
What to do when moving - what to do if we moved. Compulsive overeating

What to do when moving - what to do if we moved. Compulsive overeating
Overbinding: basic symptoms and reasons. What if you move? What is a compulsive overeating and how to deal with him.

Festive days, meetings with friends, noisy parties or other celebrations with an abundance of delicious ride dishes on a festive table, bring not only positive emotions and pleasure from food, but also some unpleasant consequences. Probably, many had to face overeating after an abundant feast with a multitude of appetizing and delicious dishes, each of which would certainly try. As a result, the next day there is a general ailment, weakness in the whole body, gravity in the stomach or nausea. What to do if she moved and what makes overeating, especially if it is regular, read in this article.

What is overeating and why it arises

Overbinding - disorder of food intake, in which a person absorbs excessive amounts of food, much more than its body needs, and cannot stop at the right moment.

The theme of the right and healthy nutrition is one of the most relevant in the modern world. American scientists calculated that a modern person consumes 2 times more food than our ancestors. Overbinding is one of the main and dangerous "enemies" of all mankind, every second has ever encountered a similar problem, and for many overeating becomes a bad habit, which is not just to get rid of.

The stomach of man is able to stretch under the action of food entering it, 6 times more than its size in the usual condition. Admission to it more food is dangerous to health and overall well-being. Ideally, a person should take food only when he has a sense of hunger and consume small portions. But, often we eat when we are bored, experiencing stress, for the company. Many do not even realize that they regularly overeat. 63CFC526EC6DC6E7B8AA0B2B4A2C0754.

Symptoms of overeating

Most often, the symptoms of overeating arise from those who lead a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle. After one-time overeating, for example, after a rich feast, you can feel:

  • feeling of gravity in the abdomen, stomach;
  • bloating, the appearance of gas formation and meteorism;
  • heartburn, nausea, general ailment, sometimes insomnia;
  • pain in the intestines, colic;
  • it gets hard to move hard, I want to lie down and do not move.


In case of excess meal acquired a regular character for a long time, you may notice and feel the following changes in your body:

  • There is a quick weight gain, especially those who are not engaged in exercise. The number of calories consumed with a large food volume increases, and energy is not spent.
  • There are serious problems with sleep, a person is harder to fall asleep, he suffers insomnia.
  • The constant sensation of gravity and discomfort in the intestine, annivers the large accumulation of gases and meteorism.
  • Meal becomes not controlled. Man eats not only when hungry, often snacks (when watching TV, reading a book or work at a computer), abuses harmful fast food and sweet.

The main reasons for overeating

  1. A sense of satiety in humans occurs only 15-20 minutes after meals. The habit is quick and there is a lot - a direct way to overeating.
  2. Food culture is hidden from the small years. If the person eats a lot from childhood, "with the additive", over time the volume of its stomach increases and can accommodate up to 2.5 l food.
  3. The human appetite depends on the components that enhance the taste of dishes that are included in the food. For example, sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup), seasonings, additives and taste amplifiers.
  4. Abuse of semi-finished foods, fast food or street food, which attract their accessibility, appearance and appetizing aroma.
  5. The person is surrounded by a lot of things. This is especially true of holidays, feast and festivities with an abundance of calorie fat dishes, from which tables are broken. It is very difficult to control yourself and to keep out the temptation to try all goodies.
  6. Lack of power in a modern pace of life. The missed breakfast and lunch is replaced with snacks and is replenished with plentiful, satisfying dinner, usually before bedtime. Against the background of irregular nutrition, a systematic overeating and a set of excess weight occurs, from which everything is harder to get rid.
  7. Emotional overeating due to stressful, conflict life situations. Many are walking their bad mood, depression and failure. Tasty food becomes consolation and inventory for them.
  8. Strict monodi can cause overeating. The body tries to fill its reserves at the time of a breakdown, which happens quite often.

young Woman Biting A Big Sandwich, Isolated On White Background

What makes overeating

Doctors and nutritionists beat the alarm and urge everyone to reconsider their nutrition, reduce the volume and calorieness of food consumed. Systematic overeating leads to a violation of metabolism, extensive weight and health problems can not be avoided. The consequences of systematic overeating can be:

  • Excess weight. This is not only a feeling of gravity in the whole body, the loss of attractiveness and tightness, but also an additional burden on the joints, the spine.
  • Problems with gasts and liver. Overeating leads to diseases such as gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. Uncontrolled eating fatty, fried, sweet food unknown affects the liver, provoking cirrhosis of the liver. Supports appear, which lead to the development of hemorrhoids.
  • Heart disease and cardiovascular system. With increasing weight, the growth of all internal organs of man takes place to provide them with work, the heart has to work with a double strength, pumping blood to vital organs. Due to the increased load, heart abbreviations increase, the muscle tissue of the heart occurs, human problems arise with pressure, hypertension and atherosclerosis appears.
  • Due to overeating in women, a hormonal failure occurs: the menstrual cycle is disturbed, problems with conception arise. Men have problems with erection.


What if you move?

If you have not been deduced from the temptation and ate more than planned, do not despair. There are many ways to relieve unpleasant feelings and get rid of the symptoms of overeating.

  1. The best and fastest way to improve health is to adopt a special drug whose action is aimed at improving the operation of the digestive system.
    These drugs include: festal; Creon; Ermal; Mesim; Digestal; Panzinorm. 1392899712_rews_2555
  2. In the event that there is no medication from this list at hand, you do not know what to do if he moved, and moreover, it is still nauseous, take the tablets of activated carbon, which act as a sorbent (1 tablet by 10 kg of body weight). Already through the rapid period of time, the bloating, nausea and pain in the stomach will be held. With nausea, it is forbidden to induce vomiting. If you move and rode, take a horizontal position and drink more fluid, for example, a fastening unsweetened tea to prevent dehydration of the body.
  3. After abundant meals, it is not recommended to immediately go to rest or sit at the table for a long time. Along the body, spending the minimum amount of energy, slows down the metabolism, therefore, the severity in the stomach appears and deposition of unnecessary kilograms. What if we moved and afraid to recover? It is better to stroll a skip in the fresh air, wash the dishes or dance if you are at the celebration. After a light physical activity, the body will quickly enter the norm and restores its work.
  4. From the feeling of gravity in the stomach perfectly helps juice of fresh lemon. Just a few sips of Lemon Freasha will return you to life. Simeds of Tmina, Coriander, Anisa possess a similar effect. Make a few seeds after abundant lunch or swallow them by drinking with a small amount of water. It should be remembered that drinking a lot of water immediately after eating is harmful, drink water or other drinks after half an hour after eating. Remove the severity in the stomach also helps green tea with mint.
  5. If you want the food faster to digest, due to the accelerated selection of gastric juice, shake the chewing gum.

What if he moved for the night?

Late dinner, with an abundance of oily and calorie dishes, is very harmful to our body, which should be restored at night, and not to digest food. A defective rest leads to a bad mood in the morning, the state of breaking, and not to vigorously and charge energy for the whole day. In addition, the night meal has a negative impact on hormonal processes in the body, stimulating insulin production, which translates calories into fat deposits on the body and internal organs. Therefore, it is recommended to dine no later than 3-4 hours before sleep. If a strong hunger is tormented - to drink a glass of kefir before bedtime. In case the overeating for the night failed to avoid - take mezim, festal or other drugs, normalizing digestion and, if possible, stroll out in the fresh air.


What to do if she moved sweet

All women love to enjoy sweet confectionery, baking, chocolate. When overeating sweet foods, nutritionists recommend drinking a lot of pure water, as sweets cause a strong feeling of thirst. With a feeling of gravity in the stomach effectively helps a cup of ginger tea without sugar.

What if you move chocolate? Chocolate love everything: from Mala, to Great. The overeating of chocolate threatens obesity, increasing blood glucose levels, can cause insomnia. If you could not resist and move it, refrain from meals all the next day, eat green apples, you can drink a glass of kefir, and drink clean water in unlimited quantity.


What if you move salty?

In the abuse of salty, for example, she moved salted nuts, nausea may appear, the severity, what to do? Brew tea with rosehip and drink it throughout the day, after overeating.

What if you move fat and sick?

