
Alcohol poisoning - what to do at home, first aid. How the poisoning of alcohol is manifested

Alcohol poisoning - what to do at home, first aid. How the poisoning of alcohol is manifested
Stages of alcohol poisoning. How to cope with alcohol intoxication at home.

Each of us has a certain experience of communicating with alcohol - it was so that we celebrate all significant events for generously with a drink with drinking. Little or a lot, but alcohol is always present in our lives. Relationships with alcohol will not take trouble if you take into account your own opportunities and drink with the mind. Not knowing measures, you can seriously harm your health, especially since the question "What to do with alcohol poisoning?" Many of us are defined after the poisoning happened. If a person has moved hot drinks, you need to act immediately. Let's find out how to help the victim from alcohol poisoning at home.

Alcohol poisoning: When inxication comes

Drinking alcoholic beverages leads to intoxication - the nervous system at this time is in a special "floating" state from the psychoactive effect of ethanol. A good mood and feeling of euphoria, which we are looking for a glass of glasses or wine glasses, are nothing more than the first signs of alcohol poisoning.

In the state of the body, even a few drops of alcohol reflected, and the more people will drink, the more serious the consequences of intoxication will be. According to the strength of the impact on the nervous system, alcoholic beverages are different. The most "harmless" is alcohol, in which ethanol content is not more than 15%: champagne, vermouth, wine and beer. But such a little drinking drinks like cognac, vodka, tequila, whiskey and gin, it is impossible to get involved. The strongest alcohol is recognized as absinthe.


Alcohol Poisoning: Stage

The defeat of the body components of the alcohol occurs: ethanol in the composition of the "funny" drink enters the stomach and is soon absorbed by the mucous membranes through which it enters blood. A certain portion of toxic substances will delete the liver, but to completely neutralize the large proportion of alcohol, the body will not be able to completely, then the non-recycled poison penetrates into the tissue of the brain. At this stage, irreversible changes occur in the structure of neurons and the functions of internal organs.

Incication as a result of alcohol consumption is classified into several stages. To accurately determine the degree of poisoning can be by laboratory research in the number of ppm in the blood. How strongly inxicane man can also be understood by the corresponding symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

Lightweight alcohol poisoning

For the sake of a pleasant feeling of light intoxication of alcoholic beverage, actually put on the table. A pair of wine glasses - and emotional climb, easy excitement, as well as unmotivated bliss you are provided. In this state it is difficult to assess your real opportunities, they are more likely to overestimate. However, in fact, the number of errors in the work of a person is increasing, and its mental and physical activity is noticeably reduced. An easy degree of alcohol poisoning can be determined by expanded pupils and slightly blushing face. Drinking stronger sweats and more often experiences the need to empty the bladder.

In addition, a person in writing begins to raise the voice, all of its statements become more categorical and uncompromising. He experiences difficulties in the coherent expression of his thoughts and concentration of attention. Mooring movements, "floatingible" facial expressions, loss of control over hidden features of the nature of the personality also consider the symptoms of a light degree of intoxication. Usually a person comes to itself pretty quickly and easily.

The average degree of alcohol poisoning

Signs of alcohol intoxication of a moderately cause more serious concerns: a person has a violated coordination of movements, his "throws" from side to the side, two in the eyes and is lost by speech. In such a state, the drinking is not responsible for his words and actions. In general, the behavior of a drunken person is determined by the warehouse of its character - alcohol can cause excessive boastfulness, bravadas, vulnerability, contiguity, scandaling or aggression. Abstraction brings general weakness, painful headaches, severe thirst, nausea and vomiting.


Heavy degree of alcohol poisoning

When the condition of a drunken person is aggravated, his statements become inseparable and meaningless, and he himself ceases to understand something. Red-free face, hot to the touch skin and low pain sensitivity complement the overall picture of the body's severe intoxication. Being in a state of intoxication, a person can get a serious injury and not feel it.

