
Nail design 2017, photo of the new products spring-summer

Nail design 2017, photo of the new products spring-summer
What will be the fashionable design of the spring-summer 2017 nails. Ideas of the 2017 fashionable and summer manicure, photo of fresh novelties in manicure.

With each new season, fashion trends in the fashion and beauty industry are changing. A beautiful, relevant manicure, attracting the admiring glances to the well -groomed handles of its owner - is always in fashion. Fashionistas do not get tired of wondering on new modern staining techniques used in nail design, extraordinary prints, a combination of flowers in manicure, and try to follow all the popular trends in nail decor in order to always look modern and stylish. About how fashionable in the spring-summer 2017 season, as well as what fresh news and ideas in manicure, designers offer us in the upcoming season, read us in this article.

Fashion trends in the nails of spring-summer 2017

Spring is the time of change, new vivid impressions and riot of colors, so it's time to change cold winter shades in manicure to warm and bright colors and apply new original nail staining techniques that are relevant in the spring-summer-2017 season. Among the most fashionable current trends in the design of the nails of 2017, one can distinguish:

  • Negative Space - Modern nail design 2017, which is gaining more and more popularity among fashionistas, as it looks quite simple and at the same time stylish. Translated by Negative Space - “negative space”. The peculiarity of the design is that the nail, when applying the drawing, is not covered with varnish completely, but partially. Small fragments of the picture remain unpainted, it can be any pattern: a circle, rhombus, vertical or horizontal stripes, zigzags, hearts or any intricate pattern. There is another option for applying varnish - the nail plate remains natural (covered with transparent varnish), and the pattern - with colored varnish. In this design, it is important to observe clear boundaries of the circuit when applying the picture. For the perfect manicure of Negative Space, the nail plates should be perfectly even and polished. In fashion as classic options for manicure in calm colors, as bright contrasting options for manicure for solemn occasions.


  • "Broken glass" - Fresh novelty in the nail design, which is already at the peak of popularity. This is a spectacular, catchy and bewitching manicure - the nail looks dotted with small fragments that sparkle and shimmer, resembling the facets of diamonds. The effect of broken glass or mirror is achieved due to small pieces of foil, which are glued on the colored base of the nail. There are a lot of variations of the design “broken glass”, each girl can choose a combination of basic varnish colors and foil color. One of the attractive combinations that looks very advantageous, striking with depth and splendor-black or dark blue basic coating of the nail, which transparent “fragments” are applied to. Light nails look no less attractive in combination with golden foil or metallic color.


  • French and moon manicure - They do not lose their positions and as before they are relevant in the spring and summer of 2017. Still remain popular trends in the warm season of 2017.
    French, made in natural color scheme: pink, peach, beige, and the end of the nail is painted with white varnish - a beloved classic in manicure, emphasizing the sense of the style of its owner, and always looks stylish and expensive. In 2017, designers propose to improve the jacket and apply colored stripes to the end of the nail plate, which will be combined with the color of the outfit, accessories or makeup. It can be bright juicy, contrasting or silver shades. The most fashionable combination of colors in the design of the jacket is black and white manicure (the base is black matte varnish, the free edge of the nail is white), combined with glitter or vice versa-a transparent base, and the edge of the nail is black, with a clear boundary. For solemn events, the jacket is decorated with sparkles, rhinestones.


  • No less popular in the spring and summer of 2017 moon manicure. The most diverse forms of smiles are in fashion: straight, concave, triangular, round and double. The line between the color is not clearly expressed, but with a gradient. A bright moon manicure is relevant this season, which combines varnishes of different textures: glossy and matte. As well as a tricolor moon manicure, when the base of the nail, the hole and the tip of the nail are painted in different tones.


  • Ombre (gradient) manicure - The original and very popular staining technique in the new season, which uses several shades of the same color, while the transition between the color is blurred and there are no clear boundaries. Color flows smoothly from one to another. The nude gradient will be relevant-smooth transitions from light-beige, peach, pink tones to more saturated shades, for example, a combination of pale pink with cherry, raspberry, plum color or lightweight with coffee. Designers offer to create an ombre effect in bright colors: a delicate mint transition to saturated green, heavenly blue-into the sapphire, delicate purple-in dark purple.

In addition, a linear ombre will be fashionable when several shades of not the same color are combined, but in different colors that cross one to one clear lines, a strip behind a strip, from light to dark, as well as vertical ombre - a smooth transition of shades of the same color from the left edge nail to the lower (or vice versa)

  • Stamping - Another original design offered by designers for fashionistas who prefer a manicure with a print or pattern. Stamping is a decoration of the nail plate with a pattern, which is applied using a stamp, which imprints the image on the nail. Using stamping, you can create complex and various patterns, drawings that are difficult to draw manually even to an experienced master - a designer. Now beautiful prints are available even to beginners - using stamps is not difficult.


