
How to save roses in a vase at home. How to make roses stand longer in a vase. What to add to a vase with roses to extend their life

How to save roses in a vase at home. How to make roses stand longer in a vase. What to add to a vase with roses to extend their life
How to extend the life of roses in a vase at home, how to care. What to add to a vase with roses to stand longer. What to do so that cut roses stand in a vase longer.

A bouquet of roses is a pleasant and desired gift for any woman. The aroma of these flowers is drunk, and from delicate petals it is simply impossible to look away. It’s always sad when flowers in a chic bouquet begin to fade, I want to extend their life in a vase. In this article, we will consider all the methods of urgent “resuscitation” of roses, the secrets of preparation of flowers before putting them in a vase, the subtleties of water preparation, options for “magical” ingredients to extend the freshness of the bouquet.

How to save roses in a vase longer. Choose the right flowers

In order for a bouquet of roses in a vase to stand at home as long as possible, it is very important to choose the right flowers. Pay attention not only to the coloring of flowers, the price and design of the bouquet, but also to some other very important features:

  • pay attention to the quality of the bud. When you press a finger on the base of the flower, you should feel elasticity and hardness. If you feel loose and softness at the base of the bud, it is better to avoid buying such a flower, since it is most likely not too fresh;
  • pay attention to the quality of rose leaves. They should have a rich and bright green color, should be elastic and “look” up. If on the leaves of roses you find wilting tips, yellow or other spots on leaf blades, if the leaves are sluggish, then avoid buying such colors. Believe me, experienced flowers know a thousand ways to mask not too fresh roses. They can cut all the leaves, and you will never know what condition the flower is at the moment. Leaves can be tinted with phyto coloring, cover with sparkles, etc.;
  • pay attention to the quality of the rose stem. The stem should be elastic, should have a uniform color. If you notice that immediately under the flower the stem is thinner and not so elastic, then the flower will soon fade.

Always pay attention to the condition of the flowers. The fresh the roses will be when buying, the longer they will please and deliver pleasant emotions to the person for whom this bouquet is intended. When buying a bouquet, ask the seller to collect it with you. If you buy a packaged bouquet, then do not be surprised that under the abundance of ribbons and packaging paper you will find absolutely lifeless leaves and almost wilted buds. Also, you should not buy roses, petals, the buds of which are densely painted with phyto -color, strewn with multi -colored sparkles, etc. This external tinsel in advance deprives flowers of the ability to preserve decorative qualities for a longer time.

Roses in a vase - photo


How to extend the life of roses in a vase. We prepare the flowers correctly

So, a bouquet of roses is chosen correctly. Now you need to properly prepare the thorny beauties for staying in a vase at home.

  1. If you were presented with a bouquet of roses in a beautiful package, then do not rush to immediately remove it and immerse the flowers in a vase of water. Give the flowers a little “acclimatize” to new conditions. Do not worry that flowers will flow for a couple of hours simply in room temperature without water. Nothing will happen to them. Especially do not neglect this advice in the cold season of the year.
  2. Next, carefully remove the packaging from the bouquet. In order for the roses to stand in a vase as long as possible, they should be “reassured”. Fill a bath or other capacity of a suitable size with water at room temperature. Dear flowers in the water for 2-3 hours, leaving only buds above the surface.
  3. Directly under water, begin to prepare roses in order to put them in a vase. Remove the lower leaves, thorns that will be in a vase underwater with a sharp knife or a secateur. If you leave these parts of the flower, then under water they will simply begin to rot and spoil the water.
  4. Also, directly under water, make the most acute slice about 2-3 cm long. The end of the stem can also be split so that the flower has a large area for absorbing water from the vase.

It is important to remember that all manipulations for the preparation of roses (removal of the lower leaves, spikes, splitting the stem) need to be carried out only under water in order to prevent blocking of the vessels of the plant with air. After all the preparatory measures for the preparation of the rose are completed, click the cut on the stem of the flower under water and quickly transfer the flower to the vase with prepared water.

