
Female alcoholism - symptoms and signs, consequences. how to cure female alcoholism

Female alcoholism - symptoms and signs, consequences. how to cure female alcoholism
Distinctive features of female alcoholism. Is it possible to overcome the dependence?

Drunk woman - a pathetic spectacle and terribly unpleasant. However, female alcoholism today is not an exception to the rules, but a sad reality. Abuse of alcohol among the representatives of the beautiful floor every year becomes more and more scope: in our country, girls drink from 13 years. If you believe statistical data, 65 - 70% of women begin to regularly use alcoholic beverages for even 18 years. The frequency and dose of the clock increases from 30 to 45, when each woman has already acquired its own list of ups and falls. Female alcoholism is much causarian male - the ladies prefer to drink alone, by all means trying to preserve the "face" in public. We suggest to consider in the article all the nuances and ways to solve the problem.

Causes of female alcoholism

Dependence on drinking with a special ease mastering a woman in connection with the peculiarities of its psychological and emotional nature. No wonder the female floor was called "weak" - Eve's daughter for the most part wounds are impressionable, emotionally react to external negative events and are easier "prey" for depression than men. The main factors for the development of alcoholism in a woman is considered:

  1. Neurotic disorders. Because of the problems in the family, the lack of personal life, treason beloved, the loss of an expensive person is very easy to lose self-control and afford a little "relax." Even insufficient attention of the second half and disagreements with children can drive a woman into deep depression.
  2. Ethanol decay products leave the female organism very reluctantly - much slower than male. That is, to rub, the woman will need a lot more time than a male representative.
  3. A woman loses a relationship with reality from small doses of alcohol, which is explained by almost instant absorption of toxic substances in the intestine.
  4. The desire to drink can be dictated by the idleness, the lack of favorite work, hobbies or goals in life.
  5. The inability to create a family and give birth to a child due to total employment at work is also often becoming a decisive factor in the development of a detrimental habit.
  6. Poor heredity, alcoholism of one or both parents as a visual leadership to action.
  7. Features of character - the absence of one's own opinion, "violence", the inability to stand up for itself - can also play a joke with a woman.
  8. Climax. The feeling of one's own vulnerability during this period of life can be crazy.

Each of these signs individually and in combination with the rest can be the first step towards women's alcoholism. The harmless glass of wine at dinner can turn into protracted rips.


Specificity of female alcoholism

In general, the mechanism for the development of a detrimental dependence in the female and male organism is the same. However, there are some nuances, on the basis of which female alcoholism today is classified as an independent disease. It is these specific features that determine the current, the consequences and features of the treatment of the disease in the women's audience. Among them can be allocated:

  1. Sensual nature of a woman prevails over logic. This explains the increased emotionality of the beautiful half of humanity, as well as their susceptibility to the negative impact of stress and depression factors.
  2. The instantaneous reaction of the hepatic tissue to the harmful effect of ethanol with a reduced function of enzyme systems relative to splitting and destruction of toxins. It provokes a quick and extensive damage to the liver, developing into cirrhosis.
  3. Vulnerable neurons and fragile inter-line connections. On this basis, there is a disorder of the transfer of nerve signals with an initial acquaintance with alcohol.
  4. Slow blood flow in the liver and spleen, which is caused by the slowness of metabolism in this area from nature, as well as hypotension and large volume of venous vessels. These processes only contribute to the destruction of organs on the basis of alcohol abuse.
  5. The instability of the hematorecephalic membrane protecting the brain from toxins. This makes a woman completely open before alcohol: hazardous substances penetrate the nerve cells freely.
  6. The low excretory ability of the skin and kidney, which inhibits the elimination of ethanol decomposition products.
  7. Fast suction in the intestines.
  8. Categorical incompatibility of estrogen and alcohol decay products.

Taking into account all the factors, we get the following: a woman will not even have time to understand what was trapped - this body will begin to experience a pathological need for alcohol. At the same time, the self-criticism is "turned off", so all attempts to be close to intervene in what is happening will be met by aggression. The problem is exacerbated very quickly: a healthy and adequate once woman turns into a deeply sick person with polyorgan dysfunction and resistant dependence on alcohol.


