
The use of tangerine oil

The use of tangerine oil
In a dark bottle with a label "Mandarin essential oil", powerful energy of a sunny fruit lies. How to apply it with benefit for your health and beauty, read in the article.

Bright and juicy mandarin loves for the excellent taste and sensation of the holiday that brings its aromatic smell. Indeed, many of us consider this wonderful fruit exclusively in the New Year's context, not representing a festive table without a basket with tangerines. However, this is not all that is remarkable for the "dossier" of this goodness rich in vitamins. Do you know that mandarin essential oil is successfully used in cosmetology to increase and maintain female beauty? We are sure that in our article you will certainly learn what you have not yet known about the tangerine.

China and Vietnam are considered a cradle of thermophilic tangerine wood. However, this plant from the Rutov family is good everywhere where it is humid and not too cold: Mandarin easily took root in Italy and Spain, in Brazil and California, in the Caucasus and Japan. A low elegant tree is distinguished by glossy neat foliage, pleasantly smelling flowers and very tasty fruits. The plant gained its current name at a time when citrus treats received tangerines for dessert - the highest heads of state. A large basket, filled with ripe bright fruits, expressed the highest honor and respect.


In the healing strength of the mandarin peel, they were confident since time immemorial. It used it in the creation of therapeutic mixtures to normalize digestion, stimulate appetite, as well as to suppress the inflammatory process in the respiratory system and eliminate painful cough. Fruit juice rubbed the face and body to protect themselves from scurvy and diseases of fungal origin. Over time, we learned to process useful peel - today we have the opportunity to use it in the form of essential oil.

Features of the composition of the mandarin oil

Mandarin oil is an orange viscous liquid with a delicate sweet smell. For its production, the peel of unauthorized fruits is used, since in this case there are more useful compounds in it. Raw materials are treated with water steam under pressure and pressed in a cold way. Of 1 ton of the peel of tangerines, 2.5 - 3 kg of fragrant oil fluid is obtained.


In chemical composition, mandarin essential oil largely resembles oils extracted from other citrus fruits. All of them are rich in terpenoids and terpenic aldehydes. And the main component of these oils is metilantranial - a substance of plant origin, which is widely used in the creation of perfumes, cosmetics and cooking. The second active substance of all citrus oils, Timol, are actively used in their work doctors, pharmacists and beekeepers. It is thanks to metilantranial and thymola that mandarin oil is a light and unforgettable aroma.

Perhaps the most positive feature of the oil of the solar citrus is its softness. Thanks to the gentle action of this tool, it is absolutely safe for women in an “interesting” position and children.

Properties of tangerine oil

The peel of mandarin is highly content of natural essential oil. This largely determines the nature of the use of derivatives from mandarin. For example, the alcohol tincture of the mandarin peel has an expectorant effect with dry coughing, neutralizes the processes of fermentation and decay in the intestines, and successfully fights swelling.

Mandarin essential oil is noteworthy of the following advantages:

  • regenerates the cells of the skin and accelerates their growth;
  • has an antiseptic and anti -inflammatory effect;
  • provides a slight laxative effect;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • normalizes and activates blood circulation;
  • strengthens and makes the contours of the body more relief;
  • fights well with extra pounds;
  • increases skin tone and refreshes it;
  • reduces stretch marks and manifestations of cellulite;
  • makes less noticeable pigmentation on the skin;
  • strengthens the overall immunity of the body and reduces its sensitivity to pathogens of infectious diseases.


The use of tangerine oil

Be sure to stock up on a pair of bottles of mandarin oil during long winter evenings! Under the dark glass, the unbridled energy of the sun lurks. The aroma of a few drops of this oil, warmed up in the cup of aroma lamps, will cheer up, calm and drive away depression. It is especially useful to deodorize the air of children's rooms with tangerine oil - it acts as an antiseptic and helps the kids fall asleep tightly.

Mandarin oil for correcting the psycho-emotional background

Mandarin essential oil is amazing on the emotional state of a person. The aromatic smell of oil drives irritability, chronic fatigue and overvoltage. The sedative action of the product has a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep adults and children. In addition, tangerine fragrance awakens hidden reserves of forces in the body, helping to recover after a long illness or nervous breakdown.


The inhalation of vapor of the essential oil of Mandarin blocks the unreasonable sense of fear and anxiety, inspiring consciousness confidence in its own abilities and tomorrow. A peppy citrus aroma will become a truly fresh note in a series of gray workdays.

Attention! The maximum disposable dose of mandarin essential oil when using it in the aroma lamp is 5 drops.

Treatment with tangerine oil

Scientists assure that tangerine oil helps the liver cope with toxic substances, improves the general condition with dyspeptic disorders, eliminates gastric and intestinal colic.  Chamomile, rose, neroli, lemon, lavender, coriander, grapefruit, bergamot, basil - in combination with the essential oils of these plants, the beneficial properties of mandarin oil are intensifying.

In the complex therapy of acute and advanced diseases, mandarin essential oil is used differently. Depending on the disease with this tool, you can do inhalation, rubbing, baths, take baths, eat inside and spray in the room.

