstetrician-gynecologist on a specially equipped armchair or a massage table with foot support, a movable headrest and a dense roller.

Please note: gynecological massage at home is strictly forbidden!

The procedure does not require special preparation from a woman. It is only necessary to empty the intestines and bladder immediately before the massage in order to minimize unpleasant sensations. It is also recommended to take care of personal hygiene before taking: wash the external genitalia with warm water with soap or a special tool for intimate hygiene.

A woman comfortably lays on a massage table or a gynecological chair. You need to relax and completely get rid of negative thoughts. Relaxed muscles will allow the gynecologist to massage as neatly and painlessly as possible.

Large and small labia patients are treated with an antiseptic. The doctor puts on gloves and starts massage. With one hand (fingers), the gynecologist puts in the uterus (from the side of the vagina), and with the other hand - from the side of the abdomen wraps up the uterus “outside”. Palpation of the uterus, its location and mobility are carried out with smooth movements. After determining the “degree of disease”, the doctor conducts a massage of the pelvic organs in accordance with the necessary treatment.
The first session is not held long: no more than 5-10 minutes.

During the massage, a woman should not experience pain, unpleasant sensations that accompany ordinary massage, for example, her back are possible. Any person feels how muscles strain, then relax - this does not always enjoy. So gynecological massage - during the procedure, the uterus is reduced, so it can become unpleasant. But if there are sharp pains, it is necessary to immediately report this to the massacor. To overcome your painful sensations is strictly contraindicated - this will not only not give the proper effect, but can completely cause damage to health.

Subsequently, the time of the procedure can reach 20 minutes. All conventions in this case are exclusively individual, as well as the general period of gynecological massage depends on the disease that must be cured.

The best effect can be achieved if you adhere to the recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist on a timely visit to the gynecological massage procedure, the correct physical exercises that the attending physician will recommend a plus.


Rehabilitation period after gynecological massage

After gynecological massage, there is no rehabilitation period, but there are rules that must be strictly adhered to in order to achieve the desired result.

Firstly, immediately after the session it is strictly forbidden to get up. It is necessary to be in an upright position in a relaxed state within 10-15 minutes, or turn over on the stomach to enhance the contraction of the muscles of the uterus.

Secondly, if possible to refrain from sexual contacts during the treatment period (gynecological massage). If you can’t refuse physical proximity, it is necessary to be protected, since it is very highly likely to form an ectopic pregnancy due to an increased tone of the uterus.

Thirdly, it is recommended to lie on the stomach for 15-20 minutes after the day after the procedure for 15-20 minutes to strengthen the uterine muscles.


Gynecological massage with infertility

This procedure is recommended for infertility, but what is the likelihood that after undergoing a full course of treatment, it will be possible to get pregnant and successfully take out the child to birth with a successful outcome?

Unfortunately, none of the doctors will be able to give guarantees that gynecological massage will allow you to eradicate all the troubles and open the way to high -quality pregnancy. Most often, the diagnosis of "infertility" is made by women who have a problem in one body of a small pelvis, but in a whole system that functions incompletely or not well-coordinated. Of course, gynecological massage is able to give the uterus a greater tone, have a favorable effect on the process of pregnancy, but it is not a panacea from all diseases.

But do not rush to despair! Gynecological massage can and should be the first step on the way to the cherished goal to become a mother. After qualitative treatment with the help of this physiological method, a woman will definitely feel qualitative changes in her sexual system, and then she will be able to diagnose specific eliminated problems that do not allow to get pregnant and make the fetus.

Gynecological massage. Video

Watch the video “Gynecological massage - a remedy for infertility” to cheer up and tune in to a wave of treatment.

Gynecological massage by Norbekov

Who is M.S. Norbekov?

Before studying the revolutionary methodology of bringing the female body to absolute harmony, we will get acquainted with the person who developed it.

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov - A native of Uzbekistan, who was born on 11/17/1957. In his life, Mirzakarim has always adhered to and continues the investigator with the only attitude: the physical and spiritual body should be in harmony - this is the success of this unusual person. Norbekov mastered different practices and is an academician, writer, traveler, doctor of psychology, as well as a doctor of philosophy in medicine, athlete, artist and photographer. Norbekov’s personality is truly amazing and multifaceted. But today he is interested in as the founder of "gynecological massage in Norbekov."

What is the fundamental difference between gynecological massage in Norbek?

Gynecological massage according to Norbekov is also called automansage - this is not so much a physiological effect on the organs of the female body, but psychological, in other words, here the woman will not massage the small pelvis, but to convince herself that she is healthy. Of course, it will not do without special exercises that are useful to stimulate the muscles of the uterus.

Automassage, in contrast to the traditional form of massage, conducted by a qualified gynecologist, can be carried out at home and without the participation of third parties. A woman will not have to trust a stranger to her for her - according to the Norbecov methodology, a woman does everything for herself.

