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Makeup to enlarge eyes

Makeup to enlarge eyes
Correctly selected makeup is able to make a queen out of an ordinary girl.

No wonder it is said that the eyes are a mirror of the soul. Open expressive eyes are the dream of most girls. And what if nature has deprived of the size and expressiveness of the eyes? Tips for professional stylists will come to the rescue. Correctly applied makeup will help make small flaws invisible, bringing the facial features to the perfect.

Early eyes with makeup

If you follow the recommendations of makeup artists, with the help of simple cosmetics and techniques, the eyes will seem expressive, and facial features are correct. All means for makeup can easily be found in any cosmetic bag. We will need: shadows of different shades, mascara, contour pencil, concealer. And now we need to master several techniques to enlarge the eyes.

Eyebrow correction to enlarge eyes

The correctly selected shape of the eyebrows gives the face openness or character. The eyebrow drawing is selected in the shape of the face and eyes. Currently in the trend are thick natural eyebrows. In order for the eyes to seem large and open, sometimes the shape of the eyebrows must be adjusted. It is better to entrust this procedure to a professional stylist, because from the side all the features of appearance know better. If this is not possible, do not rush to dramatically pluck your eyebrows. You can use special eyebrow templates that are sold in cosmetics stores, or find your own individual form using a cosmetic pencil, mirrors and girlfriend's advice.

In order for the eyes to seem open, the lower part of the eyebrow should be very neat, all extra hairs from this zone are necessarily removed. At the same time, it is not recommended to reduce the density of hairs in eyebrows, because we strive for naturalness. To visually increase the size of the eyes will help lightening the zone under the eyebrows. The color of the eyebrows should be half a ton darker than a natural shade. Too black give the face a gloomy, gloomy impression and visually reduce their eyes. The color of the eyebrows can be adjusted with a pencil or shadows.

The zone around the eyes


The skin of the upper and lower eyelids requires careful care. Often it is in this area that evidence of the regime of the day and nutrition appears: dark circles, wrinkles, bruises and swelling. Classile will help to disguise these shortcomings. With a correctly selected tint of the concealer, to obscure the skin around the eyes, apply light light powder over it with a soft brush. This simple technique will help make makeup neat and stable, the shadows will not form in folds and slide.

Correct selection of shadows to enlarge eyes


The shadows correctly and competently selected shades are capable of making a fatal beauty from a simpleton with small eyes. It is better to give preference to traditional technology. It consists in preliminary application of the base to the skin. Then a layer of light shadows is applied, which harmonize with the shade of your skin. Apply light shadows along the upper eyelid, stretching to the lower line of the eyebrows. The lightening of this area will visually increase the eyes. To highlight the highlight of your appearance, for example, a beautiful section of the eyes, will help accentuating shadows. To avoid vulgarity, the contour shadows should be chosen not bright, but medium in color saturation. The color of accenting shadows can be selected in accordance with the color of the eyes, emphasizing their originality. A special charm will give a combination of a shade of shadows with hair color or clothing. Contour shadows are applied to the outer part of the eye, on the fold of the upper eyelid and gently shade towards the outer section of the eyebrow.

Contour pencil for eye enlargement


The eyeliner line can have sharply defined contours, and can be smoky, shaved. It is important not to overdo it in this direction: a very greasy arrow on the upper eyelid hesitates and reduces his eyes. The same applies to the eyeliner of the lower eyelid. The clearly defined line of the lower eyelid will make the eye small, so this option is better to avoid. For makeup, which is aimed at increasing the eyes, stylists recommend making an arrow on the upper eyelid, starting from the middle of the eye, taking it to the outer edge. The color of the contour pencil should be chosen carefully, avoiding very intense shades.

And in order for the eyes to seem open, it is better to use the white contour pencil. It is used to eyeliner the internal contour of the lower eyelid. This is a very delicate event, but by training a little, you will fully cope yourself. It's all about optical deception: we try to visually increase the size of the protein of the eye. Having mastered this manipulation, experiment with other light shades of contour pencil: silver or gray. This can be used to apply makeup for a party or a solemn occasion. The eyeliner with a light shade of the lower eyelid works with the eyes of real miracles: they become clear, expressive and sensual.

Makeup nuances to enlarge eyes

The eyes are closely located

Sometimes a feature of appearance are the eyes located close to the nose. To bring your face to the ideal, we will carry out the following manipulations:

  • observing the rules of the makeup, we lighten the eyelids near the bridge of the nose with light shades of shadows;
  • we apply shadows of saturated shades on the outer corners of the eyes, shading on the outer surface of the century;
  • on the upper eyelid we draw an arrow, starting from its middle, gracefully going beyond the area of \u200b\u200bthe mobile eyelid, as if continuing the line of the eye;
  • turn our eyes in mascara.

