
Diet menu during pregnancy

Diet menu during pregnancy
During pregnancy, you should reconsider your diet more than ever, including food, rich in vitamins and minerals in it. How exactly should women be eaten in an interesting position?

Proper nutrition during pregnancy and when planning it is necessary for the future mommy for the successful conception and normal development of the baby. Excessive weight gain during the period of gestation of the baby is fraught with serious consequences for both. Extra kilograms will affect not only the figure of a woman, she will be much more heavier in weight in the last stages of pregnancy. The kid will also be larger than average, and this will significantly complicate the birth activity. What to eat during pregnancy and in what cases should you adhere to a particular diet?

Diet during pregnancy

Even before pregnancy planning, special attention should be paid to your nutrition, and both a man and a woman. This will significantly increase the probability of conceiving the baby. If pregnancy proceeds without complications, weight gain within normal limits, then it is enough to eat right, focusing on some products and excluding others as much as possible. This is the basis of the diet during pregnancy.

First of all, it is worth forgetting about fast food, giving preference to home cooking. It is advisable to refuse or limit the use of sweet, fatty, salty, fried as much as possible. Ketchups, mayonnaise, ready -made sauces and other products with dyes and amplifiers of tastes will not bring benefits. Coffee and strong teas can adversely affect both the process of conception and with the development of crumbs. Of course, you should forget about bad habits a few months before the first attempts to get pregnant.

Preference should be given to vitaminized foods: fruits and vegetables (well, if the season is your own garden), dairy products (preferably with reduced fat content), bread of rough grinding and so on. Instead of canned fruits, it is better to drink freshly squeezed juices, however, they should not abuse them. Everything that you now eat is going to build a small organism inside you, and it will take all useful vitamins as much as possible. It is necessary to eat products containing calcium, iron, folic acid and so on. It is good in this regard to lean on cottage cheese, buckwheat, liver ... Almost all pregnant women are also prescribed a special vitamin complex. When planning, it is also suitable, it will contribute to successful conception. Do not buy such vitamins yourself, only as prescribed by a doctor.

If a woman is a vegetarian, then for a period of pregnancy she should think about a temporary revision of her position in this regard. The meat contains a number of useful vitamins and minerals, vital for the development of crumbs.

In all, the pregnancy proceeds differently. Someone in the first trimester is tormented by severe toxicosis, and the thought of food is hated in itself. During this period, weight loss is even possible. In some cases, hospitalization is even necessary, but this is another topic. If, according to medical indications, everything is within the normal range, then you should not rape your body. The main thing is to observe the drinking regime in order to avoid dehydration and regularly appear in the doctor, since this condition should not be tightened and harm the fetus. Someone, on the contrary, is beautiful, new gastronomic preferences appear, and women willingly succumb to them, referring to hormones and not thinking about the consequences. If not, but really want to, then can it? Within the reasonable - yes. And with sufficient motor activity, you can afford a piece of cake and a cup of coffee, if you really want to. The main thing is a measure and common sense.

As you can see, the diet during pregnancy, provided that its normal course is essentially the most ordinary proper nutrition with small adjustments.

In some cases, a simple proper nutrition is not enough, then you have to take more rigid measures.

unrecognizable Pregnant Woman with Healthy Food in Kitchen

Diet during pregnancy to reduce weight

On average, for 9 months of pregnancy, doctors recommend gaining no more than 14 kg, subject to normal weight when registering. At each examination, the doctor must weigh it and compare the weight with the previous indicator. The longer the term, the more often they carry out such a procedure. If the doctor noticed an excessive weight gain, he can put the pregnant woman on a special diet. Here the goal is not so much weight loss as a slowdown in the increase or preservation of the indicator at the achieved level.

For these purposes, you should adhere to food, the foundations of which are set out above, but in a more stringent form. If the pregnancy proceeds well, then it is permissible to “exclude from the diet, or to limit the use as much as possible”. If the weight gain is more than the norm, we read only “exclude from the diet”. Some simple rules will also help adjust the weight:

