
How to clear blood

How to clear blood
Indications for blood cleansing in a hospital and at home

Blood - This is the most important tissue of the human body. It delivers oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues, helps to remove harmful substances, and supports immunity. The ingress of toxins, poisons or infections into the blood disables the entire body. All blood cells are constantly updated.

  1. Plasma is necessary for the movement of blood cells.
  2. Erythrocytes (red blood cells) deliver oxygen to organs and tissues.
  3. White blood cells (white blood cells) fight toxins and infections.
  4. Platelets provide blood coagulation.

Lymph- This is an intercellular fluid. It delivers nutrients directly to each cell and takes out poisons, decay products, viruses from it. All this is then neutralized in the lymph nodes. Normal lymph flow provides intensive metabolic processes, and slowed down leads to a deterioration in the condition of cells and tissues.

If there are too many poisonous substances in the human body, they begin to accumulate in the liver and lymph nodes - serious diseases occur.  That is why the purification of blood and lymph greatly facilitates the state of people with cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, kidney diseases, and also helps to get rid of chronic fatigue, increases immunity and rejuvenates the body. The stagnation of lymph leads to the expansion of veins and lymphostasis, as a result of which the human lymphatic system is inhabited by harmful microorganisms, which affects the condition of the joints, cartilage and bones.

To whom and when to clean the blood

Medicine of the future

It is very important to understand that everything, then enters the human body through the respiratory and digestion organs, inevitably enters the bloodstream and spreads it into all systems. Before proceeding with blood cleansing, it is important to understand what exactly causes its pollution and eliminate the cause. The most common causes of a poor blood state:

  • diseases of the internal organs (especially the intestines, liver and kidneys);
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • allergies;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • taking drugs;
  • chemical evaporation;
  • alcohol;
  • harmful food;
  • polluted air.

The concept of “blood purification” came to us from folk medicine, whose experts argue that regular blood cleaning with plant origin is simply necessary to maintain health and well -being. Official science, however, does not consider all folk methods to be confirmed.

Blood cleansing is a serious effect on the whole body, so even home purification with folk remedies should not be carried out “just in case” or following fashion. Resort to such a procedure only if you have serious evidence. And be sure to consult your doctor about the methods and terms of cleaning.

Experts recommend conducting blood cleansing sessions in the spring. Before the start of blood cleansing sessions, first of all, it is necessary to “restore order” in the intestines, and free the liver from toxins. After all, blood problems are a consequence of other diseases. And if harmful substances remain, for example, in the liver, then the purified blood will immediately absorb them into itself.

Cleaning blood in a hospital

A Young Caring Doctor

If a person’s condition is critical (strong intoxication or a significant decrease in immunity), doctors in a hospital should perform blood purification. Complications after such procedures most often do not arise. The main thing is to trust good specialists, who, incidentally, should have a license to practice. Before the procedure, a package with disposable sterile instruments is opened, which excludes the possibility of infection.

  1. To remove harmful substances from the blood, use hemorption method. It is used to remove excess cholesterol, with serious food poisoning, alcohol poisoning and chemicals, with diabetes, complicated viral diseases, diffused sclerosis, bronchial asthma and immune deficiency. Blood is taken from the patient’s vein, which is passed through special filters in conditions of sterility and is again inserted into the body through a dropper. Hemorps is carried out by a course of about 6 sessions. Contraindications for the procedure will be malignant tumors, bleeding, damage to the brain and influenza.
  2. Plasmapheresis - This is another method of blood cleansing using drugs. The patient takes 500 ml of blood, in return for which sodium chloride is poured. Blood is placed in a special centrifuga, where plasma is released from its mass, and with it toxins and allergens. A saline is added to the purified cell mass and is introduced back into the patient's vein. The effect of such purification persists up to 12 months. A course of plasmapheresis (3-5 procedures) is prescribed to people with bronchial asthma, pneumonia, rheumatism, acne, diabetes mellitus, and in severe forms of allergies and poisoning. The procedure is contraindicated for patients with hypotension and anemia due to a large volume of blood during a session.
  3. Ultraviolet irradiation of blood (UFO blood).The electric charge of weakened blood cells is normalized, and they begin to work at full strength. The viscosity of the blood decreases and the blood supply to all organs and tissues improves - decay products are removed faster, the cells receive more oxygen. The procedure has a pronounced anti -inflammatory and anti -allergic effect. Therefore, asthmatics and people with allergies are often prescribed regular courses of UFO, due to this they significantly reduce the use of drugs. The main indications of the UOF is the same as with plasmapherez.

