
What to do with a bite of a bee is first aid. What the bee bite looks like - a photo. How to remove edema and redness after a bite of a bee at home. How to anoint the bee bite - means

What to do with a bite of a bee is first aid. What the bee bite looks like - a photo. How to remove edema and redness after a bite of a bee at home. How to anoint the bee bite - means
What to do with a bite of a bee. First aid with a bite of a bee, how to quickly relieve redness, swelling, a tumor, an allergy to a bee bite. Than to anoint the bee bite.

In the warm period of the year, insects become base satellites. Most of them do not pose any danger to a person, others can bite and sting, causing not only discomfort, but also a danger to life. We are talking about severe allergies or, in other words, anaphylactic shock. The bee bite can cause this condition. However, far from always the result of a bite of this insect is such a reaction. In most cases, you can help yourself. In today's article, we will describe how to properly provide first aid for a bite of a bee and how to recognize the allergy to bee venom in time.

Bee bite: Features of the sting and poison composition

To begin with, it should be noted that without the extreme need, the bee will not attack a person. Bees sting exclusively for their protection or family. An irritant for this insect can be sharp movements: waving hands, running. After a bite, the insect dies, since the sting with the Zazubin is deeply included in the skin and when flying the bee cannot take it out. Thus, making sharp jerks, the bee pulls out a sting, and with it the intestines and internal organs. It is interesting that even after the death of a bee from the sting, the poison continues to stand out until its reserve exhausted. That is why it is necessary to take it out as soon as possible. How to do it right read below.

Also, a mistake will kill the bee during a bite or attack. The fact is that during death in a stressful situation, stinging insects distinguish a special substance that acts as an alarm for relatives and causes rage. As a result, other bees can attack you in a radius of spraying of a substance.

When it enters the soft fabric, poison begins to stand out from the sting. It has a rather complicated chemical composition. In the poison of bees there are proteins, carbohydrates, macro- and trace elements, fats and acids. They do not pose a danger. In addition, bee venom would be considered extremely useful and valuable, if not for a number of toxins in its composition.

Bee poison contains such potent toxic substances:

  • melitin.  This is the basic component of bee venom. Mixing with blood, this substance destroys red blood cells, causing inflammatory processes in the entire body and impaired digestive tract;
  • apamine. Apamine is no less dangerous in the composition of bee poison. This toxin affects the human nervous system. In this case, the nervous endings are excited throughout the body in a variety of areas;
  • hyaluronidase. This enzyme destroys mucopolysaccharide compounds. This is fraught with swelling;
  • histamine.  This is an enzyme that causes pain, redness, swelling, a sharp drop in pressure;
  • phospholipase A.  It causes a strong inflammatory process at the bite. Spreading through the body, this substance damages blood cells, destroying their integral structure.

Bee bite: symptoms

Symptoms for the bite of the bee are determined by the composition of the bee poison and individual tolerance of the body of substances. It is worth noting that some people easily tolerate this nuisance, others - become victims of the most severe allergic reactions.

The normal reaction to the bee bite can be considered the following symptoms:

  • short -term pain;
  • swelling of the bite zone;
  • burning, skin irritation at the place of bite;
  • redness at the site of the bite;
  • swelling from the bite of the bee at the site of the bite;
  • itching in the field of the entry of the sting.

As a rule, symptoms begin to appear 10-15 minutes after a bite and passes within 2-24 hours. It is worth noting that skin edema at a bite can last up to 3 days, on the face or neck - up to 10 days.

Allergy to the bite of bees: Symptoms

An allergy to bee venom is a serious matter. In the most difficult cases, anaphylactic shock may begin. This condition can develop for a short time and is accompanied by a pronounced local reaction to an insect bite. In this case, there is a sharp pain, severe edema, swelling, severe itching, a sharp drop in pressure. In 20% of cases of anaphylactic shock, this phenomenon leads to death. Such statistics were formed due to edema of the larynx and oral cavity. At the same time, breathing is difficult, and the victim dies from suffocation.

Severe allergy to a bee bite manifests itself in the form of such symptoms:

  • hives;
  • itching in the bite area;
  • redness of the large zone around the bite of the insect;
  • increased heartbeat;
  • headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • joint pain and lumbar region;
  • edema of the front zone;
  • elevated temperature after the bite of the bee;
  • chills;
  • dyspnea;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • convulsions;
  • confusion;
  • loss of consciousness.

It is worth noting that these symptoms do not necessarily appear immediately after the bite of the bee, symptoms can accumulate and manifest within 1-3 days.

Remember that an allergy to bee poison is very life -threatening. Therefore, if you notice similar symptoms with the above - immediately consult a doctor.

What does the bee bite look like: photo

Bee bite: First aid

What to do with a bite of a bee? First of all, you need to remove the sting. You can do this yourself or with strangers.

How to remove bees bite: we get the sting

  1. Disinformed tweezers.
  2. Pincet's working blades capture the sting for a hard part. It is important not to touch the poison bag.
  3. Gently, without sudden movements, remove the sting.
  4. Squeeze a little blood from the wound to make sure that the sting is completely extracted.
  5. Disinfecting the phalanx of the index finger.
  6. With a finger, without pressing, draw a bite at the place of the bite if you did not feel a sharp pain - the sting is completely removed.

The most important thing when extracting a sting is not to damage a bag of poison. Otherwise, you will squeeze the contents of the bag, increasing the concentration of poison and the effect of toxins on the body.

How to treat bees bite: compress

The next step after extracting the sting should be a compress. Since the poison has an acidic pH environment, it can be neutralized by applying a wet flap with an alkaline solution to the bite site. For example, soap or sodov.

