
Effective diets for weight loss

Effective diets for weight loss
A brief overview of the five most effective diets known today.

Previously, there were puffy women in fashion who are found entirely on the canvases of the artists of Rafael, Rembrandt and even our Kustodiev. Today, slender, tightened girls with sports figures are looking at us from the covers of popular magazines. The lack of excess weight is important not only from the point of view of beauty and aesthetics, but, first of all, this is the key to health.  If in moderation, of course. Anorexia has never been in fashion and will not be.

In addition, it is also important what methods are used to achieve a beautiful figure. If extreme hunger strikes, then the result, of course, will be. But health will undermine seriously and for a long time.   So whether such funds justify the goal, to solve only to you. Let's try to figure out what the most effective diets exist today, what are their pros and cons.

Effective diets

For everyone to lose weight, there is one important news - weight loss is a process that requires an integrated approach:

  1. Regular sports and active lifestyle.
  2. Periodic massage courses.
  3. Control over the quality and amount of food accepted.

If you constantly execute the first two points, but not follow the third, then under no circumstances the desired goal will not be achieved! We are what we eat. At the same time, if you take care of the issue of nutrition, but for some reason do not play sports and do not go on massage, it is quite possible to lose weight! If financial reasons for this, sports can be played at home. Or walk more, stop using the elevator and so on. Massage, along with wrapping, can be done at home. This is easy, almost free and will take a maximum of 20 minutes of free time.

In any case, 90% of success is the number and quality of food! Today on the Internet you can find effectively fast diets almost at every step. Let's try to understand this stream of information and highlight the most interesting and fast -acting diets without harming the body.


Effective diet for a week

A very effective diet means quick and high -quality weight loss. Seven days are the minimum course. Usually it is used in order to quickly bring itself into a form before some important event or a trip to the sea. The more serious and pronounced the problems with excess weight, the more kilograms should leave. This applies to any diet.

Effective diet menu for 7 days:

Day 1. Drinking. Cleansing the body and its preparation for the diet. On this day you can only drink, but in unlimited quantities. Any liquids - tea, coffee, freshly squeezed juices, water, milk, broths and so on. Most importantly, there should not be salt or sugar. Of course, no packaged juices and sweet soda!

Day 2. Vegetable. You can only drink water, preferably at least 1.5 liters evenly during the day. You can eat vegetables in unlimited quantities, both fresh and steamed. The exception is potatoes. It does not fit due to the high content of starch in it. But the cabbage is on the contrary, it must necessarily prevail in the diet. It is called a fat burner, there are even special "cabbage" diets.

Day 3. Drinking. Similarly, the first day you can drink everything that the soul wishes. Without salt and sugar. Tea, coffee, water ...

Day 4. Fruit. As in the vegetable day, only water should be drunk at least 1.5 liters. But fruits - in unlimited quantities and all that you want - except for bananas. The emphasis should be placed on grapefruits and pineapples, which are considered effective fat burners.

Day 5.Protein. And again you can drink only water from 1.5 liters per day. You can eat boiled eggs, chicken fillets, yogurt. No salt! It retains water in the body, and on the contrary, we remove harmful toxins and toxins.

Day 6. Drinking. The first day is completely repeated again.

Day 7. The way out of the seven -day diet. Breakfast - two boiled eggs. The second breakfast is any fruit except the banana. Lunch is a light broth without salt. Snowman is again any fruit except the banana. Dinner is a vegetable salad, you can add a little salt and season with olive oil.

As after any diet, to fix the achieved effect, you should begin to adhere to the basics of proper nutrition:

  • eat in small portions 5-6 times a day;
  • get up with a slight feeling of hunger from the table;
  • give preference to boiled, baked, steamed;
  • exclude cakes, bakery, cakes.