Cleansing of blood and lymph folk remedies

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If the state of your health does not require the intervention of doctors, and you decided to resort to folk medicine, this does not mean that you can not observe the dosage and duration of the course of treatment. Blood purification at home is most often based on eating “red foods”: beets, cherries, cranberries, grapes, red cabbage and others. You will also need to take various infusions shortly before eating.

Such methods eliminate symptoms and help for prevention, but if you have a serious chronic disease, then, most likely, relief will be only temporary.

  • Beetroot juice Promotes hematopoiesis. The first days of reception may begin nausea and dizziness. This is how the body cleansing is launched. Drink 1 cup of beet juice per day.
  • Herbs.To prepare a herbal collection for cleansing blood, take 100 g of birch buds, chamomile and immortelle. 1 tbsp. Insist in half a liter of water for 20 minutes. Strain, add 1 tsp. honey and drink. You need to drink herbal infusion in the morning and evening. For 1 course of blood cleansing, you need to drink the entire resulting collection of herbs.
  • Rosehip tea removes toxins and increases immunity. For 5 liters of boiling water, half a glass of the root of nine and the same number of rosehip fruits will be required. On low heat, languish the infusion for three hours. Then add 1 tbsp. l. oregano, St. John's wort and black tea. And continue to finish the decoction for another 1 hour. You can use the drink in any quantity.
  • Juices and honey for rejuvenating the body and cleansing of blood.To prepare the famous folk elite of youth, you will need: Kagor wine, carrot juice, beets, lemon, radishes and honey. Take 200 ml of each component, mix and store in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Apple vinegar to improve lymph flow.Divide in a glass of warm water 2 tsp. Apple vinegar. Take the composition 2 times a day for 1 tbsp.
  • Cleaning by planter juice for lymphostasis.Dried planter leaves pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 2 hours. Take half a glass of solution 6 times a day at equal intervals.
  • Intensive lymph cleaning with citrus juices.Mix 900 ml of orange and lemon juices, add 200 ml of grapefruit juice and 2 glasses of melt water. In the morning, it is advisable to put an enema and warm up in a hot bath. During the day, drink half a glass of mixture every half an hour. The course of citrus therapy is 3 days.

Cleansing of blood of alcohol


There is no means that can instantly cleanse blood of the decay products of ethyl alcohol. But you can significantly help the body cope with the excretion of toxins. It is important to remember that it is possible to start purification only by stopping the intake of alcohol, otherwise side effects occur.

  1. First aid for alcohol poisoning is a plentiful drink. Tea with lemon, pure water, natural juices, brine, dairy products are good. The amount of fluid drunk should exceed 2 liters per day. A tangible result will appear just a day later. The consumption of an increased amount of fluid is not recommended for people with the pathology of the kidneys, as well as to people who are located on such diseases.
  2. Various water procedures (shower, swimming or warm bathroom), contrary to the existing conviction, will not help cleanse the blood, but will slightly improve the general condition of a person experiencing intoxication. It is strictly not recommended to visit a bath or sauna so as not to create additionally stress for the body.
  3. The consumption of alcohol -containing medications for alcohol intoxication is prohibited. This can negatively affect the work of the heart.
  4. Reception of sorbents (activated carbon, enterosgel, sorbex and others) contributes to the general relief of the condition.

If the situation is very difficult and the above do not help get rid of signs of poisoning, it is necessary to call a narcologist to the house or take the patient to a medical institution.

The optimal method of removing toxins in difficult cases is a dropper. The doctor selects the necessary medicinal solution, taking into account the situation, indications and contraindications (for example, the presence of chronic diseases). You can put a dropper no earlier than 12 hours after the last intake of alcohol. If the patient is still intoxicated, the dropper will not work.

