
How to get rid of calluses. Methods for treating corns

How to get rid of calluses. Methods for treating corns
Problems with calluses easy to prevent and resolve. Take advantage of helpful tips.

Education on the skin are a vodyanok or corns. They can not be ignored - they are physically prevented. Is there a cure blisters and how to get rid of them? About everything in order.

Calluses on the feet and hands - types

Tinia pedis or Athletes foot

Man - one of the few creatures on the planet, which goes directly and works with his hands. In this case, the skin on his hands and feet are not as strongly protected against damage, such as animal paws. For this reason, we tend to the appearance of blisters.

Corns can appear on any part of the body and at any age. There were cases when the babies earned dropsy on the lip of the active suckling or pacifiers. Women can rub blisters around the chest, putting on an uncomfortable bra. Men - on the shoulders, due to the friction belt car or travel bag.

This is a protective reaction of the organism for friction. If our skin did not know how to compact, the hands and legs would be erased into the blood from the usual daily processes: walking and cutting bread. After all, the most popular places for the appearance of corns are palms and feet.

Dry Corn.

Dry corn on the legs - seals of dead skin, which are most often formed on the heel and in the area in front of their fingers. They appear with age as annual rings in trees. Activated in summer when wearing uncomfortable shoes (heels or flat soles).

The mechanism of the appearance of natopesh is the pressure on the skin. The more man walks (especially in uncomfortable shoes), the higher the risk of dry corns.

People with flat-growing are most prone to the appearance of corns on the foot, namely, on the pad at the base of the fingers. In other words, if there are corn in these places - a person has a planefield.

In unconventional medicine, there is a version that, by the location of the corners on the legs (if not from uncomfortable shoes), you can put not only the aforementioned diagnosis, but also to learn about other diseases:

  • under the right little men - problems with the liver;
  • under the left little men - with a heart.

Doctors with reliability cannot say how closely there is a corn on the finger, formed by neither from this, and the work of the internal organs. However, experts with confidence claim that such a "Vavka" may indicate a shortcoming in the body of vitamin A, which is contained in fish, carrots, pumpkins, persimmon and dissolves in fats (oil, fat, etc.). If the "random" corn is wet, it is one of the Hormonal Balance Wearers. It is worth checking blood sugar levels.

Water Corn

If the wet corn originated due to long-term work with hands or wearing new shoes - there is no reason for anxiety - this is a common phenomenon. For example, such corns will easily appear in the girl who shoes new shoes to work or party.

Tested for years, the method of preventing the appearance of corns on the fingers and above the heel! Having bought new shoes / ballets / sandals, go to them at home. Yes, not on a barefoot, but in socks from natural medium density material. The next day you will be able to shield the update even on the disco. The amount of calluses will be minimized.

Corn on hand often bother dachas. They can also be warned by working in gloves. About this method just shame not to know.

Uncomfortable blisters-dropdowns hello interfere. They are inconvenient to work with their hands, or walk in any shoes. How to remove the corn swolling from the liquid? Many were cared to fight water corns by punishing. Often calls are cut off the same scissors as the nails cut, or pierced what will have. Such negligence is able to cause blood infect or gangrene.

Delete water is needed with extreme caution. In cases where the puncture is necessary (the blister is frankly interferes with the work), an needle, a plaster and disinfectant will be useful. On the removal of corns with liquid - read below.

Sodle Corn.

On the view of the rod corn reminds Natoptysh, but its center is a deepening, which is essentially a gorgeous rod. Such a type of corner is one of the most painful and difficult to derived.

Such corn on the legs appear: between the fingers, on the pillow of the fingers or on the heel. Less likely - on hand.

The reason for the appearance of such corns is systematic injury to the skin by biological or mechanical impact. For example:

  • zanozoza;
  • fungal infection;
  • friction and pressure on a specific area of \u200b\u200bleather.

Credit with a core of the people's methods is not easy. It will take a lot of effort, time and patience. In the running cases, it is worth contacting a dermatologist or surgeon to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible.

