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How to make a face lotion at home

How to make a face lotion at home
Recipes for making facial lotions at home. Moisturizing, cleansing skin lotion. Get rid of rashes with a home lotion.

In order to carefully cleanse the skin from pollution and refresh, real beauties have special products in their arsenal - these are tonics and facial lotions. You can make a cosmetic product yourself, taking into account the features of the skin. Such a lotion will not harm the skin, because it does not have harmful substances and preservatives.

On the benefits of home cosmetics

Now on sale you can find a huge selection of various facial skin and body skin care products. Thousands of jars with bright stickers and inscriptions, a variety of design - you just need to decide to buy one tool and try to believe the inscriptions on the packaging. Is it possible to expect a miracle from such cosmetics? Perhaps this is only an advertising move, the opportunity to promote a new company in the market. The cost of foams, lotions, tonics and other skin care products, as a rule, is affordable. There are options more expensive, but here sellers expect to find their own buyer for each product. Of course, we all want to be beautiful and buy expensive cosmetics, but why overpay, if you can make a face lotion at home. The benefits of this tool will be much greater, because you will prepare it yourself, from proven and high -quality components, taking into account your type of skin.


And you knew that in the translation from the ancient Roman language the word "lotion" means "washing, washing." DIY lotions can include various components: it is like traditional alcohol tinctures, as well as alkaline, sour or water. In addition, it is allowed to use alcohol -containing liquids with a decoction of herbs, just herbal infusions and even juices.

Why is it worth trusting home lot to face:

  • the product will carefully and thoroughly will help cleanse the skin of pollution;
  • will remove excess fat;
  • will help calm the irritated skin;
  • will relieve voltage, traces of fatigue;
  • will remove dead cells;
  • will help narrow the pores;
  • excellent disinfectant;
  • solve the imperfections of the skin: remove rashes, reduce the inflammatory process, improve complexion, and also help to avoid premature aging.

As you can see, there are enough reasons to try to make your favorite quality skin cleaning yourself for yourself. You just need to decide on the skin type to choose a suitable recipe.

How to make a face lotion

As you already understood, the main task of face lotions made with your own hand is the effective skin cleansing. This is the main thing, but also a number of other important tasks: it is skin healing, moisturizing and nutrition. As a result of comprehensive care, you will get an excellent result: healthy, radiant, well -groomed skin without cosmetic defects.

Let's make the famous cucumber face lotion. This tool was made by our great -grandmothers and shared recipes with their daughters and handed over to granddaughters. The lotion is simply unique, it rejuvenates the skin, effectively cleanses and even bleats. In cucumbers there are vitamins: A, C, PP and group B, there are enzymes, trace elements, as well as protein. Therefore, such a rich composition will help cleanse the skin, make it smooth, eliminate imperfections. This recipe is universal, the lotion can be used for the skin at any age. It is suitable for both dry and oily/combined skin.


The recipe for creating a lotion is extremely simple:

  • prepare 5 fresh cucumbers. They should be young, preferably grown in a garden without chemicals;
  • cucumbers need to be washed and grate, using the side with the middle notch. Do not remove the peel;
  • now prepare a glass jar (500 ml), fold the cucumber pulp in the jar, add an incomplete glass of vodka (200 ml, you need to take vodka without additives, dyes and flavorings);
  • close the jar with a tight lid, put in a dark place. It is desirable that the bank with the future lotion is in a cool place. Ideal - in the pantry or in the cellar. We leave the lotion to infuse for 10 days;
  • from time to time (you can every 3-4 days), it is advisable to shake the jar;
  • after 10 days, you need to strain the infusion, pour the resulting lotion into the glass container and store in the refrigerator.

Such a lotion, infused with vodka, is ideal for oily and combined skin. Owners of dry skin are allowed to add a little lotion to make a home mask.

Features of the use of home lotions

There are a lot of recipes for making lotions at home to choose the right option that will help solve the imperfections of your skin, you need to understand the main effect of each tool.


