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Oatmeal diet

Oatmeal diet
A diet based on oatmeal. Useful properties and tangible result

Everyone is familiar with such a useful breakfast as oatmeal. In the morning, it gives the body a lot of energy and strength in order to productively spend a working day or a weekend. However, many use oatmeal as another way to reduce weight, so they are eaten in the finished form in the morning, day and evening. And you should pay special attention to the fact that this diet acts immediately. The oat diet gained its fame among dietitian and consumers for the fact that with its help you can get rid of a few extra pounds without any harm.

Useful properties of oatmeal

Oat porridge has long been taking a leading position among useful breakfasts and many are known to its properties. Oatmeal is rich in carbohydrates, so it is the main source of energy for the whole day. Having had breakfast oatmeal, you can forget about food until lunch, since it is extremely nutritious, and also saves from morning drowsiness and lethargy, arouses a positive mood for the whole day.

Breakfast of Freshly Prepareed Oatmeal Topped with Raisins. Served with your choice of coffee or orange and a cup of fruit.

Oatmeal effect on the body:

  • reduces the level of cholesterol and blood sugar;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • prevents blood clots;
  • promotes muscle tissue to increase;
  • reduces the acidity of gastric juice;
  • helps to get rid of constipation and colitis;
  • stabilizes the thyroid gland and liver functionality.

Oat porridge is especially useful for those people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, stomach, intestines, problem skin and the appearance of constant inflammation on it.

Oats Heap on White Background. Shallow Depth of Field, Focus on the First Ots.

The composition of oatmeal is quite diverse: fiber, beneficial fats and protein compounds that eliminate the feeling of hunger for a long time, vitamins of group A, B, E, K, Potassium, iodine, calcium, fluorine, iron, phosphorus, etc.

Oat porridge is a universal product, as it is suitable for those who are going to sit on a diet, and for those who simply lead a healthy lifestyle and observe the correct diet.

The effect of the oatmeal system

Oatmeal diet does not differ in a complex mechanism of daily observance. It helps to get rid of accumulated fat and at the same time cleanses the body, and also contributes to the normal functioning of the intestinal-yellow tract.

There are two main ways to use an oat diet based on what result you want to achieve:

  1. Adhering to the first option from a week to four, on the scales you can see minus 3 kg per week. However, this method is complex, since not every person is able to show such perseverance and such self -control. It is worth remembering that even despite the benefits and harmlessness of the oat diet, the body needs animal proteins, so you do not need to tighten it for a very long time. Gradually, new problems with skin, hair and nails, immunity and menstrual cycle may appear. Quite often, nutritionists paint an oat diet for 7 days.
  2. The second method is more lightweight, as it allows several unloading days with oatmeal per month or one day a week. Thus, fat deposits will be burned step by step, and the work of the whole body is normalized. This option is suitable for those who do not want to eat only one oatmeal for a long time. Such days can be arranged after any holidays or weekends, where there were a lot of fatty and high-calorie foods.

How does an oat diet begins

In the event that you decide to adhere to oat monodite, then you should take constant weekly breaks in front of the next circle, during which you can eat the usual products, excluding fatty, fried, flour and sweet.

Like all other diets, oatmeal requires a thorough preparation of the body for subsequent stress.

Stages of rice cleaning:

  1. Pour 5 tbsp into the container. l. unprocessed rice and pour it 1 liter of cold boiled water. It can be left in this form for the whole night, and in the morning to put it on low heat for about an hour.
  2. The resulting jelly -like mass should be drunk on an empty stomach every day throughout the preparatory week. After this reception, it is forbidden to eat something within 5-6 hours. You need to drink only purified non -carbonated water. Then, until the end of the day, you can eat a little vegetable salad, steamed fish, light soup, etc.
  3. A few hours before bed, you need to stop the meal. This will help you have a good rest at night, and will also contribute to the normal work of your digestion.

At the end of such preparation, you need to begin an oat diet - your body will calmly perceive all the upcoming restrictions in food. The benefits of rice cleaning can be seen from almost the first days, because the weight will begin to leave the preparatory week.

Oat diet in application

All nutrition during a diet on oatmeal consists in its regular use. In the intervals, you can diversify the menu with fruits with a reduced sucrose content, and easily absorbed vegetables. This option is often considered simple, easy to use and preparation.

However, there is a more intense way of losing weight based on oatmeal - you need to alternate oatmeal and crushed oats, and for the base you can use milk and water. It is recommended to eat up to 500 grams of cereals per day and drink at least 1.5 liters of pure natural water.

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The oatmeal diet menu of this species is simple - every other day oatmeal and crushed grains prepared on water and milk with a low percentage of fat content need to be consumed. As an addition, you can eat vegetables and fruits, and add a little prunes to the porridge to avoid the occurrence of constipation or other problems with the intestines.

