
Crafts by February 23. Children's crafts by February 23 do it yourself

Crafts by February 23. Children's crafts by February 23 do it yourself
Colorful children's crafts by February 23. Many original ideas for every taste.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday of courage, courage and heroism. February 23 is customary to congratulate his native men and give them symbolic gifts. On the eve of the holiday, in kindergartens and schools, children are happy to prepare and craft crafts for their dads and grandparents. After all, a handicraft, made by a child with her own hands, with love is the best gift to your favorite dad. We tried to collect all the most original ideas of children's crafts, which can do that for any preschooler.

Crafts by February 23 of the paper

The easiest version of the gift is to make a craft of colored paper or cardboard. All that will need is: glue, scissors, colored paper and creative inspiration. We offer you as simple variants of crafts for young children, so original ideas requiring skill and some patience.

Beautiful tie for dad on February 23

You can surprise and please your favorite dad, you can have a beautiful original tie, there will be no one else! To work, you will need a tie template, color cardboard, scissors, glue and rope.

  1. Prepare a tie template, circle the outline on color cardboard and cut the billet tie. podarok-Dlya-Papy-Na-23-Fevralya-6
  2. From colored paper cut patterns for daddy tie. It can be mugs, asterisks or strips. The color and form of patterns can be any - depends on the fantasy. You can also cut thematic drawings: airplanes, tanks and stick them on tie.
  3. On the back of the tie, glue the rope to the top of the tie. You can use a hole punch and turn the rope into the holes.




Thematic applications on February 23

The manufacture of simple applications on the topic on February 23 will not take much time and will not cause difficulties in a child. Help the baby gently cut all the necessary parts and stick them into cardboard. We offer you several options for colorful appliqués for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland.

Applique "Ship" on February 23

  1. Prepare a sheet of cardboard blue or blue, it will be the basis of work.
  2. From the colored paper cut the trapeze, like a boat, two strips - the masts of the ship and the rods-sail, choosing the color of the billets to your liking.
  3. Start all the details on the blue cardboard, lubricating them with glue. Saves strips are not completely glued, but only at the edges, at a distance of 1 - 1.5 cm. It is necessary to stick them so that they formed a small bulge, reminding sails filled with wind.
  4. To decorate the composition, use thin white strips, they can be arbitrary length. Make them wavy with a pencil or handle. Spaciously lubricate the strips with glue and in randomly stir up onto cardboard, under the boat. It will be waves for which our boat rushes.


Using colored paper and turning on the fantasy, you can create beautiful compositions, where airplanes or tanks will be in the lead role. We offer you some interesting ideas of colorful and positive applications, with which every baby can cope.

Kindergarten, crafts February 23







From the cardboard you can make a bulk boat and decorate it with flags.


Paper boat on February 23

The paper boat is the simplest aircraft, originally from childhood. Taking advantage of the instructions, help the child make a paper boat. Decorate it with colored paper or small candy flags.




Delica Dad on February 23 in the form of an original postcard

Postcard "Unidir" - handicraft for February 23

Such an original postcard is an interesting and unusual version of the crafts on February 23 dad.
The color of the uniform kid can choose himself or choose depending on where his father served. If in the marine troops - blue, in the border - choose the green color of the nurse.

  1. We start working with the manufacture of a white shirt. Take a white sheet of paper in size 12x15. Return from above and on the sides of the leaf of 3 cm and make cuts. Now cuts need to bend in the form of a collar.
  2. Cut the tie from black paper, you can use a ready-made pattern or draw it yourself. Stick the finished tie under the collar.
  3. Go to the manufacture of the nip. Take the colored paper and bend it on the sides so that the flashes of the uniform turned out to be 7 cm width.
  4. Stick a white shirt with a tie in the inwards of a colored nurse, bend lapels.
  5. The uniform is ready, but it needs to be beautifully arranged: stick straps with stars, buttons.



Postcard "Shirt with Tie" in the style of origami - handicraft on February 23

A more complex version of the production of a gift for February 23 is an origami postcard. A sheet of colored paper will be needed. The size of the shirt directly depends on the size of the sheet. To begin with, we recommend stretching on a standard A4 sheet.

  1. Fold the rectangle input, along the sheet, like a book. Bend the same halves again.
  2. Seaned the bottom corners of the rectangle and roll the side sides into the rectangle.
  3. Go to the manufacture of sleeves. First, bend the lower part of the rectangle and remove the triangle slightly higher, as shown in the figure. Repeat the same step on the other side of the work and unscrew the edge.
  4. Bend the upper part of the work approximately 1.5 cm. Then bend the top angle to form a triangle, repeat from the opposite side.
  5. Turn the sheet input by reflecting the square under the corner of the collar - the shirt is ready. Complete it with a tie or butterfly. You can decorate the shirt buttons or glue the handkerchief. Do not forget to write sincere wishes and congratulations on the postcard.




