
Paraffin Hand Baths

Paraffin Hand Baths
How to conduct parafinotherapy sessions for hands alone.

The age of the woman and the degree of essential exterior can be determined by hand. Often their skin suffers from numerous aggressive influences - hot chlorinated water, soap and various means of household chemicals, wind and frost. As a result, the skin loses moisture, becoming dry and rough, wrinkles and pigmentation can appear on it. With these problems, it is possible to effectively deal with paraffin handpass.

Paraffin Hand Baths: Procedure Operation Principle

Hand leather is quite vulnerable to aggressive environmental impact and, as a rule, requires constant care. However, no moisturizing or nutrient cream is compared to the effectiveness of exposure to paraffin. This method is based on the thermal effects of paraffin - it is melted at a temperature of about 52-55 ° C, transforming into a viscous warm mass, which can be applied to the skin by means of masks and appliqués. This agent contains various softening and anti-inflammatory components, skin beneficial. In liquid paraffin, the baths are dipping hands, or apply it with a tassel, when drying the paraffin and freezing, the skin envelops the dense and at the same time a soft sheath, impenetrable to air. Thanks to an extremely high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity, with contact with the skin of the paraffin, for a long time, without causing burns, evenly and smoothly moves heat. At the same time, the skin temperature rises quite slightly - a maximum of a couple of degrees.

The layer of hot paraffin increases the temperature of the skin, as a result of this, the upper layer of the epidermis softens, the pores are revealed, the contamination and toxins are removed to the surface of the skin. At the same time, the useful substances of the applied cream are intensively absorbed into the skin, thereby conducting active moistening of the epidermis. In the process of cooling the layer of the paraffin "shell" on the skin, slightly decreases in size and compacted. Cosmetologists call this procedure "velvet handles". Thanks to the effect of soft warming and pressure, smoothed mesh of small wrinkles, the skin looks young and elastic.

As a result of such a soft impact on the skin of the paraffin, characterized by a kind of greenhouse effect, the exchange processes of the skin are stimulated, the activity of the vessels and the water-lipid exchange is normalized, swelling, the skin becomes more beautiful - velvety, smooth and tender. In addition, under the influence of paraffin, nails are powered and strengthened, with its help you can get rid of the bundle of nail plates.

The healing properties of paraffin can be used for appliqués and baths for different parts of the body (mainly used for hands, legs, abdomen, hips and faces) - Currently, this method is very in demand. As a result of a parafinotherapy session, the condition of the skin of the hands is significantly improved, and the effect is noticeable immediately and with minimal care lasts long enough (about one or two weeks).

Paraffin baths for hands and legs are very useful, as well as a pleasant and inexpensive caring procedure, with which it is easy to get rid of many problems. Applying paraffin-therapy for legs, you can eliminate corn and natoptes, which have arisen after carrying close uncomfortable shoes, driving on heels. Such a session will help to give heels infant smoothness.

Currently, a wide selection of paraffin baths that can be used for paraffin therapy are presented. Such devices are intended for melting paraffin and further processing the temperature necessary to maintain it in a liquid state during a session. In addition, you can purchase a variety of parafinotherapy sets, including a heater capacitance (bath), special packages or gloves for hand brushes, as well as mittens.

Advantages of paraffin handbanks for hands

Parafinotherapy is effective in the following cases:

  • for dry, sluggish, flabber and dehydrated skin of the hands and legs. Such procedures largely contribute to the recovery of the epidermis, helping to eliminate peeling, irritation, redness, sideness and get rid of small cracks, return the skin well-kept species;
  • the thermal effect of paraffin effectively affects disruption of local blood circulation and the operation of the musculoskeletal system, as well as various diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Paraffin therapy helps to relieve tension and pain, normalizes the operation of the joints. This impact is used not only for cosmetic purposes, as well as as part of the medical program - paraffin baths are prescribed to people suffering from salt deposits, as well as with orthopedic diseases. Appliques, baths and masks with paraffin normalize blood microcirculation and contribute to the restoration of muscle tissues.

Paraffin handbanks can be used at any time. Especially relevant to use their use in the autumn-winter period when the skin of the hands suffers from the cold and temptation.

Paraffin Hand Baths: Contraindications

Paraffin handbanks apply to the skin gently and carefully - however, there are contraindications to carry out this procedure.

These include:

  • wounds and various damage to the skin;
  • papillomas and warts, various rashes, urets, tumors of different etiology;
  • hypertension, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diabetes;
  • disturbance of skin sensitivity and blood coagulation.

How to make a paraffin bath for hands at home

Paraffin therapy is successfully used for baths and applications at different parts of the body. Similar manipulations have become wide popularity to improve the condition of the skin of the hands when conducting salon manicure procedures.


