
Contact Aliexpress seller. How to write a seller on aliexpress

Contact Aliexpress seller. How to write a seller on aliexpress
Let us consider in detail how to write to the seller in Aliexpress on the language understandable to him.

Making purchases on Aliexpress.You do not have the opportunity to evaluate the quality and appearance of the goods, clarify the seller of the purchase details and set other questions you are interested in. Therefore, all participants in virtual shopping are interested in how to contact the seller on Aliexpress.

Possible communication options with the aliexpress seller and communication language

In the correspondence with the realizer, buyers are most often interested in a completeness of goods, a size scale and color, delivery conditions and guarantees, and sometimes there are claims about the product already received. You can learn about the goods you are interested in in several ways, but only if the other side of the trading deal will be connected.

So communicative processes on Aliexpress Between the parties pass with such tools:

  1. Through the dialog box in the seller's store.
  2. On the page chosen for purchase, lot.
  3. In the "My Orders" branch.
  4. Through the TradeManager application.
  5. In chat.

The choice of a suitable way to communicate depends on your preferences, opportunities and features of the trading transaction.

Marketplace Aliexpress Specializes in products "Made in China", and sellers there, respectively, also from China. Therefore, buyers for Aliexpress have another venue, in which language to contact the seller.

Rare Sellers on Aliexpress Owned by the Russian language, so the entire correspondence is conducted exclusively in English. But if you do not own this language, you should not despair. You can solve this dilemma in two ways:

  • Dial text in Russian, copy it to the TRANSLIT online service page from Gulg, and then copy the text already translated and send the seller again. The translation, of course, will be not perfect, but it is quite enough to convey your thoughts to the seller.
  • Take advantage of the TradeManager application, which is specifically designed for comfortable communication on the trading platform. This program has an additional feature of the automatic translation of your message.


How to communicate with the seller to Aliexpress until the order is issued

If on Aliexpressyou are interested in the goods, but you want to find out about something from the seller, for example, about hidden nuances or the presence of discounts, this can be done one of the listed methods.

Communication with the aliexpress seller through a product card

Ask a question regarding the selected product or ask the seller on Aliexpress You can describe the delivery conditions in more detail directly on the page with information about Lot. Contact the supplier like this:

  • Log in
  • Select the appropriate product and go to the page with its description.
  • Under the main photo of the left, find the block titled "Contact the seller", and then click "Send Message".


  • Further, you will open a dialog box where you can insert text with Google translator or immediately write a message if you know English.
  • Optionally, you can add a photo, no more than 5 MB, and give an emotion message with different emoticons.
  • When the message is ready, click "Send".


  • You can find the history of correspondence with the seller in the "Message Center".

Suppliers with a good rating that value each client is usually responsible for two days. If there is no answer more than 4-5 days, it makes sense to search another store.

On a note! Reliability of the Seller on Aliexpress You can rate on its rating. It is exhibited depending on the number of positive estimates (points) by buyers. If there are medalks on the store page, it has no more than 500 good reviews, sapphires - no more than 20 thousand, and the crown is more than 20 thousand.


Communication with the seller for Aliexpress through his store

It happens that you intend to make a purchase at a particular store on Aliexpress, But not yet determined which product you order. In this case, you can send a message to the Seller on Aliexpress on the main page of his store. How to do it:

  • Log in to the system.
  • Go to the online store page.
  • Scroll down the page a little down and on the left will see the "buyer service" block.
  • Click "Send Message".


  • In the window that opens, write a message and confirm its sending by clicking "SEND".


Chattering with the seller for Aliexpress in chat

Immediately under the inscription "Contact the seller", there is a name (nickname) of the seller. Near the name there is always a cute face, the color of which indicates whether there is a seller on the network: gray means that he is offline, but orange - online. If the supplier is available in the chat, and you can quickly communicate in English, click on the nickname of the seller and the window will open before the correspondence.

You can also start correspondence from sellers in online mode by opening a page from stores and pressing the "Contacts" block. A window will open where you can conduct a correspondence.


Advice! Using the first two ways does not require the presence of the provider in the network. He get your messages as soon as logged in on the site.


How to write to the seller in Aliexpress if the goods are already paid

Sometimes questions to the supplier arise after the order is issued and paid. This can occur for several reasons. For example:

  • The goods are delayed, and the consumer protection time is already on the outcome.
  • There was a need to change the shipping address before sending the order.
  • The shopping number is not tracked.
  • Received a bad quality product, the equipment is incomplete or delivered not what you ordered.
  • Removed the shipment fee that was supposed to be free.

If you have such a kind of problem, find out the details with the seller Aliexpress About the goods can be like this:

  • Log in to the site under your login.
  • Move the cursor to the block with your name and go to the "My Orders" branch.


  • Open the order, with the seller of which is to be a conversation.
  • Select "write to the seller".
  • Enter the text (in English!) And click "Send".


Communication with the Seller on Aliexpress via TradeManager

For shopping comfort, trading site developers have created an excellent TradeManager program. With it, it is very easy to communicate and quickly, but first you need to install this program on your computer. I want to immediately note that it is an absolutely free application.

On a note! If you do not know how to find a seller on Aliexpress With a good reputation, select "Sort by ...", subparagraph "Seller's rating" in the block under the search bar. Then primarily reliable suppliers will be shown.

To send a message to the seller through TradeManager you need to make such an action algorithm:

  • On the site You need to download TradeManager V.1.
  • Before downloading, select the operating system you will use (Windows, Android, etc.).
  • Then you need to install the program on your computer or smartphone, and specify a-mail, login and password, with the help of which you were registered on AlExpress.
  • After installing the program on your PC, the face of each product will shine to Aliexpress under the photo of each product. If she is colored, you can click on it and conduct correspondence with the supplier in the open window, if it is gray - the seller is now unavailable.

Advice! In the TradeManager settings, you can set parameters for the automatic translation of your messages into English.


To find out all misunderstandings with the order and inaccuracies in the product description, you can use several methods. Even if you are ignorance English, it is not a hindrance. Therefore, boldly use all the features and recognize everything that interests you.


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