
What is ionophoresis. Treatment with ionophoresis - how the procedure is performed. Ionophoresis at home

What is ionophoresis. Treatment with ionophoresis - how the procedure is performed. Ionophoresis at home
How the ionophoresis method works. How to perform ionophores yourself.

Beauty is a rather conditional concept, but everyone will agree that healthy skin is a paramount attribute of a well -groomed woman. Unfortunately, ideal skin is not only a rare phenomenon, but also temporary, so the ladies make a lot of effort to maintain attractiveness as long as possible. In this beautiful half of humanity, hardware cosmetology helps today. Let's get acquainted with the purpose and features of the ionophoresis procedure.

What does ionophoresis mean

Ionoforesis is a popular procedure in modern cosmetology. This is not a novelty, as some might think. The method is based on the physiotherapeutic effect of minimal electrical impulses, which, in combination with drugs, has long been used in the treatment of various diseases. In the beneficial effects of low -frequency current on the human body, scientists were convinced at the beginning of the 19th century. Then the first sessions of ionophoresis began to be held.

Ionophoresis in cosmetology: the essence of the method

The galvanic current to the skin of the face and the whole body is directed through a generating device equipped with a joystick with nozzles. This is completely safe and painless: electrical impulses spread to the upper and middle layers of the skin, penetrating into the blood vessels, sweat glands and nervous tissue fibers. The body reflects instantly to such "intervention":

  • additional stimulation of the outflow of lymph occurs;
  • vessels expand;
  • the metabolism improves.

With the help of galvanic current, the intake of the epidermis of ready -made “beauty” emulsions, which are distributed in problem areas immediately before using the electrodes, is simplified. Reinforced nutrition and moisturizing the skin from the inside is provided!

Based on a competent combination of electric current and therapeutic cosmetics, ions appear - positively charged particles. They penetrate the dermis to a depth of about 5 mm and conduct active substances of cosmetic solutions in the skin, where a peculiar “warehouse” of substances is formed. Subsequently, useful components are distributed into cells, contribute to their regeneration and more productive work.

As part of the ionophoresis procedure, an anode or a cathode of electrolytic ion is used. Using the anode, acidic solutions are administered into the skin, which strengthen the skin tissues, establish microcirculation and relax tense areas. The procedure using a positively charged electrode is carried out to narrow the pores, relieve irritation after another cosmetic procedure, eliminate swelling and foci of pyoderma.

Using a cathode, alkaline solutions are administered into the skin, which soften it, stimulate blood circulation and irritate the ends of the nerve fibers. This procedure is perfectly suitable for caring for oily and mature skin.

For convenience, all drugs intended for ionoporesis are marked (+) or (-) on the package. The solution must certainly coincide with the charge of the nozzle: through a positive electrode, positively charged ions are served in the skin and vice versa.

Ionophoresis treatment: indications, contraindications and results

The microcurrent-based procedure will become for you a real rush stick, if you do not know what it is:

  • acne and black dots. Thanks to the pulvan current pulses, the pores are revealed and cleaned of pollution;
  • wrinkles in the form of small nets and deep grooves on the face, neck and neckline. The 10-day course of the face ionophores brings an amazing anti-aging effect;
  • swelling. One of the types of ionophoresis, cryoincrustration, eliminates swelling, as well as chronic shadows under the eyes;
  • cellulite. The “absorbing” power of the apparatus for ionoporesis is beyond praise: the procedure replaces painful massage and many hours in the gym;
  • dry skin. The effect of microcurrents, multiplied by the moisturizing effect of a cosmetic agent, normalizes the water-fat balance of the epidermis, eliminates redness and peeling;
  • pigmentation.   The ionophoresis procedure helps to cleanse the skin from "dead" cells, destroying melanin in the middle layer of the epidermis, due to which areas with dark spots are brighten up;
  • hyperhidrosis. With the help of galvanic current, the problem of increased sweating is successfully adjusted.

In addition to the local effect, the ionophoresis procedure has a positive effect on the body as a whole. Microcurrents irritate the ends of the nerve fibers, reach the cerebral cortex, show a relaxing effect and improve mood.

There are several reasons why it is better not to deal with current and find another way to care for the appearance:

  • pregnancy;
  • frequent bursts of hormones;
  • hereditary location for cancer;
  • thyroid disorders;
  • chronic diseases of the ears and nose;
  • the presence of a pacemaker;
  • violations in the cardiovascular system.

Preparations for ionoporesis

The right to choose medicinal solutions for the cosmetic procedure is reserved by a doctor. The main auxiliary components in the treatment of ionophoresis are:

  • ascorbic acid - against acne and acne;
  • nicotinic acid - to expand blood vessels and stimulate blood circulation. The tool enhances metabolism at the level of cells, promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin looks more elastic and fresh;
  • hyaluronidase (lidase) - moisturizes the skin, relieves peeling, smoothes small scars and scars;
  • aloe juice is an antiseptic against subcutaneous inflammation and pustules;
  • zinc sulfate - to reduce the production of sebum, narrowing of pores, eliminate an allergic rash;
  • salicylic acid - against acne in adolescents and adults;
  • therapeutic mud is to cleanse the skin and give it tone.