Reviews on the Internet about this diet are predominantly positive. There is an effect, but mainly for those who have serious problems with weight. Then -10 kg is guaranteed! The deterioration of well -being felt 1 out of 100. This is very individual, and if malaise began, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then this diet is not for you. Then gradually you should leave it at any stage. If problems with weight are imperceptible, then the effect will also be, but to a lesser extent.

Compared to many diets, this is quite gentle. In the diet there are fruits and vegetables and even meat. In any case, this diet means stress for the body. And, therefore, it is worth repeating it in at least a month.

Diet for 7 days effective by definition. There are millions of them in the Internet space. Since the terms are quite small, they mean rather serious restrictions. Of course, the result will come after a “hunger strike” a length of one week! The main thing is to follow the well -being, and by leaving the diet you can’t start “to break away” for all the former restrictions. Then the problems from the gastrointestinal tract and the return of the lost kilograms are guaranteed.


Effective diet for 10 days

A rather interesting and relatively gentle option is offered on the Internet: a striped diet for 10 days. According to most reviews, this diet will allow you to effectively get rid of up to 10 kg for such a small interval, while serious restrictions are not required.

The essence of the diet is quite simple and reflected in its name: it is necessary to alternate protein days with carbohydrates for 10 days.

Protein Day menu:

  1. A glass of water on an empty stomach, 20 minutes before breakfast.
  2. Breakfast: 1 boiled egg with a salad of green vegetables. You can season with lemon juice, but nothing else! A minimum of salt, because it delays water.
  3. Dinner: boiled chicken breast without a skin, about 200-300 grams. Also minimum salts. You can add a little leaf salad seasoned with lemon juice, vinegar or a very small amount of olive oil.
  4. Afternoon snack: A glass of tea, of course without sugar. Up to 150 grams of breast.
  5. Dinner: as in lunch, up to 300 grams of chicken breast with a leaf salad.

The meat of turkey is also considered dietary, you can sometimes replace for a variety with it.

Carbohydrate Day menu:

  1. Again, you need to drink a glass of water 20 minutes before breakfast.
  2. Breakfast. Fresh vegetable salad, remember about gas station and salt! As an option, you can prepare a salad fit: rub, carrots and cabbage on the grater, add a quarter of a green apple to the mixture and season with lemon juice.
  3. Dinner. Stewed, or steamed vegetables. Any other than potatoes. It is not suitable for a dietary diet due to the high content of starch in it.
  4. Afternoon snack. Vegetables in any form are fresh, stewed or steamed.
  5. Dinner. By analogy with lunch, steamed or stewed vegetables.

During a carbohydrate day, you can have a snack with raw vegetables, paying special attention to cabbage - a natural fat burner.

Every day you need to drink at least eight glass of ordinary water. To leave the diet should be mixing protein and carbohydrate days, and after a couple of days adding new products to the diet.

There is another version of the “striped” diet - we eat day as usual, the day we allow ourselves only kefir. A total of a total of one and a half liters should be released in total, it is necessary to divide it into several tricks. You can add 1-2 green apples to the diet. And again, it is necessary to observe the drinking mode - eight glasses per day, one of which is drunk on an empty stomach in the morning.

On ordinary days, you can eat as usual, but it’s better to eat right. So the effect will be achieved faster and will be fixed much more reliable. Therefore, ideally, during this diet, everything is not in a row, but to exclude fat, sweet, flour, fried. Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.

The terms of such a diet can vary, 10 days are quite suitable for starters. After 2-3 weeks, you can repeat, if desired, increasing the deadlines.

The obvious plus of such a diet is a balance in the diet. In kefir there are all the necessary nutrients that will help with lightness to hold out without other food all day. In addition to the main goal of the diet - weight loss - another - harmful toxins and toxins are removed from the body, no harm to health is caused.

According to numerous reviews, a striped diet is a quick and effective diet, health is strengthened, extra centimeters are leaving. Lightness in the body is felt.


