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The properties of the berries of the Coji for weight loss. How to accept the berries of the Coji for weight loss - recipes. Coji tea for weight loss - how to drink

The properties of the berries of the Coji for weight loss. How to accept the berries of the Coji for weight loss - recipes. Coji tea for weight loss - how to drink
Coji berries for weight loss is an effective and safe plant product that will help easily get rid of accumulated kilograms and improve health. Further - more about the benefits, contraindications and features of the application of the berries of the Coji.

Gerja berries are the most valuable medicinal plant. Berries have healing properties, rich in useful substances and are even used to reduce weight. About the properties, indications and contraindications, as well as how to accept berries - read in this material.

The medicinal plant comes from the valleys of the Himalayas, there are a lot of nutrients, vitamins, as well as antioxidants in berries. Berries are rich in other useful components such as zinc, iron, phosphorus, calcium. In China, studies have shown that those people who regularly eat at least a handful of berries are more suffering, they have no diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. This suggests that berries are able to prevent these terrible diseases, and besides this, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, increase immunity.

Comedy berries for weight loss

The berries have several names: this is Barberis from Tibet, and Dereza, Shambhala, Superpiper. But most of all, the popular name is popular from the video of weight loss - the berries of the Coji. The people can more and more often hear another name - Barbaris. This plant belongs to the nightshade family, there are minerals (21!), Amino acids - there are 19 of them, 4 polysaccharides - 4, as well as B vitamins and other beneficial substances. That is, it is safe to say that the composition of the berries is unique, because amino acids are indispensable for the human body, minerals are also necessary. By the way, the berries contain the most valuable substance that is rarely found in fruits and berries - this is Germany. A substance that prevents the formation of cancer cells.

You can talk about the benefits of berries for hours, because the fruits are really unique and contain many substances that are useful for the body, have the following properties:

  • cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and toxins;
  • normalize blood sugar;
  • reduce the content of harmful cholesterol in the body;
  • normalize pressure;
  • support and strengthen the liver;
  • contribute to improving the work of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity;
  • strengthen the muscles;
  • contribute to the activation of digestive processes;
  • normalize metabolic processes, gently clean the intestines.

What is the benefit of Coji berries?

If you regularly eat at least a handful of berries, then you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also improve the state of the whole organism as a whole.

So, the beneficial properties of the berries will help:

  1. Accelerate metabolic processes in the body, establish the work of all systems and organs. The result will be immediately noticeable - lightness throughout the body, a surge of strength, improving performance, getting rid of extra toxins and toxins.
  2. Improving the work of the intestine, a lot depends on the work of this body.
  3. Coji berries are an excellent alternative to synthetic vitamin complexes, because the natural product contains many minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances.
  4. Eating berries will help easily get rid of excessive toxins and toxins, but not by removing excess fluid, I gently and without stress for the body. This means that losing weight will be systematic, without sharp jumps and dehydration.
  5. Avoid depression or cope with this serious illness.
  6. To establish metabolic processes and due to this, improve the condition of the skin.
  7. Get rid of anxiety, fears, insomnia. Now you will sleep firmly, like a baby!
  8. Improve the condition of a woman during menopause: to establish a hormonal background, improve mood.
  9. Increase the endurance of the body in severe physical exertion.
  10. To establish and even increase sexual desire in women and potency - in representatives of the stronger sex.
  11. Take the berries of the Coji and as a powerful antioxidant. Berries are simply necessary for those people who live in areas with contaminated ecology.

City berries for weight loss. Contraindications

Before moving on to studying the issue of how to take the berries of the Coji for weight loss, let's learn in more detail how safe this miracle berry can be. And here you need to start with the fact that the product is really unique, is brought to our country, overcoming hundreds of kilometers. Naturally, each seller, in order to improve his business, does not think about the quality of the product, therefore, in order to maintain an attractive type of berries, to prevent damage and decay, conservatives often add to the collected and prepared for transportation of berries. They can lead to sad consequences, cause nausea and even vomiting, headache, muscle pain and intestinal disorder. Therefore, before you purchase a product for weight loss in the store, you need to carefully study all the information on the package. Excessive vigilance will help to avoid unpleasant consequences.

The second warning - in pursuit of beauty and harmony, often people do not think that they buy a very cheap product. The cheaper, the more you can buy, so many people think, therefore, again and again, we draw your attention to the quality of the product.

In addition to quality, it is important to understand that sitting on the couch, the berries will not begin to act. That is, accepting the berries of the Coji for weight loss and doing nothing else, it is difficult to see the result. Remember that these are not capsules that will burn fat, so you need to immediately balance food, remove harmful foods. Do not use fatty, fried, sweet and flour, limit the use of alcoholic beverages, completely eliminate salt and conservation, as well as fast food.

The use of Coji for weight loss: from 10 to 30 g, this is a daily norm. And with the aim of healing the body, it is enough to eat up to 10 g per day, this is about 30-40 fruits. Just do not forget that the product should be certified.

To whom it is undesirable to use a product to reduce weight:

  • women who bear the child. Berries are an exotic product, therefore, to exclude the unforeseen reaction of the body, the berries during this period are better not to eat;
  • people with reduced pressure;
  • with individual intolerance to the product. Among the risk of those people who have an allergic reaction to pollen;
  • with malaise and elevated body temperature.

