
Nail care

Nail care
You have converted a bunch of useful work: managed to plant seedlings, remove in the room, wash the floor and even wash. The state of your nails tells you that it is time to make a manicure. But nails care is not one-time manipulation. It is necessary to care for the nails constantly, and then the result will be appropriate. On the rules of nail care We will talk

Many girls got used to look every day: pick up a wardrobe, make hair removal, adjust the eyebrows, laminate eyelashes, and perform a number of other cosmetic procedures. And in general, if you see how much a modern girl in the arsenal of cosmetic products for body and hair care can only be surprised. In addition, many of them can not do without a neat manicure. This procedure has also become a necessity. How to make nails care at home was as neat and beautiful, as in the beauty salon?

It is necessary to care for the nails regularly, then the result will be appropriate. If you pay attention to the hands and nails of the girl, then you can make certain conclusions. Praying nails, abandoning the cuticle and the enveloped lacquer suggests that the girl is most likely not enough elementary knowledge to learn how to care for the nails. This is fixable. Let's look at the basic rules of hand care and nails.

Nail care rules

First you need to pay attention to the skin condition.

These recommendations will help you always have impeccable skin:

  1. Wash your hands with no warm water, even though it gives you pleasure, and room temperature. Cold water will contribute to the flaws of the skin, and the hot - degreases it and the skin will begin to peel.
  2. When you make cleaning in the house, wash the dishes, erase or work in the garden, do not forget about gloves. They will protect the gentle skin of the hands from the detrimental effects of chemicals and other negative factors.
  3. Wash your hands with gel or toilet soap. Do not return to the past and use economic soap, even if it and "kills" bacteria.
  4. After contact with the liquid, try to wash your hands and wipe them carefully. Such a simple action will save you from the appearance of burrs.
  5. Do not forget to give your hands for two minutes in the morning and in the evening - make a massage and lubricate your skin.

It is necessary to learn how to carefully take care not only behind the skin, but also by nails. Modern cosmetology does not stand still, and today she is ready to offer you a lot of new and effective nails care products and hands. You can purchase a skin care complex and nails, but, unfortunately, not everyone can afford it.


We offer an alternative option - take advantage of these recommendations and then your nails will always be in excellent condition:

  • fit balanced! The exchange of substances of each person depends on how it feeds. If there are many fruits and vegetables, then the nails will delight you. They will always be strong and shiny. Avoid unparalleled products with dyes and food additives, smaller down on baking and sweets;
  • if you want to have beautiful nails, learn to regularly care for them - make nutrient masks and nail plate massage. Just a few massage movements before bedtime does not take a long time, but the blood circulation of the nail will improve;
  • throw out lacquer remover containing acetone. This component aggressively affects the status of the nail plate, overcourses it and weakens. In addition, treat yourself your favorite nail polish from the proven manufacturer. In an inexpensive varnish, all the same acetone may be present. It is better to buy one high-quality varnish bottle than a lot of cheap and low-quality;
  • remember what beautiful and strong your nails have become after resting on the sea? Do not forget to delight your marks with a bath with salt. You can make such a procedure once a week;
  • alternating salt baths can with the strengthening of nail lemon. Select to leave the nails half the lemon and "immerse" the nails into the acidic flesh;
  • a good nail care tool is an ordinary cosmetic vaseline. Before going to bed, apply a thin layer of means on the skin of the hands and put on the gloves from cotton fabric. In the morning your skin will be tender and velvety;
  • make a manicure every 7 days.

Nail care baths

Best of all cosmetics, cope with many ailments of people's recipes. Among them - various nail care treatments. According to the reviews of those people who made such nail care baths - a positive result was noticeable in two weeks. Teach yourself to care for the nails as well as haired.


Consider the effective folk recipes for nail care:

  1. Lubricate the nail plate with lemon juice every day, and after a while she stops staring, and the nails will become strong. Try every night before bedtime lubricate the nail plate with iodine. They will acquire a light yellowish tint, but it is not scary. A few days later everything will pass.
  2. The nail care bath with gelatin is perfectly strengthened and nourished the nail plate. Take half the teaspoon of gelatin and dissolve it in a glass of hot water. As soon as the mixture begins to cool, lower your hands in the bath for 10 minutes. After - wash the gelatin warm water. This procedure can be done several times a week.
  3. Oil bath. Take a quarter cup of any vegetable oil (the perfect option is olive) and the same amount of apple vinegar. In a separate container, he heat the oil and connect with vinegar. The mixture is well mixed and immerse your hands in the bath. It is enough "dip" only nails and hold 10 minutes. After the bath, you do not need to wash your hands with soap, just remove the extensive liquid with a cosmetic napkin.
  4. It is advisable to do this bath before bedtime. Take a third glass of vegetable oil and heat it in a water bath. Add to the oil of 1 tbsp of the sea salt (you can cook and mix. Immerse your fingertips in the bath and keep until the oil starts to cool. Not washing off the oil, put on cotton gloves.
  5. Nourishes the nail plate with a decoction of herbs. Take in equal proportions, St. John's wort, burdock root and chamomile. Pour boiling water grass (at 2 tbsp mixture 1 cup boiling water) and leave for 20 minutes. In the finished broth lower your arms for 15 minutes. This bath can be done every three days.