Effective diet for a month

30 days a fairly long period for those who want to lose weight, and therefore the conditions of a thirty -day diet are not as harsh as that of shorter ones. This means that the weight will leave less quickly, but better. For health and fixing the result, it is better to adhere to these long diets.

Diets for a month in the Internet space turned out to be an immense amount, but the so-called “diet 30” was especially interested in. Its author is Professor Usama Hamdiy, who promises an interesting result - minus 30 kilograms in 30 days.

The food program, developed by the professor for a month, is quite balanced, which means that there should be no problems from the gastrointestinal tract.

Subject to the diet, it is necessary to strictly follow its rules, any retreat will not bring the desired result.

Basic prohibitions:

  1. The use of alcohol is prohibited.
  2. You can not prepare in cream or vegetable oils, the use of animal fat is also excluded. It is necessary to give preference to cooking or steaming.
  3. You can eat all fruits except bananas, dates, mangoes, figs and grapes.
  4. Potatoes should be excluded from vegetables.
  5. Seasonings, salt and pepper are allowed, but in minimal amounts.
  6. In order not to torment the feeling of hunger, it is allowed to eat vegetables between the techniques of dishes. For example, raw carrots or salad sheet two hours after eating.
  7. Coffee and sweet soda should be excluded, drinking tea is unsweetened.
  8. The menu below should be strictly followed. You can not change days in places or replace products in the diet.

Menu "Diet 30"

Day 1.

Breakfast. 100 g. Cottage cheese with minimal fat content and a glass of green tea.

Dinner. 100 g. The calf liver (beef), 2 cooked eggs. 100 g. Solid cheese. 1 small tomato and a glass of green tea.

Dinner. 200 g. Any boiled fish, 100 g. Hard cheese. 200 g. Vegetables raw and 100 g. Asparage beans.

Day 2.

Breakfast. 100 g. Boiled lean meat (beef, chicken or turkey), 100 g stew vegetables and a glass of green tea.

Dinner. 100 g. Boiled meat (beef), 2 boiled eggs and a glass of green tea.

Dinner. 100 g. Cottage cheese with minimum fat content, 200 g. Boiled fish and a glass of low -fat milk

Day 3.

Breakfast. 200 g. Boiled turkey fillets, 1 small tomato and a glass of green tea.

Dinner. 1 boiled egg, 200 g. Vegetable salad without oil, a glass of tea.

Dinner. 200 g. Meat (boiled, stewed or steamed), 100 g stew vegetables, 1 cup of apple juice.

Day 4.

Breakfast. 200 g. Boiled ham, 100 g. Cabbage (it is allowed to use both raw and stew), a glass of tea.

Dinner. 2 boiled eggs, 200 g. Salad from vegetables, a glass of tea.

Dinner. 100 g. Garden chicken fillet, 100 g. Salad from fresh carrots, 50 g. Any nuts.

Day 5.

Breakfast. 150 g. Natural yogurt without additives with minimal fat content, 200 g. Loof lean meat (beef) 100 g of vegetables in any form.

Dinner. 200 g. Boiled any fish, 100 g. Hard cheese, a glass of tea.

Dinner. Any vegetables in unlimited quantities.

Day 6.

Breakfast. 2 boiled eggs, 100 g. Kurina or beef boiled liver, a glass of green tea.

Dinner. 100 g. Boiled fish, 100 g of solid grades, 100 g. Vegetable salad.

Dinner. A few medium -sized fruits.

Day 7.

Breakfast. 200 g. Boiled low -fat meat, 100 g of vegetables (boiled, stewed, or steamed), a glass of tea.

Dinner. Fruits without restriction.

Dinner. 100 g. Boiled chicken fillets, 100 g. Vegetables (boiled, stewed, or steamed).

The eighth day repeats the first, ninth - the second and so on.

Since this diet guarantees getting rid of a significant number of kilograms, it should be combined with active sports, as well as regular anti -cellulite massage and wrapping. This is necessary so that the skin does not sag, it is fit and always in good shape.

