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What is RF facial-lifting

What is RF facial-lifting
A popular leather -skinned leather and puncture suspension procedure is RF Lifting. After the first session, a noticeable result is visible - the skin is pulled up, wrinkles are smoothed out

Radio frequency radio radiation in medicine is not uncommon. Recently, in cosmetology, electromagnetic impulses have become widely used to achieve certain results. Radio frequency radiation helps to solve age -related skin changes, improve its condition. The procedure is safe and therefore has become very popular. We learn more about RF lifting.

Read more about the RF lifting procedure

A visit to a cosmetologist is already a reason for concern, especially when a specialist offers hardware procedures. One of them is RF radio wave lifting. What is it, and what stages the procedure consists of, it will be useful to understand in more detail.

Stages of the cosmetology procedure:

  1. Mandatory consultation of a specialist, and if there are chronic diseases, then a narrow specialist. A comprehensive examination of the body (ultrasound, tests) is preferably.
  2. An experienced cosmetologist will identify the problem, draw up a treatment plan.
  3. The next stage is the cleansing of the skin of makeup and excess sebum, pollution.
  4. Approaching a special tool in contact with the apparatus to the processed area.
  5. Warming the skin area with the tip of the device emitting a radio wave pulse. At this final stage, it is very important that the specialist regulates the temperature of the impulses individually.

Despite such a strict name for the procedure as “RF skin lifting”, you do not need to be afraid, because the recovery session is completely painless and safe.


What is the principle of action: When the device is turned on, a high -frequency current is supplied after 2 electrodes of different poles. They gradually heat up and serve heat. If the radio wave is short, then it penetrates the skin faster. The device independently regulates the temperature regime, so that the risk of obtaining burns is excluded. If compared with other methods, it is worth noting that the RF lifting procedure is similar to the operation of the cavitation device. A variety of current is supplied, the skin is slowly warming up and due to this a certain effect is achieved.

There are some differences: for example, ultrasonic cavitation allows you to remove more fat deposits, and after RF lifting (high frequency waves are supplied), the skin is pulled up. Therefore, an experienced cosmetologist may offer to combine both procedures in order to achieve visible results.

Who can recommend a face-lifting?

Only at the consultation, taking into account the condition of the skin and its type, an experienced cosmetologist will draw up a treatment plan.


In such cases, you can resort to treatment with radio waves:

  • with cellulite (at different stages of the disease);
  • with flabby, dehydrated skin;
  • in the presence of bags under the eyes;
  • wrinkles (facial, deep, small);
  • recovery period after treatment with acne;
  • to get rid of the second chin and “goose legs”;
  • with excessively pigmented skin;
  • tightening of warding skin after severe weight loss, as well as after pregnancy (especially multiple);
  • with a photograph of the skin.

RF lifting can not only be on the face, but also on other parts of the body. Different areas of the skin are subject to restoration: this is the neckline, abdomen, buttocks, hips, arms, chest, delicate skin around the eyes and folds of the skin near the nose.

As an auxiliary procedure is shown in such cases:

  • in order to rejuvenate the skin after surgical tightening and liposuction;
  • after cocktail injections (mesotherapy and biorevitalization), to accelerate the production of your own collagen;
  • in order to prevent sagging of the skin and the appearance of stretch marks.

Photo RF lifting:

Young Female with Clean Fresh Skin


RF Lifting. Contraindications

Like any procedure, treatment with electromagnetic impulses has its own contraindications, in this case it is common and local. Consider all the options to know in which cases it is impossible to resort to this procedure.

RF Lifting is prohibited in such cases:

  1. If a person has metal objects in the effect of exposure: it can be braces, metal crowns, as well as gold threads. This applies to the facial processing zone. If this is an area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, then treatment with electromagnetic pulses is prohibited in the presence of an intrauterine spiral, which contains the inclusion of copper and silver. Why? Radio frequency electromagnetic effects of the device heats these elements and a person can get a fabric burn.
  2. With an inflammatory or infectious disease, pustules on the skin. If this item is ignored, then when heated, the inflammation will only increase and the infection will spread to healthy areas of the tissue.
  3. With benign neoplasms of the skin and subcutaneous layer. This item should be attributed to all types of moles, especially those that protrude above the surface of the skin, including nevi. If there are no other contraindications for the procedure, and the moles are single, then the specialist costs these areas. If there are a lot of moles, it is better to abandon this type of treatment, because it will not be performed efficiently. If there are many moles on one side of the face, and on the other hand they are not there, then they also do not carry out the procedure, because it is necessary to act on both sides, otherwise asymmetric lifting is obtained.
  4. During menstruation in the abdomen, the procedure is not carried out, as this enhances blood circulation and can cause bleeding.
  5. After lipofilling (adipose tissue is introduced under the skin to increase certain areas). The conducted RF lifting procedure promotes premature fat resolving.
  6. After plastic and surgical operations. It is necessary to wait until the fabrics are completely recovering and the process of forming scars will be completed (and this is at least six months after surgery).