As you can see, there are few contraindications, berries can be consumed even by people suffering from diabetes. In this case, here is just the opposite - berries have a beneficial effect on the body and will even help reduce blood sugar to the norm.

Gerja berries. How to use for weight loss

Tibetan berries are not the usual raisins, which many believe that it can be handful. With the berries it will not work. How to use the Coji berries for weight loss? There are generally accepted norms that every person must adhere to. Dosage - as much as possible up to 30 g per day.

How to take? Fresh berries, without additives, are practically not consumed. That is, they cannot be taken in raw form, because they have many active substances that can harm the body and even cause poisoning.

The easiest way is to add a little dried berries to the finished dish: muesli, porridge, any dry breakfast, as well as home yogurts, in a salad of fresh vegetables and fruits, any pastries and vegetable soups.

Gerja berries. Recipes for weight loss:

  1. How to prepare Gerja tea for weight loss: we take a handful of dry berries (20 g), pour a glass of warm boiled water, cover with a saucer, leave for half an hour. When the berries are softened, eat, and drink the resulting infusion. You can add half a teaspoon of honey if this product is not contraindicated to you.
  2. Another way to prepare a vitamin drink: the daily rate of berries (this is 20-30 g) pour a glass of just boiled water, literally squeeze 2-3 drops of lemon juice, leave to infuse for 10 minutes, drink like ordinary tea. We do not throw the berries, but eat. Such tea can be drunk even without honey and sugar, because there are enough natural sweetness in the berries.
  3. How else can you brew Coji for weight loss. A convenient way to brew tea in a thermos: you need to take 30 g of fruits, pour boiling water (1-2 cups), leave for about 30 minutes, then drive the berries, and drink the drink during the day, equal in portions. Berries can be eaten immediately or also distributed 2-3 times.
  4. How to drink Coji for losing weight: you will need not dried berries, but the oil, which is taken in the morning in the morning before meals, washed down with half a glass of purified water. This method will help to get rid of toxins faster and more efficiently and improve metabolic processes.

Diet and recipes for losing weight on the berries of the Coji

The most inexpensive and effective diet is called “5 handfuls”, it was invented by one Hollywood star, which gained almost 10 kg in a short period. She managed to adhere to a diet to return to the previous forms.

How does it work? Almost all foods need to be excluded from the diet, you can eat green vegetables and strawberries, low -fat fish and, of course, the berries of Coji. You need to eat 4-5 times per day, withstanding the same intervals between meals. The volume of food is as much as it will fit in your palm. It is allowed to drink a lot of water, green tea and coffee without sweets and additives. If in the early days I really want to eat, you can attach oat bran. You can eat up to 30 g of berries per day. The duration of the diet is 4-6 weeks, but this is very long and tiring, so if you have achieved the desired results in 2-3 weeks, you can stop there.

Features: Since quick carbohydrates are not present in the diet, you need to get out of it systematically. If you immediately return to the usual lifestyle, strong edema may appear.

Gerja Berry Berries recipes

To always remain energetic, attractive and slender, we share these recipes with you:

  • how to do tea with berries, you already know, this is another way with the addition of honey. You need to insist tea for an hour, pour berries with hot water (but not boiling), use 1 tbsp. berries, previously washed. Strain the finished drink, add half a teaspoon of liquid honey per 1 cup;
  • how to cook porridge with the addition of berries to improve the intestines: take oatmeal, pour warm water, leave for 15-20 minutes, boil over low heat for 5-7 minutes, go at the request of milk, put the berries, mix, leave to infuse;
  • fruit darkness based on kefir and berries of the Coji. We take low -fat kefir (1 tbsp.), Apples (2 pcs.), Kiwi. Grind fruits and berries (daily norm) in a blender, add kefir. Use: in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • we make tincture to get rid of extra pounds: we wash the handful of berries, pour alcohol (1 l), put the jar in a cool and dark place, insist a week, then we need to strain, take 10 ml (a maximum of 20 ml per day) in a pure form or dilute water. Take after breakfast;
  • how to make a curd dessert: grind cottage cheese with berries (1 cup and 20 g of berries), add 2 tbsp kefir, grated apple, you get a very delicate, literally air dessert.

Coji for weight loss. Reviews

Tibetan Barberry appreciated with us:

Anna, 24 years old: "" I bought berries in the store for the sake of interest, just brewed and drank like ordinary tea. I did not expect such an effect, I began to feel a surge of strength, my face brightened and several kilograms, as it had not! I love to run in the morning, and then drink this tea»

Anatoly, 35 years old: "" My beloved bought a bag of berries, put it on a shelf next to a pack of tea, I thought that ordinary tea and added a few berries to the tender. Unexpectedly, but my sexual attraction intensified, now this is my little secret of male power

Valya, 41 years old: "" In my case, the berries helped me a lot, I began to feel weakness and a breakdown in the morning, although I did not lie down late. The dream improved, anxiety has gone, there is no weakness, I am cheerful and full of strength! I like to add these berries to porridge, I only fill with hot water, and then add the berries with a decoction to dry breakfasts. I like it so much and noticed that the stomach began to leave. Works and I like it



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