
Lunar Wedding Calendar 2017

Lunar Wedding Calendar 2017
What days in 2017 can be called favorable for the wedding ceremony along the lunar calendar.

Like repair and preparation for the wedding, you can safely be called a real sense check! What do you want a magnificent banquet or a modest celebration in a narrow circle, solemn exit registration or a quiet painting with the subsequent departure of the sea for a beautiful wedding photo shoot? Options may be mass, and most importantly here to do the way you want, and not the crowd of surrounding relatives.

In most cases, training takes a lot of time, because you need to choose a dress, rings, costume, find a decent stylist and makeup artist, decide on the venue of the celebration, hire artists, order certain dishes ... No wonder, many begin to plan a wedding for at least six months, but for the year. And if the decision is made to get married enough in advance, you can thoroughly think about the date of the upcoming event. Perhaps it will be some kind of symbolic, important day for you. And maybe it will be a day approved by astrologers.

Now we will try to determine how the best wedding day in the lunar calendar will be, because already in centuries, the moon prescribe magical properties and the ability to influence the fate of a person.

Lunar wedding calendar 2017: Favorable days

2017 - year of the fiery rooster, it should be considered when planning a wedding celebration. In the network you can meet a repeatedly repeated opinion, as if this year should not bind yourself to marriage, since it should be immediately behind the leap. However, if you turn to professional astrologers, it becomes clear that this judgment is erroneously. This is just nothing confirmed by superstition, and in fact the fiery rooster promises good luck to the newly minted spouses, they are waiting for a calm and harmonious life, and the relationship between them will always always be sincere and transparent.

On the lunar calendar, the most favorable days in the new moon, the full moon and the 4th change of the moon are celebrated.


Lunar wedding calendar for January 2017

Traditionally, the wedding is played on Friday or Saturday, because we are accepted in addition to the chief celebration to celebrate the second day. January this feature does not give - on the lunar calendar it is worth marriage 1, 8 or 29. All three days fall out on Sunday.

January - a harsh winter month, it is the least popular among the newlyweds, it is the height of winter and New Year holidays. The first number is unlikely to suit the magnificent celebration - yesterday the whole country celebrated the New Year. It remains 8 or 29 January - also the choice is not ahti.


Lunar wedding calendar for February 2017

In February, the situation is much more fun. There are as many two fridays to choose from - it is 3 and 10 numbers, and for those who do not want to arrange a solemn registration and a magnificent ceremony, you can choose a great date on February 5th.

It must be said that February is more popular among the newlyweds - harsh frosts are usually already retreating, and the soft snow cover will not have time to come together. This is the key to a beautiful photo shoot, where there will be beautiful winter landscapes on the background, and not the crowd of brides under hand with grooms.


Moon Calendar Weddings for March 2017

March - the first spring month, when the ice cover begins to melt, the sun is already warm, an excellent month for romantics. It follows, of course, to take into account the nature of the weather - at least the winter and gave way to their rights, the minus temperature may still be maintained on the street! Under the legs will not be fluffy snow, and melting mass, therefore it is necessary to think well about the warm waterproof and at the same time beautiful festive shoes!

The choice of newlyweds is given at once three fridays - 3, 10 and 31st.

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Lunar wedding calendar for April 2017

April - unpredictable month month. It may unexpectedly fall out of snow or get out a green grass. It is very difficult to predict the April wedding in terms of photo shoot, clothes, seats for the walk of newlyweds. The lunar calendar says that two Fridays will be favorable for marriage - April 10 and 28, as well as Sunday - April 2.


Lunar wedding calendar for May 2017

They say that if you get married in May, you will be all my life. Live whether such superstitions - the personal matter of everyone, but the lunar calendar and in May find some successful days for marriage: 2, 10 and 28 numbers. This is Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday, respectively. Not a single Friday or Saturday, that is, there is no options for solemn registration in May.

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Lunar wedding calendar for June 2017

The first month of summer, and with it and the beginning of the wedding season. June is a good option for holding a wedding celebration, because it is already warm, but there is no sultry heat yet. If you follow the lunar calendar, then you should choose one of the three options - July 4, Sunday, or Friday - 9 or 30th.


Lunar wedding calendar for July 2017

Summer in full swing, wedding cortices can see every weekend every day. It is understandable - sunny, warm, walk and walk!

However, the options of the moon gives not so much - two fridays 7 and 28 numbers, as well as one Sunday - July 30. Not a single favorable day in the middle of the month, but it is also for the better - although the year for a year does not have, but still at this time the likelihood of exhausting heat is great. For a photo session with a parade in such weather conditions it would be hard.


Lunar wedding calendar for August 2017

Beautiful month, the final summer season. The July heat falls, but the summer is still in full swing. It's simple, it is softer and comfortable, which is just perfect for a wedding walk or field registration. Three options approves the lunar calendar, August 2 - Wednesday, 25 - Friday and 27 - Sunday. Friday is only one, rushed to take a turn!


Lunar wedding calendar for September 2017

Also a good month for the wedding ceremony, the truth is usually its first half associated with rains and cloudy weather, but in the second half of us every year it pleases Sunny India Summer every year! True, this time the moon gives us only one Friday - this is the 22th day. There are two more options: 3 - Sunday and 4 - Monday.


Lunar wedding calendar for October 2017

The wedding season is closed by and large this month, you can still see happy brides on the streets of the city. Cold penetrate everywhere and everywhere, sometimes you can even see the first snow. Not one Friday this time the lunar calendar does not approve for the wedding, only Sunday - 1 number, Monday - 2 numbers and Tuesday - October 24.


Lunar wedding calendar for November 2017

Minus outside the window becomes the norm, and it is important to take into account when planning a walk, photo shoot or field registration. November - final autumn and smoothly flowing in winter a month. But there are two approved moon-approved fridays at once - this is 3 and 24 numbers, as well as one Monday - November 20.


Lunar wedding calendar for December 2017

December is usually associated with the end of the old and the beginning of the new year. Everyone is where to rush, run, in the stores of the queue for gifts, on the streets of traffic jams, the circle of fuss. Not the best month for the wedding ceremony, however, if you do not fail to tie yourself to the Uzami marriage, then the moon approves two fridays - 1 and 22 numbers, as well as December 24 - Sunday.


Let's summarize

Choosing a wedding date Moon calendar Remember that some of them can contradict the Orthodox calendar, because if you plan to get married immediately, you will have to compare both calendars and choose the day that is approved by both. But in general, if you like a certain date, it means something for you, or just like it and beautifully looks, it may not be so serious about these calendars? By and large, happiness in the family depends on wisdom and the ability to understand, this is really important!

Video " Lunar calendar weddings for 2017 "


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