
The benefits of dill water for newborns

The benefits of dill water for newborns
Drop water for newborns: methods of preparation, application, action, recommendations.

Such a long-awaited event was accomplished - the young mother came home from the maternity hospital with a little man, so native and long-awaited. The first 6 months of the life of the baby is the most difficult period, many questions arise in new parents. It is necessary to learn a lot to learn and overcome many difficulties, such as sleepless nights, infant sampling, feeding and many other completely new tests.

The first and especially painful for children in life are the problems associated with digestion. The adaptation of food absorption processes leads to inevitable coliks in the tummy, which cause severe pain, he is constantly crying, and young parents do not know how to alleviate suffering. Pediatricians claim that colic in newborns most worried most of the parents than the most children, and the process is completely normal in permissible limits. Therefore, loving parents are constantly in the process of finding the methods of delivering their children from pain in the tummy.

Modern pharmaceuticals offer a number of medical drugs to facilitate intestinal colic, there are also folk recipes of funds and special teas, which is more attracted by caring parents with their harmlessness.

What is dill water?


  1. Durce water, as clear from the name, is made of ordinary seeds of this herbaceous plant, which we eat in food. No matter how surprising it sounded, but it is also an effective means.
  2. In fact, dill is used for a variety of drugs used as sedative extracts, as well as anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant bravery. And with the help of essential dill oil, you can get rid of meteorism and intestinal colic in a newborn baby.
  3. Durce water made at home, it is possible to facilitate the condition of not only the crumb, but also mom. With the help of this plant, you can strengthen the immunity of women, weakened by childbirth, as well as increase the influx of milk into the chest glands.
  4. The basis of dill water for newborns is the oil and seeds of dill or fennel. Fennel properties are similar to the properties of delicious seasoning to dishes, but with intestinal colic it eliminates much more efficiently.
  5. Also, the dill water is made in pharmacies, but it is better to cook her houses with lovey her hands. Especially since the preparation of this tool is quite simple and accessible to everyone.

Properties of dill water


  1. The most efficient means to help eliminate intestinal colic in children is Fennel. This grass is used as a dosage since ancient times. Nowadays, Fennel seeds are used not only in the means of traditional medicine, but also in commercial practice.
  2. There are many diverse infusions from Fennel, which are widely used as effective and harmless drugs. Often, they are used as a component of complex teas to combat the symptoms of meteorism, digestive disorders, and as well as a light soothing agent and a way to enhance lactation with breastfeeding.
  3. To prepare a dillboard at home, Fennel seeds are needed. After their proper processing, a special infusion is obtained, which can be purchased in pharmacies under the same name "Durce water".
  4. In the first year of life, if the baby does not feel hunger and he does not hurt anything, he sleeps calmly and does not disturb his parents. But if the child is discomfort, it begins to cry unrestrained. It is in this case that the salvation will be infusion from Fennel, which facilitates the pain of a newborn baby, associated with gas formation.
  5. The fact is that the baby is born with a digestive system still black for the processing of complex food and while it continues to complicate, the emergence of colic is inevitable. Such symptoms are a natural process that is present in 90% of children.
  6. The child begins to suffer from colic around 1 - 2 months after birth. Especially tormented by pain in the evening after feeding or directly during the reception of milk. The appearance of intestinal discomfort is mostly connected with the mother's nutrition, but may also be a consequence of too dense baby waving.
  7. Naturally, the child responds to the pain in the pain, and parents cannot calmly look at the torment of her beloved Chad, so they are trying to save the baby from suffering from any ways, turning to the pediatrician for advice.

Pharmacy water


  1. The fundamental component of the dill infusion is fennel essential oil. This drug helps to remove the spasms of the muscle of the human intestine, due to which gases are removed.
  2. Especially effectively dill water helps facilitate the painful state of newborn babies to six months.
  3. In addition to the removal of gases, the dill infusion has an antibacterial effect and normalizes the digestive system of the child.
  4. In pharmaceutical kiosks, dopey water is packaged in bottled containers of 100 ml. In solution, the ratio of fennel and water is 1: 1000.
  5. Store the tool is needed in a cool place up to 1 month.

Drop water for newborns: instruction


  1. Folk healers have found wide use of fennel essential oil, like cosmetologists, who also actively use his therapeutic properties.
  2. Fennel is called pharmacy dill, and therefore the drug made on its basis is called dill water.
  3. Durce water has a wide range of applications. In addition to the already listed properties that are beneficial influencing meteorism, with the help of a solution of dill water, breathing can be refreed to get rid of headaches, besides this, it has a diuretic and biliary effect, improves the work of the heart and respiratory agencies.

Dill water: recipe


For the preparation of dill water, follow the next instruction.


  • filtered or distilled water - 1 l;
  • fennel oil - 0.05 g


  1. Water helps a little and dig a dill oil there.
  2. Keeping this solution in the refrigerator, it does not lose its healing properties up to 1 month. Use the destination.

Soothing tincture is usually done with the addition of Fennel and daisy flowers. So dill water is prepared at the enterprises of domestic pharmacology, but there are many recipes that offer folk healers as a means of alternative medicine.

Durce water for newborns: cooking at home


It is absolutely easy to make an infusion from the dill house itself.


  • dill seeds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • purified water - 1 tbsp.


