
How to choose overhead eyelashes. How to stick overhead eyelashes at home step by step. How to remove false eyelashes. Makeup with false eyelashes

How to choose overhead eyelashes. How to stick overhead eyelashes at home step by step. How to remove false eyelashes. Makeup with false eyelashes
Overhead Eyelashes: types and differences, step-by-step procedure for sticking, recommendations.

All women dream of fluffy and beautiful eyelashes, emphasizing their eyes and making them expressive. But not all of the girls possess them from birth. Today it is very simply adjusted by overhead eyelashes.

Types of false eyelashes

  1. Today in stores it is easy to find several different types of overhead eyelashes. They are distinguished, dense, length, color, presence of different jewelry. With their help, you can add any type of makeup. The most popular of them are:
  • stripes;
  • overhead eyelashes beams;
  • mink;
  • separate eyelashes;
  • silk;
  • conscious.
  1. It is best to use natural overhead eyelashes so that irritation began to appear in front.

How to choose overhead eyelashes

For all cases, different types of artificial veins are suitable. You need to choose them, following the following simple rules.

  1. Minks are very similar to real eyelashes, so they can be used for everyday makeup. For a daily type of makeup, long eyelashes are not suitable, because They must look as natural as possible.
  2. Socillary are more suitable for solemn events, because They are more dense and capable of sharing the eyes as it is necessary. In this case, strips are also suitable, not bundles. Thick and rhinestone decorated with rhinestones are suitable for a hike to a disco.
  3. Silk is better to use for the addition of evening images. Most often they are found in the bundle.
  4. Bundles are suitable if natural eyelashes are long but rustic.
  5. Artificial hairless hair will help if real cilia dense, but short.
  6. It is important to choose high-quality products so that they do not cause an allergic reaction.

How to glue overhead eyelashes

Fastening the eyelashes in front of the eyes is not difficult, however, if not followed by simple rules, it may not work out anything. In the first of all, you need to pay attention to the glue that will be used for fixation.

Glue for false eyelashes

  1. Very often glue is part of a set of artificial eyelashes. However, in most cases it does not differ in good quality. Therefore, it is better to buy adhesive substance separately. There are three types:
  • waterproof;
  • black;
  • colorless.
  1. Glue from the first category is suitable for glue long eyelashes with decorations. Black glue will become an excellent helper when performing a fluster type makeup or when the eye is selected with a black eyeliner. It is impossible to use this type of glue for natural makeup. Colorless glue as soon as dries, becomes completely invisible. Therefore, it is mainly used to create makeup in light colors.
  2. Try to choose glue on latex based. Such substances are distinguished by a longer fixation.

How to stick overhead eyelashes: procedure

  1. Before you begin to directly fix the Village, you need to prepare:
  • remove all cosmetics from the surface of the eyelids and eyelashes;
  • use the lotion to degrease the skin;
  • with the help of a special pencil, draw the line in the eyelid, which will be taken;
  • "Scroll" eyelashes by attaching them to the present, if necessary, adjust their width with scissors, but it is necessary to cut on both sides;
  • perform a twist of natural eyelashes.
  1. After that, you can move to the shock itself. Depending on the type of ciliation, the equipment is slightly different.
  2. How to glue overhead eyelashes "Strips":
  • so that artificial patches have become more elastic, you need 2 - 3 minutes to hold them in your hands;
  • on the base of the veil through a tassel, apply a sticky substance, evenly distributing it;
  • after a few seconds, after that, attach them to the lines drawn in the age earlier and press it here;
  • it is done from the middle in the direction of the edge, while it is better not necessary until the glue dry;
  • several times you need to frort to the eyelashes to be fixed in a normal position and did not interfere;
  • using the toothpick, carefully walk around the place of fixation of the eyelashes and make sure that the mount is really reliable, and if there are any problems, correct them using an additional layer of glue;
  • hide the border so that nothing outlines the false eyelashes, the liquid liner will help, especially if black glue was applied;
  • next is mascara, it is important to remember that her color should coincide with the color of the false porcers;
  • more carefully apply it to the place of fixation, it will help to give the composition of unity and how to mix real eyelashes with artificial;
  • after that, it is already possible to apply in the eyelids;
  • please note: you can not apply mascara on the eyelashes of silk and on mink, it is also better not to apply it on eyelashes decorated with rhinestones.

Bundles: how to glue false eyelashes yourself

If you just need to correct the eyelashes, then in separate places use overhead plows in the form of beams. The technique of their gluing is generally almost no different from the one that is used when fixing tapes, but still have its own characteristics.

How to make false eyelashes: features

  1. In length, all bundles are different. Therefore, it is important to very accurately determine the place where they will glue. If attaching bundles in the corners of the eyes, then the "cat" effect will turn out. When fixing them in the middle, you can get a beautiful scolded view.
  2. The beam gently needs to be based on the glue into the glue and apply to the right place with a tweezers. Then carefully you need to smooth the villus so that they take the right position.
  3. In order not to get the effect of asymmetry, it is necessary to carry out the blending of different beams. First, start glue long, and then attach short.
  4. Starting the mount is needed near the outer parts of the eyes.
  5. All bundles should be very close to the line of real eyelashes.
  6. After that, mascara, eyeliner and shadow are already applied.
  7. No need to glue the villi to the inner corners of the eyes.
  8. It is not necessary to use too much glue, because then it will be very difficult to disguise it through cosmetics and continue making makeup.