General contraindications:

  1. The presence of a pacemaker is an absolute contraindication for this cosmetic procedure. The electromagnetic field can violate the operation of the electronic apparatus (implant). Even if the exposure to electromagnetic rays is carried out to a depth of up to 2 cm, the electronic device (implant) may fail.
  2. The period of bearing the baby and breastfeeding. Any interventions in the body during this period are undesirable. If we consider the struggle with some imperfections of the skin (for example, deep nasolabial folds, wrinkles, fragrance of the face of the face, cellulite), then this is not a need and you can wait when the body will completely recover from the moment of birth (3-4 months after childbirth, subject to childbirth, provided that the woman does not feed the baby with her chest).
  3. Oncology is an absolute contraindication, because electromagnetic radiation enhances blood supply and accelerates the processes of cell division, and this is for tissues in which there is a tumor is fraught with its development and increase.
  4. Chronic diseases such as heart failure, respiratory, renal and liver. The loads on these organs are extremely undesirable so as not to increase blood circulation.
  5. It is also forbidden to carry out the procedure at elevated body temperature and infectious diseases.
  6. Children and adolescents are an exception. The procedure can only be carried out from the age of 18 and only after the examination in order to exclude all contraindications.

Everyone knows that if you do not comply with certain requirements, then you can get the opposite effect. The procedure for rejuvenation of the skin using electromagnetic radiation is no exception and our task is to find out what complications can be.

Experienced cosmetologists argue that if all contraindications are identified, then there should not be complications, and if the rules are not respected, then this is fraught with such consequences as swelling and rashes on the skin.

In such diseases, you cannot resort to skin suspension:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • increased or reduced pressure;
  • any chronic diseases in the aggravation stage;
  • epilepsy;
  • violation of blood coagulation and a tendency to the formation of blood clots;
  • skin diseases: dermatosis, rosacea, strong acne.

What are RF lifting techniques

Devices for RF lifting are used are used, it all depends on the chosen treatment methodology.


There are several of them:

  1. Monopolar. The nature of radio frequency radiation is high, this is the most effective procedure. A visible effect after the first session. You should know that it is impossible to resort to high -frequency treatment.
  2. Biopolar. Softly affects the skin without irritating, but in order to see the result, you must undergo a course of treatment.
  3. Tripolar is a new skin tightening method when 2 or more electrodes are used at the same time. The peculiarity is that in each electrode of the pole they constantly switch and a positive electromagnetic effect is to the different depth of the subcutaneous layer. This is the best technique, when compared with the two previous ones.

What treatment methodology is suitable for you, an experienced cosmetologist will tell you, taking into account the problem, processing zone, and also select the desired frequency and methodology of the procedure.

RF Effect of RF Lifting

What should you expect from this procedure? After all, many representatives of the fair sex without hesitation lie down under the knife, because they believe that other methods are not effective and this is only money over the wind and wasted time.

According to the reviews of many women (and not only) who made RF lifting, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • healthy, radiant skin;
  • the wrinkles smoothed;
  • the skin became elastic;
  • the surface was smoothed, elasticity appeared;
  • the gray complexion disappeared, the skin began to literally “glow”.


And for the sake of this, you should try the course of treatment with RF frequencies in order to rejuvenate the skin and tighten sagging areas. And also - this is a great possibility of stimulation of cells so that they again, as in their youth, can independently produce collagen and elastin in order to start natural rejuvenation processes.

How often you can resort to rf lifting

As practice shows, it is advisable not to start treatment with electromagnetic impulses at 40 years old and older, but much earlier. Now it is not surprising that the skin of a 30-year-old young woman does not look quite fresh. This is the result of improper care, unbalanced diet, stress, the influence of poor ecology. Fixing the first “bells” at this age is easier. Cosmetologists believe that young cells react to impulses much better than more mature, and thus you can get an advance for the future, launching natural rejuvenation processes. But this does not mean that it is too late for women of adulthood to start treatment, just the opposite. If the skin has become flabby, wrinkles appeared, the complexion is not pleased - urgent help is needed and age does not play any role here. After all, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

About the number of procedures: everything is individual and only a specialist will prescribe a course of treatment. The result will be visible after the first session, but to fix it, pass at least 5-6 procedures.

RF Eye Lifting and RF will allow you to see a positive result after the first procedure: the skin is pulled up, it becomes elastic, small wrinkles are smoothed out, swelling under the eyes leave.

Look at the photo to see the result before and after the procedure:



RF Lifting at home

At home, you can also count on a good result. Many girls get home miniature devices so as not to waste time on a visit to a cosmetologist.

Let's get acquainted with the most popular:

  1. Darsonval - high frequency currents help improve the complexion, smooth small wrinkles, remove cellulite, and get rid of hair loss.
  2. Miostimulators - due to the contraction of muscle fibers, a certain result is achieved.
  3. Home RF Lifting - quickly, safely and efficiently. Portable devices are intended for home use. Pay attention to the Gezatone line of apparatus, which simultaneously increase elasticity, cleanse and tighten the skin.


Now you know everything about this effective procedure. The choice remains for you. Be attractive and beautiful!



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