Roses in a vase at home. Preparation of water for the bouquet

The water quality in a vase directly affects the duration of the "life" of the bouquet of roses. Try to take into account the following tips:

  • if tap water in your apartment is far from the ideal, it is better to use filtered water, distilled or even melt water;
  • there is an erroneous belief that ordinary water from the crane will only accelerate the processes of wilting cut roses in a vase due to the presence of chlorine. However, it is chlorine that prevents the propagation of pathogens in a vase, has a bactericidal effect;
  • the water temperature in a vase for roses depends on the time of year. In warm times, flowers will like to stand in cool water, but not icy. In the cold one, it is better to pour water at room temperature in a vase, defended.

How to extend the life of roses in a vase. Choose the right vessel

What could be difficult in choosing a vase? It would seem that you just need to take any attracted vessel and put a bouquet of roses there. If you want to save the freshness of the bouquet as long as possible, then even the process of choosing a vase has its own characteristics.

  • On store shelves you can find vases for flowers made of various materials. You can find vases made of glass, from ceramics, even metal and plastic. What option to prefer? It is better to opt for vases of glass or ceramics. It is these materials that are the most environmentally friendly and safe for flowers. The metal vase will over time oxidize inside, which will spoil the quality of the water. Plastic will also begin to allocate very good substances into the water over time. In addition, it is quite difficult to “wash” the plastic vase from the previous bouquet, pathogenic microorganisms can remain on its surface.
  • The dimensions of the vase also matter. Do not try to squeeze too much a bouquet into a narrow neck of a vase. Also, do not put a miniature bouquet in a too large vase. It is better if the height of the vessel is 2/3 from the height of the bouquet and approach the volume.
  • For bouquets of roses, it is recommended to choose ceramic or glass vases that do not miss light, i.e. darkened or opaque. The fact is that in transparent vases, water heats up much faster, which creates comfortable conditions for the growth and development of pathogens.
  • A vase for a bouquet of roses should be of such a size that the stalks of flowers can be immersed in water by 1/3 of the part.

And of course, a flower vase should correspond to your taste preferences, fit into the interior. Ideally, you need to have several vases of different shapes and sizes.

What to add to a vase with roses

Professional tools for extending the life of cut roses in a vase

The modern market offers a large number of professional tools that are specially designed to extend the “life” of cut flowers in a vase. Consider some of these funds:

  • a concentrated tool for prolonging the life of roses, tulips and other cut colors of Bona Forte. Granuls dissolve in water, adhering to the instructions on the package. The manufacturer promises the prevention of water flowering, the prevention of the reproduction of pathogens, and the stimulation of the disclosure of color buds. The tool is also designed to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor in a vase and to slow down the processes of wilting cut colors. Information on the package says that a bouquet of roses or other colors will spin in a vase fresh up to 14 days;

  • the drug for extending the life of cut flowers of coloringon. The manufacturer gives detailed instructions for using this tool. The larger the bouquet, the greater the concentration of the drug in water will be required, the more often you will have to change water in a vase. The tool is intended to extend the freshness of the bouquet, to slow down the process of wilting the leaves of flowers. Also, information on the package says that flowers will stand in water with Tsvetalon 2-2.5 times longer than in ordinary water;

  • cut for cut roses Chrysal Clear Rosa. The tool consists of a set of special nutrients that extend the life of a bouquet of roses in a vase by 75%. The manufacturer ensures that the tool will maintain the optimal balance of useful substances for a rose, slow down the processes of color withering;

  • a means to preserve the freshness of cut flowers live rose from Orton. The drug is intended for dissolution in water, in which a bouquet of roses is then put. A specially selected complex of substances improves water characteristics in a vase, saturates it with nutrients, prevents the processes of decay in a vase;

  • conservice for storing cut colors Chrysal Professional. This professional tool will come to your aid when you need to “preserve” the bouquet for a while. The drug will restrain the process of opening the buds, but continue to feed cut flowers with all the necessary nutrients;

As you can see, the assortment of modern means to extend the life of cut flowers at home is quite wide. The main rule when using such drugs is strict adherence to the instructions. If you exceed the recommended dosages, then the bouquet of roses can only be harmful.