How to stick rhinestones and overhead newspapers

You can independently fix not only artificial veins, but also various types of decorations, for example, rhinestones. This is done as follows.

  1. As soon as the cakes are completed and the glue will dry, you can start fixing the decorative elements.
  2. Take the pebbles and with the toothpicks gently apply a slightly glue on it.
  3. Fingers attach the decoration in the eyelid and press. Keep a few seconds to glue a bit.
  4. Only after that you can proceed to applying shadows.

How to remove false eyelashes

  1. Before bedtime, you must be removed from the surface of the age of overhead pillings. Often, girls make a lot of mistakes, carrying out this process.
  2. The most common one is an attempt to tear the villus from the skin. So you can not do in any case, because with the overheads you can snatch and real.
  3. To safely remove artificial eyelashes, you must do the following:
  • take the napkin or cosmetic disk;
  • moisten in warm water;
  • place the wet napkin on the surface of both century and leave for a few minutes, it is necessary to tweet the glue and make the removal of the villine inaccessible;
  • next, use the makeup to remove the makeup, it is best to choose it on an oil basis, it is applied to the edges of artificial veins;
  • as soon as you feel that the glue softened, carefully remove the villi, it is done by pulling movements, and begin the best from the external corners of the eyes and move further very slowly;
  • after removing artificial eyelashes with a century, you need to apply a cream that will have a soothing effect;
  • overhead eyelashes can be used several times, but for this you need to constantly care for them;
  • each time after removal, place them in warm water to remove cosmetics and glue from them;
  • after that, you need to dry the villi well;
  • the tips are slightly lubricated with glue for longer storage, then artificial eyelashes are placed in a special container, where they are stored until the next application.

Makeup with false eyelashes: options and features

There are three main types of makeup with false eyelashes, each of which has its own characteristics and execution technique. How to use false eyelashes of different types Consider stages.

Makeup with false eyelashes for celebration

  1. This type is used for various holidays and is combined with glamorous images.
  2. It is imperative to choose false eyelashes that would not be too different from the real. They should only emphasize the natural beauty. This will also help correctly selected shadows and eyeliner.
  3. Therefore, lipstick and blush are also selected in gentle colors. The best option is pastel shades.
  4. Please note that the emphasis should be either in front of her lips. Making two accents are unacceptable for a harmonious image.
  5. If the makeup is wedding, then naturalness should be even more emphasized. Shadows in this case should be used in the following shades:
    • gray-silver: with the help of it you can reject any eye color, choose not too long eyelashes so that they seem more natural;
    • beige or pearl: this shade, how none emphasizes the natural color of the skin and, accordingly, focuses on the eyelashes;
    • white: This color is better to use on top of green or gray;
    • too thick eyelashes are better not to do.

Casual makeup with false eyelashes

  1. This makeup should not be catching, therefore the eyelashes should not be highlighted.
  2. More attention in this case needs to be licensed. Cosmetics pick up neutral, glitter use as little as possible.
  3. If artificial eyelashes complement the business outfit, then they should be only a bit thick than natural.
  4. In this situation, the use of eyelashes in the form of beams will be the best solution. If they are black, then in no case can not be painted by their mascara of any other color.

Club Makeup in Overhead Eyelashes

  1. This option is suitable for parties, discos, costume balls and similar events.
  2. In this case, long and thick eyelashes can be the best option. They can be turned off, supplemented with shiny shadows and wicked lipstick.

Best overhead eyelashes

Today, the best brands of artificial villi are:

  • Ardell Fashion Lash;
  • A.c # 1Lash;
  • Andrea MOD LASH;
  • Kiss i Envy;
  • Salon Perfect Strip Lash;

Overhead Eyelashes: Reviews of Use

  1. Artificial eyelashes always save girls, whose natural nature is not too thick and long.
  2. It is easily glued to glue them, if you do everything according to the instructions, it turns out a beautiful makeup for any occasion.
  3. However, if you often use false eyelashes, but these can greatly weaken. Also, eyelids are susceptible to irritability and high sensitivity.
  4. It is extremely often a question arises whether overhead can be combined with lenses. Overhead bundles in this case even more strain their eyes, so they often fail to use them. You can do it, but the less often the better.
  5. Because of the frequent use of glue, the growth of real eyelashes slows down, so it is impossible to sleep in them.

Overhead Eyelashes: Photo

  1. Before you start making makeup with overhead, you can view photos to choose the most suitable option.
  2. In the photo you can see which type is more suitable for one or another eye cut, face form.
  3. Such a step will help make less errors. Moreover, it will be possible to see how false eyelashes change makeup in the photo before their use and after.

Overhead Eyelashes: Video

  1. Today there are already quite a lot of videos in which the technique of attaching the overhead beams is shown in detail.
  2. It will help to observe the process combined with theoretical information, will help quickly and efficiently perform makeup with artificial eyelashes of any type.

Use overhead eyelashes independently at home easy. The main thing is strictly performing a sequence of actions so that makeup is right and beautiful.


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