
How to properly drink absinthe at home - methods. With what they drink absent, is it possible to drink clean. What you need to bite absint

How to properly drink absinthe at home - methods. With what they drink absent, is it possible to drink clean. What you need to bite absint
How to properly drink absinthe at home, methods. With what they drink absent than to eat. How to drink absinthe in its purest form. Recipes with a cocktail with an absorp.

Almost every drink has a special culture of drinking alcoholic beverages, absinthe is no exception. This burning drink is glorified by its fortress and enchanting presentation. A high degree of drink in some cases can cause hallucinations. Therefore, the consumption of absinthe is reduced to ways to reduce its fortress. In today's article, we will describe how to drink and how to eat absinthe.

Is it possible to drink absinthe

Absent is a strong alcohol tincture on wormwood and various herbs. As a rule, the fortress of this drink ranges from 70 to 86 percent of alcohol.

The most important component of the drink is an extract of bitter wormwood. The essential oils of this plant contain a large amount of thuyon, which largely determines the quality of the tincture. It is noteworthy that Tuion is considered toxic substance and is “famous” to its hallucinogenic effect. In addition, this substance greatly excites the nervous system. This explains the rapid intoxication and uncontrolled aggression after drinking a drink.

In addition to an extract of bitter wormwood, absinthe includes:

  • diagil;
  • chamomile;
  • anise;
  • mint;
  • aIR;
  • fennel;
  • parsley;
  • liquorice;
  • veronica;
  • dittany;
  • melissa;
  • coriander;
  • pontic wormwood, etc.

This composition determines the saturated green color of the drink. The emerald shade of absinthe is obtained due to chlorophyll, which is part of the drink. As you know, chlorophyll decomposes when exposed to sunlight, so absinthe is poured into bottles of dark glass.   However, in different variations, absinthe can be yellow (evidence of the restraint of the drink), brown or black (produced on the basis of wormwood roots), transparent, blue (with black acacia infusion), red (with grenade extract).

Real absinthe is clouding when the water is added to it. This is due to the fact that essential oils with this interaction form an emulsion.

Despite the numerous historical prohibitions on the use of absinthe, in the late 90s, absinthe was legalized almost all over the world, with a reservation of the permitted dose of Tuyon-no more than 10-35 mg/kg.

Today, absinthe is equated with alcoholic beverages of an increased fortress and is used on an equal footing with another drink. Nevertheless, absinthe is not the most ordinary drink and you need to know how to drink it correctly and how to bite it.

How to drink absinthe at home: choosing a quality drink

If you want to try really worthwhile absinthe, you need to approach the choice of this drink with all responsibility. Choosing a quality drink is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The thing is that different manufacturers use different equipment and variation of the composition of absinthe.

How to choose the right quality abs:

  • Tuyon concentration in absent. According to international standards, the concentration of Tuyon in the absorp can vary from the most insignificant indicator up to 35 mg/kg. Well -known rules say that in the absorption with 25% of alcohol the portion of Tuyon should be no more than 10 mg/kg. Based on this indicator, determine for yourself the strength of the drink and the concentration of the active substance.
  • The next indicator is the degree of clouding. Of course, with the initial purchase of absinthe, you cannot track this parameter. However, it is not so difficult to check at home. It is enough to pour a little absinthe into a transparent glass and add a small amount of cold water to it. It should take place more vaguely, in no case sharply. Thimble is a sign of the correct complex composition.
  • Only natural components. The drink should not have any artificial impurities (flavors, dyes, etc.). Only herbs and their extracts, as well as alcohol, can be in absent.
  • Absent does not have to be green-emergent. As described above, the color is the most different. Vitral absinthe is especially valuable yellow. If you came across such a bottle, you can use the drink only after consulting with a professional, so that it determines the suitability of alcohol.

  • The strength of the drink should be in the range of 45-68%. Of course, you can find absinthe with an alcohol content of 86%. However, the “degree” will cross the delicate taste of drinking and, perhaps, will dump you off your feet.

How they drink absinthe at home: a glass and accessories for absinthe

The use of absinthe is a whole ritual, from the 19th century. The drink involves an enchanting feed using intricate dishes.