How to get rid of calluses - treatment


How to treat corns and should you get rid of them? Consider ways of restoring skin damaged by different types of corns.

Removal of corns with liquid

Take the needle from the syringe and alcohol. If these are not at hand, the usual sewing needle in a tandem with vodka will be consolidated. It is advisable to take the needle and fascinated to make a sharp and efficient puncture. Disinfect corn and needle. If the alcohol is very little - apply it to handling the palm, and the needle roll over the candles.

Attention! Calculate water can not be perpendicular to the surface - together with a swollen corner you can damage the layer of young skin.

It is necessary to calculate on the side, parallel to the skin. After that, to get into a piece of sterile fabric moistened in hydrogen peroxide.

Alcohol or Zelenka in this case is not the best alternative to peroxide. After hitting the cavity of the corn, they will not contribute to the restoration of the skin, but, on the contrary, dried all the living inside.

After the procedure, in order to prevent pollution and infections, the damaged place is sealed with the plaster. You need to change the antibacterial plaster 1 time per day. Normal - several times. At night, the corn must be open.

How to get rid of corns with blood?

In mandatory, it is necessary to calculate corn with blood. Lamanka consists of a liquid called "Lymph". This substance, together with blood, is a biologically comfortable medium for breeding bacteria.

The technology of removing a bloodwatened wet corn is not much different from the puncture of ordinary water. If you have a bloody water, pay special attention to hygiene and sterility puncture procedure. High quality handle and needle. Use only a bactericidal plaster. Change it from case to occasion. Let's the possibility of damaged skin rest without it at night.

If the corn burst filled with blood and lymph, it immediately needs to be treated with peroxide and apply a bactericidal plaster from corns to prevent blood infect.

Dry corn on the heel or near the fingers

To prepare a folk remedy for corns "Aged", you need to take black bread and vinegar crumbs. A piece of bread mixed with a few drops of vinegar, to smoke and applied to the coil skin. Secure the bandage and plaster for the night. In the morning, the corn will redden and softening. It will be easier to fight with her.

From hoptes, meat helps well. Pork or beef - who has something. It must be raw, but not frozen. The meat compress will soften the coarse skin.

Express remedy - potatoes with bow. The raw ingredients are clouded on the grater, stirred and applied to corns. For convenience, the mixture is first applied to the gauze - the compress will need to fix something.

The baths from warm water, soda and soap will help to cope with the flabbing skin of the stop. Do daily baths at the rate of 1 liter. Water 1 tsp. Soda and drop of liquid soap. Give corns to soften in water and clean the problem areas with pembias.

With the aim of prevention and for treatment, it will be useful to grasp clean legs in front of bed with vegetable oil with the addition of vitamin E. Regular procedures make heels soft, like a baby.


How to cure corn with a rod

The hardest case among other corners - ingrowth. Not only is it physically interferes, like Natoptysh, it still hurts. The rod corn, akin to the wart, requires medical intervention:

  • freezing;
  • laser removal;
  • drilling.

These and other procedures offer cosmetic clinics. After one single procedure, you can forget about the problem for a long time. In contrast to popular homework methods, in which the course can be 2 weeks or a month.

To facilitate suffering and remove the pain symptom, use such a recipe. Take a manganese and dilute it to a pink color in a bowl with warm water. There, add a slight salt. Keep your feet in this solution about 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily. In parallel, use the methods of combating firewood leather (see above).

In the fight against natopyshm there is a lot of recipes. The set of them are based on the effects of acidic or juicy ingredients: vinegar, onions, lemon, potatoes, calangean and many others. Each of them actually acts on the corn, with the result that the skin becomes softer and it can be easily removed with pembia.

Any disease, like corns, is better to prevent than to treat. Try to care for the feet constantly, removing the slightest fireworks immediately after their appearance. Make a foot massage, feed them with oils and creams. Work in gloves at the cottage and try not to go to the new uncomfortable shoes for a long time.


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