These recommendations will help you become better:

  1. Consider your skin type. You can’t do this if a friend herself prepared a lotion, and she liked him, then on her advice you want to get the same result. No, you need to always take into account your skin type. So, for the owners of the skin with rashes and oily/combined, the lotion is prepared on an alcohol -containing basis. For owners of dry skin, such a lotion can be destructive.
  2. Alcohol lotions are more suitable for oily skin, the perfect use scheme: twice a day, morning and evening. If the skin is allocated a lot of skin fat and shines during the day, then you can use the lotion and 3 times a day. It is necessary to wipe the whole face completely with a cotton swab.
  3. Combined skin requires a different approach, it is important to designate the area with increased production of skin fat and process only these areas. As a rule, this is a T-zone: forehead, chin, nose and wings of the nose, if required, then nasolabial folds.
  4. If you need to clean sensitive or dry skin, then moisturizing the foundations for the preparation of the lotion are suitable for you: these are oils (both vegetable and etheric), fruits and vegetables (exclusively fresh), as well as high -fat dairy products. There should not be alcohol in such a lotion, then you can count on a good effect of skin nutrition, as well as cleansing and moisturizing.
  5. After you connect all the components together, you need to mix them and move them to glass containers. Ideally, if there is a bottle or a jar of dark glass. You need to insist the lotion in a dark and cool place, taking into account the features of the preparation (from 2 days or more).
  6. Before using home lotion, you need to shake it well.
  7. How to use: shake the lotion, apply a little on a cotton pad, cleanse your face, given that the skin needs to be wiped only along the massage lines.
  8. How often to use: 2 or 3 times a day. Cosmetologists strongly recommend wiping the face with a cotton pad in the morning after washing and in the evening before bedtime, first you need to wash the skin at least with water.
  9. The course of use is no more than 3 months, after that you need to take a break of 3-4 weeks and then switch to another tool (prepare a lotion for the skin from other components).
  10. You need to store home lotion only in the refrigerator! If you prepare the product on an alcohol-containing basis, then the shelf life is 14 days, based on juices and vegetable purees/decoctions-no more than 3 days, herbal tinctures-7 days.

How to make a face lotion

Check out the recipes for the preparation of facial lotions, taking into account the characteristics of the skin.

How to cook a lotion for oily skin:

  1. You will need grapefruit juice, only we use not a store, but make it on our own. It is necessary to squeeze the juice out of half the purified grapefruit, strain through a sieve and then mix with lemon juice. The juice is also squeezed fresh, immediately after the preparation of grapefruit juice. You will need grapefruit juice of 150 ml and 20 ml of vodka and lemon juice.
  2. The second option: Take strawberry juice (also fresh) - 150 ml, if strawberries are rare in your parts, use fresh strawberries. Also prepare vodka - incomplete glass (200 ml), without additives. Mix the components, pour into a glass bottle, put in a dark place. You need to insist within 4 weeks. Every 5 days you need to shake the lotion.
  3. 1-2 cucumbers (you can and more, depending on what size) chop. You can cut into small cubes or grate. Fold the cucumber mass in a glass half-liter jar (1/4), pour apple vinegar to the very top. Close the lid and put it insist in a dark place for 7 days. Before use, you need to strain.

Facial sospace lotion-this recipe can be called "gold". Suitable for any skin, tones and nourishes. The only drawback is that you will have to do such a lotion every day. You will need fresh cucumber juice - 2 tbsp, 1 cup of mineral, low -loaded water. Both components are mixed and the lotion is ready for use! You can irrigate your face with such a cosmetic product in the morning and if necessary during the day. It is well suited both for oily/combined skin, and for moisturizing sensitive and dry.

How to make a cosmetic cleanser for normal skin:

  • 1 yolk;
  • any fruit juice - 1 tsp;
  • a mixture of essential oil with base (olive, corn, etc.) - 2 tsp.


The mixture is prepared immediately in a glass capacity convenient for storing and ready for use on the same day. How to use: applied on the face with a thin layer using a cotton pad, leave it until it dries. We apply the next layer on top of the first. In the process of application, you will see that a foam forms on the skin-the face should be massaged with light movements along lines from 2 to 3 minutes, then rinse the lotion with water at room temperature, it can be cool.

Moisturizing face lotion

To preserve the youth of our skin, it is necessary to take care of it correctly. If the first wrinkles appear, then this is a signal of our body that the skin is not moistened enough. The skin takes the necessary nutrients from deeper layers and draws collagen reserves. If it continues to continue, then soon wrinkles will become more and more. Naturally, fighting them every year is more and more difficult. What to do? There is a way out, make a moisturizing lotion yourself and pamper yourself to your beloved.


