
Running for weight loss - how to run to increase efficiency. Cardio training program for fat burning

Running for weight loss - how to run to increase efficiency. Cardio training program for fat burning
Running - as the best tool in the fight against extra kilograms. How much you need to run to lose weight. What is better: walking or running? Running at home, running on the spot, training on the treadmill. Errors beginner runners

In pursuit of slimming, many girls, and the guys also tried many different ways. Diets do not always provide the desired result, and watch workouts in the gym exhaust the body. What to be desired to bring the parameters to the ideal? In the fight against overweight, all methods are good, but there is one proven - this is running.

Surely every morning on the way to work, you came across a few running past athletes in sports costumes and sneakers. And these are not eccentrics, but people who care about their health.


It turns out if every day run in the morning and in the evening at least half an hour, then you can get rid of not only from avid couples-other kilograms, but also pull up all the muscle groups, get a charge of cheerfulness and a great mood.

The fact is that during running, the load is distributed to all muscles evenly, the heartbeat is slightly accelerated, breathing is more student - it all contributes to burning fat and activation of metabolic processes. Interesting? Then you should know how much you need to run in order to lose weight and how to do it right.

Running to lose weight at home. Benefit

As you already realized that the most effective way in the struggle for slimness is running. A man during the run loses a lot of energy, as a result of which not only the feeling of hunger is dulled, but also improves the work of all systems and organs. It has a positive effect on the intestinal work, because it begins to actively free from slags and toxins. In addition, all muscle groups are tightened and strengthened.

Beget benefit:

  • extra weight disposal;
  • tightening of all muscle groups;
  • dull feeling of hunger;
  • reducing cholesterol levels in blood;
  • excellent well-being.

Effective running slimming. What is he?

You learned yourself to get up in the mornings and run from 15 to 30 minutes, but the result is not visible? Perhaps you are doing something wrong and the body stubbornly does not want to part with extra kilograms.

So it is to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to listen to the recommendations of experienced trainers:

  1. To develop the habit of running should be gradual, so that the body was not shocked by the unexpected load. Each person has his adjustment period. It is believed that the best time for a gradual habituation - a daily jogging for 15 minutes. For the first time it will be enough.
  2. At what time do you run? Morning, afternoon or evening? The fact is that running at different times gives different results. So, if you run in the mornings, so it is possible to strengthen blood vessels and improve the functioning of all organs. If you run in the afternoon, you can count on the strengthening of the muscle corset. But if you run in the evenings, it is possible not only to strengthen all muscle groups, but also to get rid of fat and come to the ideal forms. If this is your goal, then it is best to run in the evening, because it can burn more calories.
  3. Morning running is also effective if you do everything according to the rules. In the morning you need to start a jogging on an empty stomach. If you gathered to run in the evening, then you need to distribute the time so that the load is to give the body a couple of hours before eating or dinner after jogging after 1 hour.
  4. The best time for the load: Hour in the morning from 6.30 to 7.30, in the afternoon from 11 hours to 12, the second half of the day from four o'clock to the sixties.
  5. Interval running for weight loss is the most efficient. It is based on alternating load and rest. The program can be different: walking 100 m, the right is the same, the maximum sprint load is also 100 meters. The duration of the interval run - for half an hour. And then it is important not to be mistaken and do everything correctly, because the fat begins to burn not during the workout, but after it for 6 hours!
  6. Schedule alternation: short and long distances so that the body is used to loads. Then you can burn more calories.
  7. Clothing for classes should be comfortable, do not shoot motion, light and natural fabrics. Shoes are comfortable sneakers. Girls are desirable to wear special shorts for weight loss or capri, to quickly launch the processes of sweating and get rid of cellulite.
  8. Remember that run is pleasure, and not obliged. Therefore, the jog should be pleasure. And to raise the tone will help not only a positive attitude, but also a favorite music.


Slimming running program

You need to run constantly, you need to run every day without stopping without breaks for the weekend. If you are ready for such loads, then the best cardio training for fat burning will be running.

