
Renal tea during pregnancy

Renal tea during pregnancy
Renal tea during pregnancy: indications and contraindications, features of application, composition and price.

Pregnancy is perhaps the most pleasant and exciting moment for every woman. But swelling, heartburn, toxicosis, back pain, changes in taste and figure are forgotten immediately, as soon as a woman feels the first movements and hiccups of crumbs, a slight heartbeat on an ultrasound of the doctor and, of course, the onset of the first meeting with the long -awaited and so already Highly beloved baby.

Recently, the population has been the opinion that renal tea is harmful to a woman in a position. And since in this period the future mother is especially vulnerable and takes everything close to heart, she makes for herself a decision that it is better not to drink him than to expose some danger of the baby. Let's figure out all aspects of the benefits of renal tea in order to exclude any fears before its use.

Renal tea: what is it?


  1. Tea is one of the most popular and popular drinks both in our country and around the world. Almost every day it is present in the diet of people.
  2. Someone prefers a strong drink, someone is a green look, and in some countries even tea ceremonies are arranged, which are the tradition and cult of the whole country.
  3. Renal tea is a slightly different drink, since it includes a stamen orthosiphon, which improves the work of the kidneys and helps to get rid of swelling during pregnancy.
  4. Orthosiphone is the leaves of the plant from the family of the lubricants, an evergreen shrub. In our latitudes, it does not grow, but it can be found in Southeast Asia, where the temperature does not drop round below 15 ° C all year round. For the entire growing season of the development of the bush, the crop of the leaves of the orthosiphon can be harvested up to 6 times. Then they pass drying for 3 days and go to packaging in the form of herbal tea.
  5. The color of these dried leaves of this plant must be necessarily dark green and almost without smell.
  6. The stamber orthosiphon is also called the "cat mustache" among the people. In our area, you can purchase dried plant leaves only in pharmacies, but do not be scared, this product is not a deficit.

Why do orthosiphone use


  1. The main indications to the use of renal tea include the following ailments:
  • kidney diseases of any stage;
  • swelling caused by circulatory disorders;
  • problems with the urinary system;
  • the formation of kidney stones and their excretion.
  1. If you are concerned about any of these problems, you can safely take oral orthosiphon as monotherapy or as an additional remedy for the main treatment.
  2. Mandatory needs to consult a doctor who to make you a correct diagnosis and help you understand the right dosage of the drug. In order to diagnose a number of studies, such as an ultrasound of the kidneys, liver, bladder, as well as an X -ray of the kidneys, etc.
  3. Tea in a fairly short time will help you cope with excess fluid in the body.

Is it possible to drink renal tea during pregnancy?

Pregnant Woman Is Drinking Tea

  1. Doctors identify renal tea as the only diuretic that does not have side effects during pregnancy.
  2. Here it is to clearly distinguish between 2 concepts as renal tea and renal fee, since unscrupulous manufacturers began to produce all kinds of fees, and not hesitating to write in the instructions that it can be used during pregnancy.
  3. Typically, in such training camps there are a large number of herbs that are undesirable for women in position. Therefore, real renal tea should contain only the dried leaves of the stamen orthosiphon, which does not pose a threat to either the future mother or her child.
  4. Just the opposite, he can help get rid of unpleasant sensations associated with swelling of the legs and other parts of the body. It is especially important to use it in the third trimester of pregnancy, when swelling is productively growing, and thanks to this particular tea, women are saved from excess fluid in the body, since most diuretics are contraindicated for future mommy.
  5. Doctors also prescribe cat mustache to people who suffer from urolithiasis, gout and chronic kidney disease. It effectively eliminates the body of fluids due to potassium salts contained in the plant, which also helps to remove urea, toxins, toxins and uric acid. Orthosiphone is also successfully used for therapeutic and preventive purposes, so most doctors recommend drinking kidney tea during pregnancy.

The benefits of renal tea during pregnancy


  1. In recent months of pregnancy, the bulk of women suffers from edema, which are usually localized in ankle places. The causes of their occurrence can be various factors, mainly physiological. The fact is that when the baby grows, he presses on the genitourinary organs and blood vessels. As a result, stagnation of venous blood occurs, accumulation of excess fluid, and hence the formation of edema.
  2. Also, the causes of edema during pregnancy can be kidney or liver diseases.
  3. And the most unpleasant criterion is toxicosis in the late stages, called gestosis. It is dangerous for both the expectant mother and her child.
  4. Uncontrolled intoxication for the expectant mother can lead to disability, therefore, in the early stages, individual proper therapy is selected, and for the baby this condition threatens an oxygen with a lack of oxygen, which in worst cases may end a fatal outcome.
  5. Nevertheless, in all cases from swelling during pregnancy, you need to somehow get rid of. Therefore, doctors prescribe kidney tea as the main drug to get rid of edema or as an additional tool for general therapy.
  6. The use of an orthosiphone promotes improved the operation of the kidney filtration, stimulates the excretion of chlorides and uric acid.
  7. In the first techniques of renal tea, urination becomes more frequent, urine alkalization occurs, excess fluid leaves and a feeling of lightness in the body occurs.

