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How to paint your eyebrows correctly

How to paint your eyebrows correctly
Correctly designed and summed eyebrows can give the face a truly expressive appearance even in the absence of another makeup on the face.

The desire to be perfect is laid down in the genetics of every woman. Any of us knows that even an absurd trifle, which was not paid enough, can radically turn the image of an elegant and delightful woman into a failed attempt to be beautiful.

Today we will talk about such an important part of the face as eyebrows. Surprisingly, the makeup of the lips and eyes, made at a professional level, will not look enough exquisite and expressively, if not paying due attention to eyebrows.

How to paint eyebrows correctly: eyebrow correction is the first step towards perfection

Is it worth a woman to paint her eyebrows that nature awarded her from birth? This question can be answered in the affirmative only if the natural form is impeccable and meets all the standards of beauty. Alas, there have not yet been observed such examples in the world of fashion. Any eyebrows need insignificant, but correction.

If you just got to the path that should lead to an ideal image, and never before have resorted to means such as paint, pencil or shadow for eyebrows, and the treatment of tweezers seems more difficult than the course of “survival”, then we advise the first Once you seek help from a specialist. A highly qualified cosmetologist or hairdresser who gave the eyebrow a form hundreds of times, stained and correctly selected the desired color scheme, will be able to indicate the very path that will lead you to perfect eyebrows.

For those who want to do everything themselves, we will give a few sensible tips:

  • do not try to pluck too many hairs immediately (too thin eyebrows look ugly and even slightly comic);
  • hairs that are on top of the eyebrow arc is strictly forbidden to pluck;
  • stretch the skin a little during the correction of the eyebrows using tweezers so that the painful sensations are minimal.


What should you pay attention to in order to correctly paint your eyebrows with a pencil?

How to paint your eyebrows: select the color of the pencil

The most important thing is to always adhere to the golden rule: the color of the pencil with which you are going to bring your eyebrows should be a little darker than hair color (a couple of tones), but lighter than eyelashes.

  • For owners of black and dark brown hair, a black pencil for eyebrows is ideal.
  • Ginger, dark brown and brown-haired women are recommended to use a dark brown pencil.
  • For beautiful ladies with hair of light shades, a beige pencil is suitable.
  • But the bottoms with bright red hair of the hair will be ideal, a brown-red pencil.

Lovely girls and women, a shade of pencil and its correspondence to hair color are just an approximate guideline. Be sure to take into account other aspects of your appearance and image: the overall picture of makeup, complexion, shape and density of eyebrows.

How to paint your eyebrows: pay attention to the pencil itself

The pencil will become a faithful assistant for the fair sex, who believe that they are not very thick eyebrows. Be sure to use a well -sharpened pencil (especially for eyebrows!) The desired color and pay attention to hardness. The pencil should not be soft or hard, the average for hardness is ideal. Although in this case, the choice is individual.

A technology that will paint your eyebrows with a pencil as a professional

  1. Pre -treat the eyebrow area with cream (outside the hairs). Then apply a little tonal cream or powder so that you can easily remove the extra leftovers of the pencil strokes.
  2. Comb the eyebrows with a special brush.
  3. The direction in which you need to comb the hair is down. Those. The hairs should shift just below their natural position, we will free the skin.
  4. Take a well -sharpened pencil, begin to “finish” the hairs in the direction of natural eyebrow growth.

An important point: if there is confidence in your own professionalism, then you can not only paint the hairs, but also initially set the form of “new” eyebrows, having previously outlined the sharpened pencil for eyebrows the desired circuits, and then “fill” the formed space with small pencil strokes.

  • Comb the hairs in the direction of their natural growth to get neat and elegant eyebrows of the desired color and shape.
  • Barely draw around the eyebrows a cotton pad or a cotton wand to remove the extra “fat” surpluses remaining after applying the cream/tonal cream.

painting shadows

Brows with shadows is the best way to add expressiveness to the face

Unlike a pencil, the shadows for eyebrow eyeliner are suitable for any person. It does not matter how long your long or short eyebrows, what thickness or shape of the eyebrows, shadows are a universal remedy.

It is very important to carefully choose the shadows that you are going to apply on your eyebrows. The advice in the ratio of color schemes in the previous paragraph of this article will help you choose the color. Now let's talk more specifically about the choice of cosmetics. Eyebrow shadows should be purchased separately, i.e. Standard shadows for the eyelids that you use for applying makeup are not suitable for us. For eyebrows, crumbly shadows are suitable, which will have a light (even airy) texture and necessarily matte. In no case do not tint the eyebrows with glossy or shadows with sparkles. Even if it seems to you that this “shine” is not visible at all - do not neglect this rule.

A brush for painting eyebrows with shadows should also be special. Choose a tool with natural hairs and pay attention to the shape - the mowed will be the most suitable option here.