  1. In a comfortable container, bring water to boil.
  2. Discover the fire and add seeds into bailing fluid. In a minute, turn off the stove and retain the container, passing it with a terry towel. Hold up to 1 hour.
  3. It is important for the infusion of dill water for a newborn to take precisely filtered water that does not contain harmful impurities in order not to harm the crumb.
  4. After 1 hour, the infusion must be strain and cool. A completely harmless medicine is ready and can be given to the newborn.

What amount of the drug can be given for one reception depends on the weight and age of the child. Many moms try to independently prepare a solution of dill water from the colic kid, because the pharmacy preparations are not cheap, and so more reliable.

What is the difference in dill tea from water?


  1. There are quite a lot of recipes that have a detailed description of how to prepare dill water. The traditional and most common one is prepared from the essential oil of Fennel or its seeds.
  2. If you need to urgently make dill infusion or tea, then it is quite possible to use the most ordinary dill.
  3. Consider a quick recipe for the preparation of dill water.


  • dill branches (dried) - 5 - 7 pcs.;
  • water purified - 0.5 tbsp.


  1. Drop branches put in the porcelain capacity of the required size.
  2. Fill the contents of pre-boiled hot water so that it completely covered plants.
  3. Cover all with a lid and something warm. Now it is necessary that everything is blown about 1 hour.
  4. After 1 hour, remove the branches and move the tincture. All cool to room temperature. This is how easy to brew dill water.

How to give dill water with newborns: dosage


How many dill water to give newborns? Such a question most often asked pediatricians, worried about the cries of their crumb mothers. There are several dosage options. Consider them below.

  1. Durce water is advised to add to breast milk or a mixture for feeding. It is usually enough to use 1 tbsp. l. Baran on 1 portion.
  2. Also, with strong colic, the baby is recommended to give 1 h. L. Tincture up to 6 times a day.
  3. At the same time, in both cases, it is better to start with a few drops to determine how the baby will react to such a plan.
  4. In addition, mommies are recommended to dope the baby with a driver between feeding, without limiting the quantity, how much the child can drink.
  5. On the recommendations of the famous pediatrician Evgenia Komarovsky for the normal functioning of the intestine and the removal of pain in the newborn baby to 6 months, is enough 100 g per day. Such a norm concerns any tinctures until the one of the one-year-old age. According to Komarovsky, the use of dill and fennel to eliminate children's colic does not give a special effect. He believes that extremely lack of fluid leads to the fact that the gastric juice of the child is thick, and food begins to digest well. This is what causes the accumulation of gases to which the baby reacts so painfully. Therefore, dope water, like any other tincture of herbs, contributes to the discharge of the gastric juice and the improvement of digestion.
  6. The number of water proposed by the breast, according to Komarovsky, depends on the conditions of the room in which it arrives most of the time, namely the nursery. If the room is hot, the air is dry, and the child is overlooked, in this case there is definition. If the microclimate surrounding the microclimate has optimal parameters, you can easily do without such measures. Therefore, mom must necessarily offer to the child drinking, in his reaction it will be easy to understand, it is necessary to replenish moisture or not.
  7. Breasts need to give only lively purified water. In each case, the dosage is determined individually. With the support of the air temperature within 23-25 \u200b\u200bC, the daily water norm should be about 30 ml per 1 kg of the child's weight.
  8. In the first months of life, the temperature of the proposed fluid should be at least 25 - 30 C. Subsequently, the temperature can be gradually reduced to 20 C. Some moms categorically do not want to dope their children. In this case, experts advise them to drink dill water from 0.5 glasses for half an hour before feeding.

Are there any minuses in dill water?


  1. Dill water, like all folk recipes, does not help everyone. In some kids, the intestinal operation quickly normalizes, and others do not only have improvements, but, on the contrary, they begin to me even stronger.
  2. You can check your child's reaction only after attempts to improve the situation with dill water.
  3. If such a tincture does not help you, this is not a tragedy, because there are many other means that normalize the work of the baby digestion. If you are dissatisfied with the result of the use of bursting from dill or fenhel seeds, in no way attempt to achieve the desired result by increasing the dosage. Durce water acts briefly, to be patient, by 5 months almost all children are already not observed such problems.

Durce water for newborns: recommendations


  1. About the favorable effect of dill water to work the intestine infants report many moms. Komarovsky holds another opinion, believing that any water helps with pain in the intestine.
  2. However, many children are very ambiguous react to Fennel's tincture, apparently, nevertheless pain in the intestines in babies cause various reasons. In some children, on the contrary, after dill water begins enhanced gas formation, and pharmacy means of a similar spectrum of action are also used.
  3. Although dill water is a natural remedy, remember that even it can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.
  4. If the baby is happy to drink a tinnhel tincture, and there is no negative reaction, then the drug is not contraindicated. Thanks to her, the baby calms down and mommy too.
  5. It is important to understand that dill water, like any means, is not a panacea or a miraculous means against intestinal colic newborns.
  6. Carefully analyze your food when breastfeeding. If you give the mixture, again study the preparation instructions and perform it clearly.
  7. Do not be lazy to do a cloud massage regularly, bathe it more often, but necessarily every day. Water treatments and long-lasting walks in the fresh air will have a beneficial effect on the health of the baby.
  8. It is impossible to get rid of colic in babies completely. One can only facilitate the state of adapting the child's digestive system and return the calm parents. And even if it fails to cope with this problem, bring patience, sooner or later everything will end, because this situation will not last forever.


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