Ortosiphon: Composition


If the doctor prescribed renal tea from edema during pregnancy, when buying, you should pay attention to the composition, it should be as follows:

  • the composition must be indicated the main plant - stamenic orthosiphon;
  • it may contain leaves or inflorescences of an orthosiphone;
  • in small quantities, the composition may contain tannins, essential oils and potassium salts;
  • in contraindications, one item should be present that warning about individual intolerance to the leaves of the plant, as a result of which allergic reactions may occur.

If the packaging label indicates some other components-this is most likely an renal fee. It may include various types of herbs. And, despite the fact that it indicates that this tool helps with edema, be careful, since these herbs can adversely affect the fetus and your condition during bearing. Before using such a fee, you need to consult your gynecologist.

Application of renal tea: dosage


After you have visited the gynecologist and purchased the orthosiphon of the renal tea in a pharmacy, the next step for successful getting rid of edema is the correct dosage. The doctor during the appointment will determine what the stage of puffiness you have, it can be either in a slight form and in a critical one. Therefore, the dosage plays an important role in therapy and only a doctor can prescribe an individual intake to the patient.

  1. Basically, the drug is taken in the form of infusions of leaves or brewed filter packages.
  2. In the first case, 1 tsp. Tea per 1 cup of boiling water, which is insisted in a water bath for about 15 - 20 minutes, and then cool and filter.
  3. In the second case, 2 bags per 1 cup boiling water are brewed and kept under the lid for about 20 minutes, also cooled and filtered.
  4. It should be noted that experts have opinions about the dosage diverge. Some argue that it is enough to pour tea with boiling water and insist it for several hours, while others prove that it is necessary to boil the leaves of the plant and insist in a water bath. In any case, which option you would not choose the effect will be immediate.
  5. Tea should be taken in two doses half a glass in half an hour before eating. It is better to drink it with courses for 3 to 4 weeks.

Harm of renal tea during pregnancy

Pregnant Woman with Doctor. ISOLATED.

From the name of the drug it is clear that it is recommended in the treatment of kidney diseases. It is worth noting that there are practically no contraindications in it, only if the use of it occurs uncontrollably and in large quantities. Before starting such therapy, you should definitely consult a doctor who prescribe an accurate dosage. It can be taken with a different composition of herbs, for example, in folk medicine it is recommended to use kidney tea with a braid. It has a good disinfectant effect. Such a mixture is mainly prescribed for infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

Thanks to the numerous positive reviews of pregnant women about renal tea, confidence in this drug is enhanced. But there are also cases when women became ill, vomiting and dizziness began. At such moments, it was difficult to determine this due to taking tea or this happens as a result of the delicate position of the future mother. If you are tormented by doubts about the top, take the drug or not, try to approach this issue as follows:

  1. Are you sure you need to take this tea? If your doctor prescribed therapy, then there should be no doubt, but if you just decide to cleanse the body, you can consider other treatment options. If it is impossible to cope with swelling, and there is no way to wait for childbirth, you need to and you can drink tea, use a folk, harmless drug.
  2. After the first trick of renal tea, listen to your condition. If the body reacted with poor well-being or with any other negative manifestations, the use of an orthosiphone should be postponed. In the world, perhaps, there is no drug that would be extremely positive reactions, however, it can be said with confidence that it will not give serious complications.

Ortosiphon: a treatment schedule

expecting Mother

For patients with an acute form of the disease and in advanced cases, positive results are observed from the use of renal tea for 2 to 3 months. The duration of treatment depends on whether the patient turned to the doctor for help on time.

For a slight shape, a course of 2 to 3 weeks is often enough. This period and therapy occur painlessly and quickly.

Renal tea: price


I would like to say about the cost of renal tea, which, of course, pleases. It ranges from 60 rubles for 50 g. It should be taken into account that this is still an imported product that is quite affordable and is often not scarce.

Such tea can be used both for therapy and for prevention. In any case, it will have a useful effect on the body, will increase immunity and stabilize the condition with proper dosage. Lightness to you childbirth and be healthy.



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