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Castor oil for eyelashes

Castor oil for eyelashes
How to use castor oil for healing and strengthening eyelashes.

The real decoration of the female face is long chic eyelashes, because they beautifully frame their eyes and emphasize their expressiveness. The shadow, discarded by thick eyelashes, gives the look depth and mystery to the look - it is not surprising that many women seek to possess such luxury. In order to transform your eyelashes, you can use the following way - to use castor oil to improve their condition, which helps to strengthen them and further growth.

Castor oil for eyelashes: unique composition

Castor oil is produced from the plant of the Polish family - tick -borne. Seeds of this garden decorative and medicinal plant contain extremely poisonous and toxic substances, as well as up to 60% of oil. By cold pressing from these seeds, valuable castor oil is removed.


To neutralize the health -hazardous substances, it is carefully treated with hot steam, under which toxins are neutralized. As a result of such processing, a pale yellow liquid is obtained with significant viscosity and with a characteristic not very pleasant smell that not everyone tolerates well. The composition of this oil contains various fatty acids, including oleic, ricinoleic and linoleic - due to their presence, this tool has the ability to maintain the structure of cells and stimulates their qualitative renewal. The content of ricinoleic acid in castor oil reaches 85%. It is worth noting that this substance, getting on the skin, has the ability to irritate the nerve endings, stimulating their further activity. Thus, as a result of the external use of castor oil, tissue regeneration is accelerated. Thanks to a numerous useful property, this tool is in demand in medicine, as well as in perfumes and cosmetology.

Castor oil is one of the most useful and effective tools that have long been used by women for cosmetic purposes. Its healing properties are widely used at the present time.  Castor oil is used as a means to combat eyelashes, in order to strengthen them and stimulate their active growth. This tool is perfectly absorbed into the skin and hair, leaving no traces in the form of a fat film and a significant shine.

The benefits of castor oil for eyelashes

It is known that nature provides for the following purpose of eyelashes - they act as a natural barrier that protects the eyes from dust and small foreign particles, as well as to protect from the sun, moisture and wind. In addition, long eyelashes act as a means that contributes to the strengthening of female attractiveness, including for the opposite sex-it is convenient to “shoot” with eyes conveniently from under long eyelashes. Traditionally, women try to make them longer, lush and spectacular. Some manipulations designed to decorate, over time, do not affect the condition of the eyelashes in the best way. Frequent staining with the subsequent washing of makeup does not benefit them, since under the influence of the layers of mascara and the acting chemicals the eyelashes can become thinner, become lighter and break. Damaged by a curl with hot forceps or increasing, they also need restoration.

Many women who noticed that their eyelashes are weakened, turn to the salons of beauty for help. Such help is not always involved in the treatment and restoration of eyelash growth. Sometimes they try to correct the problem with the help of building - nevertheless, it is possible to achieve only a short -term effect. Often, glue, falling on the hair follicles, seals them, and they do not get proper nutrition, in addition, when removing artificial villi, it is easy to damage natural eyelashes. Several such procedures can lead to the fact that they remain literally in a deplorable state. Modern cosmetics are able to largely add to the eyelashes of the missing length and volume - however, such a trick will help to achieve only a short -term effect. Restore the sparse and weakened eyelashes and return the former appearance to them quite really with the help of castor oil.  Indications for the use of castor oil for eyelashes are:

  • enhanced cilia;
  • dryness and fragility of hairs;
  • rare eyelashes;
  • their slow growth;
  • claiming hairs.

Thus, if you dream of improving the visible condition of the hairs that framing your eyes and improve them, having achieved the growth of thicker, dark, long and spectacular eyelashes, it is worth using castor oils. This tool can also be used for preventive purposes.

If you regularly smear eyelashes with castor oil, you can achieve the following effect:

  • lengthening of eyelashes, since this tool stimulates their growth;
  • a decrease in the frequency of hair loss, tangible strengthening and increasing elasticity;
  • eyelashes become noticeably more rigid, dark, smooth and shiny, as Kastorka glues the "decapitated" scales of the hairs, giving them smoothness and well -groomed appearance;
  • due to the effects of castor oil, the sleeping follicle of eyelashes is awakened. This tool effectively nourishes eyelashes from the inside, stimulating their growth, as a result, “sleeping” bulbs awaken and new hairs begin to grow - as a result, eyelashes become thicker and fluffy.

According to reviews presented on the Internet, as a rule, the condition of the hairs before and after the use of castor oil for eyelashes is noticeably different. With it, it is quite possible to return their healthy appearance to them. This tool helps even in case of noticeable eyelashes. As a result of the regular use of castor oil for several weeks, you can achieve noticeable results of increasing their growth and strengthening. After such departure, the hairs, framing the eyes, become elastic and elastic, look more voluminous and healthy.