  1. They cope with frequent headaches and migraines with a healing mixture. It is necessary to take 2 drops of mandarin and geranium oils, 1 drop of orange and bergamot essential oil and mix them with 15 drops of one oil oil. As a basis, almond or apricot oil is most often used. The container with the oil mixture should be warmed in the palms to room temperature, then moisten the scores of the index and middle fingers in it and for some time massage the whiskey in a circular motion. The headache will dull or leave at all.
  2. If you can’t fall asleep quickly, steam room with tangerine oil will help. It is recommended to be there no more than 8 - 10 minutes.
  3. With various chronic diseases of the respiratory system, hot and cold inhalations based on mandarin essential oil are indicated. To make hot inhalation, a small container is filled with hot water and 1 - 2 drops of mandarin oil are added there, then they are inclined above the bowl, while covering the head with a dense cloth or towel. Breathing should be even and deep. The duration of the procedure is 6 - 7 minutes. It is even easier to make cold inhalation: a napkin or a handkerchief must be impregnated with 1 - 2 drops of tangerine oil and breathe it with aroma for 5 to 8 minutes.
  4. Inside, mandarin essential oil is taken solely after the coordination of this issue with the doctor. Note that this advice is fair in relation to all essential oils. Mandarin oil is taken to improve the mood, normalize and streamline the activity of the gall bladder, get rid of flatulence and belching. Also, mandarin essential oil can be prescribed in the complex treatment of pancreatitis and cholecystitis. As a rule, they take 2 to 3 drops of oil twice a day. Add healing fluid to herbal tea, drip for sdoba or biscuit, and sometimes simply washed down with fruit juice or green tea.
  5. To get rid of the body from toxins, they do this: 2 times a month they refuse breakfast and lunch, taking instead of a mandarin oil added in 1 tsp. honey. In the morning they eat a spoonful of honey with 3 drops of the product, in lunch - with 4 drops. You can drink the "medicine" with a small amount of acidified water. For dinner, you can pour yourself with a light salad of fresh vegetables or sour -milk products. If you arrange such a cleaning regularly, you can say goodbye after some time with extra pounds.
  6. Mandarin oil will help with gum diseases. For bleeding and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, applications are effective: a dense gauze swab needs to be impregnated with rosehip oil and wheat germ oil (10 drops of each) and mandarin oil (5 drops). The swab is applied for 10 - 15 minutes to the affected place.

bottles of Essence Oil with Pink Flowers - Beauty Treatment

Mandarin oil in cosmetology

Some women claim that mandarin facial oil is the best tool to always be in shape. And you can’t argue with them: this remedy is ideal for sensitive, waging and oily skin. It “closes” the expanded pores on the face, eliminates the pustules and an unattractive acne.

Attention! Never apply tangerine oil to the skin, if you are soon going to go outside, the sun's rays in combination with essential oil can strongly burn the upper layers of the epithelium.

Fragrant essential oil is added to the finished cosmetic cream: 5 - 7 drops per 10 - 15 ml of the main agent, for massage - 6 - 8 drops per 15 ml of base oil.


To eliminate unattractive dark pigmentation spots from the skin, take 5-7 g of white clay and add 10 drops of mandarin and lemon essential oils there. The resulting mixture must be applied to the pigmentation areas and wait 20 - 30 minutes.

During pregnancy, the future mothers are recommended to lubricate vulnerable places (stomach, chest and hips) with this mixture: oil germ oil (10 ml), almond oil (40 ml), neroli oil (5 drops), mandarin oil, lavender oil (10 drops). If you do massage with this tool several times a day, then the appearance of stretch marks is likely to avoid.

If you regularly take care of the face with a mixture of basic (avocados, olive) and tangerine oil, you can forget for a long time what wrinkles are - the product well smoothes small skin defects. For this, 1 tsp. Mix oil oils with 1-2 drops of mandarin essential oil and rub the healing mixture into the skin of the face.

To increase the skin tone of the body, baths are taken: 6 - 7 drops of mandarin essential oil must be dissolved in cream, copper or milk and added to water, the temperature of which is 37 - 38 0S. In the bath you can soak no more than a quarter of an hour.

Mandarin oil for hair has been widely used in cosmetology: it is enough to add 3 - 5 drops of the product to a portion of your favorite shampoo or other hair care agent so that the hair becomes more elastic and shiny.

When using the essential oil of mandarin as a mask, you must first massage the scalp with your hands or a wooden massage brush. Apply the product first on the roots of the hair and gradually move to the ends. The mask needs to be held from 30 to 60 minutes, and then thoroughly wash the hair with shampoo. The greatest effect can be achieved if the oil is heated in a water bath to 25 - 30 0C. Please note that you need to warm up the tool before adding other components of the mask there (if any).


For weakened and dry curls, such a mask is suitable: 1 tbsp. l. Almond oil should be connected to 4 to 5 drops of mandarin, rubbed into the hairy part of the head, cover with a film and a towel. After 2 hours, the mask is washed off with a large amount of warm water and wash the hair with shampoo.

Fat hair will like a mixture of incense oil, chamomile, tangerine and sandalwood oils. They need to be mixed in a proportion of 1: 1: 1: 1. Carefully process the hair roots with a fragrant mask, and then relax for 40 - 60 minutes. If you take care of your hair in this way regularly, soon you will not recognize your hair. Thanks to the mask, the structure of the hair will become less porous and more elastic, and the pores of the skin will produce much less fat, there will be no trace of dandruff.

To accelerate hair growth, prepare such a tool: in a small number of basics (it can be olive oil), add mandarin, rosemary, jasmine, ylang-ylang and sage-all oils of 5 drops. Thoroughly soak the strands with the mask, paying the main attention to the roots of the hair. You will have to wait for at least 1 hour, then wash off a large amount of warm water. It is necessary to stock up on patience: if you make this mask once every 2 days, then after 14 days the curls will become much thicker.

To give the hair a beautiful natural shine every day comb them for 10 minutes with a soft massage brush, having previously drunk 2 - 3 droplets of essential tangerine oil on it.

Preparation of makeup removal at home. Video

We offer you a simple but very original recipe for making environmentally friendly makeup remover with the addition of mandarin essential oil. Do not be too lazy to do it - you will be pleasantly surprised by the result!



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