Newbies program:

  1. And now let's frankly. Don't you like to run? But really want to get rid of fat and make a figurine exactly? Then you need to make yourself engage in. At first it will be difficult and you do not need to immediately take a high pace. Start with jogging 2 times a week, then gradually adds another 1 day and every 10 days you can add another workout. Remember that one of the training should be more intense than others.
  2. The program first, you need to start training gradually increasing the running pace. Interval running - the best that can be in the fight against fat deposits. 3 sets of 15 minutes - if this pace for you forward to new successes. Breaks between sets - 2-3 minutes. Catching his breath, run forward again. The running speed set - within a 10 km per hour. If less - do not lose heart, all is not that the first time.
  3. If the time for training is not enough, then highlight an hour and a half. During this time you need to warm carefully, then run 30 minutes, rest - 20 minutes. During the rest you do not need to sit on a bench. You can make a light charm. Running again for half an hour. In the first 30 minutes of workout, fats are outlined in the bloodstream, and then if the training was continued and brought to the end, the fats are actively burned.
  4. Another workout option with interval load is a warm-up so that the muscles are willing to work. Exercise is performed in a light pace. As an option, the warm-up - climb to a low slide, go down. Now Seth No. 1 - run 30 seconds with maximum calculation, rest is a minute, repeated again. You need to make 8 repetitions. Such training is considered the most short and most effective, because it is equal to the run for 45 minutes.



This type of physical activity has both positive moments and negative. Let's start with the advantages:

  • muscle load - smooth, soft;
  • training of all systems and organs;
  • the organs of the excretory system are launched: unnecessary moisture, slags, sharing products and salt are intensified;
  • tone, excellent mood;
  • the time for training is specially not necessary to divert, as soon as the free 15-20 minutes appeared, you can immediately begin loads;
  • buy special clothes for running during the cold season do not have to;
  • rain, snow, strong wind - not a hindrance training;
  • the ability to get rid of curious views of passersby;
  • the load on the spine and the knee joints is minimal.


Cardio training for weight loss:

  1. Running simple - stop should be smoothly moved from the heel on the sock, and alternate the right and left legs very quickly. Knees - do not lift high. The belly is drawn, the torso is kept straight, the hands can be fried to the sides or bend in the elbows. You can move the hands in the same way as when running.
  2. Running with the junction - the floor concerns only the arch of the foot. As soon as they felt a support, you need to jump up dramatically and change your leg. Legs do not need to be blown, it is desirable that the knees remain in semi-bent state at the time of the jump and repulsion from the floor. Press strain the maximum to remove the load from the waist.
  3. Running "Shuttle" is an exercise for running does not seem to be more on the movement in the room. You need to run from the wall to the wall, turn around, run back. Running is a few steps there and here. With such a load, calories are burned well, because all the muscles are involved.
  4. With this training plan, it is very difficult to perform one exercise by making many repetitions. It is tiring and rapidly bored. So that this does not happen, you need to alternate walking with running (plus swelling). 5 minutes - ordinary walking, running with swelling - 2 minutes. The number of repetitions from 3 to 5.
  5. The second training is the run of 5 minutes on the spot alternates with jumps on the spot (both legs are involved), the duration of the workout is only 1 minute. Running with jumps are well alternating with jumps on the rope (2 minutes). The number of repetitions - from 3 to 5.
  6. Third training - running in place, knees raise as high as possible, duration - 4 minutes. It was a warm-up, now shuttle run for 2 minutes, 5 minutes - the usual run on the spot. Repeat - 4 times.
  7. The training is completed at home running with swelling - 2 minutes, walking on the spot, plus power exercises.
  8. Do not forget that you need to eat right.

Best Cardio Training. Video:

Running or walking for weight loss?


What is better, walking or running? An experienced trainer will advise to choose running, but ... to each one. Why, learn more:

  • we pay attention to the degree of physical fitness, plus we take into account weight and age. If there is an extra weight (obesity), heart disease, joints, changes in the spine, then the run is contraindicated. Then walking is the best that can be advised, because the type of load is missing contraindications;
  • if the body is accustomed to the loads, there are no problems with joints and spine, then you can safely run.