According to the reviews of the use of paraffin for hands, such a procedure is light and pleasant, soothes after stress and relaxes, it is easy to master at home. Some women during the parafinotherapy session under the influence of soft heat and pleasant smell fall asleep, and after awakening they feel silent and rested.

In addition, it is easy to apply such a paraffin procedure for hands at home. If you do not have time and tools to visit the beauty salon, applied alone after a serious labor day paraffin bath for hands will become a real rescue for irritated and weakened skin of the hands. To do this, you may need about 2 kg of paraffin - it can be freely purchased in a pharmacy, both in pure form and enriched with nutrients. Cosmetic paraffin is suitable - including with various additives (with the addition of essential oils, vitamins, extracts and herbal extracts). Acquired paraffin can be used to hold one or several sessions.


For the first procedure, experts recommend using paraffin without any additives. For self-conducting procedure without using a special lantern for paraffin therapy, you can try to cost the kilogram packaging of paraffin.

In addition, for paraffin baths at home need to be prepared:

  • a special bath (it can well be replaced with a capacity in which you will pull the paraffin). For the absorption of paraffin, glass, enameled, ceramic or porcelain dishes are suitable;
  • glass or ceramic container where you will pour molten paraffin (this size so that the hand brushes with straightened fingers can fit it);
  • spacious polyethylene gloves (like those that are included in packages with hair dyes), or thin polyethylene packages;
  • towels for insulating hands (2 pcs.) Or warm mittens (wool or terry);
  • body scrub, caring (moisturizing or nutritious) and protective hand cream.

Paraffin Hand Baths: Sequence of Action

With the help of a session, you can pamper the skin of the hands. This procedure is simple and not take away from you a lot of strength, it is quite bye forces to master each woman. Paraffin baths have a soothing effect, their pleasant heat helps to relieve stress and reach relaxes, not to mention the undoubted utility of paraffin for the skin of hands and nails.


Session session for session as follows:

  1. Paraffin placed in dry and clean dishes, and then melted. You can achieve this in the following ways:
  • warm with the help of a water bath - at the same time it is necessary to trace so that water does not get into it - as its droplets in the molten paraffin during the procedure can provoke a burn;
  • melt in the microwave by turning on the minimum mode.
  1. While the paraffin melts, it is necessary to prepare hands to the exposure to the paraffin bath. To do this, wash your hands and take advantage of the scrub to remove dead skin particles, softly rubbing it with light movements. To deteriorate, you can prepare a mixture of coffee grounds with liquid soap. After applying the scrub, lubricate your hands with a moisturizing or nutrient cream - with it, paraffin is easily separated from the skin after frozen on it.
  2. When the paraffin melts, it needs to be pouring into another container that will act as a bath. Carefully check the temperature of the melted mass so as not to get the burn (the temperature is about 50 ° C). To do this, plunge into the mass of the finger or apply a drop of paraffin on the back of the palm - and watch your reaction. If there is no burning and redness, you feel on the skin soft pleasant warmth, in this case the temperature is suitable for taking the bath. 30
  3. Scatter your fingers and immerse your hands in the paraffin, hold them there for a few seconds and remove it. After 10-15 seconds, again lower the brush again into the melted mass. Do so several times (from three to seven) - before forming a thick layer of frozen paraffin on the skin. In addition to the dipper in the tank with a viscous mass, for layer-by-layer paraffin mass on the skin, you can use the tassel. 36
  4. After soaring the paraffin, it should be carefully put on polyethylene gloves, and on top of the mittens - either to insulate their hands, wrapping every brush in a towel. If there is such an opportunity, ask someone to help you - with hands covered with a frozen paraffin mass, one can cope with such a procedure may be somewhat difficult. 20
  5. The recommended period of paraffin leather warming up is about 20-30 minutes. After the specified time expires, remove the insulation, as well as gloves, then paraffin. After the procedure, rinse your hands either wipe the napkin and apply protective cream.

You can soften the skin and enhance the effect of the paraffin bath with applying a small amount of olive oil on the hand with the addition of 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil or vanilla. After mastering the bath with pure paraffin during the following sessions, it can be slightly experiencing a bit experiment, enriching a melted mass by various moisturizing and nutritional additives (for example, oils and infusion of medicinal herbs). This procedure is also convenient to use for aromatherapy. For example, you can add to the paraffin bath for hands 2-3 droplets of lavender essential oil, Ilang-Ilanga or about 1/2 C.L. Spoons of vegetable oil (almond or grape bones).

First after the session of paraffinotherapy should be avoided by the effects of aggressive detergents, as well as the tempering of the skin, overheating and supercooling. Covering similar procedures with paraffin 1-2 times a week, taking into account contraindications and compliance with the rules, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of the skin of the hands of the hands, get rid of irritation and peeling, spanishness, feelings of struts. Thus, the skin of the hands will again become gentle and smooth, will acquire softness and silkiness.

Paraffin Hand Baths at Home - Video


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