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Mudding methods. Indications, contraindications for muddle. Mud treatment at home.

Mudding methods. Indications, contraindications for muddle. Mud treatment at home.
What is dirt. Types of dirt. Mudreing: indications, contraindications. How to cure the mud of prostatitis, joint diseases, gynecological diseases, etc. How to be treated with mud on your own at home

Mud treatment is not a novelty, this is an effective way to get rid of some cosmetic disadvantages, as well as improve health. Previously, it was necessary to go to resorts to specialized institutions in order to undergo a course of treatment with mud. But now you can do this yourself without leaving your home. We will tell you more about mudding methods.

In stores and pharmacies, puppets with dirt are sold for a long time, which need to be diluted in accordance with the instructions, water, and then apply to the body or face. The procedure is simple, one might even say, funny. But every person who decided to try treatment with mud needs to understand that therapeutic dirt is a powerful natural drug that affects certain areas of the human body. Therefore, in order not to harm yourself, it is necessary to understand what can be done and what is undesirable.

For the purpose of healing, you can try treatment with mud at home, and if you need to cure a serious disease, it is better to consult a specialist.

Treatment with mud. Types

The procedure is simple: the dirt is diluted to a pasty state and applied to a certain part of the body. The temperature of the therapeutic mask, the composition and duration of the exposure - all this is adjusted in each case.

Therapeutic muds are different, they differ not only in appearance, but also in property, as well as the composition.

Types of therapeutic mud:

  • sulfide silt - such a therapeutic substance is formed in the seas and oceans, in a salty environment. Such dirt is dark, almost black. There are many useful substances in natural mud, especially minerals;
  • sapropolenova dirt - gathers at the bottom of the "standing" reservoir. The color of the dirt depends on many conditions and is blue, the color of dark olives, saturated brown, black with a bluish tint. There is a lot of bromine, cobalt, iodine and other useful trace elements in such dirt. Used to treat many diseases;
  • mud peat - formed in swamps and marshy areas. The color of such a therapeutic dirt is dirty black, it has a lot of organic substances.

Each type of dirt is unique in its own way: in appearance, composition of useful substances, areas of application. But they all begin to "work" only when heated.

There are several ways to use mud:

  1. Acceptance of mud baths. Such treatment is practiced only in sanatoriums. The procedures help increase the tone of the whole body, improve the condition of the skin, relieve pain, and relieve the patient's condition.
  2. Applications - dirt is applied only to a certain part of the body: these are wraps, masks, compresses, electrolysis. Exception: this is the neck, head and region of the heart. The duration of the procedure is determined in each case, but not more than 20 minutes. The number of procedures is also individual: on average it is 2-3 times a week or 2 days in a row, then a day a break, etc. The course of treatment with mud is about 10-12 procedures, and in some cases it may take 18.


Therapeutic mud. How to treat the right treatment

Regardless of the chosen method of treatment and type of dirt, you must always follow the following rules:

  1. Before applying medical dirt on a certain area, it is necessary to take a shower, but it is impossible to use soap, foams or other detergents. You just need to rinse with warm water.
  2. If there are cuts, wounds on the skin, then these places should be protected from the penetration of dirt under the skin. It is necessary to lubricate the affected areas with ointment, oily cream.
  3. The procedure is not long, even despite this, you need to try to relax and do not think about anything. Then the body is at rest, the skin does not emit fat and sweat in large quantities. It is necessary that each cell accepts as many active substances as possible.
  4. After the procedure is completed, it is necessary to remove the dirt, and wash the remains with water (but without soap and other detergents!). The skin needs to be impregnated with a towel, not hard to rub.
  5. After the procedure, it is advisable to relax and lie down for at least half an hour. Then you can return to the usual life rhythm and go about your business.
  6. During the course of treatment, it is undesirable to use the skin moisturizing the skin, as well as take a shower with gels, soap or foam. It is important that a thin mud film remains on the skin, which continues its work in between procedures. That is why it is enough to take a shower without soap. If you use detergents, then the film is washed off and the effect of the procedure is minimized.
  7. It is strictly forbidden to take alcohol -containing drinks, as well as medicines during mud.


Mud. Indications

This type of treatment and healing of the body, a fairly extensive list of indications, is:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • as recovery therapy after injuries;
  • polyarthritis, rheumatism;
  • mud is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases, as well as the genitourinary system (in most cases in men);
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • infections;
  • cellulite, dermatitis and other cosmetic indications;
  • excess body weight.

After the treatment procedure, side effects are possible: headache, dizziness, fever, skin itching, weakness. If such signs are present, it is necessary to consult your doctor. Perhaps an in -depth examination will be needed to exclude diseases in which treatment is prohibited. And it is also likely that this type of dirt does not suit you.

Mud. Contraindications

Without preliminary consultation with a specialist, it is undesirable to start treatment with mud.

But to get acquainted with the list of contraindications, it is simply necessary:

  • for any kind of bleeding, mudding is prohibited;
  • in oncological diseases;
  • during pregnancy;
  • skin diseases in the exacerbation stage;
  • in inflammatory processes, as well as at elevated body temperature;
  • with tuberculosis;
  • some neurological diseases, as well as physical and nervous exhaustion.