In addition to carrying out eyelash strengthening procedures, this tool can be used to eliminate small wrinkles around the eyes, as well as for eyebrow care. Quite often, after correcting their shape in the plucking places, hair stops to grow over time, as a result, the eyebrows sophisticate and become too rare. In such cases, the regular application of castor oil will help to correct the situation - with its help you can restore the natural shape of the eyebrows, make them more thick and stronger.

Castor oil for eyelashes: Useful tips

Various products based on eyelashes are presented on sale, with the help of which it is easy to strengthen the hairs and significantly improve their condition. Natural castor oil can be freely purchased at the pharmacy. Many manufacturers enrich castor oil for eyelash growth with various components in the form of plant extracts, as well as vitamins that complement its useful effect and contribute to effective eyelashes. Natural castor oil can be freely purchased at the pharmacy. This tool is characterized by a low price, with its help you can effectively care for eyebrows and eyelashes without special costs. It is recommended to purchase first spin oil - this is the most useful tool.


It is worth noting that it is very convenient to use castor oil to care for eyelashes if the bottle is equipped with a brush or a brush for applying the composition. Everyone decides for himself whether it is necessary to overpay or you can try to save - in this case, you can use the brush from the served mascara, having previously carefully washed it from the remnants of the cosmetic product.

How to use castor oil for eyelashes

If you are interested in information on how to use castor oil to strengthen eyelashes, it is worth considering the following. If you plan to carry out the procedure for processing eyelashes or eyebrows for the first time, it is recommended that an allergy test is advised-for this a small amount of castor oil will need to be applied to the internal bend of the elbow or on the back of the wrist and wait 15-20 minutes. If during this time there is no sensation of itching, burning, rash or irritation on the skin, then you can safely use castor oil. If the indicated signs of individual intolerance to this drug appear, you should pay attention to other means to strengthen eyelashes - for example, burdock oil can be used as an alternative to castor.


Castor oil for eyelashes: application method

It is most convenient to carry out the procedures to strengthen eyelashes, lubricating them with castor oil, in the evening - closer to bed. If you plan to carry out a similar recovery course, it is important to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to properly apply castor oil to the eyelashes.

For this, you need to do the following sequence of actions:

  1. First, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of pollution and cosmetics. After using the makeup remedy, the eyes should be thoroughly washed with water.
  2. After that, the skin and eyelashes must be wetted with a towel and wait for their final drying.
  3. Next, you can proceed directly to the application of castor oil. In no case should you do this with fingers. To distribute castor oil on the surface of the cilia, you can apply a suitable brush with villi (not silicone). If you have it, you can replace it with ordinary cotton sticks. It will be necessary to dip the brush into castor oil and squeeze it slightly, leaning against the inner edge of the bottle (do not overdo it with the amount of oil, since if you scoop up too much castor oil, irritation of the eyes or edema of the eyelid may occur).
  4. After that, it is required to evenly cover the eyelashes with a thin layer of this nutrient agent. To do this, moisten them, starting from the middle of their length towards the edges. It is not worth processing the basic zone, the oil itself will gradually be distributed along the entire length of the eyelashes, including their roots.

The procedure should be carried out as accurately as possible to eliminate the hit of this nutrient for eyelashes in the eyes. If this nevertheless happened, it is necessary to immediately rinse your eyes with water and refuse to use castor oil on this day.

In addition, it is worth taking into account the following - if you leave this nutritional tool on the eyelashes for the whole night, then the appearance of the edema of the eyelids by the morning of the edema is not excluded.  Therefore, about half an hour after applying castor, you should get eyelash from its excess with a cotton swab or a napkin. After each use, the brush is required to rinse and dry in order to exclude the propagation of bacteria on it.

To obtain a sustainable effect, it is important to carry out this procedure regularly (preferably daily), in this case a noticeable result can be expected in a couple of weeks. Castor oil for eyelashes can be used for a month, then you should take a break for 3-4 weeks. Further, the restoration of the eyelashes can be continued if desired. In this way, growing long eyelashes is not at all difficult.


Castor oil recipes for eyelashes

To enhance the effect, castor oil for eyelashes can be combined with other useful components:

  • mix 6 drops of castor oil with 2 drops of fresh aloe juice. Such a tool for strengthening eyelashes should be used in the same way as a conventional castor;
  • you can enrich castor oil by adding to a one -time portion of the drug literally one drop of beauty vitamins (A and E). Such a tool will help in a short time to achieve a visible effect of improving the condition of eyelashes;
  • to accelerate eyelash growth, you can apply a combination of castor oil with almond oil (in a 2: 1 ratio). Such a mixture is very effective against eyelash loss;
  • from a mixture of castor and burdock oil with the addition of alley juice, you can prepare a nutritious balm for eyelashes. To do this, you will need to mix them in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. This composition can be prepared for several days and stored in the refrigerator. It should be applied with a brush every day for a month.

Castor oil for eyelashes - photo



Castor oil for eyelashes - video


Elena 17.11.2016 Answer

I love to paint a lot, bright, my beloved smoky eyes ...