We do yourself a manicure


Beauty salons offer us several types of nail care: a manicure classic edged, hardware, "dry", Japanese, French, spa manicure and many others. Regardless of the name of the manicure, professional nail care can have two directions: "Dry" and "wet". The first manicure has two names - hardware and unedged. In this case, the cuticle and the curtained layer of the skin are removed using a special machine - a milling and auxiliary tools - boughs and saws.

Unedged manicure, he is the Japanese, it is that first the cuticle softened with a tool containing an acid, and then it moves with a stick from an orange tree, and the burned layer is removed by the mill.


Classic manicure, it is "wet" or edged - a traditional view of nail care. It is that first the cuticle softens in the bath with a warm soap solution, and then cut off with manicure tools.

Such manipulations can be performed independently. Homemade nail care consists of two stages: nail care and manicure.

For self-care for nails, you need to purchase an individual nail care set.

It should include such tools and materials:

  • scissors;
  • nippers-nippers;
  • coarse "sandy" file;
  • polishing pail;
  • several chopsticks from an orange tree;
  • alcohol or other means for disinfection;
  • cotton disks;
  • means for softening the cuticle;
  • butter for nail care.

In the process of processing the nail plate, cutting tools may form cuts. To disinfect the wreck, use a cotton disk and a disinfectant containing alcohol. Also, do not forget after each procedure, wipe all the tools with alcohol. No need to share your manicure with girlfriends and relatives. Manicure tools should be individual.
How to make a manicure yourself:

  1. Before the start of the manicure, you should prepare tools and thoroughly wipe their alcohol.
  2. If traces of the old varnish remained on the nails - with the help of a cotton disk and a liquid for removing varnish (without acetone), remove the varnish.
  3. Pilot give the nail form. To prevent nail separation, move in one direction.
  4. Apply a softening agent on the cuticle and wait 2 minutes. You can soften the skin in a warm soap bath. Add a couple of drops of soapy water any essential oil.
  5. Take a stick from the orange tree and gently move the skin near the nail. Manicure Masters do not advise Cut the cuticle with scissors so as not to provoke her growth. In addition, if you often cut the cuticle, it will become denser.
  6. Burzes remove the nippers, and the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bcutting is treated with alcohol.
  7. It remains lacquered. First, the nail plate is covered by the base, and then with color varnish.
  8. To put the lacquer to hold longer - a fixer is applied to the colored coating.


Caring for nails on the legs

In addition to leaving the nails in the hands, you need to learn how to proper nail care. Not every girl knows how to properly care for the nails and cuticle on the legs. These recommendations will help you attract the sights of the opposite sex to our well-groomed legs.


How to care for nails:

  1. Every day you need to perform such a procedure: wash your legs and remove the dirt accumulated under the nails. Wash legs are preferably not in simple water, but with the addition of brave of herbs (chamomile, chablie or mint). If there is no time to mess with the brewing of grass, then you can well wash the legs with water with soap.
  2. Formed contamination from under nails are removed by a special stick (for example, from an orange tree).
  3. Nails on the legs will be coated not as on hand, but in a straight line. This will prevent a rather common problem of an ingrown nail.
  4. To write nails on the legs is also needed only in one direction - from the center to one edge, and then to another.
  5. It is impossible to use metal pails - they contribute to the destruction of the nail structure.

Feet Massage.

If you do everything right, and the nails on the legs are still laying, bowing and yellowing, pay attention to your shoes. If you wear close and low-quality shoes in which the leg sweats, then all your nail care efforts can be vain.

Nighting Nail Care

Nail extension service is provided in each beauty salon. Increasingly, you can meet girls with long artificial marigolds. The popularity of scorched nails is primarily due to the time savings and high-quality coating, which will remain unchanged for three weeks. But this does not mean that it is not necessary to care for artificial coating. On the contrary, such nails also need care.


Read the rules of care:

  1. Since artificial nails are much stronger than natural, you need to be careful when handling bulky objects. Artificial nail is firmly attached to a natural nail plate, so if it breaks off, it will be very painful.
  2. Exclude contact with aggressive means.
  3. In nail care, use polishing and special saws. From cutting tools it is better to refuse.
  4. The cuticle is lubricated with softening creams and rub nutrient oils.
  5. Trust your handles to professionals.

How to care for nails

Children's nails also require attention, and lies with nails in regular cutting of the free edge. To teach the baby from the small years to the care of the nails, to coordinate the thrust notes every week and only individual devices.


The children's manicure set includes such tools:

  1. Little nail forceps to cut off free nail.
  2. Scissors with rounded ends and protective tips. They spawned the edges after the tweezers and cut the burrs.
  3. Soft pail to smooth the uneven edges after circumcision.

Cuticle When leaving nails, the children do not need to cut, so as not to deform the nail plate. It is preferable to trim the trampling nobs after swimming when the plate becomes softer. Before you go to the bathroom, treat antiseptic manicure accessories.

How to care for nails:

  1. Cut off the noggle with tweezers or nipples with a smooth cut.
  2. The remaining corners along the edges are cut off with scissors.
  3. If the baby allows you, then round the edge of the nobel to the sawn.
  4. No need to trim the nail plate is too short to not cause discomfort to the crumb.
  5. According to the rules of nail care, on the hands of the marigolds are cut no more than two times a week, and on the legs - once every two months.

How to perform nail care, watch the video:


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