Nail design 2017, shellac

Gel Laca is one of the best inventions for a modern girl who allows you to enjoy a beautiful, durable and perfect manicure for a long time. The design of nails with gel in 2017 is still popular. The actual version of the manicure by shellac is two -tone solutions in the fashionable color scheme of the season. The following combinations of colors will be fashionable:

  • pale, almost transparent pink with raspberry;
  • neon green with emerald;
  • peach with juicy orange;
  • sky blue with blue;
  • sand with saturated yellow;
  • salmon with scarlet;
  • coffee with Borodov;
  • gray with lilac.

Monochrome manicure, made in one color, is also in fashion. It can be either a light gel of pastel tones of a matte texture, or a gralite gel is a bright neon shade.

Nail design 2017. Fashionable length and nail shape spring-summer 2017

Naturalness and naturalness are relevant trends in nail design 2017. Short or ultra -short nails are in fashion. The ideal option is when the length of the free edge of the nail does not exceed 2-3 cm. Those who prefer longer nails can afford a length of not more than 5 cm. And unnaturally long natural or extended nails have lost their relevance.

Fashionable shape of the nail are considered:

  • rounded shape;
  • oval - natural and practical;
  • almond -shaped, suitable for elongated nails. manikur-2017-LETOO-FORMA

Fashionable color scheme in modern nail design spring-summer 2017

Among the most fashionable colors of varnishes that are used to create an ultramoded manicure in 2017 can be distinguished:

  1. Pastel, natural and natural shades of “nude”: beige, sand, milk, pale pink, ivori, lavender, pale blue. Nails painted in this delicate color scheme look perfect, fresh, and hands are well -groomed.
  2. A rich and catchy red color does not lose its position and is still relevant, because the year 2017 is a year of fiery rooster. The trend is all shades of red, as well as the color of Marsala, raspberry. The manicure in red colors attracts attention and emphasizes the strong features of the character of its owner. Do not be afraid to experiment and declare yourself!
  3. Bright, causing neon shades: electrician, orange, as well as all juicy fruit colors - favorites of the summer manicure 2017.
    Also at the peak of popularity, all shades of blue, green, as well as gray: from light tones to metallic color.


Actual textures of nail design of the 2017 spring-summer season

One of the most popular textures is the matte surface of the nail, without gloss and mother -of -pearl, which looks advantageous on short nails. In the spring-summer season, choose gel polishes precisely the matte texture.

A metallized surface is also popular: steel, gold, silver. The combination of matte and steel texture is an actual trend in manicure.


Nail design ideas Spring 2017

Flower motifs in nail design 2017

Spring is the time of flowering and awakening of nature from winter cold, so designers use floral themes in fashionable manicure, such a design is especially relevant on the eve of the female holiday on March 8. Flowers can be drawn, you can use stencils, stamps. The trend is flower compositions with a rose, sakura, chamomiles. To give colors in the composition the effect of volume and velvet surface, they are decorated with acrylic powder. manikur-2017-LETO-ARANC-2

Gradient manicure in nail design 2017

The effect of ombre at the peak of popularity, delicate transitions from a pale shade to a rich dark color look especially attractive.


Nude -style nail design

The most natural manicure, truly spring and gentle. The design uses delicate pastel shades of cream, pink, beige or transparent varnish. One of the most feminine and elegant options for spring manicure. nyud

Nail design 2017 in the style of "metallic"

The catchy manicure "metallic" is the trend of the spring of 2017. The mirror surface of the nail looks luxurious and spectacular. Nogots painted in matte pastel colors look interesting: pale beige, pink, blue, light gray with glued metallized horizontal or vertical strip. 1385462273_blog217_pic2_236

Fashion geometry in nail design 2017

Geometric drawings in the decor of nails are still popular. This is a universal pattern that looks beautiful and stylish on nails of any length. The pattern can be in the form of a zigzag, stripes, square, triangle, painted in a contrasting color. manikur-2017-LETO-SKOTCH-LENTA-4

Manicure with decor elements

For a celebration, party or publication, a luxurious fashion manicure is suitable, which uses brilliant elements: rhinestones, stones, sparkles. The basis of the nail surface can be transparent, in the style of "nude" or bright, saturated. Creative 3D design is relevant, which uses volumetric patterns made using metal elements, sharp spikes, pearls. Such an extravagant design will become indispensable for modern fashionistas who attend noisy parties, clubs and discos. dizayn-Nogtey2017-19-325x225