The diet is satisfied with nutritional, there is a lot of protein in it, therefore, an active and sports lifestyle should not harm the body, but on the contrary, it will contribute to the strengthening of the muscle corset and burning excessive adipose tissue.


Effective home diet

Diets are effective for weight loss at home in a huge variety are present on the pages of virtual space.

Pretty interesting option for 6 weeks. It is interesting in that there are no rigid restrictions in essence, the weight of the weight is guaranteed, and after leaving the diet, kilograms will not return back.

The home diet is called so because it is easy to observe it at home, preparing for yourself and your households at the same time from the same products. In fact, it is a proper nutrition that should be kept not 6 weeks, but all a conscious life.

It is forbidden:

  • alcohol;
  • roast;
  • fat;
  • sweet;
  • flour;
  • fast-food products;
  • sweet soda;
  • sugar is impossible; Salt is moderate.


  • boiled;
  • baked;
  • steamed;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • low -fat meat;
  • home cuisine;
  • high -quality fresh products.

Principles of effective home diet:

  1. Daily water consumption should reach two liters. This accelerates metabolism and saves from a feeling of hunger.
  2. There should be 5-6 meals per day, 3 of which are the main ones, 2-3 are snacks. The last main meal should be up to 19-00. If possible, all meals should be in the clock - breakfast, lunch and dinner every day at the same time.
  3. Portations should be small and placed in folded palms. Do not overeat to the dump, and then take another piece.
  4. Do not go to bed with a feeling of hunger. It is better to make the 3rd snack with low-fat kefir or ash.
  5. You need to drink before meals, in 30-40 minutes. It is not recommended to drink food, since any fluid rises gastric juice necessary for high -quality digestion of products that have entered the body.

Useful tips:

  1. If the spouse does not recognize Boiled, steamen and so on, it does not matter. For example, sculpting home cutlets, some of them can be frying, as he loves. Throw part into the slow cooker and steam. Moreover, in the second case, you will not even have to follow them, everything will be prepared by itself.
  2. Preparing their husband and their favorite mashed potatoes, you can simultaneously put buckwheat in the same multicooker, which again will cook everything itself.
  3. Marinating your beloved family chicken in mayonnaise and a bunch of spices, you can simultaneously make several pieces in low -fat sour cream and mustard. Divide the baking sheet into two parts and at the same time bake both variants of the dish.
  4. We cook a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables, divide into two bowls. In one - mayonnaise for households, in another spoon of low -fat sour cream or olive oil.

And so on, the list can be continued indefinitely. There is always a way out! More then, the above dishes are really delicious! There is a big chance that your households will approve him and will continue to demand the same for themselves!

As already mentioned, the home diet is the basis of a healthy diet, you must always strive for it, and after leaving the short diets especially!

Of course, it is impossible to always limit yourself to the use of sweet, flour, alcohol. Anything can happen by leaving the diet. And therefore, if alcohol, then let there be dry red wine. If sweet or flour, then in the morning. And then it is advisable to go in for sports. And if they fell off, again it doesn’t matter. Arrange for yourself the next day, sit on kefir. And the stomach will be cleansed, and digestion will improve, and the kilograms recruited will burn.


We will summarize

Today we examined 5 effective diets: for 7 days, for 10 days (two options), for 30 days and home. According to most reviews on the Internet, these diets allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of unwanted kilograms and centimeters. There are still a great many options in the depths of the virtual space, you can try and experiment. The main thing is that this is not to the detriment of health! When the health is bad, it becomes not so important how ideal the figure is.

Therefore, it is better not to resort to short diets. Ideally, not to bring yourself to a state - "A week later a wedding is a best friend, and my sides fall out." But since they brought it, then express diets are for you. The main thing is to competently come out of them and live in the future in accordance with the home diet, or proper nutrition, in other words.

Video "Found the most effective diet"



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