Technology for applying shadows on the eyebrows:

  1. We give the shape of the eyebrows using a brush.
  2. We take a special brush for eyebrows and “scoop up” a little shadows - at the very tip of the brush.
  3. With neat, but rather sharp movements, apply shadows on the eyebrows, barely touching the skin under the eyebrows.
  4. Do not forget that in this case, we more painting the skin more, not the hairs of the eyebrows.
  5. At the end of the makeup, we smooth out with shadows all the corners, rounding at the very beginning and pulling the arrow at the end. The ideal shape of the eyebrows resembles a comma.
  6. Be careful - do not overdo it! If you apply too many shadows on your eyebrows, then you will not look beautiful, but comical. Too dark color or excessive saturation will give excessive severity to the expression.


How to paint your eyebrows: who needs eyebrow paint?

You do not want to constantly stand at the mirror and exercise in applying a pencil or eyebrow shadows to achieve the perfect result? But you understand that the color of the eyebrows is lost against the background of the face? The output is simple - it is enough to paint the eyebrows with paint from time to time and be content with the result, which will be noticeable immediately after the procedure.

This procedure is simply necessary for women who have already begun to appear on the eyebrows - a pencil and shadows in this case will not be appropriate. No matter how tinted, the gray hair will still “break through”. Painting eyebrows with paint will instantly solve the impending problem.

It is wiser to go to the salon in order to first perform the procedure for painting eyebrows. At the same time, there they will immediately give the desired shape to your eyebrows, but if there is no desire to trust such an important “detail” of the face with other people's hands or there is simply no time or finance to spend money on such a trifle, you can bring eyebrows normal at home.

We paint my eyebrows at home

In order for everything to go successfully, it is necessary to step by step to follow the recommendations that we provide in this article, as well as pay attention to the instructions attached to the eyebrow paint that you will use. Many people ask the question "Can I paint your eyebrows designed for hair dyeing?" We unequivocally recommend that we abandon this idea, since eyebrows are in close proximity to the eyes. And the components that are safe for hair, but accidentally hit the eye, can lead to irreparable consequences.

  1. We buy the desired eyebrow paint. Manufacturer, shade, price policy - to each his own. Pay attention to well -known manufacturers and the composition: Avoid excessive impurities and components that can cause allergies.
  2. Do not forget to conduct a test to the reaction of your skin to paint. First, try to apply paint in an inconspicuous place, but quite sensitive. For example, behind the earlobe. Look at the skin reaction after 24 hours. If everything is in order, there was no inflammation - you can safely paint your eyebrows.
  3. Open the paint, mix the necessary components using brushes and shoulder blades offered in the set.
  4. Este visually the shape of the eyebrows for yourself (if they did not initially have it), which you will adhere to when painting. Be prepared for the fact that the paint from the skin will be washed completely in a couple of days, so you will have to walk with the shape of the eyebrows that will remain after applying the paint.
  5. Take a special brush (from the set) or a cotton wool and soft “pressing” movements apply paint on all hairs on the eyebrows. Leave for several minutes (adhere to the recommendations given in the instructions for the paint), and then remove the hardened paint with a cotton pad. Additionally, go through makeup removal (preferably for washing out waterproof cosmetics).
  6. Rejoice! You are the owner of magnificent expressive eyebrows.

Aesthetic look: is it worth it to paint your eyebrows?

Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity cannot decide on dramatic changes in their appearance, even if we are talking about a slight correction or painting eyebrows. But fears are understandable: the general view of the face largely depends on this insignificant detail.

The advice for those who rush between the desire to remain natural-beautiful and be stunningly attractive: refuse at first from the idea of \u200b\u200bpainting eyebrows. Start with eyebrow correction. Experiment - it is better to steam with a highly qualified specialist. Find your perfect shape of the eyebrows and always adhere to it. As you decided on the eyebrows, start using a pencil or shadow for the "light" tinting of the eyebrows. Find the middle ground so that the eyebrows look expressive, and at the same time you saw in the reflection of a confident and beautiful person.

brows 3

How to paint your eyebrows: a combination of several techniques when tinting eyebrows

Many girls get used to painting eyebrows as they like best, and not according to certain standards. That is why some persons prefer to combine several ways to give beauty to the eyebrows at once: use shadows and pencil at the same time or first paint eyebrows with paint, and then complement the “shade” of eyebrows with a pencil or shadows.

We gave a few recommendations on how to paint the eyebrows step by step, but the choice always remains with our readers. Every woman is an individual who sees her reflection in the mirror and always knows that she will help her look in the best light.

How to paint eyebrows: photo and video recommendations

In order to demonstrate the simplicity of the described instructions for painting eyebrows, we gave several examples of photos how to paint your eyebrows. Each girl can follow step by step by these photo instructions and achieve an amazing result when working with her eyebrows.
step 2

step by step 1

step by step 3

Professional makeup artists are always ready to share their experience and help the advice of ladies who want to look beautiful and well-groomed. Therefore, in this article we provide video material on how to paint your eyebrows:



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