
How to make a bulk bunch

How to make a bulk bunch
Several ways to create a bulk bunch of hair. How to make a bunch on the head

When the hair becomes naughty and cannot be styling, you can collect them in an elegant bundle. It is common that such a hairstyle can be done only if the curls have a middle length. It is erroneous. After all, the bulk beam is universal hairstyle, to create which can be on the hair of any length.

How to make a bulk bunch on the head with a rubber band


The easiest way to create a beam is to use studs and rubber bands. This method is available even for owners of short hair. The final result does not have to be accurate. There is nothing wrong in that, if the beam will somewhat careless. This brings into your way of savory flavors.

Proceed as follows:

  • Collect your hair in the tail and fix with a gum for a bulk beam. It is best to keep the curls of gum with hooks. They are also good because they do not damage the hair. You can buy them in special stores for hairdressers.
  • Combing curls and tighten them into a bulk harness. It is also possible to braid them in a free braid instead. After that wrap it around the base of the tail.
  • Then you need to secure the result. This can be done with spills. If some tips stick out, then lock them in the same invisible position or leave as it is.
  • The resulting beam looks quite elegant. If you want to do a negligent option, then the hair should be processed using a texturing spray and make harness more free. When creating a classic option, hairstyles, you need to apply a means to impart glacial.

Volumetric beam with a bagel


A bundle can also be made using a device called "bagel" or "donut". It is easy to find on sale in specialized stores. It looks like a sponge for washing dishes.

There are bagels of various shades and sizes. For any type of beam, your "donut" will be selected. There are bagels with artificial strands, which will be good to look at both long and short hair. Often, a woman has no time to search for a bagel in stores or she can't find it, then as a replacement, it can use a very thick gum or sock. After that, roll it in the form of a bagel.

Detailed process of manufacturing "Bublik":

  • It will take the usual new terry sock. It is desirable that its color fit under the tone of the hair. So, with dark hair, it is best to take a sock, black or dark blue. For light hair, a beige or brown sock is suitable.
  • To make a bagel, it is necessary to take a suitable sock and from its "nasal" part to measure with a centimeter of a segment of 2.5 centimeters.
  • Then you need to cut off from the sock of "thoughts" (measured 2.5 centimeters) and the heel.
  • Next, the edge of the sock is separated inside. Twist it in length in a bagel.
  • As a result, a rather elastic hair gum should be turned out.
  • If the bubble is made of another tissue (not from the sock), then you need to sew two webs in such a way that the seam remains inside.
  • Bagel of sock

    Bagel of sock

    Bunch with "Bublik":

  • First, the curls should be collected in the tail and tie a conventional hair band. The tail can be made high or low. It depends on what option the hairstyle you wish to get in the end.
  • Then the tail must be passed through the bagel hole (as it would be done with a rubber band).
  • Now the head must be tilted in such a way that the curls are distributed over the entire surface of the bagel uniformly. To fix the position, you can use another elastic band.
  • The ends of the strands that will remain free, you need to fill under the bundle. Too long tips, if desired, it is allowed to wrap around the base.
  • It remains to fix the hairstyle with the help of studs and invisibility. In order to give the result of elegance and "glossiness", you can use a spray for hair shine or varnish.

    Volumetric bundle with the aid


    In some cases, for example, with thin hair, the methods described above may not come up. If this applies to you, you can try to make a bunch of hair with the help of a comb. It is known that the nose is harmful to hair. However, in order to minimize its detrimental effect on the curls, it is quite difficult to carefully care for hair and not to use such an option hairstyle too often.

    The sequence of actions to create a beam in this way the following:

    • The hair first should be well flushed, and then dried towards the head. At the same time, it is extremely undesirable to use the means that make strands are heavier. Because after them, the beam will be held at all long.
    • After the hair is succumbed, you need to shake them and straighten. Next, lean and hang drying again. The more than more than once this procedure is done, the better the adhesive, and, accordingly, the tail is fixed.
    • Then the strands are collected in the tail and lacquered. It is necessary so that the hair remains lush.
    • Now the curls are divided into several strands and are fully combed using combs with frequent teeth of the rounded form.
    • When the strands are hosted, they need to be spinning into loose harnesses and then put in the form of a beam. After which they must be fixed. For this you can use invisible, hairpins and hair polish.
    • Sometimes you need to get rid of the nosha. To do this, you can wash your hair with plenty of water using balsam and air conditioning. After that, the strands are easily embraced by hand. It is not worth using a comb for this purpose, because wet hair because of their fragility it is easy to damage.

