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How to do anti -cellulite wrap at home. Recipes for effective anti -cellulite wraps at home

How to do anti -cellulite wrap at home. Recipes for effective anti -cellulite wraps at home
It is not easy to get rid of cellulite. It seems to many girls that this is impossible, but even at home you can declare the fight against cellulite. We present to your attention - effective recipes and the best advice on preparing for the procedure

Every second woman dreams of getting rid of cellulite and does everything possible to make the ugly tuberous skin on her hips and buttocks become smooth. Some manage to succeed, while others have to resort to different methods for months and more and more often look at the beauty salon.

You always need to fight the problem, and not 5 minutes before going to the beach. Cellulite has long become a problem No. 1 in women of all ages. There are a great many ways to get rid of this problem, some work, others do not. How to choose the very effective tool to get rid of orange peel without significant costs? One of the most effective ways to combat cellulite is anti -cellulite wrap at home.

Anti -cellulite wrapping at home - the procedure is comfortable and effective, which allows you to get rid of the problem. What is the secret? Wraps using different components help the female body get rid of stagnant fluid. Due to this, the skin relief is smoothing, reducing volumes in problem areas. The competent execution of the procedure will help to come to the desired forms.

Anti -cellulite wrap, is there a effect from the procedures? And after the first session, you can count on success. Namely - minus 1 cm in volumes and smooth, beautiful skin. But, the result will depend on the correctly selected components, on how much the body is ready to get rid of excess fluid. An integrated approach to solving the problem (wrapping, diet, sport) is a guaranteed success and getting rid of hated orange crust.

Anti -cellulite body wrap. Methods

Salon procedures are effective, but it is expensive. Therefore, many girls practice wraps with great success without leaving home.

Wraps, in order to get rid of cellulite, there are 2 types:

  • hot: the effect of the sauna is created, the skin is released faster from the stagnant fluid. Suitable for any skin type, there are contraindications;
  • cold - tone the skin and thus make you update and get rid of excess. Suitable for flabby skin prone to edema.

Indications and contraindications to anti -cellulite wraps. What you need to know

Before proceeding with the wrap procedure, it must be understood that any procedure can have contraindications.

So, warming wraps are prohibited to people who have such problems:

  • varicose veins;
  • kidney diseases;
  • skin diseases (rashes, wounds, cracks, irritation);
  • heart disease and blood vessels;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • asthma.

During pregnancy, any warming procedures are prohibited.

Poor well -being, elevated body temperature, infectious diseases and chronic diseases in the active stage - in this state it is undesirable to proceed to the implementation of cosmetic procedures. It is necessary to wait for a complete recovery in order to start the attack with new forces.

Indications for the implementation of the procedures: skin, with the effect of orange peel, uneven skin on the hips and buttocks, bugrous to the touch, stagnation of fluid in these parts of the body. Wraps made competently, even at home, will help improve the condition of the skin:

  • give elasticity;
  • make it smooth and velvety;
  • raise the tone;
  • enhance blood circulation in these parts of the body;
  • reduce volumes.

Anti -cellulite wrap: how to do it right

To see the result, you need to know how this procedure is carried out correctly at home.

What you need to pay attention to, step -by -step recommendations:

  1. Careful preparation of the skin is 50% of the success of the procedure. First you need to remove the keratinized layer, which prevents nutrients from starting work. Use any skin care products: it can be a special lotion, a hard washcloth and a body scrub. It helps to prepare the skin for the procedure - home -made scrub from salt, sugar, coffee with the addition of auxiliary ingredients.
  2. Then - applying an active component: it can be a special anti -cellulite mask for wrapping, purchased in a store or pharmacy, as well as the use of food: chocolate, coffee, honey and auxiliary components: clay, algae, vitamin cocktails, etc.
  3. To activate the components, with hot wraps, it is necessary to create a warming effect. Therefore, in order for the components to penetrate the skin and proceed to work, it is necessary after applying the composition, wrap the problem areas with a film, foil or put on special rubber shorts. The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 20 minutes. During this period, you can do your own business, but to enhance the warming effect, it is advisable to wrap yourself with a blanket, put on a tracksuit and make easy exercises. You can even wash the floor. Such activity will enhance the action of active components.
  4. At the end of the session, it is necessary to help the skin again bring everything excess to the surface. First you need to take a shower, well massage the problem areas with a special hard wash or a brush. After the shower - use a special cream. The stagnant liquid is perfectly exposed. Instead of a shower, you can lie in a bath with the addition of salt and essential oils.
  5. The next step: you need to calm the skin and close the pores. We apply any cream designed for anti -cellulite wraps or a body cream with a soothing effect. After applying the product, a light chill will “take a walk” on the skin, then a pleasant warmth will appear. These sensations are the response of the skin to the completion of the procedure.
  6. It is necessary to perform wraps as necessary, it all depends on the composition and the desired result. Cosmetologists advise doing procedures 2 times a week for a month. Then a break - and repeat the course again.
  7. An excellent effect of home procedures is achieved by alternating hot wraps with cooling. Then you need to do 3 sessions per week for a month, then go to 2, do another month. Then - a break and repeat the course again. Depending on the desired result, you can resort to such a scheme after 6 months.

