
Which taper is better to choose for skin

Which taper is better to choose for skin
Selection of the right taper: How does the skin type affect the choice of funds? How to apply and wash off an artificial tan?

The aristocratic pallor has long come out of fashion. Today at the peak of popularity there is a bronze tan. Sun, solarium and special cosmetics - auto markets help to achieve a chocolate shade of the skin. For the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, doctors have been spoken for a long time. A visit to solarium is considered not entirely useful, but in some cases even a dangerous procedure. However, do not be upset. Chocolate and velvety skin even in the winter season will give a properly selected tanger for the body. The modern market of cosmetic products pleases the potential buyer by abundance and diversity of this product. It is important not to make a mistake and make a reasonable choice, preferred to the right auto market. When a girl knows what is this tool and understands the principle of its action, the acquisition process is much easier.

Principle of operation for auto stock

The secret of the artificial skin coloration in darker colors, scientists have discovered in the last century. The main active ingredient in all home tanning is dihydroxyacetone. In composition, it resembles glycerin, therefore reacts with keratin protein component of the human body. The upper layer of skin pigmentation amenable. The principle of operation is different from the ultraviolet rays. Tanning in the home does not burn the upper layer of the epidermis, and introduced into cells and obscures its inside structure.

Initially dihydroxyacetone being prescribed to people who suffer from diabetes. Formulations based on this component qualitatively improved metabolism and maintain normal water balance in the body. Soon, scientists have noticed that the skin of patients treated with dihydroxyacetone, acquired a darker shade. It was the beginning of tanning production. We have also developed additional components. The tanning agent added glittering particles - bronzaty. These microcomponents perform a decorative role. If a woman wants to achieve a more natural effect, it is best to choose cosmetics without flickering microparticles.

Is tanning harmful

Quite often, women are interested in, whether tanning is harmful for the body and face. If you use the tool according to the instructions, the negative side effects were observed. However, some of the fairer sex is marked idiosyncrasy of one of the components of the cosmetic products. In this case, manifested symptoms of allergies, irritations. Dermatologists advise before using any tanning do test for allergies. For this tool is applied to the back of the hand. If during the day there is no adverse reaction, this tanning is absolutely safe for women.

What is better for the tanning of the skin - the secrets of the correct choice

Each product has its own characteristics. They play a crucial role in the purchase and selection of individual funds. Understand how tanning better suit a particular skin type is simple enough. First you need to understand the kinds of cosmetic products. Today, there are two basic types of tanning:

  1. Bronzer. It is effective, however, an unstable agent. It instantly stains upper layer of the epidermis. The skin becomes dark bronze color. Less of this type of tanning is that the heat or water paint can spread and spoil the look sloppy stains on the body.
  2. Avtobronzaty. They usually come in the form of creams. Their action takes place gradually. Special Agent - dihydroxyacetone - a natural skin dye. The upper layer of the dermis gradually becomes darker. The result of such self-tanning can be seen within a day. The effect lasts for 6-8 days.

How to choose a tan

Accordingly, if a girl wants to get beautiful swarthy complexion instantly, it is better to use bronzer. It does not hurt attentiveness. You can not fall under the rain, swim or sweat profusely, as of this cream or spray will flow and leave unsightly marks on the body. If the girl is ready to suffer, the best self-tanning cream is based on avtobronzatov. This tool is absolutely safe, it does not dry the skin, nourishes and hydrates the cells of the dermis.

Selecting tanning skin type

From the nature of each of the fair sex has different shades of the epidermis. It depends on the area of \u200b\u200bresidence, climate, hereditary factors and the amount of melanin in the body. Which tan suits the particular skin type, easy to understand. There is no need to go to a dermatologist or beautician. There are three main types of the epidermis by the nature of the natural color: dark, medium and light. These features are taken into account in selecting a cosmetic agent for the artificial tanning:

  1. If the girl has black hair, blue eyes and dark nature of the skin, then it will go tanning with a mark «dark». He will not only give a bronze tint, but also protects the epidermis from harmful solar radiation.
  2. Beauty with brown hair, brown eyes and mixed skin tone suitable means marked «medium». The average intensity of the sun perfectly with European appearance and looks the most natural.
  3. Blondes with fair skin should choose tanning with minimum intensity. They are denoted by a mark «light». If you overdo it with the color of the epidermis, it will look unnatural and extremely unattractive in combination with white hair color.

