
Homemade masks for fading skin

Homemade masks for fading skin
Save the skin fresh and pulled home masks.

Age changes on the skin appear in the excellent course of youth when we do not even suspect. Most often, this is expressed in reducing the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, the appearance of the first wrinkles. This is because the skin loses collagen, protein, providing skin elasticity and elasticity.

Why does the skin fade?

Many factors affect the condition of the skin, the most important of them are genes. It is in the genes that our skin will look after 10 and 20 years. Therefore, if you know that inherited you got dry skin, prone to wriggles and fading, you need to fight with this young years.

Significantly affecting the condition of the skin can continuous impact of ultraviolet rays. Medical studies suggest that the amount of collagen and elastine decreases under the action of ultraviolet. This is not a reason to completely abandon your stay in the sun. But if you take care of your skin, on walks and rest wear headwear, shading face, use the creams with UV filters, do not sunbathe during the very active sun, at noon.

Wadding skin can be after severe weight loss. As a result of a decrease in body weight, the body loses the subcutaneous fatty fiber, the skin becomes dry, peeling and fades. This can be struggling with moisturizing procedures. If your skin is prone to dryness and peeling, after the shower or bath do not wipe it to dry. Carefully laughing the skin with a towel, apply a moisturizing agent for 5 minutes after the water procedure.

On the state of the skin reflects errors in nutrition, smoking, severe stress and lack of sleep. To make the skin being healthy and beautiful, it is necessary to observe the mode of sleep and recreation, more often to be in the fresh air and abandon bad habits. In addition, do not forget the advice of Elena Malysheva, that "water is more important than the food!" And drink enough pure drinking water per day.

If you encounter skin fading, you should not panic. Loofing the skin does not mean her aging, more often it is associated with insufficient skin care or listed causes. In our power to restore the vitality of the skin and bring it into the tone.

How to help mask for fading skin

To improve fading skin, in the composition of masks it is necessary to include ingredients that are saturated with the skin with vitamins and microelements. As a result, the work of skin cells is activated, and they will begin to produce substances that guarantee the elasticity of the skin - elastin and collagen. After all, the skin is not old, but just tired of dryness and stress. If you correctly systematically apply masks for fading skin:

  • a healthy blush will appear on the face, the skin will become bright and smooth;
  • under the influence of moisturizing substances, the skin will get rid of dryness and peeling;
  • in the skin, blood circulation is improved, and metabolic processes will be restored as a result of skin cells.

Features of masks for fading skin

  1. Prefer only fresh natural ingredients.
  2. To care for aging skin is not recommended to use a mask with a lifting effect, intended for tightening and skin rejuvenation. Task mask for aging skin - to improve skin tone and saturate with nutrients.
  3. In order to avoid allergies to components of the mask, test makeup on your skin before the procedure.
  4. Getting to the preparation of masks, follow the recipe and time effect on the skin.
  5. The result of the use of domestic masks can be seen at once, we must be prepared to carry out their course in the 1.5 - 2 months, using once a week.
  6. When applying the composition of the mask do not forget that special care needs to the neck and décolleté area. It is there that rush interested glances, so the skin in this sensitive area must be flawless.

Masks for aging skin at home

Nutritional yeast mask

  • 1 tbsp. l. compressed yeast;
  • 1 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 1 tsp. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp. Honey.

All the ingredients are mixed, a bowl with a mixture of put in a bowl of warm water for 20-30 minutes. On the surface of the foam structure should appear. This suggests that the yeast began to work. Mix well again and apply on face. Duration - 10 minutes. Dry aging skin the result will be noticeable within 1 month of regular use of masks.

Banana mask with honey


1 tbsp. l. ripe banana pulp mixed with one egg yolk, 1 hr. l. honey and 1 hour. l. vegetable oil. Oil can take any: olive, castor, almond. For a more comfortable use of the add 1 hour. L. oatmeal to mask did not flow. The composition applied to the skin, lie on a horizontal flat surface for 15 minutes.

Mask moisturizing food + fruit

1 tbsp. l. softened butter mixed with beaten egg yolk and 1 hour. l. Honey. The resulting mixture was added 2 h. L. chopped apple. The mixed composition applied to the skin for 15 minutes. Apple may be replaced by ripe peaches or strawberries.

The mask of carrot


Adding to fresh fruits and vegetables increases the efficiency of masks for fading skin of the face, so the skin after such procedures becomes healthy and well-groomed. It is better to use fresh fruits and vegetables, but frozen berries are perfectly fit, if they defrost and heat them. Grind in a blender or a small carrot on a grater, we will need 1 tbsp. l., Add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Next, everything is performed in the usual way. Masks from carrots can not be kept on the skin for more than 15 minutes.