How to cook soda compress:

  1. Mix 3 tbsp. l soda from 1 liter of water.
  2. Stir the mixture until smooth.
  3. Pick the solution to the affected area with a cotton swab.
  4. After 5-10 minutes, rinse the compress with water.

How to prepare a soap solution for the compress:

  1. In water, soap soap.
  2. Moisten in soapy water a flap of fabric.
  3. Apply a wet fabric to the place of the bite for 3-7 minutes.
  4. Rinse the place where the compress was.

How to anoint the bee bite: disinfection

The next step in eliminating the consequences of the bite of the bee is to disinfect the wound. Any antiseptic is suitable. The best thing is to cope with this task:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • iodine;
  • furatsilin solution;
  • zelenka;
  • solution of ammonia.

What helps the bite of the bee: we eliminate the consequences of the bite with cold

To slow down the effect of the poison and prevent its distribution through the body, we advise you to apply cold to the damaged area. A piece of ice will perfectly cope with this task. With ice, you need to process not only the place of the bite, but also the area around it. Slowly drive in ice until it melts and relief comes.

If there was no ice cube at hand, you can use other cold objects. For example, a glass jar just removed from the refrigerator.

What to take with a bite of a bee

After the bite, the bee must be taken by the antihistamine without fail. These drugs will block special receptors in the body and prevent the spread of poison. In addition, antihistamines help relieve swelling, prevent allergies.

What antihistamines can be taken with a bite of bees:

  • L-tset;
  • Tavegil;
  • Zodak;
  • Fenistil;
  • Claritin;
  • Suprastin;
  • Dimedrol.

The dosage of funds must be selected according to instructive requirements for the drug.

To eliminate external signs of a bite, it is also advisable to use antihistamine ointment. It will eliminate itching, relieves and redness.

What to do with a bite of a bee or wasp: General recommendations

The poison of stinging insects acts on people differently. However, if you transfer this nuisance quite painfully and uncomfortable, we advise you not to neglect the following simple rules:

  1. Do not comb the place of the bite. Even if the affected area itchs, it cannot be scratched. With this manipulation, the poison will spread into neighboring fabrics, causing concomitant edema. In addition, it is impossible to scratch due to the risk of infection of the wound. If the bite is very itchy, it is better to apply a cold compress.
  2. Drink more liquids. As drinking, you can use non -carbonated water without dyes, water with electrolyte or sweet tea. The liquid will remove poison from the body faster and will not allow the edema to spread.
  3. With allergies  Put the victim with heating pads with warm water and wrap it with a blanket. It is also recommended to increase the dose of antihistamine. After these manipulations, immediately take the patient to a medical institution where he will be qualified assistance.

Remember, the most important thing with allergies to bee venom is not to waste time. Try to deliver the victim as soon as possible to the hospital. The bee bite in a child is especially dangerous. Children are especially difficult to tolerate bee venom. Improper first aid for stinging insect bites for children is very dangerous. This is especially true of cases when a bite falls in a blood vessel or capillary.

Bee bite: how to remove edema folk remedies

The edema from the bite of the bee can occur at the most inopportune moment, in the most inappropriate atmosphere. As a rule, stinging insects live in country cooperatives, you can also find wild bees during outdoor activities. In such cases, it is rarely possible to find a stock of antihistamines or even elementary antiseptics. Then folk methods come to the rescue. As practice shows, folk medicine with stinging bites saved many people, and therefore it cannot be discounted.

Folk remedies for the bite of the bee:

  1. Onion. An ordinary bulb will help relieve redness and reduce swelling. In addition, this vegetable is famous for its bactericidal properties. In order to use the method, it is enough to cut the onion in half and attach it to the bite site.
  2. Parsley. This simple greens have an anti -inflammatory effect. Parsley leaves before use need to scald with boiling water. Apply warm leaves to the place of the bite and keep the relief yet.
  3. Olive oil. Olive oil will relieve redness and reduce irritation from a bee bite. Before use, the oil must be cooled, then lubricated with a small amount of the damaged area.
  4. Aloe. To relieve edema, itching and redness, aloe is perfect. It is necessary to use this plant in the bite of a bee in the form of a compress. A leaf broken in half, placed on the affected area, will also help.
  5. Plantain. The plantain has long been famous for its bactericidal and anti -inflammatory effect. Before use, the plant sheet is recommended to scald with boiling water.

The consequences of the bite of the bee

With a normal reaction to the bee bite, the symptoms disappear after 2-24 hours. However, if timely proper assistance is not provided, serious complications may arise.

The harm from the bite of the bee can affect the following consequences:

  • the formation of an abscess at the site of the bite;
  • fever for 7 or more days;
  • soreness at the site of the bite for several days;
  • progressive edema of the affected area;
  • muscle pain;
  • bone pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • a rash in the body.

Basically, such reactions arise due to non-ordering first aid to be terrible. Such manifestations require immediate medical intervention.

Bee bite: benefits

In conclusion, I would like to say that the bee poison is not so destructive for the body. According to the development of many scientists, the substances contained in it can be useful. There is a whole direction in medicine, based on the treatment with bee venom - apitherapy.

The same components that cause negative reactions have a therapeutic effect. It is proved that bee venom:

  • improves metabolic processes in the body;
  • reduces the activity of inflammatory processes;
  • activates the production of hormones;
  • normalizes the enzymatic composition in the body;
  • suppresses the vital activity of harmful bacteria;
  • has a spasmolytic effect;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • helps with hypotension;
  • normalizes the heart rhythm;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • has an anti -recover effect;
  • increases the content of red blood cells in the blood;
  • improves microcirculation, etc.



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