Excessive consumption of fatty food causes general weakness, nausea. With the symptoms of overeating fatty, the tablets of activated carbon or drugs should be taken to improve digestion. During the day it is necessary to arrange a unloading day and drink water with lemon juice. It is recommended to make an enema for complete intestinal cleansing. Useful hiking.


What is compulsive overeating: signs and reasons

The desire to eat delicious, especially on holidays, many, and is quite normal, but, systematic consumption is much more food than the body is necessary and the impossibility of controlling the amount of food eaten, it is already a food disorder called compulsive overeating. It requires treatment, it will not be possible to get rid of dependencies. Compulsive overeating devastating for a person, both at psychological and physical levels. Most often, the bad habit has a lot of childhood. With the help of food, a person compensates for negative emotions, the excitement of experience, which tests, "coming" their problems. He subconsciously is looking for pleasure that will distract him from negative or sad thoughts, will make a breath on a moment.


Causes of compulsive overeating

  1. For many people suffering from compulsive overeating, delicious food, especially sweetness, is a medicine from depression, psychological problems and mental pain. Having fun fun, the mood and well-being rises, but only for a while. The problem is not solved, but aggravated even more.
  2. Compulsive overeating may occur against health problems and be a symptom of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, with a violation of the functioning of the thyroid gland, during the injury of the head.
  3. The problem with excess weight causes a person to limit himself in nutrition and comply with strict diets, after which breakdowns often occur. A person cannot control the consumption of food and shifts the missed.

Signs of compulsive overeating

  1. A person cannot control the amount of food, he does not feel satisfying and continues to the meal.
  2. Stress, experiences, excitement or boredom provoke an attacks of gluttony.
  3. The desire to eat something "delicious", eat, arises very often. A person who suffers with a compulsive overeating, constantly chews something, even on the go.
  4. A person can consume a large amount of food alone, as it feels shame on people, because he eats a lot.
  5. Between meals, runs a short period of time.
  6. After an attack gluttony many experience feelings of guilt, disgust to your body, angry with themselves, feel powerless and exhausted, fall into an even greater depression.


The dangerous eating disorder?

Compulsive overeating - the enemy is not only a slim figure, as fraught with rapid weight gain, but also for the whole body, and leads to a number of serious problems:

  • diabetes of type II;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • raising the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • hypertension, heart disease, blood vessels;
  • depression, suicidal thoughts.

Compulsive Overeating: treatment

The habit of eating compulsively does not pass by itself, especially if it is deeply rooted psychological and emotional problems over the years. For example, dissatisfaction with his body alone. In addition to medical treatment with medicines which remove the symptoms of overeating, reduce appetite, diet, the patient needs help therapist. Turn to him for help you need without fail. Treatment includes:

  • medication, antidepressants;
  • behavioral group or individual psychotherapy, hypnosis.

The main objective of the treatment - the removal of all the psychological reasons that caused this eating disorder.

How to get rid of binge eating by yourself?

  1. Find something for everyone, from the distracting thoughts about delicious food. It can be a fascinating hobby, a new interesting job, which occupies all the free time.
  2. Do not buy a lot of products for future use, so you will not be tempted to eat it all at once. Often better to go to the store and do not overeat, especially walking is healthy. 12
  3. Try to strike them your diet all the "junk" food: fast food, chips, crackers, and sweets. Diversify the menu of fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products.
  4. Include in the diet of bran, oatmeal, cereal, cottage cheese, which give a feeling of fullness and satiety for a long time.
  5. Try not to eat alone in public, you can control the amount of food eaten.
  6. Keeping a food diary, which takes into account the amount of calories and portions, disciplines and teaches to eat right.
  7. Motivate yourself to lose weight, set a goal. For example, to get into a beautiful dress, a few sizes smaller than yours. depositphotos_10890501_m-2015
  8. It is recommended to undergo a survey to eliminate the presence of a disease that provokes a constant feeling of hunger (diabetes mellitus).
  9. Take care of sports or any physical activity. So you can distract from your problems, improve the appearance.
  10. Do not be afraid to ask for help and support from loved ones, find like-minded people with which it will be easier to deal with the problem, you can share experiences, share the results of your achievements and advice.

Remember that the food must be pleasure, and not harm the health and your life.


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