A severe degree of alcohol intoxication is distinguished by terrible consequences: it is hard to breathe deeply, he can stop the heart stop. When a portion of alcohol falls into the body, which translated into pure alcohol is 300 - 400 g, acute alcohol poisoning occurs. This state is extremely dangerous, its main signs are as follows:

  • convulsions;
  • breathing disorder;
  • abundant separation of saliva;
  • redness of eye proteins.

A man with acute intoxication of alcohol requires emergency medical care.

Alcohol Coma

A severe degree of alcohol poisoning can be complicated by the stage at which anxious man falls into someone. A comatose state is a kind of stunning of the body, which comes with an increase in ethanol in the blood to 3%. The main symptom of the approaching danger is deep fainting. In some cases, the behavior of the victim is distinguished by a small motor excitation. The indicator of the deterioration of the human well-being, which went through alcohol, are his eyes:

  1. There is no reaction of pupils into light, the corneal reflex does not work (the eyelids are not closed, if you carefully touch the cornea).
  2. Present Nistagm (movement of eyeballs according to the principle of the pendulum).
  3. The approach of alcohol coma can also indicate the narrowing of pupils. In some cases, pupils are narrowed, then expand. Sometimes you can watch the picture when the pupils of the left and right eye have different size in the same moment.

On the soil of the vigorous language, the penetration of the vomit in the respiratory tract, the excessive release of saliva and sputum, the victim is disturbed by breathing: a person breathes unevenly and intermittently, sometimes scrolls, while his face acquires a shiny shade. Arterial pressure during alcohol coma is reduced, and the pulse is weak and thread. In such a state, it is often observed involuntary separation of urine and feces.


Poisoning of surrogate alcohol

Not only large doses of alcohol, but also poor-quality alcohol or surrogates lead to poison. Alcohol surrogates are called liquids that are not intended for internal use, but often used precisely instead of alcoholic beverages (due to lower cost). The drinking of medical tinctures, cologne, lotions, denaturates, moonshine, brags, "cylinders" and other hazardous liquids always ends with deplorable. The symptoms of intoxication will be somewhat different than in the poisoning of classic alcohol.

After receiving the surrogate, a person practically does not get drunk, but if you know the symptoms of poisoning, you can notice them immediately:

  • noise in ears;
  • violation of vision and smell;
  • increasing salivation;
  • abdominal pain.

If you do not help a person in time, he can die. Treatment in poisoning by surrogate alcohol is not carried out at home - as soon as suspicion of intoxication appeared, you need to immediately cause ambulance. If there is an opportunity to deliver the victim to the hospital faster than the ambulance comes, it is worth it that way. The rather patients will be engaged in qualified doctors, it is more likely to survive.


First aid with alcohol poisoning

Without resorting to the services of doctors, you can independently cope with poisoning of light and moderate. There are a number of events that will help bring the affected person to feeling: to save its body from ethanol residues and neutralize disintegration products.

Washing the stomach in alcohol poisoning

No medication tool cannot be taken, since many drugs in combination with alcohol create a "rattling" mixture, which is why the condition of the victim only worsens.

Let's drink an oxane man with water in a volume of 300 - 500 ml. It is necessary in order to cause vomiting and thus rid the stomach from the content. In most cases, it does not even have to put pressure on the root of the tongue with his fingers - vomiting opens itself, since the body is trying to deprive the fact that it poisons. It is necessary to provoke vomiting until pure water begins from the stomach.

Important! It is impossible to pour water forcibly and cause vomit if a person has lost consciousness. Instead, it is better to wait when the ambulance will arrive. At this time, the patient must be turned on the side, freeing it from close clothes and try to bring it out of faint: to intensively massate your ears, sprinkle with water, bring to the nose the ammonia.

In the case where the indomitable vomiting is preserved and after absolute emptying of the stomach, such techniques will help to cope with its urges:

  • hold your head under the jet of cold water or applied ice to the backbone area;
  • adopt the drug against vomiting (for example, metoclopramide). If this does not raise any effect, and the vomites will change blood or bile, you need to deliver the victim to the hospital as soon as possible.


