
Does the Badyag help with acne? The use of a bag from acne and stains after acne. Masking masks from acne

Does the Badyag help with acne? The use of a bag from acne and stains after acne. Masking masks from acne
The beneficial properties of the Badyagi for the beauty of female skin. Recipes of masks with a cable -on from acne.

Badyaga is a penny that is sold in every pharmacy. The product became famous due to its amazing effect on the skin: after applying drugs based on a baddy, the face looks updated and clean, and there is no trace of acne and stagnant spots after acne. Read about the features of the use of a pimple bagdog in the article.

Badyaga is not a plant, as many sincerely believe, but a living unicellular organism. The natural habitat of this sponge is the bottom of freshwater reservoirs. She cannot move on her own, so she usually occupies algae, roots, stones, piles and other objects that are under water for a long time. The coloring of the creature is yellow, gray, brown and bright green.

To get a miraculous powder of a faded gray-green color, the sponge is removed from a clean reservoir, dried, and then rubbed into small fractions. Then the product is packed according to individual packages or mixed with organic or synthetic substances for the manufacture of cosmetics. Take a closer look at the jars on the shelves of stores - you will definitely find a baddy in the composition of funds that are designed to care for the appearance at home.

How a baddy helps to get rid of acne

The basis of the Badyag is Silicausz substance, interacting with the skin at the cell level. Fragments of dead cells descends Silles, contributes to the healing of damaged tissue and the synthesis of a structural protein that makes up the “frame” of the skin. After this effect, the skin acquires a healthy tone, becomes lighter and “breathes” in full force. The first signs of aging in the form of modest wrinkles disappear.

Inside the sponge, the silica is located in the form of an extensive network of microscopic needles, which, falling on the skin, irritate its surface layer. As a result, blood vessels expand, and blood circulation is enhanced. The protective mechanism is turned on and the cells affected by the spongy corners begins to intensively renew. Thanks to this process, you will achieve a noticeable clarification of age spots, freckles, hematomas, traces of the post -acne. Regular use of the Badyagi allows you to eliminate traces of acne for good.

The needle network in the body of the sponge is collected together by Sponginin - a specific natural protein. The substance has a disinfectant, anti -inflammatory and resorption effect on the skin.

Indications for the use of a cumulative badger

Masks with components of the freshwater sponge transform unhealthy teenage, oily, combined and normal skin beyond recognition. They give a positive result if necessary to eliminate the following problems:

  • extensive, pronounced pigmentation;
  • wrinkles, tuberous relief of the surface epidermis;
  • acne and acne on the face and body;
  • hematomas and stagnation in the deep layer of the epidermis after acne;
  • seborrheic dermatitis.

Contraindications to the use of Badyaga from acne

The Badyag does not always show its positive effect. There are some contraindications when you need to refuse masks with this substance:

  • small wounds, pustules and inflamed nodules on the skin;
  • very dry and delicate skin of the face, which is often covered with a rash in response to various aggressive cosmetics;
  • skin with signs of hirsutism;
  • pronounced rosacea, vascular mesh located close to the surface layer of the epidermis;
  • individual intolerance to substance.

Badyaga from scars and acne: a list of popular drugs

Having arrived at the pharmacy for the Badyaga, you can be confused, because the pharmacist will offer you at least 2 - 3 forms of the freshwater sponge. Let's find out which drugs are used for treatment and natural skin transformation:

  • powder from acne bags - this form of the drug is effective if you add it to home masks to get rid of acne, pigmentation and stagnant spots. One bag of the Baddyags is “stretched” to 3 - 5 procedures. Its price does not exceed 20 rubles.;
  • gel Badyaga Forte and Badyaga 911 from acne - the drug of this form is not as concentrated as powder, therefore it has a more gentle effect. With its help, you can cleanse the face of unpleasant reddened areas. The Badyago Forte is used not only from acne, but also to narrow the extended pores, which was preceded by steaming and brushing the face. The average price of the badgie in the form of a gel is 80 rubles.;
  • universal ointment with a baddy - the product can be used independently or added to therapeutic masks to eliminate the rash and inflammation on weakened skin;
  • a peeling form with small mineral fragments - good with oily, highly contaminated skin, when it is necessary to achieve the renewal of the epidermis. The tool will help out when nothing helps with acne on the back.

Pimples on the face: note recommendations

  1. Before a cosmetic procedure using a baddy, remove cosmetics, wash with a cleansing gel.
  2. A forbidden zone for applying a baddy is easily vulnerable skin under the eyes.
  3. Organic powder cannot be inhaled, it is also undesirable for it to get into the eyes.
  4. After the procedure, do not apply the cream to the skin at once - let the pores rest for some time.
  5. Do not get carried away with a miraculous tool. For a healthy regeneration of the surface layer of the epidermis, 1 cosmetic procedure with a badge per month is enough.
  6. In the first few days, the skin, in contact with the Badyaga, is extremely vulnerable, so before going to fresh air, use the SUN with SPF at least 20. This must be done at any time of the year.
  7. The skin contact with the Badyaga is undesirable in the summer months, in the peak of solar activity, otherwise not to get rid of excessive pigmentation.
  8. If you are going to try out the miraculous effect of the Badyaga for the first time, be sure to find out how your skin will respond to this specific substance. Apply a certain amount of a mask with a powder of a baddy on the inside of the wrist. The substance will help only in the absence of any undesirable reactions from the skin.
  9. The Baddyag mask is applied immediately, without a trace. Previously prepared, but not used immediately, the mixture must be thrown away.
  10. Important! After applying a mask with a Badyaga, you can feel easy discomfort, and at the end of the procedure, the skin will turn red and will not look in the best way. This is normal, just do not care for the face before going outside or on the eve of a responsible event.

