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The benefits and harms of nettle hair. Recipes using nettles for hair at home. How to prepare nettle nettle. Hair masks with nettles

The benefits and harms of nettle hair. Recipes using nettles for hair at home. How to prepare nettle nettle. Hair masks with nettles
Nettle is a unique plant, it has long been used for hair. Decoctions for rinsing are made from nettles, added in components for the preparation of masks, and also used as oil tincture. Treatment of hair with nettles gives excellent results: hair becomes silky, soft, obedient, dandruff disappears, a healthy shine appears

Neti has been known to people since ancient times - fabric, ropes, decoctions and infusions for the treatment of diseases were made from burning weed, used in cosmetology and even for educational purposes.

Nettle is famous for its healing properties since ancient times, our grandmothers and great -grandmothers used burning grass for hair care.

How is the hairy nettle useful

Our grandmothers and great -grandmothers had to use the gifts of nature to take care of their skin and hair. In those days, there were no air conditioners, hair masks and even shampoos. But even then the women looked attractive and could boast of their beautiful, shiny and thick hair. What is the secret? They used nettle nettle.

Then the most popular hair care products was nettles. Moreover, it was used everywhere, treated different diseases, used to treat wounds and even cooked soup from nettle!

The composition of this weed grass is unique, the plant contains such useful substances:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • basic vitamins;
  • acids (vinegar, folic, ant, coffee, gallus);
  • tannins;
  • fitoncides and much more.

In those days, even the child knew how useful the nettle was and that the young plant has more valuable substances than in old stems. Therefore, the plants used young stems and tops for therapeutic purposes, because there is a lot of vitamin C in greenery, even more than in lemon! And also a lot of carotene (more than in carrots). By the way, when heat treatment of nettles, it does not lose its beneficial substances.

Hair nettle properties:

  • the grass contains a lot of vitamin K, which is so necessary for our hair;
  • helps to get rid of dandruff;
  • strengthens the hair, bulbs and stops falling out;
  • will relieve irritation, itching, heal the wounds;
  • the hair becomes more obedient, does not get confused, a beautiful shine appears.

Treatment of hair with nettles will help accelerate growth due to the intake of valuable nutrients. This is a huge benefit of nettle hair.

How to use nettle nettle

Each person, even a small child, knows that nettles painfully stinging. Many deliberately avoid contact with this plant, and some, on the contrary, believe that it is useful. And yes, really after contact with the plant, this area begins to work more actively, more nutrients and oxygen are received. Similarly, we can say about the scalp, only when using a decoction of a plant or juice, the intensity is not so pronounced.

How to make nettle nettle? In order to improve the condition of the curls, this plant is used fresh, and in dried. You can use solo as the main and most powerful ingredient, and add other beneficial substances.

Hair treatment with nettles that you need to know:

  • any remedy of burning grass has a drying effect. Therefore, if you do not want the hair to become tougher, it is undesirable to rinse the head with a decoction. But rub the tincture into the roots, it is allowed;
  • burning grass is more suitable for the owners of dark curls, but for blondes - no, because it slightly dyes the hair. Therefore, fair -haired girls are better off to refuse treatment so as not to acquire an undesirable shade of hair (up to swamp). If there are no other options and I really want to take a course, then at your own peril and risk, try adding lemon juice to the main remedy, it neutralizes the coloring pigment;
  • if you use liquids, then for the convenience of application, pour a decoction or infusion into a bottle with a spray gun and safely proceed to the procedure;
  • after using a decoction or infusion for rinsing, the remaining agents can be rubbed into the scalp, making a slight massage;
  • it is desirable to rinse the hair with nettles constantly, because the result will not be visible from one use.

Hair nettle. Application

When using nettle for hair at home, you always need to prepare the product correctly, on this the final result will depend.