Differences running from walking:

  1. Walking - muscles are strengthened on the legs. Running - muscles of the back, hips, buttocks, chest.
  2. Running - there is a "flight", walking - absent. Impact load less when walking, which benefits people with overweight.
  3. Running is an increased heart load and other organs, walking - less trauma.
  4. If you are not important to "drying", then it is better to walk, because the muscle tissue is burned, and then fats.
  5. If you need to achieve visible results in a short time, then only running. To improve well-being and excellent mood - walking. To achieve results when walking, you need to go through 5-6 km, that is, to make more than 10 thousand steps for training. If the training is performed with burden, then the result will be visible faster.
  6. Hiking is the opportunity to relax and think about something, running - on the contrary, to distract from all thoughts.
  7. If you choose run, then you need to track the pulse frequency. Norm - 120-135 UD / min, excellent indicator for effective fat burning.

Running on the path for weight loss

The main simulator for running sports is a track. It will help it in the cold, frost, in the rain and snow - in general, when the weather on the street does not please, and the training process cannot be stopped. It is necessary to train on the treadmill right.


How to do this, read further:

  1. Do you know, what is the difference between the treadmill from running on the street? Sports projectile has depreciation, so the burden on the joint will be less than running on asphalt. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account and choose the right shoes.
  2. Run in the hall on the track is much nicer than on the street. But it is impossible to compensate for the fresh air and the saturation of the body with oxygen. In the hall, all this can be compensated only by open windows or a good ventilation system.
  3. Speed \u200b\u200band pulse. Do not hurry, seek such a load so that the pulse stops at a mark of 120-140 beats per minute. The load should be gradually increased, since the body quickly gets used to.
  4. You can enhance efficiency like this: turn on the simulator to accelerate, plus the correct slope. The interval jogging with the pumping muscles and a smaller load on the front muscles of the legs is obtained.
  5. Alternation of loads - 5 minutes running with a slope, the initial position of the track. If this load is normal for you, then you need to change something, because the body quickly gets used to and rely on effective burning fat is no longer possible.


Training plan on the treadmill:

  • workout for 10 minutes. The tempo is calm, from 4 to 6 kilometers per hour;
  • the slope to put on 6 degrees (you can start with 3), the speed does not increase. Duration - 5 minutes;
  • zero angle of inclination, speed at a maximum of 9 km per hour, running for 2 minutes;
  • running 60 seconds - the limit speed for your body;
  • reversals: 1,2,3 exercises are repeated up to 4 times (depends on the degree of preparedness). If the time is not enough, then you need to increase the angle of inclination and speed, and the repetitions do 2 times.

Correct cardiography. Video:

About contraindications on the treadmill: Such a load is dangerous for knee joints. If there are no problems, you can safely run, and if there is an unpleasant feeling, then pay attention to the running technique. Perhaps you do something wrong or does not fit shoes.

Contraindications for running on the treadmill:

  • high pressure;
  • pressure drops;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • violation of the cardiovascular system.

How to run. Frequent errors

  1. The first and frequent error of beginner runners is a high pace without proper training. Everyone wants to take a high bar. The result is overwork, health problems. You need to start gradually, with short distances.
  2. Frequency of training - taking into account physical preparation. You need to start from 2 times a week, adding in smoothly by training. The day off can be devoted not to the exhausting workout, but run into your own pleasure.
  3. Choosing shoes: Not all beautiful sneakers can approach running. Buy professional running sneakers.
  4. Do not ignore the "calls" of your own body. If something hurts, then the tendons or ligaments are damaged. Listen to pain to learn to distinguish your condition. If it's just delayed onset muscle soreness - this one, and if serious violation - is another.
  5. Running "jogging", even for half an hour a day does not warrant the burning of fat. If this kind of racing you like, you have pretty sweat, because fat begins to split after 50-60 minutes of such exercise. If you want to perform a "drying" without loss of muscle mass, the long run is not desirable.
  6. Running time - average duration of the workout for a beginner - 10 minutes within 2 weeks. If all is well and good being - gradually add 5-10 minutes. In the warm-up and cool down is released from 3 to 5 minutes. Jog desirable to combine with an emphasis on the problematic zone (strength training).


Engage in fun and then running to bring a great result!

Cardio for weight loss in the home:


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