Folk recipes for cleansing blood of alcohol


If alcohol poisoning does not pose a real threat to the patient’s life and health, one can facilitate his condition at home using folk remedies.

  1. Three times a day you need to take carrot juice(50 g each). The vegetable not only helps neutralize the decay products of ethyl alcohol, but also replenishes the balance of vitamins and minerals in the blood.
  2. Ginger root It has a healing effect on the body. It is necessary to eat a pinch of grated ginger root, drinking it with water with honey. You can take ginger once a day on an empty stomach.
  3. Decoctions of herbs. Herbs help the body actively fight the negative effects of alcohol. Brew mint, thyme, hoof in the form of a collection or use only one plant. You can drink decoctions three times a day.

Cleaning blood from cholesterol


Many believe that cholesterol is an exceptionally harmful substance that leads a person to disease. This opinion is only partially true.  Cholesterol is produced by the human body, it is a natural substance. Cholesterol is needed to develop vitamin D, the formation of sex hormones, it supports immunity and breaks down fats. But the danger is precisely a significant excess of the norm of cholesterol in the blood for a person.

The “extra” cholesterol accumulates in the vessels and clogs them - atherosclerotic plaques form, which over time close the lumen of the vessel, preventing blood from moving freely. This causes heart pathologies and strokes.

Therefore, from the "extra" substance it is necessary to clean the blood in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases and maintain the functionality of the body at the proper level.

  1. Cleaning blood with garlic. Substances contained in garlic increase the elasticity of blood vessels and increase blood flow, help eliminate cholesterol plaques. Grind 350 g of garlic, put it in a jar, cover it with a lid and leave to infuse in a dark place for a couple of hours. Pour 200 ml of alcohol. The mixture should be infused for 10 days in a dry and cool place. Take 2 drops of the resulting solution before meals 3 times a day.
  2. Beetroot kvass It has a restorative effect on the vessels of the brain, helps prevent strokes. Pour 1 kg of crushed beets with warm water (3 liters), put a piece of rye bread, a pinch of salt and 100 g of sugar. Kvass should be infused in a warm place for three days. Take the drink every time you eat half a glass.
  3. Infusion with needles. Mix 5 tbsp. crushed needles, 3 tbsp. rosehip and 2 tbsp. onion husks. Pour all this with water (700ml) and bring to a boil. Take 1 tbsp. per day for 3-4 months.

After cleansing the blood, it is important to go to preventive measures. Then you can avoid cholesterol accumulation in the future.

  1. Refuse to use fatty varieties of meat, canned food, sausages, pastries and a large amount of sweet.
  2. Enter a lot of vegetables and fruits into the diet. Especially for cleansing blood vessels, it is useful to use parsley, citrus fruits, nuts, beans, onions and garlic.
  3. Try to avoid stress. Scientists have proven that in emotionally susceptible people, the level of cholesterol is on average several times higher than in people with a calm character. In order to balance the emotional state, you can engage in breathing practices, yoga or meditation.
  4. Take a run. Slow running affects the circulatory system well: blood flow is enhanced, blood vessels become more flexible, harmful substances are washed and excreted from the body.

Cleansing of blood in the treatment of acne


The occurrence of acne on the skin of the face can signal a large number of toxins or decay products in the body. To cleanse the blood, and with it the whole body, and eliminate the cause of acne, there are proven means of traditional medicine.

  1. Parsley infusion Take half a glass 3 times a day.
  2. Cranberry juicevery often used to cleanse blood. It contains valuable types of glucose and fructose, as well as ursholic acid, which in composition is close to human blood plasma. The juice of this berries cleanses the liver and kidneys well. Carefully relate to the use of such a product with diseases of the digestive system, as well as those who are allergic to cranberries. To prepare cranberry juice, take fresh or thawed berries, melt them and warm them a little to secrete juice. You need to take juice half a glass 3 times a day in the first week of treatment; 2 times a day, half a glass - in the second week of treatment; Half a glass once a day - a third week of treatment.

Cleansing of blood at home. Video



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