Folk recipes for extending the life of cut roses

If you do not have a special finished tool for extending the life of cut roses in a vase, then do not despair. There are a huge number of folk recipes that also allow you to slow down the processes of flowing colors in a vase using simple and affordable ingredients. Consider the most popular tips:

  • citric acid and sugar. Add 1 tsp these products per 1 liter of water. Citric acid can be replaced with acetic acid. Using such a simple trick, you will improve water quality in a vase for roses, make it more nutritious, prevent the processes of decay in water;

  • white. It is worth warning that adding such an aggressive chemical to water with home roses is unacceptable. The flowers that were bought in the store already have a persistent “immunity” to the effects of various chemicals. Depending on the volume of the vase, you will need only 1 or 2 drops of whiteness;

  • aspirin. If few know about the ability of whiteness to maintain the freshness of the bouquet of roses, then everyone knows about the magical effect of aspirin on flowers in a vase. For 1 liter of water, 2-3 tablets are required. An important requirement - tablets must be dissolved in water completely before putting flowers in a vase. Aspirin has a disinfectant effect on water and has a peculiar effect of “canning” on cut flowers;

  • glycerol. This tool can be purchased without problems at the pharmacy and used to preserve the freshness of the bouquet of roses. Glycerin makes water in a vase unusually nutritious and prolongs the life of cut flowers up to 3-4 weeks;

  • silver. Many know about the disinfectant properties of silver. In order to prevent reproduction in a vase with flowers, put a putrid processes on the bottom of the vessel of any thing from this precious metal;
  • vodka. If you add 1 tbsp of alcohol -containing fluid to 1 liter of water to a vase, you can protect the plants from the reproduction of harmful bacteria;

  • contecbers. If you add to a vase with water for a rose bouquet several potassium permanganate crystals, you can also provide an excellent disinfecting effect. Water should acquire a slightly noticeable pinkish tint;

  • charcoal. If you doubt the quality and purity of water, then place several coal tablets at the bottom of the vase in which roses stand. The water will be filtered and will become crystal clean.

How to care for roses in a vase

If you want to maintain the freshness of roses in a vase for a long time, then get ready for almost daily bouquet care:

  • put a vase with roses in the right place. The optimum temperature for roses is 16-18 degrees of heat and 50-60% humidity;
  • do not put a bouquet with bush roses in a vase in a draft;
  • do not put a bouquet with roses in the immediate vicinity to the heating device or air conditioner;
  • do not put a bouquet of roses near fruit, other fragrant colors;
  • do not put a bouquet of roses under direct sunlight;
  • do not put a vase with a bouquet of roses in a smoky room, in the room where they smoke;
  • every day or through you need to change water in a vase with flowers and re -add all the means that you have already added to the water to preserve the freshness of cut roses;
  • when changing water in a vase, it is necessary to wash the stems of roses under running water and make an additional oblique cut;
  • in order for the cut roses to not lack moisture, their buds and leaves can be sprayed with clean water from the spray gun. However, in the middle of the flower, water should not fall in any case. You can also resort to the next trick - after spraying the bouquet in the evening, wrap it in paper or polyethylene at night. After you deploy flowers in the morning, you will be surprised at the freshness of roses.

How to reanimate roses in a vase

Look at how roses wither in a vase are always sad. Especially bitter if this bouquet was presented to you by a loved one. But there are some cunning ways that will help to “breathe” life into wilting roses. So, if you have roses in a vase, you can try the following methods:

  • soaking roses in a bath with cool water - One of the most popular and effective methods of emergency resuscitation of bouquets of not only roses, but also other cut colors. Pick a bath or any other capacity of a suitable size, water. The water temperature should be 10-12 degrees of heat. Budons and flowers do not need to be immersed in water! Usually such a procedure is arranged in the evening in the evening, leaving it all night. For greater effectiveness, you need to cover the stems with polyethylene. If soaking in water did not help prevent wilting, you can add a few drops of ammonia to the bath;
  • the room of the tips of the stems of roses in hot water. If you place the stems of roses in very hot water for a few minutes, you can get rid of the air that has closed the vessels. Hot water also helps to get rid of pathogens that cause decay and wilting processes. After you extract the tips of the stems of hot water, they will darken. Update the cut and quickly transfer the bouquet to the vase with cool fresh water;
  • getting rid of cracks or cuts on the stem. Sometimes the cause of premature withering of a rose is cracks or other mechanical damage on the stem. If the length of the stem allows, then make an oblique cut over this damage and place the flower in the water.

How to revive roses in a vase - video

In order for a chic bouquet of roses from a loved one to please you for a long time, you need to make a minimum of effort. All the necessary funds for this are almost always in the house. After reading the article, you know what to put in a vase with roses, what to do so that roses stood in a vase longer.



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