Restore the balance of fluid in the body with alcohol poisoning

The next step of help in alcohol poisoning is to eliminate the lack of fluid in the body. In the soil of intoxication, the dehydration process is developing: ethanol causes a diuretic effect, and the liquid is derived from the body with urine, as well as the vomit. In particularly severe cases, dehydration threatens human life. Let's drink the victim by any liquid. Mineral water or pure water is best suitable with the addition of lemon juice. If a person is tormented by vomiting, recover the balance of moisture in the body will help pharmacy saline solutions of the type of reguder and hydrovite.

Such a means can be prepared at home: in 1 liter of water room temperature, one should dissolve each of 1 liters. Salt and soda, and then add the same 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. The victim should receive a healing solution of 2 - 3 throat every 30 minutes.


Treatment with sorbents and useful bacteria in alcohol poisoning

Assistance in alcohol poisoning at home is unthinkable without applying sorbents. Polysorb drugs (1 tbsp. 0.5 art. Water), smecta (one-time 3 bags on 1 tbsp. Water), enterosgel (50 g per 1 st. Water) will significantly improve the state of a person suffering from intoxication with alcohol. By the way, activated carbon with alcohol poisoning, many consider hardly the only means to eliminate poor well-being. In fact, the sorption capacity of the drug is not very large, but because of an acceptable price, it continues to take "on old memory": 1 tablet by 10 kg of body weight, drinking water. The above-described drugs are needed to derive toxic decay products from the body and reduce diarrhea. Medicines of this group are not accepted along with other medicines, so that the interval should be withstanding about 2 hours.

If a strong diarrhea appeared on the soil of poisoning, you must certainly restore the intestinal microflora. Special complexes of beneficial bacteria acipol, yogurt, lines will help to solve this issue.

Important! The diarrhea with alcohol poisoning is impossible to be eliminated - this is another protective reaction in addition to vomiting, with which the body is getting rid of toxic substances.


Eliminate pain in alcohol poisoning

Headache in the poisoning of alcohol alcohol height is crazy. It is impossible to endure the painful sensations - painful syndrome needs to be blocked. Aspirin is not suitable for this purpose, because acetylsalicylic acid in combination with ethanol will not bring any benefit. Then what to drink with alcohol poisoning? Get rid of pain best with the help of ibuprofen-based analgesic drugs.

How can not be treated alcohol poisoning

In trying to facilitate the condition of a person during alcohol poisoning, it is strictly prohibited:

  • resort to a doubtful dehuming method (treat a hangover with a new portion of alcohol);
  • take a hot bath or go to the bath;
  • drink "unsuitable" tablets - furosemid, paracetamol, analgin, sleeping pills and antiallergic agents;
  • take medication to eliminate diarrhea.


Folk remedies for alcohol poisoning

A lot of ways are invented in the people, allowing to defeat hangover and alcoholic poisoning without tablets:

  1. Divide into 1 liter of boiled water 2 tbsp. l. Honey and take several sips during the day.
  2. Prepare the decoction of the Pijmas - a wonderful means in poisoning any kind. Take 50 g of dried raw materials and brew it with boiling water (0.5 l), then add 20 g of chamomile flowers there. The cooled and the liquid remedy must be taken during the meal at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. by 10 kg of body weight.
  3. After the rapid climbing, a solution of ammonia will quickly lead to a sense of ammonia, in everyday life. In a glass of water, dissolve 10 drops of the product. Take medicine you need 1 to 2 small throat every 30 minutes.
  4. If nausea suffered, you can escape the melissa decoction. 1 tsp Dried and crushed raw materials accommodate 250 ml of boiling water, let it stand a little, and then drink a useful drink instead of tea. For taste to the tool, you can add a bit of honey and lonely lemon.
  5. The fastest the body will get rid of poisonous toxins if driving lemon, orange or grapefruit juice during the day.


The next morning after the party, where there was a lot of drinks, you need to afford to relax. Alcohol poisoning can not be transferred on the legs. It is more correct to take a cool shower, not through force, drink a lot of ordinary water. If there is a sense of general ailment, you need to go to bed and do not get up until weakness leaves. If after 10 hours the well-being will not come to normal, you need to consult a doctor.


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