    Volumetric bunch on the head with the help of the hairpins


    Another option can be hairstyle with spills. At the same time, the steps of its creation are almost the same as in the previous method. Difference only in some details. Before creating a bunch of such a method, it is best to prepare hair with a texturing spray.

    Proceed as follows:

    • Brush hair.
    • Collect from behind in a low or high "horse" tail.
    • Spin the tail in the harness.
    • Twist it in the knot.
    • Then fasten the bundle with the help of studs or long nipples so that the accessories are not noticeable. To decorate hairstyles, you can leave a pair of thin strands below, which twisted in flagella and stacked on top on the beam. Then they turn into the ring and attach to the hair of the invisible.

    To create a bulk bunch of hair, hairpins are sometimes used, such as "Sofist-Twist" and "Cheagami". They were especially popular at the end of the last century. The principle of operation they have one: the hair tips are fixed on the hairpin, then wind up, then fix into the bulk bundle, while creating the desired hairstyle. It is worth saying that the name "Heagi" comes from the English word "hairagami". Such boils were developed in 1999 Barbara Kerry. Today they are considered the most dense. As for the "Sofist-Twist", then this is a softer type of hairpin.


    To decorate the finished beam, you can use ribbons, rims or other accessories.

    How to make a french beam


    • Such a hairstyle is also called the "French shell". It is best suited for hair medium length.
    • So that the styling turned out to be more resistant, hair should be prepared using a special spray or gel.
    • Then the upper part hairstyles must be fixed on the top of the hairpins. After that, the fixed strands are neatly twisted into the harness.
    • The remaining curls should be braked in the form of a free tail, which is desirable to secure at the beginning of the neck.
    • The available free strands must be sworn on one side under the spit, and under it to fasten the bar.
    • At this stage, all hair turns in the opposite direction so that they blocked the braid.
    • To get a bunch in the form of a shell, it remains to wrap the hair strand around the braid.
    • After the formation of such "Gulka", the remaining tips of the hair must be hidden under the spit.

    How to make a careless beam


    • First of all, you need to assemble the top curls on your head and secure them with a hairpin.
    • Then the loose hair should be sprinkled with varnish for medium fixation and combing well. To do this, it is best to use a soft round brush.
    • Now you need to dissolve the hair collected from above and together with previously cleaned collected in one tail, which should be fixed with elastic band and tighten up. Must get "Gulka" with the tips that need to be fixed with stiletto.
    • Then, in order to give hairstyle carelessness, you need to walk on your head with your fingers. As a result, a disheveled beam will be.
    • So that the hair is not tangled for the night, this beam is best dissolved in the evening and gather in the morning.

    Some recommendations of stylists


    • If a careless beam is done, then several strands can be left. After that, they are twisted on the tongs. This gives the image of the notch "glamority".
    • To decorate your hairstyles, you can use various accessories. For example, bright gum, flowers, ribbons, scarves and stylish dressings.
    • If you are the owner of a beautiful bang, then when creating a volume beam, it does not need to be removed. So, put it asymmetrically or straight.
    • Before making a bundle, you should make sure that the future hairstyle will suit you. In addition, you need to decide on where the "Gulka" will be located. The owners of the short neck it is best to place on the back of the back. Low girls can make a bunch on the side. And the fragile is really a negligent hairstyle.

    Volta bunch: photo

    Volumetric beam

    Volumetric beam

    Volumetric beam

    Volumetric beam

    Volumetric beam

    Volumetric beam

    Volumetric beam

    Volumetric beam

    Volumetric beam

    Volumetric beam

    Volumetric beam

    Volumetric beam

    Volumetric beam

    Volumetric beam

    Volumetric bundle Bagel-installation

    Volumetric bundle Bagel-installation

    Volumetric bundle Bagel-installation

    Volumetric bundle Bagel-installation

    Create a bulk beam: video


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    Anastasia Baryshnikova. 27.04.2015 To answer

    Excellent article, there are not enough ideas of beams with weaving))