How to choose a tan under the skin type

Many girls are lost when they see on the shelves of many variants of these products. However, the option to do just. This product is distributed over the degree of intensity and manufacturers. In addition, to help understand how tanning better product reviews. They can be found in the forums, official sites of manufacturers. However, it is recommended to fully trust only my own experience.

Which taper is better to choose for the skin - the rating of the best

Numerous reviews of women who have already experienced the charm and positive properties of auto markets of various brands make it possible to make a list of the best cosmetics with the effect of artificial sunburn. The top 10 includes the following products of modern cosmetology:

  1. The top ten leaders heads an excellent tool from the company L'Oreal "Sublime Bronze Airbrush". This spray-tanker guarantees instant absorption. The result is manifested in a few hours. 1
  2. There is a novelty from Clarins "Gelee Auto-Bronzante Express". The agent has the form of cream. Pleasant smell, gentle texture and nutrient components make this product indispensable in the cosmetics of modern fashionista. Cream-auto market is quickly absorbed and leaves stains and footprints on clothes. 2
  3. Dior has developed a unique product that will delight a modern woman - auto market for face. It is called Bronze Self-Tanner Shimmering Glow and has a rich composition. This agent not only gives the skin a gold shade, but also moisturizes it, nourishes the cells of the epidermis, prevents premature aging. 3
  4. The budget and qualitative option is Nivea Sun aerosol. The split form provides convenient application. The contents of the canopy quickly absorb the skin and instantly stains it. The vitamin E is present, thanks to which the epidermis is moistened. 4
  5. Yves Rocher has released a cream that has a rejuvenating effect. Bronze Nature Elevator Bronze Nature can be used all year round instead of a moisturizing cream. 5
  6. Dove released a lotion for the body "Gentle flicker" who loved many women. It is easy to use, carefully cares for the skin. Due to the absence of aggressive components, lotion gradually stains skin cover. The result is noticeable in 5 days. 6
  7. Garnier carefully took care of the face of the face and released a special haze No Streaks Bronzer. The spray has a dry base and evenly falls on an already tanned dermis face. 7
  8. Autosagar-Bronzant Flash Bronzer from Lancome has instant effect. If it is not possible to wait a few hours, then this means in the form of mousse will instantly paint the skin and give her tender flicker. 8
  9. The least aggressive is the daily body of Complete Care body from OLAY. It does not have the effect of instant staining. Lotion only lines the natural tone of the skin and makes it a bit darker. oLAY-Essentials.
  10. One of the high-speed is a water-based sprayer Fast Dry Bronze from the LanCaster manufacturer. It instantly dries. It is applied directly before going out of the house. 10

There are also tapping napkins. However, a similar tool is ineffective. In addition, using napkins, you can unevenly distribute the paint by body. This will cause ugly spots. Some girls prefer Milk-Truck. This form of the product has excellent moisturizing and nutritional properties. This is a real find for those who have a problem and dry dermis. Today, gel-taper is rarely used, as it is slowly absorbed and quickly washed off from the body. Many companies producing cosmetic products developed oil-tankers. The disadvantage of this means is that it does not fit the owner of oily skin, as it contributes to the active selection of sebum.

Rules for applying and removing auto market

To the skin color was even, you need to follow all the rules for applying a cream or lotion for an artificial tan. Small secrets how to apply auto markets will help to avoid annoying mistakes in this at first glance. The following rules will help to achieve an irresistible shade of the skin:

  1. Cosmetic means for sunburn is better to apply before bedtime.
  2. Before using the cream or lotion, the skin is recommended to be previously cleaned. This will give the opportunity to be evenly distributed through the body.
  3. For convenience, a sponge or special cosmetic gloves is used for convenience during applying auto market.
  4. Truck is applied from below. Special attention should be paid to the zones under the knees, armpits and the ears.
  5. Before laying on the bed, the cream should absorb.
  6. If the tone turns out to be too dark in the morning, then the shower will help correct this situation. For a few minutes under the carriage, and the color will be on the tone lighter.

how to apply

Many women wonder how to wash off tan completely. To get rid of excessive swarthiness several ways. The first and easiest way - is to stop using the means for self-tanning. If a girl wants as quickly as possible to lighten the skin to natural color, then it is preferable to use scrubs. The top layer of the dermis is coming off, and underneath the new skin is formed of natural color. However, it is obligatory to use moisturizing and nourishing creams.


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