It should be remembered that the porridge should be “empty”, i.e. Without adding butter, sugar, salt and even honey. As an exception, you can sprinkle it with cinnamon for a variety in taste. Contraindication to the use of oatmeal diet for weight loss is pregnancy.

Oatmeal diet

The difference between oatmeal and bran is that the latter are a solid shell of the grain itself, and the first is the final result of the purification of grain from the husk and the shell. Some unscrupulous manufacturers sometimes sell ordinary husk instead of bran, so you need to pay attention to the appearance and composition. Calorie flakes also differ - in brans it is slightly lower. The famous diet of Ducan allows the use of oat bran at the second stage.


Despite this, the use of bran is contraindicated to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: ulcer, gastritis, stomach disorder, etc.

There are 3 main points that must be adhere to:

  1. You should drink as much water or green tea as possible, since bran begins to swell and digest only if there is the right amount of liquid. Otherwise, instead of a positive result, you can get constipation.
  2. The norm for daily reception is 3 tbsp. l.  Its excess threatens with weight in the stomach and bloating.
  3. It is necessary to take constant breaks in the use of oat bran. They cover the walls of the stomach, which prevents the absorption of fat and sugar, as well as individual useful elements that enter the body with food, so you need to develop the desired dose for themselves.

The bran is filled with water, kefir, low -fat yogurt, milk, and they can supplement the recipes for porridge, soup, baking.


Methods of cooking oatmeal

The process of making porridge for oatmeal diet can be represented in two ways that completely differently reveal their beneficial properties. The taste of the dish may vary, so from time to time you can alternate both methods.

Cooking system:

  1. With preliminary soaking, the effect of phytic acid, which is in oatmeal, is reduced to a zero level. It blocks the penetration of useful trace elements into the blood. Oat flakes should be poured in the evening and leave them to swell all night, and in the morning they can already be cooked for several minutes. If you leave the oatmeal to swell during the day, then in this case thermal treatment is no longer needed, and its natural sweetness will become a taste.
  2. A distinctive feature of the recipe for oat diet is the presence of beta-glucans and polysaccharides with a long chain in it, which are characterized by anti-inflammatory, healing and immunomodulating effects. Cooking over low heat for half an hour contributes to the disclosure of all useful functions and elements of oatmeal. The readiness of oat porridge for use speaks of its viscous and homogeneous consistency. After that, you need to turn off the gas and let the porridge brew under the closed lid for 5 minutes. Only after that she is completely ready for use. If the whole process of making oatmeal for you is a complex and taking time, then you can use a multicooker with the function of a delayed start as a help. It will help you cook porridge throughout the day.

Oatow diet menu

Oat diet can be calculated both for a week and for a short period. On the Internet and in books that are compiled by experimental dietetologists, you can find various schedules for the application of diet based on oatmeal.


Below is one of the lightweight options for monodite.

Day first:

  • from 9 to 10 in the morning - oatmeal cooked from 0.5 tbsps of oatmeal or crushed oats grain;
  • at 11 in the morning - a cup of green tea, a few pieces of nuts to choose from;
  • from hour to two days - with boiling water, flakes with a half teaspoon of honey;
  • at 3 o’clock in the afternoon - a light vegetable salad, which includes radishes or cucumbers;
  • from 5 to 6 pm - cooked flakes with berries.

Day second:

  • from 9 to 10 in the morning - oatmeal cooked on water;
  • at 11 in the morning - 1 tbsp of kefir with a low percentage of fat content;
  • from hour to two days - infused flakes with honey;
  • at 3 pm - a grapefruit and a cup of green tea with ginger;
  • from 5 to 6 pm - oatmeal, 2 pcs of dried apricots and prunes and 1 fig.

Day Three:

  • from 9 to 10 in the morning - porridge of 0.5 tbsps of oatmeal;
  • at 11 in the morning - low -fat yogurt without impurities;
  • from hour to two days - with boiling water, flakes with a half teaspoon of honey;
  • at 3 o’clock in the afternoon - cold green tea with mint and orange;
  • from 5 to 6 pm - oatmeal porridge on the water and 30 g of raisins.

Day fourth (final):

  • from 9 to 10 in the morning - oatmeal in milk;
  • at 11 in the morning - 1 tbsp of a one percent kefir;
  • from hour to two days - infused flakes with honey;
  • at 3 o’clock in the afternoon - a salad with an orange, a small piece of boiled fish, salad leaves and tomato;
  • from 5 to 6 pm - porridge made of oatmeal on boiling water, a small pear.

In order to get rid of a annoying pair of kilograms, you need to make a little effort and a little patience. The results of the oat diet are capable of impressing everyone, however, the benefits of such nutrition will be invaluable for the body.



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