Oatmeal mask

Prepare oatmeal can be prepared alone, 2 tbsp. l. Oatmeal in blender or coffee grinder. The resulting flour pour with warm milk so that the creamy mass is obtained. Mask time is 15-20 minutes. Such a composition perfectly acts on fading dry skin, eating and giving the skin smooth matte color.

Mask of raw potatoes

If you are the owner of sensitive fading skin, prone to dryness and edema, you perfectly fit a very effective mask of grated potatoes. Fold the gauze into several layers, give it the shape of a mask. So that the mask is convenient to use and does not flow, a slightly squeeze juice from potato mass. Casting potatoes to distribute on the marlay and attach to the face. The time of the mask is 15 minutes, then rinse the skin with warm water.

Mask for fading skin with chocolate

If you want, the care procedure for fading skin is not only useful, but also very pleasant, make a mask of natural chocolate.


  • 20-25 g of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Fat cream.

Chocolate put in a small container, put it in a bowl with water and warm up on a small fire. When chocolate becomes liquid, add honey and cream to it. The fragrant mixture is applied to the skin in warm form, enjoy the flavors to dry. The composition is removed with warm water. A wonderful mask will give you the smoothness of the skin and 20 minutes of enjoying a chocolate aroma.

Masks for fading skin with fish fat


The masks recipes for aging skin often includes fish oil. It comprises a skin benefit polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid, has the ability to easily penetrate the skin cells. Additionally, saturates the skin with vitamins A and D and trace elements sea. The use of fish oil is an excellent alternative to caviar. Masks from the eggs of any species of fish found excellent rejuvenating. Fish oil can be bought at any drugstore, and the cost is much less expensive than caviar, and the effect after such masks is simply amazing! Skin will become soft and velvety, its color is equalized and becomes opaque. It is understood that a single procedure would not be sufficient, the mask must be performed in the course of 2 months. If the wrinkles around the eyes appear more and more aggressively, you can add fish oil intake orally for 2-3 weeks.

Mask to hydrate the skin

Composition is done very quickly, take 1 tsp.. fish oil, honey and warm water, stir. The composition is very fluid, so it is more convenient to put the mask on the face with a brush. After 10 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.

Mask with fish oil and parsley

This nourishing mask for aging skin magically smoothes fine lines and whiten the face. Stir 1 tbsp. l. curd, 1 hr. l. chopped parsley and 1 hour. l. fish oil. If your skin does not allergic to citrus, add 1 ch. L. chopped lemon peel. The maximum exposure time - 15 minutes. By using this mask, you are guaranteed to get rid of peeling and swelling of the skin, as well as significantly lighten age spots.

Masks from curds for aging skin


A positive impact on the skin of cheese and dairy products are known since antiquity. Cheese has a lot of useful trace elements for human health, it contains calcium and vitamin A in high concentration. Modern cosmetology considers curd excellent remedy for dry skin because it moisturizes and nourishes it with useful substances.

Curd is great for sensitive skin care, removing inflammation and causing allergies. Lactic acid in its composition, whitens the skin, making the invisible pigmented spots. On the basis of cottage cheese can be prepared in an effective mask for aging skin by adding a additional ingredients: vegetables, vegetable oil, sour cream.

Mask with carrot juice

  • 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. l. carrot juice;
  • 1 tsp. olive oil.

Carrot juice is easy to make yourself, only then you will be a real vitamin juice. To this end, finely grated carrots to put in cheesecloth and squeeze. Mix all the ingredients of the mask. Duration - 15 minutes, it is not recommended to keep longer, so that the skin does not become yellow.

Mask with sour cream or cream

Cottage cheese and sour cream, you can prepare an excellent mask for fading skin of the neck. This structure, despite its simplicity, is considered the most nutritious and fast for aging skin. Mix 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream or cream. If you are performing the procedure on their own, having first place to comfortably lie down, and then distribute the mask on the skin. Even after the first treatment you will notice a significant improvement in skin condition, it will become soft and silky.

Mask with cucumber

Grate cucumber, for making masks need 2 tbsp. l. Add 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Mix everything and immediately put on the face. Exposure time 20 minutes, then clean the skin with warm water.

Applying these simple, inexpensive recipes can preserve the beauty and freshness of the skin for years to come. To do this, you must comply with several conditions: perseverance, regularity, and a positive attitude. And then your skin will thank you excellent appearance and health.

Packs of milk

With this simple procedure can dramatically improve skin tone and moisturize the skin. For compresses need:

  • 2 small bath towels;
  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • 0.5 liters of mineral water.

Milk is heated to a temperature of 40-50 degrees, mineral water - up to room temperature. One towel to moisten with milk, the second - in the mineral water. Compresses alternately, for 10-15 seconds, applying a towel to his face. Repeat 5 times manipulation. Skin condition after such packs will make you remember Cleopatra milk baths.

Homemade face masks. Video

Face mask "Cleopatra" with clay, honey and lemon juice.


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