
How to choose the right perfume

How to choose the right perfume
Features of the choice of spirits depending on the status, age, color type and season.

Once in a life, every woman or girl is faced with a difficult task of choosing spirits. Given the rich variety of various perfume compositions presented in our stores, this task is not simple and requires not only knowledge of spirits, but also understanding of oneself.

The fact is that perfumes, like music, can tell a lot about the person who chose them. And if you were mistaken with the choice, then in your life the wrong people and the not those situations that you are waiting for.

I think that you all noticed that all animals, meeting, the first thing they do was sniff each other. That is, by the level of information content, the smell is a second sign after a visual acquaintance. We are all animals, outside our opinion about whether we like it or not. Therefore, the smell that comes from you tells the outside world there is sometimes much more than we would like it. Therefore, choosing your smell, be careful!

How to choose perfumes.  Where to start?


  1. The first rule: do not write off! Do not choose perfumes for an event that will take place tomorrow and now. You will have very high chances to make a mistake with the choice. Plan several days to get to know perfume compositions of spirits. Try to try on no more than 8-10 compositions at a time. A larger number of smells at a time will reduce the severity of perception of smells with your nose, which means that it will increase the chances of a mistake.
  2. The second rule: choosing your perfume, listen only to your nose and your sensations! No tips for friends, sales consultants, fashion magazines! You choose perfumes for yourself, and they will talk about you, and not about your friends and someone else!
  3. The third rule: be sure to check the smell you like in combination with the smell of your skin. Feel free to use a sample for applying perfumes on the wrist. In my life there was a case when I really liked my friend's spirits, they just drove crazy! I went to the store with determination to buy them for myself, but when I put perfumes on my skin, I realized that I did not like the resulting cocktail of smells, not mine! The skin of each person has its own specific smell, and it is impossible to predict how he will interact with the smell of spirits you have chosen.
  4. The fourth rule: choosing your perfumes, you must clearly imagine where and in what situations you will “walk” them. It is clear that the spirits for the office should not contain the draft smells of patchouli, unless, of course, you plan to start a burning official romance. If you select a party for a party, where the man you are interested in will be present, the presence of patchouli in the composition of the spirits will greatly facilitate your acquaintance with him. True, it can arouse interest in other men!
  5. Fifth rule: choosing perfumes, take into account the time of the year. Every season dictates its palette of smells. If in early spring, when all nature wakes up from hibernation, and all living things eager for light, freshness, lightness, you will exude a heavy, dense smell of autumn wilting, then no matter how noble it is, it will not cause you to approach you.
  6. The sixth rule: Remember that we live in the world of stereotypes. Therefore, the world around us perceives us, including, depending on what color color the mother-nature gave us or we ourselves did. We did not come up with that the blondes are gentle and not far away, the brown -haired women are smart, redheads are cheerful and cunning, and brunettes are sexy. Smells also have a certain division into smells for blondes and brunettes, but we will talk about this below.
  7. Seventh rule: Never buy without experiencing perfumes that you liked some time ago! Our age is changing, our body changes, the smell of our skin changes, our addictions are changing, our mood and attitude are changing, our status changes, finally. All these changes can cost you a fairly significant amount of money for a purchase absolutely unnecessary for you.
  8. The eighth rule: perfumers recommend that every woman have at least three perfumes of spirits at the same time. Some perfumes for daily use that you will be strangled at work. It is desirable that they do not have sharp, irritating or exciting components, since they can be unpleasant to your colleagues and, even cause a headache.  The second spirits should be a luxury class. You will use them “to the exit”, that is, when visiting theaters, restaurants, presentations, expensive boutiques, etc. This smell should talk about your status, prosperity, age and mood.  Third spirits should contain lighter, fresh components. Such perfumes are best used during relaxation, when walking in nature, during the day, in the spring and summer time.  This does not mean that the palette of your perfume moods should be limited to only three smells, the range of modern perfume stores gives wide opportunities for your expression.

How to choose perfumes by hair color


So, let's consider the question of how our appearance affects the choice of spirits.

  1. Let's start with the blondes. Women with this type of hair are associated in our minds with something gentle, airy, fragrant. Therefore, of course, people around the blondes of smells that cause these associations. And, as a rule, often unconsciously, women with blond hair choose perfumes that carry floral, light and fresh notes in their aroma.
  2. Red -haired women, choosing perfumes, often focus on more peppy and fresh citrus notes, not excluding sweet fruit aromas.
  3. Crites usually choose perfumes that have fruit, wood and honey notes that are most suitable for warm tones of their hair.
  4. Brunettes, which, usually have bright, I would even say an aggressive appearance, prefer to have perfumes in their arsenal, with the most piercing, bright and thick smells, including notes of sandalwood, musk, patchouli.