A glass for absinthe

Serve absent in special glasses on a short leg. A special design of the glass allows you to pour a drink only into the lower tank. Thus, the dosage of one portion of absinthe does not exceed the established limit, and the consumer can catch all the taste notes of this amazing drink.

Spoon for absinthe

In addition to the glass, the necessary accessory for drinking absinthe is a spoon. A spoon is definitely needed if you are going to use a drink with sugar. At the same time, a special device with holes is used. Rafida is placed on a spoon and set on fire. As a result, sugar melts and flows into a glass with an absorp.

Fountain for absinthe

If you are going to drink absinthe in the company, we also recommend that you have a special fountain for absinthe. This very curious device has the appearance of a deep bowl on the leg with taps (from one to six taps). The fountain is filled with cold water and ice cubes. A glass with an absorp is substituted under each tap. When opening the tap, the drink is diluted with cold water.

How to drink absinthe: instruction

Absent can be drunk both in its pure form and diluted. At the same time, the second option is less “traumatic” and more common. To date, a whole culture of drinking absinthe has been developed, which changes depending on national characteristics. For example, the Czechs drink absent after setting it aside, the French with sugar and crushed ice, Russians with sugar syrup. Read more about each use of absinthe consumption below.

How to drink absinthe in its purest form

Absent drinks pure exclusively experienced absorption. Such a drink is a classic aperitif, which is poured into narrow glasses. How to drink absinthe in its pure form read below.

  1. Cool absinthe to a temperature of 0 degrees.
  2. Put the glass in the freezer and do not take out until the hoarfrost is formed on it.
  3. Pour 30 grams of absinthe into the ice glass.
  4. Drink the drink with one sip.

For pure absinthe does not recommend an exceeding the dosage of 30 grams.

How to drink hardened absinthe

Battle absinthe is the most popular method of consumption of this drink. This method is called "Crystal Czech."

  1. Pour ¼ part of the absinthe into a glass glass with thick walls.
  2. Bather the contents of the glass.
  3. Wait until the absinthe will burn out.
  4. Blow the fire.
  5. Drink absent in one gulp.
  6. Do not bite or drink.

In Russia, another way of drinking the burned absinthe is known. It is such an option that can most often be found in bars where this drink is served.

  1. Pour a little absinthe into the cognac glass.
  2. Put a glass of absorp on a glass for whiskey.
  3. Set fire to the absinthe and rotate it.
  4. Burning absinthe is poured into a glass for whiskey and cover with a cognac glass.
  5. Remove the glass and, without turning, close the napkin from below.
  6. Drink absinthe.
  7. Inhale through a tube, alcoholic pairs of cognac glass.

How to drink absinthe with sugar

Absent is most often drunk with sugar. It is believed that sugar softens the taste of the drink and enhances its effect. There are several methods of drinking absinthe with sugar.

Option 1:

  1. Place a spoon with holes on top of a glass with an absorp.
  2. Put a piece of refined sugar on a spoon.
  3. In a proportion of 5: 1, pour ice water into the absinthe with a thin stream so that the water falls on the refined, dissolving it.
  4. Take a spoon and enjoy the drink.

Option 2:

  1. ¼ of the glass, fill in with an absorption.
  2. Moisten a piece of sugar in absent.
  3. Place a spoon with holes on a glass.
  4. Bather sugar.
  5. Let the sugar burn out for a minute.
  6. After a minute, place a spoon with sugar in a glass.
  7. Stir the contents of the glass.
  8. Add a little crushed ice.
  9. Drink the drink in one gulp.

Option 3:

  1. Prepare sugar syrup. To do this, mix sugar with water in a ratio of 1: 2.
  2. ¼ of the glass, fill in with an absorption.
  3. Pour sugar syrup into a glass.
  4. Drink the drink in one gulp.

We drink absinthe with milk

Yes, yes, you were not mistaken, namely with milk. This option of drinking is popular in Western Europe. Milk can be used by the most different: cow, sheep, goat, etc. And this method of drinking absinthe “cheerful milkman” is called.

  1. Prepare absent, milk and whiskey in equal shares.
  2. Mix all the ingredients in one glass until smooth.
  3. Drink the drink slowly sipping.

Absinthe with a brow: how to drink

To dilute the fortress of the drink, you can use a stake. Of course, the taste of the original drink will be almost indistinguishable. However, as an option, such use of absinthe is quite acceptable.