Mud and heart are not applied to the neck, head and heart:


Mud treatment of various diseases

In this block, let's look at the tactics of treatment with mud of various diseases:

  • the mud of the joints is to alleviate the patient's condition, as well as at the early stage of the disease to completely get rid of this ailment, it is possible to treat mud. You can start the course only after the active process is declining, that is, after 1-2 months. The dirt is applied to a certain area, capturing 20 cm (maximum) a healthy area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. The duration of one procedure is half an hour, the course is a maximum of 16 applications. The course is again prescribed after 4 or 6 months, depending on the condition of the patient. After one course of treatment with mud, the pain leaves, the exacerbation is not repeated. Reviews of mud in patients are positive: the joints cease to bother, the pain gradually releases, there is a desire to move more. It is good to combine the applications with mud with the adoption of baths, which is successfully practiced in such popular resorts of sanatoriums with mud, such as Marianian climbing, Montekatini Termma and on Marin Menor. Prices for dirt in these places are much higher than treatment within the country, for example, treatment of Tambucan mud or dirt brought from a bear lake. Contraindications of treatment of joints with mud: malignant tumors, severe diseases that affect the work of blood vessels and hearts, diseases in the stage of exacerbation;
  • treatment of psoriasis with mud is successfully practiced both in mud and at home. The disease is complex and unpleasant, bright pink rashes appear throughout the body, which can increase in size, and then peel off. Mud applications with a thin layer are applied to the affected areas. The temperature of therapeutic mud should not exceed 42 degrees. Duration 1 of the procedure is about 30, a maximum of 40 minutes. You need to take dirt every day for 1.5 weeks, then a break. If the disease manifests itself in the cold season, then the heating of the affected skin with ultraviolet rays is added to the treatment. In the warm season, it is useful to combine treatment with bathing in sea water;
  • mud treatment with arthrosis is treated similarly as the treatment of joint diseases. The mud of Lake Saki has a positive effect, many patients noted an improvement after treatment with saksky mud;
  • the treatment of mud prostatitis is also very effective as the treatment of other diseases. 3 forms of treatment of this disease are distinguished: internal procedures (the introduction of special tampons in the rectum - mud tube); Applications with sulfate mud - the mushroom mud temperature of 42 degrees, the soft plastic mass is applied to the lower abdomen, in the form of underpants, the patient is wrapped with a warm blanket, left for half an hour; The use of microclemism in the rectum - the mud therapeutic mass (the drug "Biol") is diluted with water (1: 3), heated to a temperature of 38 degrees, the pear is administered for douching into the rectum. Contraindications: acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the body, vascular diseases and heart, malignant tumors, blood diseases, infections (acute stage), tuberculosis;
  • gynecology has been successfully practiced in gynecology since ancient times. The main goal of laying dirt on the lower abdomen (mud panties) was to cure infertility. But now various female diseases are being treated with mud: a menstrual cycle, hormonal bisbalass, decrease in sex drive, menopause. The treatment method “Mud panties” is very effective: the number of procedures is 10-15, the duration of one session is 20 minutes, the maximum mud temperature is 46 degrees (at least 37 degrees). As auxiliary therapy, many sanatoriums are used along with this method, a rape bath. The second method of treatment with mud is tampons that are introduced into the vagina (temperature 56 degrees, dirt is wrapped in gauze), the swab is introduced by a special syringe for 24 hours. And the rectal use of dirt - after the enema, prepared dirt or tampons are introduced into the rectum (diluted with water, heated to a certain temperature). It is strictly forbidden to self -medicate, because dirt for such methods of treating female diseases is used purified, wiped, completed bacteriological control.


Mud treatment at home

At home, it is used to treat the dirt of the Dead Sea, Lake Saki. The product should be of high quality and proven (powder purchased in a pharmacy or clay brought from healing sources.

In the event that dirt was brought from a healing source, then you need to do the following:

  • the dirt was collected, cleaned of solid impurities (pebbles, shells), confused, added hot water to make liquid gruel. Then you can add more dirt or water to adjust the density and temperature of the therapeutic drug;
  • to treat dirt, you can pour a mass with a solution of chloramine (3%), then the dirt must be rinsed well with water (boiled!), Put on a sieve lined with gauze. After that, the dirt must be dried by laying on a layer of polyethylene. Dry dirt in the sun is prohibited. The prepared product must be put into plastic bags, tie it tightly, store for 6 months. Before use, such dirt must be drove with boiling water;
  • before using any mud (for example, taken in a medical institution), raw materials must be warmed up in a water bath so that the temperature of the cake is from 30 to 40 degrees.


At home, dirt can be used to improve the condition of the skin. Dirt is applied to the skin in the form of a mask in this way:

  1. The dirt must be diluted (if you bought a powder in a pharmacy) with hot boiled water until the consistency of a thick sour cream. The temperature of the mud mask should not exceed 40 degrees.
  2. The mass is applied with a brush or spatula, capturing the neck and neckline.
  3. The application layer is 2 mm, the exposure time is 15 minutes. The dirt should not dry out, so from time to time the mud mask must be moistened with water.
  4. You can rinse dirt with water, as well as a tonic. The cream can only be applied after 20 minutes, when the skin rests a little.
  5. For oily skin, the aging time of dirt increases by 10 minutes.

With the help of dirt, you can get rid of dandruff and fat seborrhea: the mass heated to 42 degrees must be applied to the scalp, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can use shampoo if you really need to wash your hair.

Warm mud applications at home can be performed after heavy physical exertion: for this, a mud cake is heated to 42 degrees, applied to a sore spot, which needs to be wrapped with plastic film, and then wrapped with a towel or blanket. The procedure lasts from 20 to 30 minutes, then the cake needs to be removed, and wash the remaining dirt with warm water. In the same way, you can treat joint diseases at home.



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