Your faithful helpers in the fight against fat deposits will be physical activity and a balanced diet. And the result will not be long in coming!

Effective anti -cellulite wraps

We share with you the best and most effective recipes that are successfully used not only for home care, but also in beauty salons.

Anti -cellulite wraps. Recipes:

  1. Clay is an active component that allows you to balance the salt balance in the body and improve metabolic processes. And, of course, get rid of cellulite. Result: literally velvety to the touch skin, very delicate. Anti -cellulite wrap with clay is done as follows: buy several clay bags in a pharmacy. White, black, blue and even red is suitable. The cost of this magical agent is penny, and the result is excellent. To prepare the mixture, you need to pour the powder into the bowl, add a little water (preferably warm, but not hot), stir the clay. It should be a gruel that needs to be applied to the skin, be sure to turn into a film so that the composition does not dry out, but rather actively penetrates into the subcutaneous layer. The duration of exposure is half an hour, then shower, massage of problem areas, applying the cream. To enhance the effect of the active substance, essential oils and other components are added to the clay diluted with water.
  2. Anti -cellulite wrap with honey is one of the most beloved procedures of the fair sex of all ages. What to expect: honey is perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, helps to remove toxins, stimulates metabolic processes, and helps burn fats. Plus, it will help to increase immunity, smooth out stretch marks, remove swelling, pulls up flabby skin. A simple wrapping recipe: liquid honey (only natural!) Is applied to pre -prepared (cleansed) skin, withstanded under the film for half an hour. If the honey is suchate, it needs to be melted in a water bath. In order not to destroy all the beneficial substances in this natural product, you can not heat honey in a microwave. Other active substances can be added to the main component: it can be ground coffee, mustard, essential oils, tincture of patch red pepper, clay.
  3. Chocolate wrap is the most popular procedure in beauty salons. Anti -Cellular wrap plus massage with chocolate is a pleasant procedure. Chocolate moisturizes and cleanses the skin, nourishes, helps to accelerate blood circulation, get rid of fats and excess fluid, and also help improve mood. And also: tone the skin, clean from rashes and spots after pimples (if any), tighten flabby skin. The procedure for performing the procedure: We go to the store to buy black natural bitter chocolate, without additives or we take the packaging of cocoa powder. The chocolate must be melted over low heat, the cocoa powder is diluted with warm water. The resulting liquid mixture (temperature is a maximum of 40 degrees) must be applied to pre -prepared skin, turn into a film, and wrap himself in a warm blanket. The duration of the wrap is at least 40 minutes, and best - 1 hour. Hot anti -cellulite wrap with chocolate goes well with extracts and essential oils, ginger powder, coffee.
  4. Wrapping with algae - will help how to get rid of the "old" cellulite, and prevent its appearance. Perfectly removes the liquid, accelerate metabolic processes due to iodine and calcium, relieves swelling. It is made simply: buy dramates in a store or pharmacy or a pharmacy or enriched with minerals, pour warm water. Prepare 1 liter of water for 1 pack, mix, leave for 15 minutes. Algae needs time to be focused on water. Apply algae to the skin, wrap the problem areas with a film. Exverting time 40 minutes, rinse with warm water. Honey, ginger in powder, coriander, coffee are added to the main ingredient.
  5. Oil wraps cope with fat deposits perfectly, nourish the skin, help stop the aging process, accelerate metabolism. In order to perform this procedure, prepare oil-island. It can be both standard olive oil and wheat sprouts or almonds. Add 3 drops of essential oil to the base. For example, orange and lemon essential oil works well, as well as juniper and lavender. Apply warm oil to the skin under the film, withstand 40 minutes. Rinse with warm water if it is necessary.

Which anti -cellulite wrap is better?