Home cosmetics recipes:

  1. With olive oil - nutrition and moisture in one bottle. Conveniently, economical and you can make such a lotion quickly and yourself. You will need 2 tsp. Olive oils and 1 cup of broth lemon balm. It is done like this: put 3 tbsp on 250 ml of water. dry lemon balm, insist for 20 minutes, then strain. Both components (oil and herbal decoction) are mixed, you do not need to insist. We wipe the skin in the morning and evening.
  2. Lotion with honey is also an excellent tool for moisturizing dry skin of the face. You need to take 2 tsp. honey (liquid or melt in a water bath), prepare a decoction of rose petals: hot water 1 cup, 2 tbsp. dry petals. It is insisted for 2 hours in a dark place. As soon as the pink infusion is ready, mix it with liquid honey. Everything, the lotion is ready. You can wipe the skin 2 times a day: traditionally in the morning and before bedtime.


Skin cleansing is the basis of beautiful and healthy skin. You need to cleanse the skin at any age, even for mature skin, proper care is necessary.


Popular recipes:

  1. Propolis -based lotions are a find for the skin “in the age” with problems. Preparation of the lotion: Melt propolis so that it becomes liquid, put parsley juice (it whites the skin well, especially helps with pigmentation), add honey (all in equal proportions). Such a gruel -like mixture will need 1 tbsp, dissolve it in a glass of water.
  2. Great recipe for oily skin: 1 tbsp. Dry Field horsetail and 1 cup of white dry wine. Pour the grass with wine, mix, leave to infuse for 3 weeks. We put a glass jar in a dark and dry place.
  3. Ideal for dry skin: cream-125 ml, 1 yolk, 2-3 drops of lemon oil, neroli and pink, 50 ml of vodka, the juice of the half of the lemon. If the cream was not at home, replace it with sour cream, then Neroli oil must be excluded. The components are mixed in a convenient container. The lotion is immediately ready for use, it cleans well, and at the same time moisturizes and whits the skin.

How to make a pimples lotion

If you have oily skin, there are rashes, then you can not do without alcohol -containing components: it can be pharmacy tinctures (calendulas, scarlet, sea buckthorn). If you make a lotion based on vodka, then it will help get rid of acne, if with cognac, it is better to use black -skinned beauties who have rashes. If the skin is pale, then white wine must be present in the lotion as the main alcohol -containing component.


Here is a basic recipe that is suitable for girls with any type of skin. Only you must independently use 1 alcohol -containing component: vodka, alcohol tincture with herbs or wine.

How to get rid of acne:

  • calendula tincture - 2 tbsp;
  • green tea - strong brewing (or broth of St. John's wort) 2 tbsp.;
  • grape juice - 2 tbsp.

All components are mixed, the lotion can be used immediately. Application of a face lotion: twice a day.

And this lotion is more suitable for problem skin with advanced capillaries. It is perfect to use in the cold season.

You will need:

  • aloe extract (sold in pharmacies) - 2 tbsp;
  • oak bark - a strong hot decoction of 150 ml;
  • yeast - 1 tsp

The lotion removes redness, perfectly cleans the skin of rashes and pimples.

Plaon for the face with acids

When you need to get rid of excessive arrangement of the skin and acne, salicylic acid comes to the rescue. It effectively cleanses the skin of pimples, acne and black dots. Depending on the type of skin, the percentage of the acid can vary.


How to prepare a lotion for problem skin with acid:

  1. A solution of pharmacy salicylic acid - 100 ml, boiled water - 1 cup, dry calendula flowers - 1 tbsp.
  2. Pour the flowers with acid, insist on the day.
  3. We filter the liquid through a strainer or fold gauze in several layers.
  4. Mix only 1 tbsp. solution with 250 ml of boiled water.
  5. This is a lotion that will help get rid of acne, as well as pimples.

If the skin is sensitive:

  • levomycetin tablets - 5 pcs .;
  • salicylic acid - 1 tsp;
  • boron alcohol - 1 tsp;
  • sulfur - 1 tsp;
  • alcohol 70% - 200 ml.

Grind the tablets into the powder, add liquid components. Store the lotion in a cool place, before use, you need to shake well. Apply to the skin 1-2 times a day.

Lotion, slowing down the aging process:

  • vodka - 250 ml;
  • fresh cucumber juice - 1 tbsp;
  • freshly squeezed strawberry juice - 1/3 cups;
  • salicylic acid - 0.5 tsp.

Wipe the skin with a lotion and do not forget about the neck - daily use of such a tool will help to smooth out small wrinkles.



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