
Why lips are weathered. How to cure the stubble lips: what to do at home

Why lips are weathered. How to cure the stubble lips: what to do at home
Why the lips are weathered. How to cure the stubborn lips quickly, what to do at home.

Lips can be weathered due to changes in weather conditions. As a rule, this trouble is eliminated using elementary hygiene procedures. However, if the problem of dry lips pursues you constantly and acquires a chronic character, you should think, perhaps in your body grabs a number of useful trace elements. In today's article, we will tell you why the lips are weathered and describe the methods of treating this problem.

Why lips are weathered

Weathered lips are not pleasant the problem. This condition contributes to cracks, wounds and painful sensations, not to mention the aesthetic side of this phenomenon. Very often, dry lips appear not only in the winter, but also in the offseason and even in summer. Unfortunately, simple application of hygienic lipstick is not enough to prevent such a nuisance. In order for the treatment of weathered lips to be effective, first you need to eliminate the stimulus.

Reasons for lip weathing:

  1. Licking the lips. The habit of biting or licking lips accompanies many people. At the same time, these actions are performed mechanically. If you lick your lips in the wind, then peeling and cracks are guaranteed. The same effect is obtained when moisture hits the lips. For example, when bathing in reservoirs.
  2. Poor -quality cosmetics. Expensible or poor -quality cosmetics can be the cause of not only poor makeup, but also problems with skin and lips. Such an irritant can prove itself immediately after application. At the same time, the girl feels discomfort, which is accompanied by a feeling of swelling of the lips or a slight burning sensation. The thing is that the components of poor -quality lipstick destroy the protective layer of the epidermis, provoking the depletion of the skin of the lips. With the destruction of the protective layer, an unpleasant reaction occurs - dryness, peeling, cracks and even wounds.
  3. Viral and infectious diseases. Harmful microorganisms, falling into the human body, are trying to "win" as many territories as possible. Weakening immunity, they thin the dermis. The first lips are the first to suffer, because the protective layer is the thinnest on them.
  4. Lack of vitamins and trace elements. In particular, lips suffer from a lack of vitamins A and B. In addition to dryness and susceptibility to weathing, painful rashes may appear in this area that appear and disappear spontaneously. If your body does not receive vitamins, the lips will not only be weathered more often, but also heal longer.
  5. Acute or acidic food. Another risk factor is acute and acidic food. Such food can irritate the cells of the epidermis and lead them to death. In addition to signs of weathing, the so -called “seizures” may appear - painful wounds in the corners of the lips.
  6. Allergic reactions. Another reason for the weathered lips is the allergic reaction of the body. This phenomenon has a place to be in the most different period.
  7. Dehydration. The lack of fluid in the body is not in the last place among the causes of often weathered lips. Many people replace water with soda, juice, tea or coffee, as well as other drinks. At the same time, the fluid is practically not absorbed and, as a result, dehydration. Often such a problem is not felt, as it is drowned out by drinking various drinks. However, nothing can replace water.
  8. Toothpaste. You probably didn’t even think, but the toothpaste can also provoke frequent lip weathing. This is especially true for fluorine -containing funds. When using the inappropriate toothpaste, not only lips can suffer, but also the area around them.
  9. Runny nose. Do not be surprised, a runny nose is also not rarely the cause of weathered lips. The thing is that with a nasal congestion, a person breathes with his mouth. With such breathing, moisture settles on the lips, and then evaporates, draining the skin to the limit.

Lips are weathered: what to do at home

Weathered lips are not a reason to run to the doctor, you can easily cope with this problem at home. However, we note that if an allergic reaction was the cause of the weathered lips, it is better to seek medical help. So, where to start the treatment of stubborn lips.

How to cure the stubble lips: pharmacy products

In the pharmacy you can see many means for the treatment of weathered lips. As a rule, they are made on the basis of oils aimed at moisturizing dry skin. With the help of such tools, you can quickly solve the problem and cure your lips.

  1. Petrolatum.  This is a universal remedy, known for a long time. The purchase of this drug will not hit your pocket, and you will feel relief immediately after application. Vaseline softens the skin, strengthens the epidermis and protects it from further negative effects. This tool is best used in the initial stages. The protective layer forms a barrier on the lips. This gives the sponges time to recover under a dense protective layer.
  2. Vitamins A and E. These substances can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of oil solutions. This is a great method for treating lips, because vitamins not only create a protective layer, but also nourish the lips, accelerating metabolic processes in skin cells. It is enough to smear your lips with vitamins several times a day and by morning you can see noticeable improvements.
  3. Ointments. If the lips are weathered and hurt, then you can’t do without ointments. Housing ointment copes with this problem best of all. This drug not only helps the epidermis recover, but also has an analgesic effect.
  4. Gels. Namely, drugs made on the basis of zinc sulfate. This substance perfectly moisturizes the lips, saturating the skin cells with nutrients. The use of gels is a convenient and quick way to solve the problem of lip patting.
  5. Antibiotic ointment. If the lips are weathered and cracked, it is impossible to allow aggravation of the condition. Cracks on the lips are very dangerous, because infection can easily get through them. In the case of cracks, you should use special ointments with antibiotics.