Where to start or how to make nettle nettle:

  1. It is easier to prepare a healing broth from dry raw materials bought in a pharmacy. But, as practice shows, the most benefits in fresh nettle for hair.
  2. How to collect raw materials? When the plant is young, it has many useful substances, that is, in the middle and end of May, if the weather is favorable, as well as in June. During this period, the nettles are young, the stems are still soft, the leaves are delicate, light color.
  3. Collection of fresh raw materials: in dry weather. After rain, it is better not to cut nettle. It is advisable to work in gloves, since the plant “stings” strongly and red blisters remain on the skin after contact. Unpleasant sensations and redness will gradually come in, but it is better not to take risks.
  4. If damaged leaves come across during the collection of raw materials, they cannot be broken. In a high plant, the tops are cut off, if the plant is small - under the root.
  5. What to do with raw materials? They brought home, rinsed under the tap, turning on cold water, shaken well to get rid of excess moisture.
  6. Raw materials are prepared, you can immediately start preparing a decoction. If you need nettle for the winter, then it needs to be decomposed on paper, leave to dry in a hot room so that direct sunlight does not fall on the raw materials.
  7. During the day, several times the grass will have to be moved so that it is evenly dried and not lay down.
  8. The drying process is allotted on average from a week to 1.5 weeks.
  9. The dried raw materials must be folded in a paper bag or box, only separate the leaves and stems. You can store the correctly collected and dried raw materials of medicinal grass for 1-2 years.

How to cook a broth of nettle hair:

  • to make a healing decoction, you need to take 100 g of raw materials (fresh or dried);
  • boil water, you will need to use 1 liter;
  • boiling water you need to pour nettle, put on a slow fire and warm up for an hour;
  • then set aside, let him insist. When the decoction is warm, it must be filtered through a gauze segment.

Such nettles are used to rinse hair.

How to brew hacking for hair: similarly, the right amount of raw materials (100 or 200 g) is used in fresh or dried form, 1-2 liters of boiling water (steep) are poured, and about 2 hours are infused. It is not necessary to warm up on fire in this case, only a saucepan with a brewed nettle must be covered with a lid in order to maintain heat longer. It is advisable to use such a nettle infusion immediately while it is warm and fresh.

How to make a nettle mask from nettles? To prepare a nutrient mixture at home to improve hair quality, it is necessary to make a strong nettle decoction, dilute it with half a glass of warm water, to soften the composition, some cosmetologists recommend adding a small spoonful of soda. This broth must be poured into a nutrient mixture (depending on the type of hair, it can be egg yolk, vegetable oils, honey, etc.). The rules for using such a mixture: wash your hair with ordinary shampoo, get rid of excess fluid using a terry towel. Then, tilt your head over the basin, moisturize your hair abundantly with a nourishing mask. You need to do this within a few minutes. If the composition turned out to be too liquid, then the entire flowing mask must be scooped again with a bucket or glass to water over and again on the head. Next - gently get your hair with a towel, just do not wipe dry. Let them dry independently, without a hot air of a hairdryer.

Such masks-staining should be done at least once a week for a month to see the result. By the way, nettle in this form is used to treat oily hair.

Hair nettle. Proven recipes

We offer first to familiarize yourself with the recipes of masks that are prepared from freshly made raw materials:

  1. A mask made on the basis of fresh nettles is much more useful than from dried raw materials. Therefore, in the summer, when there is enough such good everywhere, we go to the forest to stock up with healing grass. We make a mask like this: we collect a lot of green nettle leaves, along with thin stems, wash it under a stream of cold water, remove excess liquid and directly with the leaves and stalks, it is necessary to pass everything through the meat grinder. Or you can use the blender to get the healing juice of nettle hair. By the way, this part of the work can also be performed with the help of juicer. The resulting juice must be moistened with abundantly hair roots, along the entire length of the hair you do not need to distribute the juice. Rub the juice well into the roots, put on a hat for taking a shower, and a woolen cap (or bit your head with a towel on top). Time time is about an hour, then you need to rinse your hair with warm water.
  2. How to get rid of excessive sealing: chop the collected fresh raw materials, add sea salt in the amount of 1 tbsp, mix, apply the resulting gruel to the skin, distribute along the roots, slightly rubbing. We wrap up, withstand for about half an hour.
  3. How to make a nutrient mask: take nettle slurry (do not squeeze the juice, just grind the collected raw raw materials), add honey (tablespoon) and burdock oil (half a tablespoon). We mix everything, rub well into the roots, wrap it with polyethylene, a towel on top, withstand for about half an hour.
  4. Nettle for hair growth: chop the collected nettle, add a little mint, it should turn out a little less than half a glass of green gruel. You need to add natural yogurt or kefir to it, the same amount. Rub the mixture into the roots, wrap himself and withstand for 20 minutes.