The main task of the person who wants to put in order his female health and establish high -quality physical relationships with the opposite sex, trust himself and study all the subtleties of his body.

Indications and contraindications in the practice of automasage of Norbekov

Indications for Massage by Norbekov are the same as that of classical gynecological massage. We cited them in the article earlier, but briefly recall the main directions:

  • the presence of adhesions and scars;
  • frigidity (coldness in relation to sexual life);
  • painful menstruation and pain in the pelvis;
  • incorrect location of the uterus.

To many happiness for many, the list of contraindications is very brief and makes it possible to resort to “independent” gynecological massage to women who have serious gynecological diseases that do not allow classical massage from a specialist. Even if a woman has tuberculosis or erosion of the cervix and even even removed the uterus and appendages, she can still and should perform exercises recommended by Norbekov to maintain her health.

However, we will not be cunning, there are still contraindications:

  • pregnancy (at this moment it is dangerous for the fetus, forced uterine contractions can provoke premature birth);
  • period of menstruation;
  • oncological diseases (healing, unfortunately, will not happen - consult a specialist!).

No more prohibitions and restrictions!

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AUTOMSAGE (gynecological massage) of Norbekov - how to do it?

The first and main task during the automasage is to relax and feel confident. It is advisable to hold a session when a woman is alone in the apartment and no one interferes with her, if she does not manage to retire, then at least the second conditions are enough. Now you need to relax and take a convenient pose: either lie down exactly on your back, or sit in the lotus pose, which yoga is preferred during meditation.

In order for the autost massage to be effective, it is necessary to learn how to concentrate - meditate. All thoughts need to be concentrated only on yourself, inside yourself, to think about your feelings and feelings, about what is happening at the moment.

After it was possible to relax and begin to enjoy internal harmony, it is recommended to close his eyes and slowly mentally move thoughts to the area of \u200b\u200bthe bladder and lower back. Try to feel there, below, heat, rushing to the body and each organ of this area. The space behind the bladder (and it is there the uterus is located) should gradually be filled with pleasant sensations, warmth, which will gradually bring the uterine muscles into the resonance, creating vibrations. Uterine contractions that manage to slowly arouse, and usually cause an orgasm in a woman during intercourse!

Feel how the uterus began to contract? You have achieved the desired effect! The sensations should give a slight pleasure, but tire over time. Not managed to focus on warmth and vibrations? Try to relax and alternate the mental space of the uterus and lower back. Now we launch the process of contraction of the uterus with a short -term conscious tension of the abdominal muscles or perineum.

You can resort to the help of this auto -massage no more than once a day. The number of uterine contractions that bring you to light fatigue should reach 500-600 (no more!). Of course, it is not necessary to count. You will feel it. 2 weeks we are engaged in daily training mode. After you can deal with 2-3 times a week.

Now you are guaranteed to become self -confident, healthy and feminine!

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Three auxiliary exercises for the infusion on autogans (gynecological massage)

1. Learn to control the muscle of the crotch that you must feel during the autom massage session. For this, the natural processes of the human body will help us - we are talking about the process of urination. Sit on the cards and soak, try to interrupt the urination process for some time-remember the muscle that is responsible for this moment! Determined the desired muscle? Now we will work with her.

  • try to squeeze and “let go” the muscle that was discussed earlier. The time of abbreviations should be approximately 3 seconds. So we strengthen the muscles. We continue to a feeling of easy fatigue;
  • we learn to reduce this muscle as quickly as possible. Achieve the feeling of "flutter";
  • reduce the muscles for a long time, as if trying to draw some object into the vagina.

2. We increase sexuality thanks to elementary exercise. Visually draw a straight line on the floor on which you have to go. Have you seen the models that go to the catwalk? We will repeat something similar! We remove the shoes and try to go along this line. Be sure to put the feet so that the heel of the first in the line of the leg touches the fingers of that leg that is behind. System: foot to the foot.

3. We strengthen the muscles of the press and perineum. This exercise is somewhat reminiscent of a “birch” that all the girls did at school.

We lie down on the floor, hands parallel to the body. Raise the legs so that they form a perpendicular angle relative to the floor - the legs stretch to the ceiling. Now smoothly we tear off the lower back from the floor, leaning on the hands that still lie in parallel to the body. It is necessary to raise the lower back so that it forms a degree of 45 with a floor. We hold the legs without movement in this position for several seconds (20-30), tired-lay on the floor in its original position. The maximum exercise time is 1 minute. Number of approaches: 2-3.

Those who cannot raise the lower back without the help of hands, nothing to worry! At first, you can help yourself with your hands, gradually starting to abandon such “support”.

If you have already done gynecological massage procedures, the reviews will be very interesting to us. Share your experience in the comments in this article with those who only want to try new gynecological massage procedures or autostasis of Norbekov.



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