Lips were weathered: how to quickly solve the problem with folk ways

Many people are supporters of folk treatment methods. They are especially effective with lip weathing. The advantage of this method of treatment is not only savings, but also the use of exclusively natural components.

Oil for the treatment of answered lips

Oils are very effective in the treatment of weathered lips. The most effective use of such oils:

  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn;
  • olive;
  • coconut;
  • rosehip;
  • calendulas.

Active substances of oils quickly heal the cracked lips and return them a healthy look. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to mix them with vitamin solutions.

How to cook and use the tool:

  1. Mix 20 ml of olive oil with 2 drops of vitamin A.
  2. Add 2 drops of lemon juice to the product.
  3. Lubricate lips and area around them.
  4. Repeat the procedure several times a day.

Compress for weathered lips

What to do if the lips are strongly weathered? Of course, alleviate the condition with a special compress. The most effective here are a coffee or saline compress.

How to cook a coffee compress:

  1. 1 tbsp. l coffee grounds mix with 2 tbsp. L oatmeal.
  2. Mix the mixture.
  3. Transfer the product to gauze and wrap it so that it turns out a dense bundle.
  4. Apply the compress to the lips.
  5. Keep the product on the damaged area for 20 minutes.

How to cook a salt compress:

  1. ½ tsp, dissolve in warm water (250 ml).
  2. Smell in a solution of cotton tissue.
  3. Apply a moistened flap of fabric to the lips.
  4. Keep the product on the lips for 10 minutes.
  5. Lubricate your lips with a medicinal cream.

Ointment, mask for weathered lips

The most popular home remedies for the treatment of weathered lips are ointments. They will quickly eliminate the problem, bringing relief from the first minute of influence. It is not difficult to cook ointments for lips, the main thing is to decide which exactly it is for you. All kinds of single or multicomponent masks are also able to improve the condition of the lips.

Avocado mask:

  1. Grind the pulp of avocado using a blender.
  2. Apply the pulp to the lips.
  3. Leave the product on the lips for 30 minutes.

Such a mask will delay moisture and help it “correctly” to absorb in the skin cells.

Mask with sea buckthorn oil:

  1. Melt 50 grams of honey.
  2. Add 20 grams of glycerol to honey.
  3. Mix 10 ml of propolis tincture and 15 grams of sea buckthorn oil in a product.
  4. Mix the product until smooth.
  5. Apply a mask 2 times a day.

Aloe mask:

  1. Mix Vaseline and glycerin in a proportion of 1: 1.
  2. Add aloe juice to the product.
  3. Mix the product until smooth.
  4. Apply the mask to the lips and hold for 30 minutes.

Ointment with cocoa:

  1. In the same proportions, mix the petroleum jelly, bee wax, cocoa oil and chamomile decoction.
  2. Stir the mass until smooth.
  3. Lubricate the skin of the lips throughout the day.

Curd mask:

  1. Mix cottage cheese with cream.
  2. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous state.
  3. Squeeze the product on the lips.
  4. Wait a complete drying of the mask then wash off the product with warm water.

Mask with honey:

  1. Melt honey.
  2. Lubricate your lips with honey every 2 hours.

This mask is very effective if it is weathered around the lips. For effectiveness, you need to increase the application area and reduce the temporary interval of the disposal of the product.

We treat the weathered lips: lip peeling

If unpleasant “shreds” appeared on the weathered lips, you do not need to tear them off with your teeth. You run the risk of making deep wounds on your lips or, even worse, to bring the infection. Remove "rags" from the lips will help a simple, but effective tool.

Pilling with honey:

  1. Mark a small lump of sugared honey with your fingers and apply to the lips.
  2. Massage the lips for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Rinse the product with warm water.

Oil sugar:

  1. Mix a handful of sugar with olive oil.
  2. Apply the product to the lips.
  3. Massage the lips for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Rinse the product with warm water.

What to do if the lips are weathered. Video

Prevention of lip weathing

Of course, it is better not to allow lip toleration, but to warn this problem. It doesn’t matter what the weather on the street - the lips are weathered even in the summer.

  • In order to prevent lips to allow, you need to maintain certain conditions in the room where you live. The optimum temperature is 22 degrees, humidity is 40%.
  • After any water procedures, do not wipe your lips dry. Just get their best with a towel and apply a moisturizer.
  • Eat correctly. Eat all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. In the offseason, it is also recommended to “reinforce” the vitamin balance using the appropriate pharmacy.
  • Try not to lick or bite your lips. Even if you notice that the skin of this area is dry - refrain from licking and it is better to apply vegetable oil or hygienic lipstick to the lips.
  • Take for yourself the habit of applying a moisturizer to the lips before going out.

If you notice that the child’s lips are weathered quite often, do not forget to lubricate the sponges of the crumbs with a protective agent. It is better to choose natural "edible" components. Great for:

  • olive oil;
  • coconut oil;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil;
  • honey.



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