We make masks from dried nettle:

  1. In the winter, when there is no way to collect fresh nettles, it is possible and necessary to care for the hair. To do this, use dry raw materials prepared independently or bought in a pharmacy. To strengthen the hair follicles, take half a glass of crushed dry raw materials of nettles, add 2 tbsp. Henna without color, pour everything with hot water to make the gruel. When the mixture has cooled a little, you need to add the yolk of one egg, apply to your head, withstand 2 hours.
  2. How to make a mask to get rid of dandruff: you need a crumb of black bread, it needs to be kneaded, add the infusion of nettles - 3 tbsp, apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. Apply the mixture to the hair with a dense layer, massage, wrap with a film and a towel. Withstand for an hour. You need to do such a mask every other day. Also, this recipe with nettles will help against hair loss.
  3. Try to improve the condition of dry hair in this way: prepare the infusion of nettles, pour 3 tbsp, add honey (1 tbsp) to them and mashed potatoes of sea buckthorn (4 tbsp). Apply the mixture to the scalp, massage, the remainder can be distributed through the hair. Remove for 20 minutes, wash off with warm water.
  4. Nettle and burdock for hair: chop the main ingredient (fresh or dry - 70 g), add burdock root - 30 g, strengthen raw materials with boiling water - 0.5 l, warm in a water bath for 10 minutes, then remove, leave on the table. How to cool, strain and use for its intended purpose.

How to wash your hair with nettles? It will not work to completely wash the pollution of one nettles, but to use in pairs with other care products - just this method will improve the condition of the curls. First you need to wash your hair with the usual shampoo, and if clean, then immediately start the procedure: we make a decoction (100 g of dry raw materials), pour 1 liter of water. We boil on a low heat the resulting mixture for half an hour, then set aside until completely cooled, after which we add table vinegar in an amount of 0.5 l., Filter through gauze. We take 2 cups of a strong decoction, pour into a bowl of warm water, stir, wash the hair with the resulting tool. We water on the head from the bucket, again scoop up the liquid flowing into a bowl and so on for 7 minutes. Gently impregnate excess fluid with a towel, dry the hair in a natural way, without the use of a hair dryer.

Hair nettle oil

It turns out that this is a valuable product that will help not only strengthen the curls, stop the loss of bulbs, but also accelerate hair growth, as well as stop the appearance of gray hair! This is just great news for those who want to stay attractive longer and save their natural shade without staining with chemical colors!

You can purchase oil in a pharmacy, and it is also easy to make it independently from dry nettle leaves. You need to take prepared raw materials (collect during flowering), pour neutral oil (olive oil is excellent). Put the bottle in a dark place to infuse for 2 weeks. Then filter the resulting product for care.

Hair nettle. Reviews

Oksana, 29 years old: "" Every year in June and July I harvest nettle. First I collect fresh to please my hair, then I make blanks for the winter and separately in July, when the plant blooms, I collect leaves and stems in order to make oil. I really like it, my decoctions and daughters helped. During puberty, her hair began to pour strongly. And now everything is fine! The whole winter was treated, rinsing 2 times a week and 1 time oil wraps. The effect is just super! "

Marina, 23 years old: “For me, nettles are the only salvation from dandruff. I tried so many different means! Nothing helped, my grandmother prompted to try nettles. I just did not expect such an ordinary grass can work so well! I was so carried away by rinsing that I did not even notice how the hair began to grow faster and now there was no dandruff!»

Ivanna, 50 years: "" It was treated for baldness with nettle with nettles, but it turned out that the hair all remained in place, and the new ones grew up, and even the gray hair became smaller. This is generally a wonderful remedy! Of course, you need to tinker to collect nettle, dry, brew, cool, etc., it is much more difficult than just buying a mask in the store. But the effect, unexpectedly chic. I recommend it!»



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