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How to get out of binge yourself. How to quickly get out of binge at home. Tips on how to help get out of binge

How to get out of binge yourself. How to quickly get out of binge at home. Tips on how to help get out of binge
How to get out of binge at home. Is it possible to get out of binge yourself, without the help of doctors. Tips on how to get out of a long binge correctly and quickly.

Moderate alcoholic drinks help improve mood, forget about problems, have a good time in the company of friends. But not always the next party ends on time, and a person falls on the network of binge. It is quite difficult to get out of this condition, often medical care is required. The success of the final sobering depends on many aspects - personal motivation, supporting loved ones, and health status. We will figure out how to get out of binge, whether the help of a narcologist is always needed, whether effective folk remedies.

How to get out of binge yourself

The alcoholic is not always able to independently abandon alcohol and safely get out of binge. Folk and medicines, willpower and the help of loved ones come to his aid. In most cases, a person also needs the help of a narcologist or at least a competent therapist.

How to quickly get out of binge: psychological aspect

The key to a successful way out of binge is personal motivation. Only perseverance and endurance will allow the alcoholic to say "no!" Another portion of a strong drink. But if a person who does not yet has a strong alcohol dependence, to motivate it is enough to calculate the expenses for alcohol and take into account the discontent of loved ones, then the avid alcoholic needs motivation more difficult. A person who is difficult to get out of binge needs help. You can pay attention to a sharp deterioration in health, which can be irreversible. This is cirrhosis, and rapid aging, and pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

If contact with a person is found, and he is aware of the need to get out of binge, you need to help him bring to the end. First you need to give advice on how to get out of binge: invite the alcoholic to make a list of the consequences of alcoholic binge and advantages of the life of life. Of course, the list of useful points will be much more: this is an improvement in family relationships, restoration of health, self -development, etc. Everyone will find for himself his irrevocable incentives to overcome the traction, and then try to get out of binge without doctors.

Important! A person needs to protect himself for some time from people who suppress his motivation - drinking companions and relatives who will reproach him and lower self -esteem. If this is not done, it will be extremely difficult to avoid another breakdown.

How to go out after binge - the stages of return to a sober life

Alcohol acts on the body, like a narcotic substance, using brain centers in the process, which create an imaginary sense of joy. And the longer the binge lasts, the more difficult it is to break out of this alcohol euphoria and return to the real world.

Is it possible to get out of binge yourself?! Yes! But for this you need to make titanic efforts. To get out of a temporary binge, which lasted no longer than three days, is quite real in one moment (if there is enough willpower). But if a person succumbed to alcohol euphoria for a long time, you have to look for a way out how to get out of a long binge without serious consequences.

The rejection of alcohol takes place gradually. Within 1-3 days, a person reduces the amount of alcohol consumed. Dilution of alcohol with water is welcome: so cleansing the body will pass faster. For about 3-4 days, the patient completely refuses alcohol.

In order for the process to pass as painlessly and successfully as possible, you can use the following scheme. It is suitable for those who are more than a week.

So, how to get out of a weekly binge is an action plan:

  • Buy a bottle of good alcohol (beer and wine are not suitable). Take a glass with a volume of not more than 30 ml. Remove the rest of the alcohol from home.
  • Ask you to cook chicken broth, make a couple of sandwiches with butter and sausage. The entire snack should be very fat to prevent the absorption of alcohol into the blood.
  • Turn on any television program or a movie that you will want to watch.
  • Drink 30 ml of alcohol every two hours and immediately bite the prepared food, even if there is no desire to eat.
  • You can afford no more than 0.5 l of a hot drink per day.
  • In this way, you give the body the feeling that the binge continues, but at the same time, you gradually reduce the dose. This technique reduces signs of a hangover syndrome.
  • Before going to bed, prepare a glass of water/kvass/kefir and go to bed.
  • On the second day, proceed to the cleansing stage. Drink the cooked drink on an empty stomach.
  • During the day, use a lot of mineral water, juices, sour -milk drinks - make a choice yourself.
  • Complete cleaning with sorbents (estimate, white coal) and drugs to restore electrolytic balance (reidron).
  • In the following days, proceed to good nutrition, focusing on proteins and carbohydrates.
  • For the first 2 weeks, do not drink coffee, tea, energy drinks to enable the nervous system and the heart to recover.

How to get out of binge at home. Following a hangover

It is difficult to clear the blood of alcohol. A person will need to establish a drinking regime, resume normal nutrition, and undergo a short -term cleansing course using special drugs.

How to get out of binge correctly. Effective drugs

If you decide to get out of binge without medical help, you need to choose the necessary medicines yourself. But before their reception, you must definitely familiarize yourself with the instructions in order to exclude the presence of contraindications.

  • Limontar. Reception rules: 1 tablet is dissolved in 200 ml of water with a pinch of baking soda. It is necessary to take medicine before meals and the question of how to get out of binge without a dropper, resolve in two days.
  • Glycine. The drug is indicated for stabilizing the nervous system and preventing a hangover syndrome. Per day, it is necessary to take 1 tablet up to four times.
  • Afobazole. A great remedy for eliminating psychoses, and they are not uncommon when leaving binge. The daily dose is five pills.
  • Donormal. Helps to get out of binge in 1 day, but is released only according to the recipe. Therefore, a narcologist needs consultation to receive it.
  • Anaprilin. It is used in the development of a hypertensive crisis: the drug reduces blood pressure. This tool is not compatible with alcohol, so it can only be taken after a complete rejection of it.
  • Hepaben. A drug with hepatoprotective properties. It is a plant tool, so with its help you can get out of binge without a narcologist. Preparations from this group are also Essential, Glutargin, Karsil.
  • Enterosgel. Strong sorbent sucking toxins. The drug is taken for 3-5 days. It can be replaced with polysorba, white coal, atoxil.
  • Amber acid. You need to take 4 tablets in two approaches per day. Treatment restores all body systems after exhaustion.
  • Vitamin complexes. Any drug is suitable, for example, Vitrum, suprain, alphabet. Reception is needed to replenish the reserve of beneficial substances.