  1. It is necessary to observe drinking mode. In the first trimester, you need to drink up to 2 liters of water evenly during the day. In the second and third trimesters, water consumption of up to 1.5 liters should be limited in order to avoid edema. Do not get drunk at night.
  2. In the morning, on an empty stomach, it is useful to eat 1 tsp. olive oil and drink a glass of water. This will launch the digestion process, the stomach will wake up and will be ready to eat food. And in addition to the beneficial effects on the stomach and intestines, oil is also taken to amend the body as a whole, which will slightly facilitate the birth activity.
  3. In order to avoid weight gain, fatigue from constantly increasing loads and the appearance of edema, it is recommended to lead a mobile lifestyle. If the doctor approves, you can safely sign up for fitness - club (on the second trimester, usually) and go to gymnastics for pregnant women and the pool. In addition to improved well -being and preparation for childbirth, such classes are also good because women are united in a position, communicating with each other and exchanging invaluable experience. In addition, pregnant women must take daily walks. This is the load on the legs, and at the same time, the enrichment of the oxygen of the baby and the internal organs with which he is in contact.
  4. Morning must start with complex carbohydrates, the day is continued by carbohydrates and proteins, the evening - mainly proteins.
  5. You need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, that is, each time from the table you need to get up a little hungry. Of the 6 meals of food 3 basic, 3-additional.
  6. Not after 18-00-this is a myth, it is worth forgetting about it, especially the ladies in a position! The mechanism is simple - without receiving food due to it, the body will completely learn it at the next intake, preserving part in its reserve in case of the same hunger strike. And the reserve, as a rule, is on the sides. This rule can be a little to paraphrase so that it earns - you should not eat heavy foods less than 4 hours before bedtime. But if you really want to eat, you can’t go to bed on an empty stomach. You can drink a glass of low -fat kefir or fermented ash before bedtime.
  7. In order to avoid edema, you should not take fatty, salty and smoked food.
  8. You can arrange for yourself periodically unloading days, for example, apple-kefir. In order to avoid harm to the baby, it is better to consult a doctor first.
  9. It is better to refuse bananas and grapes. It is preferred to give preference to citrus, green apples and kiwi. Freshly squeezed juices from them are also suitable.
  10. Fruits contain more or less sugar, because their use is desirable in the first half of the day, up to 15-00.
  11. Driving in no case can not be washed down! It dilutes the gastric juice, the function of which consists in digesting food, and this does not affect its assimilation. Tea and any other liquid should be drunk at least 40 minutes after eating.

Consider how to eat approximately to reduce or preserve weight during pregnancy. Drinks at will, taking into account the rules described above.

Sample diet menu during pregnancy:

  1. Breakfast to choose from:
  • oatmeal with berries and a glass of freshly squeezed juice;
  • buckwheat porridge with milk, kiwi;
  • mURULI with milk, green apple;
  • oatmeal with milk, grapefruit.
  1. The first snack. Any fruit or glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  2. Lunch better consists of several, but small portions, in simple speaking, from the first and second:
  • any soup - borsch, cabbage soup, crackers, meatballs and so on. Use potatoes as much as possible;
  • meat or fish with a side dish of any cereal - rice or buckwheat, for example. You can add a little fresh vegetables, or a salad of them with olive oil.
  1. The second snack. A glass of any sour -milk product without additives and with minimal fat content.
  2. Dinner. Ideally, it should be boiled/baked meat (you can fish, poultry) either without a side dish or with its reduced portion. Buckwheat or fresh vegetables are best for a side dish.
  3. The third snack. A glass of low -fat yogurt, kefir or ash without additives.


Protein diet during pregnancy

In some cases, a doctor may recommend a pregnant woman to adhere to a protein diet. This is necessary to strengthen its immunity, as well as to strengthen the uterus, placenta and mammary glands.

As already mentioned, pregnant women need to include the maximum amount of useful vitaminized food in their diet. Therefore, the concept of "diet" in this case is somewhat different from the generally accepted.  According to her, women are recommended only to adhere to a certain amount of protein in the daily diet, but at the same time not forgetting about other products.

Pure protein is recommended to be consumed from the calculation of 2 - 2.5 g per 1 kg. body weight per day. So, with a weight of 60 kg. The expectant mother should eat 120-150, proteins. As with ordinary nutrition, you should observe drinking mode, eat in small portions 5-6 times a day, exclude or limit the consumption of fat, sweet, flour.

Allowed products containing protein:

  • low -fat cottage cheese;
  • seafood, sea fish;
  • beef, veal, lamb, pork (the meat should be low -fat);
  • chicken, turkey.

It is important to understand that the share of animal protein should be at least 60% of everything else, the other part can be taken from legumes, soybeans and various nuts.


We will summarize

So, the diet during pregnancy is essentially proper nutrition with some adjustment. Ideally, you should always adhere to a healthy diet. It contributes to a normal metabolism, eliminating unwanted centimeters and edema.

Proper vitaminized food contributes to successful conception, and with adjustment in favor of certain products, it is possible to increase the chances of the birth of a boy, girl or even twins. Do not forget about the future mother. During pregnancy, her body has a double load. For example, if she always had good teeth, in 9 months they can be very deteriorated. Since the child takes all the necessary calcium, and only the remaining part goes to the mother.

The benefits of proper nutrition are undeniable, and the sooner you understand this, the better for your health!

Video. Diet for pregnant women. How not to gain weight during pregnancy? "



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