  1. Cool absinthe and stake.
  2. Mix absinthe with a brow. Choose the proportions based on your own reasons.
  3. If desired, add a few ice cubes.
  4. Drink the drink in small sips.

Cola can also be replaced with juice. This option is also considered quite acceptable. However, you need to take into account the features of the drink in order to choose the right juice.

With what juice to drink absinthe:

  • with pineapple;
  • with lemon;
  • with orange;
  • with apple;
  • with cranberry.

How to drink absinthe. Video

How to drink absinthe at home: instructions for cooking cocktails

In modern alcohol culture, many cocktails are known, which include absinthe. You can cook them at home. However, you need practice and skillful hands.

Cocktail "Breakfast" with absorption

"Brand of the brain" is a popular shit. To prepare it, you need to use a bartmens spoon to get a pretty composition in several layers. In the cocktail, three types of alcohol are used, and therefore, after the first portion, you can feel how the drink spills through the body.

List of ingredients:

  • rum - 20 ml;
  • vodka - 20 ml;
  • absinthe - 20 ml;
  • lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • cola - 30 ml;
  • cinnamon - on the tip of the knife.

How to cook and drink a cocktail:

  1. Pour rums, vodka and absintin into shots glass for shots.
  2. Add the stake and juice, pouring the ingredients from different sides of the glass.
  3. Set fire to a drink.
  4. Throw cinnamon into the flame.
  5. Drink a cocktail through a tube without caring fire.

Hallucinogenic ice cream cocktail with an absorption

This is a long cocktail. Drinking him is a pleasure. The cocktail has a pleasant creamy taste with a note of intricate herbs and subtle bitterness. Preparing "hallucinogenic ice cream" at home is very simple.

List of components:

  • absinthe - 40 m;
  • orange juice - 200 ml;
  • iceard - 50 gr.

Stages of cooking cocktail:

  1. Absent, ice cream and orange juice, place in a blender bowl.
  2. King the contents of the bowl until smooth.
  3. Pour the cocktail into a glass.
  4. Add crowded ice to the cocktail.
  5. Drink "hallucinogenic ice cream" in small sips through a tube.

Cocktail "Equator" with an absorption

"Equator" is a truly burning and piquant cocktail. Moreover, the fortresses are given not only by alcohol in the composition of the drink, but also an important ingredient - Tabasco sauce. To prepare a cocktail, you will need a bartmens spoon.

List of ingredients:

  • laker TRIP O - 20 ml;
  • tabasco sauce - 5 ml;
  • white tequila - 20 ml;
  • absent - 20 ml.

Cooking procedure:

  1. Pour liquor and tequila into a glass in layers.
  2. Gently add the Tabasco sauce to the cocktail. With proper introduction, it will pass through tequila and stop in front of the liquor.
  3. Add absintin to the drink with the last layer.
  4. Drink a “equator” through a tube without settling, starting from the top layer.

The cocktail "absent-boom" with the absorp

"Absent-Boom" received such a name due to an unusual way of mixing. In the bars, the ingredients of the cocktail are placed in a glass with a thick bottom and a sharp movement hit the bottom on the bar. As a result, the cocktail is mixed and foamed, but does not become homogeneous. “Absent-boom” can be prepared at home, the main thing is to have a reliable vessel.

List of ingredients:

  • champagne - 50 ml;
  • absent - 50 ml.

How to cook and drink a cocktail.

  1. In a glass with thick walls, mix champagne and absinthe.
  2. Mix the drink with a stroke on a solid surface.
  3. Drink a cocktail in a gulp in several sips.

Hiroshima cocktail. Video

Than to eat absinthe

In diluted form, absinthe is not bite, but if you wanted to try this wonderful drink in its pure form, you can’t do without a snack. But how to bite absintin so as not to interrupt the taste of this alcohol, but to emphasize its aftertaste?

Try the following options:

  • chocolate;
  • cheese with mold;
  • mint candies;
  • apples, pears or grapes;
  • lime or lemon;
  • green olives.

Experienced absorption offers a shelf of cinnamon as a snack, dumped in sugar. Of course, you don’t need to chew cinnamon. It is enough to lick sugar crystals from spices.



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