Round little eyes

To give the eyes a beautiful shape and make them irresistible will help the contour pencil, shadows, mascara with the effect of volume. We proceed:

  • we make an arrow on the upper eyelid from its middle, going beyond the folds on the century, we make sure that the shooter does not thicken directly above the pupil;
  • we avoid the connection of the upper and lower arrows in the corners of the eyes, this rounds them even more;
  • on top of the contour we apply the shadows of a saturated shade and shade a clear boundary;
  • we apply mascara, paying attention to the study of the outer corner of the eye.

Narrow eyes

Often for girls this is a real problem. To increase narrow eyes:

  • draw an arrow on the upper eyelid, retreating from the place of eyelash growth;
  • if the makeup provides for the arrow on the lower eyelid, we do the same;
  • now the eyeliner must be slightly shaved;
  • we apply the shadows with a light, thin layer, without closing the eyeliner.

Deeply planted eyes


Even the eyes of a very beautiful color lose their expressiveness with such an arrangement. They are, as it were, are in the shade. Stylists recommend emphasizing the line of eyelashes and give them volume with mascara. An elongated arrow will not be superfluous. These simple techniques will help to cope with this drawback.

Makeup to enlarge eyes step by step: everyday

Starting to apply day makeup, you must try to make it as natural as possible. To do this, select the correct shades that are suitable for your skin type: for the base we take light beige, honey, vanilla. They can be supplemented with brown, chocolate and shade of cinnamon.


To apply makeup, you will need: eyeliner, dark pencil, white and light gray pencil, mascara, shadows of 2 shades.

  1. We apply light shadows with light movements of the brush. We shade them to the eyebrow line.
  2. We bring the upper eyelid, drawing an arrow near the roots of the eyelashes. Do not forget to consider recommendations for different eyes. To the outer corner of the eye, the arrow gradually thickens, this will give the eyes an oblong, cat's shape.
  3. Gently paint over the bright places between the cilia on the upper eyelid with a pencil. Then go to the outer corner of the eye. It is there that it is necessary to put a dark accent, it will give the face expressiveness.
  4.   With a light pencil, we highlight the edge near the eyelashes on the lower eyelid. This small stroke is remarkably refreshing his eyes, giving them radiance and shine.
  5. Below the height of the cilia on the lower eyelid, using a brush and shadows, we draw a blended arrow. We apply the shadows of a saturated shade, stepping a little from the inner corner of the eye. This is a small secret to enlarge the eyes.
  6. Approaching mascara on the eyelashes, we are especially carefully working out the outer corners of the eyes. In these places, you can use multi -layer imposition of mascara.

These are the main provisions of applying makeup to enlarge the eyes. They can be supplemented with several expressive lines and you will get an evening makeup to enlarge the eyes, you can look at the photo:


  • We apply the arrow on the upper eyelid, clearly thickening it and extinguishing it.
  • Near the bridge of the nose, we lighten the eyelids with silver shadows. We apply them under the eyebrow. Slightly shame the light shadows.
  • We draw an arrow on the lower eyelid.
  • We emphasize with light shadows, as if continuing the arrow of the lower eyelid.
  • We highlight the lower eyelid shadows in harmony with the color of the eyes or objects of clothing.

Makeup artists develop different types of makeup, which can be selected for your type and eye color. One of the options for makeup to enlarge the eyes can be viewed in a step -by -step photo:


Makeup for the overhanging century and an increase in the eye

Such a feature of appearance, like an omitted eyelid, is quite common. This drawback can give a sad expression to the face and make the eyes tired and dull. Using simple techniques, you can make a completely invisible overhanging eyelid. It is important to remember that problem areas must be darkened with a bubble or intensive shades of shadows.

Makeup should begin in the usual way, by applying the base and leveling the skin tone. The shadows for makeup of the overhanging century is recommended to choose 3 shades. We shade the shade of the average intensity with a brush in the eyelid, that part that becomes invisible when we open our eyes. Then, the darkest shade of shadows with the help of a brush draw the boundary of the end of the shadows on the eyelid. We slightly shade the line so that there are no sharp transitions. Before the lower boundary of the eyebrows, we pull out the lightest shadows. We emphasize the lower eyelid using shadows of medium shade.

Makeup application scheme for the hanging century and an increase in the eyes can be studied on video.

Makeup to enlarge the eyes. Video



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