Note! On the correctness of taking the mentioned drugs depends on how many days come out of binge. For example, competently conducted detoxification reduces the exit from binge to 2-3 days. Otherwise, rehabilitation can drag out up to two weeks.

How to get out of binge: folk remedies

In addition to drugs, you can add folk remedies for leaving binge. But most of them give a good result only in case of short -term binge without significant deterioration of all life indicators.

When an alcoholic comes out of binge, he faces a terrible hangover syndrome, which greatly complicates his efforts aimed at cleansing the body of alcohol. To remove most signs of hangover syndromes, you can use these recipes:

  • In 2 liters of water, boil 2-3 lemon (they must first be chopped). Cooking time is 30 minutes. Then cool the broth, mix with honey or glucose solution, drink during the day. The drink perfectly removes signs of intoxication, invigorates, restores energy metabolism in the tissues.
  • Mix kefir and mineral water (1: 2), salt a little and drink. The drink will help relieve nausea and weakness, eliminate dehydration.
  • It will improve well -being a glass of warm milk with linden honey. Nausea will pass and appetite will increase.
  • Glycerin will help reduce the craving for alcoholic beverages. It is enough to dilute the glycerol bubble in a bottle of saline (1: 2) and drink 50 ml a couple of times a day.  In this way, it is possible to deceive the consciousness that perceives this mixture as alcohol.
  • To speed up the process of alcoholic poisons, boil oats. Boil about 50 g of washed oats in 500 ml of water, strain. You can drink in small sips all day. Oats will also relieve inflammation of the stomach, resume the production of enzymes, improve well -being.
  • To fill the body with vitamin C, glucose and potassium (the concentration of these substances after binge approaches the lower boundary of the norm), a banana smoothie will help. It is necessary to send a banana, a couple of spoons of honey and a glass of milk in a blender and cook a delicious cocktail.
  • It is also necessary to remove toxins from the blood in the shortest possible time. To do this, you need to use sour -milk products. And to maintain the nervous system, potatoes, sea cabbage and liver will be required. These three products will saturate the body with vitamins of group B.

It must be said that the state of a person who goes out of binge leaves much to be desired. Of course, after such a long intake of alcohol, food is disgusted, but the body needs beneficial substances, otherwise it will not be able to restore strength.

If the condition is conditionally stable (no nausea, vomiting syndrome), you need to establish food. The following list of dishes is suitable for these purposes:

  • Chicken broth.
  • Tomato juice.
  • Fruit jelly.
  • Raw egg.

A special place should take products with a high content of vitamin C, which is completely washed out of the body with alcohol. This:

  • all citrus fruits;
  • bulgarian pepper;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • tomatoes;
  • apples;
  • sauerkraut;
  • cranberry.

Important! In addition to proper nutrition, it is necessary to take sorbents, drink herbal decoctions or juices, relax. Only in this case it will be possible to get out of binge without the help of a narcologist.

If you are interested in how to get out of a beer binge, read these recipes for herbal drinks. They will come in handy for thorough cleansing the body:

  • Calendula. Pour 20 g of dry inflorescences with a glass of boiling water, strain after 40 minutes. The infusion can be drunk without restrictions during the day. The plant removes toxins, has an anti -inflammatory and general strengthening effect.
  • Motherwort root. 1 tbsp. l. Mix chopped raw materials with 200 ml of water and boil for 15 minutes. You need to drink a decoction 1/3 of the cup until the end of the hangover.
  • Marigold. Brew 25 g of inflorescences in 50 ml of boiling water, drink in chilled form. The infusion invigorates, relieves pain and heaviness in the stomach, prevents vomiting, migraine.

Output from binge: what can not be done

  • No matter how difficult it is, refrain from the temptation to hang out. Even the minimum dose of alcohol will aggravate the situation, and the loop of binge will tighten you even more. It is necessary to endure a little, and at the moment when it seems that it cannot be worse, the condition will begin to slowly stabilize. Gradually, the craving for the next sip of alcohol will weaken, and the way out of binge will become possible.
  • At the initial stage of leaving binge, physical activity should be excluded. You need to understand that your body is more weakened than ever, all its functions work with a double load, so even the slightest overstrain can end with a hypertensive crisis, stroke and other dangerous pathologies.
  • Under no circumstances, do not take heart drugs, for example, Corvalol, Barbal, etc. They can cause the most unpredictable consequences in this period.

How to get out of binge in a clinic

When the binge becomes long, and the “sober” gaps are confidently reduced, it becomes impossible to get out of binge without medical care.

Assistance to the patient is provided in a hospital. The patient is issued in a narcological or resuscitation department. Treatment consists in intravenous administration of the medical parties, which eliminate dehydration and intoxication. These are glucose, B vitamins, magnesium sulfate, diazepam (soothing), anticonvulsants.

How much do they get out of binge in the hospital? Everything is individual here: some patients are recovering for the second and third knocks, others need at least a week of treatment to completely recover after binge.

Video: How to help get out of binge



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