Nail design 2017 in Pink style

Spring is a time of love and romance, so you can’t do without pink in a manicure. The shade of pink can be any: from the most pale to a rich neon. You can decorate the surface painted in pink, with rhinestones, metal stripes, flowers, hearts or patterns. The trend is a combination of pink with gold and the effect of ombre-flowing pastel pink into a deep bright pink. tSVETOCHNYIY-MANIKYUR-1-960X720

Neon manicure

Bright screaming colors are a spring trend, a combination of several colors in manicure will be relevant. dance_legend_neonic_817_820_821_822_828_10

Turquoise manicure

The color of turquoise continues its relevance and is not in fashion. The trend is a combination of turquoise with pink, beige, gray and steel. dizayn-Nogtey2017-30-325x225

Toutful nail design 2017

Simple patterns on nails in the form of small dots and peas- the hit of the spring-summer season. The color of the points can be very different, they are applied in any sequence with a thin brush, you can use stickers.


Spring French and moon manicure

The fashion is unusual and extravagant jacket, which uses a changed shape of a smile: even, triangular, diagonal, curved. And, of course, it is impossible to imagine the spring manicure 2017 without a French manicure. The jacket goes well with the moon manicure, when the two arcs are located in one direction, and their color can be different. chernyj-French-12

Rainbow manicure

Fresh news of spring, which is impressive by a riot of colors and a combination of colors. The rainbow effect is achieved thanks to the gradient or in the form of stripes with clear boundaries. You can paint each nail in the colors of the rainbow separately. Rainbow manicure will be relevant in the summer. raduzhnyiy-Manikyur-Vesna-LETO-2017-2

NEGATIVE Space manicure

The peculiar Negative Space design is relevant in the spring season. As a negative space, geometric shapes, strips are used. The color of the base can be black, white, red, blue or pink.


Nail design ideas, summer 2017

Summer manicure is always bright, juicy and positive. It is in the summer that you can experiment with unusual, bold combinations of colors, use interesting prints in the decor and experiment with new staining techniques.

Broke neon shades are in fashion. Green color and all its shades are of particular popularity: from the color of spring grass to a rich emerald, as well as a bright yellow, truly sunny color. Blue, pink does not lose its relevance. Brave, bright combinations of fashionable shades in manicure - summer trend.

As a decor, stamps, stickers, simple geometric patterns, floral motifs are used. Sword and fruit theme is very popular for summer decor. 103

Summer jacket

French is always in fashion. In summer, the edge of the nail is painted in a variety of colors: red, blue, green, metal. Choose a shade for clothes. The colored jacket is relevant in the summer of 2017. It can be diversified by unusual decor: rhinestones, patterns, stamps. In order not to overload the elegant manicure with details, focus on one of the nails of each hand.

Short nail design in 2017

Ultra -short nails at the peak of popularity are just a find for active and working girls. Caring for short nails is simple, does not require much effort to create a fashionable manicure. Short nails are less likely to break and do not interfere in everyday life. But not everyone liked short nails, so they visually shorten the nail. If your nail plate is square and wide-an elongated shape of the nail, visually stretching the nail plate, which is also considered fashionable in the spring-summer season, is suitable for you.

In the spring and summer of 2017, popular trends for short nails will be:

  1. Nude manicure, emphasizing the natural beauty of nails. It is enough to cover the nails with transparent varnish or use pastel shades in manicure.
  2. Classic and colored jacket using smiles of different shapes and colored edge of the nail plate. This elegant and restrained manicure for every day is suitable for working in the office.
  3. Neil art assorted. The use of various staining techniques in one manicure. Bold combinations of new -fangled ombre and graphics technique, a jacket with moon manicure, the “metallic” style, the use of varnish of matte texture and stamping.
  4. The Negative Space manicure with geometric shapes, small drawings, so as not to pile up the manicure, looks very impressive on short nails.
  5. As for the decor on short nails - you should not use rhinestones, large stones, an abundance of sparkles in manicure. Such an abundance of decor on short nails is appropriate for the celebration. It is better to allocate and decorate only one nail on the hand, this will be enough to draw attention to well -groomed hands and look fashionable.

Nail design 2017, photo

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Among the many fashionable new products and fresh ideas of manicure, relevant in the spring and summer of 2017, choose those staining techniques and combinations that emphasize your personality, complement the image and make your handles irresistible.



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