It is difficult to answer this question, because we are all different and the body can respond differently to a particular procedure. But from among those who have tried many recipes of anti -cellulite wraps, there are reviews about the miraculous effect of coffee:

« I am 33, after the second pregnancy I gained weight, my skin became flabby, bugrous on my hips, stretch marks on the pope appeared. I tried different options, departure in the cabin and the implementation of cosmetic procedures of the house. I liked the second option, because it is difficult for a small child to leave home for a long time and try to relax. This is what a recipe for me has become a salvation: I collect drunk coffee, you need 100 g, you can immediately grind the grain and use such a product. I add to coffee olive oil 2 tbsp, honey - 1 tbsp. and 4-6 teaspoons of tincture of pepper pepper. It is better to put less, the first procedure will show. You may want to add more pepper. I mix everything thoroughly, steam the skin - this is necessary, otherwise the wrap will not be so effective. I apply this mixture to the prepared skin (I put on gloves!), It smells nice, just a magical aroma! I work out thoroughly the hip area, wrap my legs with a baking film in several revolutions. I put on free sports pants on top, I am engaged in household chores. After 20 minutes, you can wash off, by this time it is already well baking. If you can’t endure, then for the first time 10 minutes are enough. Wash off with warm water, almost cool, because the skin “burns”, I want to cool! Within half an hour, the skin will be red and the light effect of tingling will still be present. It passes over time. We admire the result: after anti -cellulite wrap, the skin is smooth, very delicate and soft. After the first procedure, it is too early to talk about the result if you take a course of 10 procedures (every day), you will be the owner of beautiful skin without orange crust. I do 2 courses a year, especially helps out coffee when you need to prepare for the beach season. And so that there is an effect, girls, give up buns and sweets, do easy charging, move more! Oksana. "

Cold anti -cellulite wraps

Any wraps are effective, but the hot method has many contraindications. But this is not a reason to refuse the fight against cellulite and let the process on its own? There are other methods, for example, cold wrap.

How works:

  1. The hot method will expand the vessels, steam the skin, because the temperature of the mixture reaches 40 degrees. During cold wrap, room temperature components are used. For example, anti -cellulite gels for wrapping.
  2. When applying a product (temperature of 20-23 degrees), the vessels and pores first occur, and then, depending on the composition and components, slow heating. Or if cooling components are included in the composition, then on the contrary, there is a light chill on the skin. Thus, the walls of the vessels are strengthened.

Correctly selected modeling agents for anti -cellulite wraps, will help to achieve this result:

    • improve the condition of the skin;
    • reduce volumes due to "melting" fat;
    • run internal metabolic processes;
    • get rid of stagnant fluid in the upper layers of the skin;
    • clean the body of toxins and toxins.

Anti -cellulite mud wrapping is a simple and popular procedure. It is performed simply, and the effect is visible after a few weeks.

The main component for wrapping is dirt brought from healing sources or purchased in a pharmacy.

Important: it is necessary to prepare the mixture only in a special bowl: ceramic or enameled. Metal is not suitable, because it neutralizes active substances. To knead the mass also needs to be non -metallic devices.

We will not repeat about the testimony, let's talk about contraindications.

And there are such:

  • any damage to the skin;
  • in an acute infectious disease, it is undesirable to make wraps;
  • vascular and heart disease (we need consultation of a specialist);
  • tumors;
  • gynecological diseases.

What dirt is effective in the fight against cellulite:

  • the dead of the Dead Sea is a healing gift of nature that will help improve the condition of the skin, renew the cells, get rid of stagnant phenomena, accelerate metabolic processes, and smooth out stretch marks and scars. The mixture is prepared as follows: we take dirt, heat in a microwave oven so that the temperature is not higher than+ 35 degrees, apply on the prepared skin with a thick layer (up to 5 cm maximum), wrap it with a film so that the dirt does not dry out. We withstand 40 minutes, wash off with warm water. Then you can make a light massage with a hard brush and apply the cream;
  • the mud "Siberik Nature" or the wrap in the Siberian-provides just an excellent result! The mixture is sold in the finished form, you only need to apply to the skin, withstand for about an hour, depending on the type of skin. It is advisable to wash off in the shower, directing a warm stream of water to problem areas, working out them with a hard brush.

Best anti -cellulite cream for wrapping

Want to part with cellulite without regret? Then we present an effective anti -cellulite wrap "Aravia". This is a tool for performing salon procedures, so you can purchase a cream only in beauty salons. There are caffeines, murders of seaweed, and even Coji berries. The product has a pronounced aroma and soft consistency. When applying to the skin, it literally dissolves, so it is not recommended to apply a lot.

How to make anti -cellulite wrap anti Cellulite intensave:

  • we distinguish at least 2 hours of time to take a bath, steam well the skin, walk through the problem areas with a scrub or make a light peeling;
  • we apply the product to prepared skin with a rather dense layer. At first, it is difficult to control the amount of the drug, but after the first time an understanding will come how much your skin needs. The cream does not flow, after applying a feeling of light chill. You need to close the cream under the film, put on warm sweat pants or wrap yourself in a warm blanket;
  • rest for 20 minutes, then you need to remove the film and remove the remains of the product with wet paper wipes;
  • sensations: a light chill that can intensify. But there is no unpleasant sensation, the skin becomes smooth, possibly slight redness. The program is designed for 2 months at least, in the first month you need to make 8 wraps (2 per week), then go 1 time per week. Result: minus 3 cm, smooth skin without fat deposits.



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