In addition, various cosmetic companies (Beauty Style, Dizao) have developed special cocktails and gels for ionophoresis. Non -woven water -based non -woven masks treated with hyalironic acid, collagen, organic mixtures are also very popular.

How to do ionophoresis in the cabin correctly

Before you sit on the couch, take off all the jewelry and metal objects. At this time, the cosmetologist will put wet hydrophilic gaskets on electrodes, which will prevent the development of a chemical skin of the skin when performing a procedure that is divided into 3 stages:

  1. First, the doctor polishes the skin with an enzymatic peel with ana-acids to want dead fragments of cells.
  2. A drug is applied to the problem area, which is selected taking into account the existing skin deficiencies. Then the doctor drives on the surface of the skin sensors of the device for ionophoresis. At this moment, a light and celebrated tingling tingling appears. The procedure lasts 15 - 30 minutes - it depends on the size of the "working" site.
  3. Finally, the skin is treated with an isotonic agent with tonic properties.

Treatment with ionophoresis for hyperhidrosis goes a little differently. First, the patient immerses the feet and palms in shallow trays filled with water. Through the device, weak current discharges enter the water. Ionoforesis of the palms and feet is carried out for about half an hour, and the procedure itself is repeated in stages with an interval of 1 day, until the problem is solved. It happens that ionophoresis does not help with sweating, therefore, anticholineergic agents are connected to the main procedure to enhance the effect. Most reviews about ionophoresis with hyperhidrosis are positive.

How to conduct ionophores at home - note tips

To perform the procedure correctly and achieve a visible result without harming the skin, it is important to know the following rules:

  1. Therapeutic drugs that you will use during the procedure must be produced on the water. Fat emulsions for ionophores are prohibited to use drugs.
  2. Always take into account that cosmetics with a “+” sign on the package are introduced through a positive electrode, and means with a “-” sign-through a negative one.
  3. To perform one procedure, choose simple drugs with one component in the composition and alternately repeat the treatment courses. For example, first spend 10 sessions using ascorbic acid, and then 10 sessions of hyaluronic acid. Using only 1 drug at 1 time, you will insure yourself from various unforeseen effects. If you still prefer a cocktail, use a minimum of drugs (no more than 3) with the same polarity to prepare it.

Ionoforesis of the house: step -by -step instructions

The first step is a thorough skin cleansing. You can use an alcohol -based cleansing emulsion or apply the method of galvanic desinging - anaphoresis. So you will achieve loosening the surface of the epidermis and increase the ability of the skin to take the current components of cosmetic drugs. To carry out decking, cover the face with a woven mask impregnated with soda solution (1 dessert spoon of sodium bicarbonate per 1 cup of water). Within 20 minutes, work your face along the massage lines through the electrode with a negative charge. The last 2 minutes of the session, act on the skin with a positive polarity-this will help restore the natural ph-balance of the epidermis.

Now attach the electrodes to the device. Please note that stationary devices are equipped with different electrodes: one of them is active, the other is passive. The “active” nozzle is used directly to perform ionophores, while the “passive” is in the patient in his hands. Depending on the needs of your skin, an active electrode gives a positive or negative charge. In miniature devices for conducting ionophoresis of the house, there is also one electrode in the form of a video.

Distribute cosmetic substance through the skin with which you will work. Remember that its charge should meet the charge of the active electrode. Turn on the device for ionophores into the network, attach the skin of the skin surface and smoothly drive it along the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe selected area.

A couple of words about sensations: first you will feel a specific tingling at points of contact of the electrode with the skin, but after a few moments the discomfort passes. The duration of the session varies from 15 to 20 minutes. Complete the ionoporesis of the skin with a moisturizing emulsion or tonic.

Review of convenient devices for conducting ionoporesis of the house

If you dream about your own mini-salon not at home, choose for yourself only proven and high-quality equipment:

  • gezaton Beauty Iris massager. Manufacturers endowed the multifunctional device with three modes. The device generates galvanic microcurrents, Lotti microcurrents and ordinary microcurrents. All these modes can be used in the framework of one ionophoresis session: the galvanic provides the skin with moisturizing, ordinary microcurrents stimulate blood circulation and outflow of lymph, and Lotti microcurrents smell the wrinkled areas of the skin;

  • massager Mente Aurora Ceutical G7. The device produces galvanic current, infrared radiation and ultrasound. Programs can be used separately or comprehensively. If we talk specifically about ionophoresis, then the massager is ideal for ion cleansing (+"+") and ionic leather enrichment with useful substances (charge "-");
  • massager Gezatone Galvanic Beauty Spa M775. Another multifunctional device, thanks to which you will test the effect on the body of galvanic, infrared radiation and vibration. Combining various modes, you can achieve an incredible effect: deeply cleanse the skin, carry out detox-therapy, saturate the epidermis with various nutritional components;
  • massager Gezatone M910. This is the most ingenuous and affordable device for conducting an ionoporesis of the house, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. The device produces only galvanic voltage, perfectly cleanses and rejuvenates the skin.



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