How does the season of the year have a choice of spirits?


An important factor when choosing spirits is the season in which you plan to use them. The fact is that our skin behaves differently depending on the ambient temperature, due to this it will be different to reveal the aroma of perfume.

In the summer, when the hot weather and our body are most open to the sun and wind as much as possible, we are naturally drawn to the cool fresh smells, filled with aromas of delicate flowers, tonic notes of citrus fruits, fresh blowing of watermelon, infused aromas of berries and honey.

In winter, when we are wrapped up from head to toe, when the body asks for heat, aromas that have more spicy, sensual, oriental notes, such as the smells of sandalwood, muscat, vanilla and cinnamon, which evoke thoughts of hot, fragrant grog or warming mulled wine, become relevant. And about the past, overwhelmed flavor of flowers.

In the spring, on the contrary, energy wakes up in us, I want lightness, freshness, the body asks for movements, and the priorities in the choice of spirits are shifted towards the tonic aromas of orange and grapefruit, delicate spring colors, such as mimosa, freesia and hyacinth.

In the fall, during the period of wilting of nature, our feelings and olfactory receptors crave the impressions of comfort, protection from bad weather. And this is very facilitated, corresponding to autumn, the smells of ripe fruits and berries, lavender and saffron, restrained smells of mosses, sensual smells of ylang-ylang.

Consider in more detail different classes of aromas:

How to choose perfumes: perfume compositions with a floral smell


Flower aromas were the very first aromas that the woman adorned herself. To do this, it was enough to just weave a flower with the aroma you liked in your hair, and the delicate flair of the smell of this flower was guaranteed to you. Today, past centuries, the experience of perfumers and new technologies allow you to create such unique combinations of floral aromas collected from different continents that you are simply surprised!

Currently, floral aromas of several categories are produced, such as flower, flower-cytracles, fluid-fruit compositions. At the same time, they use both classic aromas, such colors as a rose, jasmine, lilac, lily of the valley, violet, and the essence of unique exotic colors.

Nevertheless, floral aromas are still popular, young girls choose them for their romantic dates, mature ladies for summer holidays, middle-aged women and special occasions.

How to choose perfumes: perfume compositions with citrus aromas

Woman Spraying Perfume with Perfume Atomizer, Close-Up of Hands

A feature of the exposure of perfumes with the smell of citrus components is its invigorating, tonic effect. These smells can have both bitter and sweet shade, but always remain light and fresh. The basis of citrus components for perfumes are the smells of orange, lemon, tangerine, lime, bergamot, orange. In modern perfumes, citrus components are used in combination with almost all categories of smells, giving them an original shade.

Adherents of citrus aromas are, as a rule, energetic and mobile women who lead an active lifestyle. It is very useful to use a perfume with citrus notes in the morning, since this fragrance will help you wake up and will stimulate you to active action and a positive mood.

How to choose perfumes: Shipre perfume compositions


The basis of Shipre's perfume compositions are thick and deep wood smells decorated with musk notes. Thanks to this classical basis, the chipper compositions have a high degree of resistance and noble tolerance and depth.

Modern perfumes expanded the boundaries of the classic chipl aroma, weaving not only flower and citrus notes, but also notes of the smell of skin, wood, fruits and berries that made this noble perfume even more relevant and modern.

Luxurious chipper smells always gave out the high status of their owner, so they are chosen by those ladies who pay tribute to pragmatic conservatism, value luxury and quality, are confident in their female attractiveness, bold and independent.

How to choose perfumes: spicy perfume compositions


Species based on a spicy perfume, as a rule, have a bright, rich and exotic aroma. Spicy compositions are one of the most difficult, I would say, viscous aromas. The birthplace of these fragrances is the East with its culture of female harems, hence the eastern vision and the richness of these aromas. The interspersing of the notes of patchouli, amber, wood resins make these aromas sensual and erotic.

Often the basis for spicy perfume compositions, which are also called oriental or oriental, are the smells of all known spices: cinnamon, cloves, pepper, cardamom and kuin. Such aromas are considered warm, so it is better to use them in cool weather.

Modern trends in the creation of spicy perfume compositions allow the presence of flower and citrus notes in them, which significantly facilitates the aroma, leading it from the coveted laziness of Alcov, and making it more energetic and elegant.

A perfume, having a spicy basis, as a rule, choose respectable and solid ladies, who use them for special occasions and evening output.