Signs of female alcoholism

A drinking woman will not be able to identify signs of this dangerous disease, so all responsibility lies on her family and loved ones. It is extremely important to detect the problem at the initial stage of its development. The most eloquent "bells" of women's alcohol dependence include the following symptoms:

  1. Increased interest in drinking, to any alcoholic beverage. Searches for reasons and reasons to drink.
  2. A sharp and even aggressive attitude towards people who make a remark about the unnatural passion of alcohol.
  3. Continuous increase in dose of alcohol to iniquity.
  4. Refuses to "eat" adopted portion of alcoholic beverage. Partial or complete loss of appetite.
  5. Loss of priorities in life, indifference to what was valid before.
  6. Difference from loved ones and communication with people separating the passion for alcohol and suffering alcohol addiction.
  7. Unavigated behavior: rudeness, hysterical attacks, quick temper, brand.
  8. Reducing intellectual indicators, self-criticism.
  9. Manifestation of negligence in work, spending all the money to buy alcohol.
  10. Drinking alcoholic beverages alone.

All these sad metamorphoses are developing gradually, with the development and exacerbation of dangerous dependence.

Bristol, England - February 5: A Woman Drinker Slumps on The Pavel Mebruary 5 2005, Bristol, England. This Weekend Was The Last One Before Pubs and Clubs Can Apply for Extended Licency. From February 7, Venues Can Begin Applying for 24-Hour Licences, However Effective Until The Government Puts An Order Before Parliament in November. Critics Fear This Will Lead to Increased Binge-Drinking, Crime, Disorder and City Centres BECOMING NO-GO Areas. Photo by Matt Cardy / Getty Images)

External symptoms of female alcoholism

Addiction to alcohol leaves an indelible imprint and on the appearance of his victim. The progression of pathology completely depends on the decline in the soil of drunkenness of excitability of the head of the brain. The stronger the dependence, the weaker the vomit reflex, which leads to severe general intoxication of the body.

So, what signs indicate that a woman drinks?

  1. A sharp increase in the number of wrinkles on the face, dry, lost the tone, as if crown, face and body skin. A woman looks very older than its biological age.
  2. Bags and shadows under the eyes.
  3. Outlined face, nose, lips, hands and legs.
  4. Facial hyperemia with a blue tint.
  5. Hair loss, teeth.
  6. Rough voice.


Stages of female alcoholism

In its development, women's alcoholism passes 3 stages:

  1. The first stage. A person is formed by alcohol addiction: opioid receptors are getting used to ethanol products. As soon as it happens, the beginning of a serious mental enslave will be made, and the process will go into the second stage. The clinical picture is manifested by the desire of a woman to drink, which, in principle, is unusual. She herself explains it with problems at work, a sorry with a close person, etc. The more often she arises such a desire, the less her brain is able to resist a detrimental desire.
  2. Second stage. It begins when opioid receptors irritate the brain without alcohol, which already indicates the mental dependence of the woman from alcohol. In this period, it is too early to talk about the structural changes in the brain nerve cells and the tissues of internal organs. The pathology clinic is manifested by constant use of alcoholic beverages or a winding form. In most cases, women regularly use a certain dose of alcohol for a long time. It greatly olds the female organism and spoils the appearance.
  3. Third stage. Irreversible structural changes in opioid receptors, brain and internal organs occur. Drinking becomes a necessary way of life for a woman. Polyorgan dysfunction is connected to severe mental dependence.


The consequences of female alcoholism

No matter how cute, formed and educated, either a drinking woman in the past, drinking it to be unrecognizable. Have you noticed that all victims of alcohol dependence are similar? They are rude, aggressive, false, selfish, nervous and irritable.

As the problem of the drinking woman exacerbates, misunderstanding appears with relatives and loved ones and it begins to "be friends" with people who will always make her company, if it comes to drinking. The victims of alcoholism are often trying to "throw out the soul" the first oncoming, since relatives and friends, as they think they do not understand them.
The surroundings condemn the drinking woman and look at her with disregard or pity. Of course, she notices it and in response behaves rudely and defiantly, even more complicating relations with everyone. In such a situation, it is very easy to lose control of yourself and drink even more. Rips and pummel syndrome are becoming a woman for suffering from alcoholism.