If an allergic reaction or burn appears on the action of the Badyagi on the skin, lubricate the skin accordingly with phoenistil or bepanthen, and also take any anti -allergic tablet.

Pimples Badyaga masks: Effective recipes

To prepare a home -made cosmetic product based on the baddy, you will need additional components that are found in the arsenal in each beauty.

Mask with a baddy "for all occasions"

The mixture prepared according to this recipe will give the skin a shining appearance, eliminate pigmented marks and acne stains on the face, and also make stretch marks on the body more faded. Pour a couple of tablespoons of hot water into the powder of the Badyagi and stir it into not too thick porridge. Gently apply the mask on your face with a thin layer. It is not necessary to rub the skin. After a quarter of an hour, wash with warm water.

Mask with a Badyaga "for all occasions" - an enhanced option

To make the effect from the procedure more pronounced, complement the powder substance in the shape of a gel. First stir 1 tsp. Powder with water to get a mixture similar to consistency to sour cream, and then add 1 tsp to it. Gel with a Badyaga. The use scheme of the finished mask is the same as in the first case. Gel and powder enhance each other's action, so the “general cleaning” of the skin will be deeper.

Clay from age spots

Clay makes the influence of the needle structure of the Badyaga is not so aggressive, so the skin does not blush or irritated. However, to obtain the visible effect, you will need at least 10 -14 home cosmetic procedures.

Combine the powder of the badgers in the amount of 1 tsp. from 2 tsp. cosmetic green or black clay.  Mix dry components and add a little warm boiled water there. Distribute the finished in the problem areas with light movements and wait half an hour. Then, thoroughly, wash yourself with warm water. The first positive results will appear after 6 - 8 procedures - this is 1 course. Take a break for 10 - 14 days, and then spend another course of brightening procedures.

Badyaga and honey for fading skin

To prepare the mask, you will need 1 tsp. Gel based on Baddyagi and 1 tsp. natural honey in liquid form. Carefully mix the components and apply the mask on the face with a thin layer. Wash off in 15 minutes.

Badyaga with hydrogen peroxide from spots after acne

The mask perfectly cleanses the face of particles of a dead tint of the skin, treats acne and eliminates traces of acne. Dilute 1 tsp. Dry powder of the Badyagi peroxide 3%to make it moderately thick gruel. After a few minutes, as a result of a chemical reaction, the mixture will begin to foam. At this moment, distribute it with “stomping” movements of the fingers over the face. Remember that you can’t touch upon thin skin around the eyes. After 20 minutes, wash yourself with warm water. Until the peeling appears (i.e., until the skin begins to be updated), make masks with a baddy and peroxide 2 times a week. Then take a break so that the skin is completely restored. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

In the photo (before and after), you can see how a mask with acne has improved the condition of the skin.

Badyaga and boric acid from acne

Add to 1 tsp. Dry Badyagi 5-% solution of boric acid and mix in a creamy mass. Before applying, the mixture must be heated to a comfortable temperature. Using a cosmetic sponge, rub the medicine into areas with the highest accumulation of polluted pores. After 25-30 minutes, remove the mask, washing with warm water.

A person will respond to such an intervention with redness, so a trip to public places will have to be postponed for a while. In order for the skin to completely get rid of black dots, arrange a home cosmetic procedure 2 times a week. The cleansing course is from 6 to 8 procedures. Judging by the enthusiastic reviews, such a mask with a cable of acne helps to eliminate the most severe forms of the disease.

Badyaga with the addition of oatmeal

Mix 1 tsp. Dry Badyagi with small oatmeal in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. Next add 2 tbsp. l. low -fat cream and mix the ingredients into a creamy mass. Apply the mixture for a quarter of an hour, then wash yourself. This tool effectively cleanses and pulls pores.

Badyaga for operational neutralization of hematomas

To reduce the bruise in a matter of days, dilute the dry freshwater sponge with hot water to the state of gruel. Easy to rub the mixture into the affected area, and after half an hour, rinse with cool water. In this way, process the bruise every day until the skin acquires a natural shade.

Badyaga against seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis requires serious comprehensive treatment. If you put the disease on its own, it will form the basis of complete baldness and the appearance of painful pustules and abscesses on the head. Traditional medicine offers its own version of the treatment of the disease.

In 1 tsp. Dry Badyagi slowly enter hydrogen peroxide 3% and thoroughly stir until you get a mixture similar in density to sour cream. Before direct hair treatment, heat the mask in a water bath and protect your hands with rubber gloves. Distribute the mass on the head evenly, rubbing it with your fingers into the skin along the hair of the hair. The skin will respond to the mask with intense burning - do not be alarmed. After half an hour, wash your head with shampoo.

Make such a mask every 5 days. To improve the condition of the hair, you will have to make from 6 to 8 procedures. As a result, you will gladly note how much the fat gloss of the strand has decreased, and how good your hairstyle looks without dandruff. After “shock” treatment, dermatologists advise constantly maintaining positive results: for this, a healing mask is made once every 25-30 days.



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