How to choose perfumes: fern and fruit perfume compositions


Paporotniki or, as they are also called, pyeron perfume compositions have their own natural aromas as smells of oak moss, wood, bergamot, lavender, which makes these aromas fresh and tart, with a small piquant bitterness. Almost all the aromas of this series are men's and have a tart plant tonality fogging female mind.

The line of fruit perfume compositions is considered summer, since the aroma of fruits inherent in it involuntarily attributes us to olfactory associations with a hot summer, the scorching sun, heated fruits and berries in the sun.

In modern perfumes, almost all types of fruits are used, since each of them has a peculiar and recognizable smell. However, all of them have a different degree of influence on the "carrier" of this smell. Mango and pineapple will make you mysterious, apples and pears - affordable and simple, berries will add attractiveness and eroticism, and the smell of vanilla charms all surrounding men and improve your mood.

How to choose perfumes: water perfume compositions


Water perfume compositions include smells that cause associations with slightly salty aromas of the morning sea, saturated ozone after a summer thunderstorm with transparent air, fresh morning dew in a mountain village.

The composition of sea aromas includes citrus notes, sandalwood and musk. Such aromas are often found in youth perfumes and are associated with energetic, independent and freedom -loving people. These fresh and light aromas like girls and boys, focused on a sporty lifestyle.

At the same time, sea aromas seasoned with notes of fruits and flowers will be appropriate in the arsenal of not only young girls, but also mature ladies, giving them lightness, freshness and novelty.

How to choose the right perfume for yourself


The choice of spirits for yourself from ancient times is a certain sacrament, of course, if you take it seriously and understand what a serious problem can create a mistake in choosing a personal perfume. An unsuccessful perfume can not only push you away from you important for you, but also break your career and involve in an unpleasant situation, which is no longer suitable. Unfortunately, an understanding of the importance of the correct choice of spirits comes to us after a series of mistakes, but since you are already reading this material, then you decided to approach the choice of spirits seriously!

Before you go to a perfume store, you need to decide what perfume you will look for. It will be easier to do this if your head has a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat image you want to present to the world around: a girl-peep or a business woman, a vamp woman or an active sports lady, a Turgenev girl or a girl-Gotha? In our life there are so many roles and images, decide what you want to tell about yourself?

Having determined your image, try to imagine what aroma should surround it? Warm or cold?   Light or heavy? Viscous, enveloping or ephemeral? Sweet or bitter? Or maybe then and another at once? Do your image correspond to oriental spices or wood-muscular notes of shipra, or vice versa, you are drawn to the aromas of spring colors or the sophisticated smells of ripe berries? It will be your song, so only you can determine what notes it will consist of.

Before visiting the perfume store, take off all the rings, watches, bracelets, leather products, plastic, that is, everything that has its own pronounced smell. Exclude the use of spirits and creams that have a strong smell of perfume. However, if you plan to use these creams constantly or in the season of using the chosen spirits, then it makes sense to apply them to the skin in order to avoid the conflict of aromas later.

To choose perfumes, it is worthwhile to take the morning clock, because at this time our sense of smell is exacerbated. Experts also advise doing this in the early days of the menstrual cycle, since at this time all our senses work in intensive mode.

Try not to eat anything spicy or acute, or at least do not change your diet abruptly on the eve, so as not to change the usual acidity and smell of your skin, otherwise the smell you choose will annoy you with your inconsistency with your taste.

Perfume should not be bought immediately on the first day. It must be remembered that perfumes have several aromas that are revealed after some time. The first or initial note lasts only 10 minutes, usually it is the most volatile, rapidly groaning smells. The second, the main note manifests itself in about half an hour and has a duration of up to 12 hours. This is the main aroma of spirits. The third, final note of the aroma consists of components with low volatility, which allows this smell on clothes, especially on furs, up to several years.

Given this, apply in the store the most your favorite perfumes to the forearm zone, not forgetting to write down or remember where they are, and go further about your business, not forgetting to sniff the chosen aromas from time to time. Connect your loved ones to this process and listen to their opinion, remember that they will also have to live with this smell. Do not worry if you are disappointed with any of the selected aromas. There is always a smell that will satisfy all your requirements.

Remember that our life is multifaceted! Do not deny yourself the pleasure of being, in good, unpredictable, revealing the world your individuality shown using perfume fantasies.

How to choose perfumes. Video


Marina Minina 10.04.2016 Answer

Cool article, everything was so lively painted. I’m going to just with new spirits, spring is the time of change.

Annushkakalinin 11.04.2016 Answer

It’s not difficult for me to choose my fragrance, as I love different perfumes, and almost everyone suits me.

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