It starts the failures in memory, the value system is completely changing. To get money for drinking, she can leave children without food or start stealing. Against the background of terrible destruction of a woman as a person, problems in the field of gynecology, nervous and endocrine system appear.

She.'s probably not thinking that she wants that guy to grab her.

Female beer alcoholism

Modern society underestimates a popular low-alcoholic drink, which gives us the illusion of temporary well-being. Meanwhile, narcologists are alarming: Beer is not inferior to a stronger alcoholic beverage and causes severe alcohol dependence. Most often, adolescents and women become victims of beer alcoholism: teenagers like to drink accessible and inexpensive alcoholic drink by large companies, and women are very difficult to prove that there are still faster from beer than from another alcohol.

The main symptom of female beer alcoholism is the regular use of 1 and more beer liters per day. The effect of intoxication is not the only problem with which a woman will face, if he will acquire this bad habit. Beer is a rich source of natural hormones, which cause irreversible detrimental consequences in the male and female organism. On the health of the spokesperson of the weak gender, the hopp should be affected as follows:

  1. Inhibits a childbearing function as a result of suppressing the synthesis of estrogen - women's hormones. A woman suffering from beer alcoholism threatens infertility.
  2. It provokes a hormonal failure in the body and the drinking lady will acquire signs of muscles: her legs become disproportionately thin, "beery" belly appears, the hair begins to grow throughout the body and above the upper lip in particular, the voice is noticeably.
  3. Negatively affects mental activity. Beer components destroy the cells of the brain, which in the future can turn into the development of dementia and a serious reduction in intelligence.


Why female alcoholism is incurable

It is believed that alcohol dependence in women is not treatable. In some cases, it is a heady conviction is under a real ground, especially if we take into account the social aspect. Many women who have problems with alcohol, try not to publicize their relationship because they fear condemnation. Male alcoholism is the usual and ordinary business, and the drinking woman becomes the subject of condemnation and contempt.

The woman is completely defenseless before the dependence of this kind. In most families, where a man drinks, his wife tries to save him from a detrimental predilection, cares about him. Unfortunately, if in family relationships before the need to help drinking wife, a man is provided, relationships develop on another scenario. Many strong sex representatives prefer to go along the way the least resistance and simply leave such a family. And the woman cannot cope with the problem independently, without reliable support. In this case, the question of female alcohol dependence really looks unresolved.


Treatment of female alcoholism

Female alcoholism is treated - a confirmation of this is thousands of stories with a happy ending. In the effectiveness of treatment, the woman itself should be interested: while it will consciously do not decide to get rid of terrible addiction, positive results, even from the most progressive and expensive treatment, do not have to wait.

First of all, a sick person needs to surround the attention and show how much they love him and how it needs it. Revival of own significance will bring fruit: a woman will start listening to people interested in her recovery. Congratulations dependent on the thought of treatment need carefully, without excess pressure. All arguments and comments must be served in a light, friendly form. Make a person to realize their problem will help perseverance and patience.


How to deal with female alcoholism, when a sick person is already morally ready for this? As soon as a woman expresses a desire to be treated, you need to act without delay. To begin with, they are taking into account in the hospital of the narcological department and discuss with the doctor a program of comprehensive treatment. Such therapy consists of several stages:

  1. Rendering patient psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance.
  2. Conduct detoxing therapy.
  3. Conducting drug correction of alcohol dependence, which allows you to form a disgust to alcohol.
  4. Bearing. The procedure lies in the subcutaneous introduction of funds blocking the activity of opioid brain receptors.
  5. Encoding hypnosis and psychotherapy.
  6. The corresponding treatment of internal organs whose condition has deteriorated on the basis of alcohol dependence.

Treatment of female alcoholism is not carried out at home. Even the closest people are not entitled to make a verdict, insulting the unpleasant person's cooling word "alcoholic". Real help will have qualified specialists - only they will be able to see the objective causes of alcohol preferences of the patient and understand how to eliminate them. At the same time, family and friends should make their contribution to treatment - to make the patient feel their support and empathy. The cure from the irrepressible desire to drink is a long and complex process, and it is almost impossible to overcome it alone.


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