Crafts for February 23 "Shirt with Tip" in the style of origami №2

Using Origami equipment, you can make another greeting card with a tie. How to perform a tie See below:


Crafts Pape on February 23 - Quilling card postcard

Making a postcard in an interesting program quilling requires patience and perfection. The composition consists of quilling elements of different shapes: a circle, oval (drop), "eye", "Curved triangle". Spirals are made of paper tapes that are sold specifically for needlework in quilling style or you can independently cut into thin strips of paper.

To work, you will need:

  • Cardboard.
  • Set of paper tapes for queening.
  • Toothpick for winding spirals, tweezers, PVA glue.
  1. Cut the base of queening from cardboard - numbers "2" and "3". The size of the numbers can be any.
  2. Twist the necessary quilling elements from paper tapes using a toothpick with a slot into which the end of the tape is inserted. Twist from the tape spiral. Free end. Lubricate glue and secure. Thus, twist all the elements.
  3. Start sticking the spirals from the top of the digit "2". The element of the "drop" and the elongated "eye" will look at the bends. You can experiment yourself with the sequence of application elements so that the whole composition looks harmonious.
  4. In the same way, you fix the elements based on the numbers "3". Large spirals look at the lower part.
  5. Make a large spiral from red paper tape, secure it, and until the glue is dry, give her the shape of a five-pointed star.
  6. When the whole composition is ready, put a small cargo on the application so that it dries evenly. In the free part of the postcard, write congratulations and warm words for the dad.



Crafts by February 23 with their own hands from progress

Using for the manufacture of crafts, the most ordinary items: matchboxes, a cardboard sleeve from the roll of toilet paper, a capsule from a chocolate egg, you can make interesting crafts with children.

Crafts for February 23 - a plane from a match box and cardboard

Necessary materials:

  • Matchbox.
  • Cardboard, velvet paper for propeller.
  • PVA glue.
  • Scissors, simple pencil.
  1. Draw on cardboard and cut two strips of about 2 cm wide, the length of the strip will be equal to the length of the cardboard sheet. You also need to draw two stripes, the width of which will be equal to the width of the matchbox - it will be the wings of the aircraft. For the tail part cut two narrow and short stripes.
  2. Bend the longest strip and glue it perpendicular to the matchbox, which serves as the aircraft housing. samolet-Iz-Bumagi-Podelka-Na-23-Fevralya-Master-Klass-1
  3. Prepare wide strips for the wings of the aircraft - round the edges using scissors. Stick them on the boxes in width. samolet-Iz-Bumagi-Podelka-Na-23-Fevralya-Master-Klass-2
  4. To make the tail of the plane, take the narrow short stripes, round their ends and stick to the long strip, bent them in half.
  5. Cut the propeller from velvet paper, using a template, as well as red stars. Attach the propeller on the front of the aircraft and decorate the crafts of the stars. pape31

Crafts for February 23 - tank made of match boxes

Necessary materials:

  • Matchboxes - 6 pcs.
  • Colored paper - green.
  • Strike black cardboard.
  • Pencil, glue, tape.
  1. First of all, you need to make a housing of the tank. Take 4 matchbox and secure them with a scotch. The remaining two box can be built separately, for the tank tower.
  2. Puck the housing of their four boxes with green paper, as well as a separate prepared billet tower tower.
  3. From a black cardboard, you caile the edge of the case, depicting a tank caterpillar. Stick the black cardboard mug.
  4. While the tank housing with the tower with glue.
  5. Go to the manufacture of guns. You must twist the cardboard tube. To do this, it is convenient to use a pencil. On one of the edges of the pipe, do shorts, remove them and glue to the tank body.
  6. Decorate the blowing of the gun with foil paper, on the tank housing stars.


Racing car - the original children's hand-made article of February 23

Necessary materials:

  • The sleeve from the roll of toilet paper.
  • Self-adhesive paper, colored cardboard.
  • Gouache.
  • Glue.
  1. Gouache paint the cardboard cylinder in red.
  2. Using the template, cut out of cardboard dark circle 4 - wheel of a racing car.
  3. Make the wheel, it can draw on a circle of cardboard with black felt-tip pen.
  4. Cut a hole in the top of the cylinder using a stationery knife. At this stage, your child will need adult assistance. Bend the cut parts - you will get back the driver's seat.
  5. Decorate the race car self-adhesive film, colorful stickers or images. Glue the wheel, the wheel and put him in the driver's cab of the man figure Lego.


Crafts with their hands February 23 - photo frames

Photo frames for commemorative photo - a great gift idea for the holiday. Come up with a theme for the photo frame with the child, based on their Dad's hobbies or occupation. For the pope, the motorist will suit the photo frame in the form of machines, enthusiastic repair - stick to the nuts and bolts of the frame. Nature lovers will enjoy picture frame decorated with dry branches of the same size.





Crafts by February 23 - Frame of pencils

To create a colorful photo frames will need:

  • Wooden or cardboard picture frame 10x15. The frame should be light or white.
  • If you do not have the white frame, paint it white acrylic paint, using a sponge.
  • Colour pencils.
  • Transparent adhesive or Melt strong fixation.
  1. Glue pencils on white border, selecting them by color and size.
  2. Insert the picture frame image with the sea view. You can choose a photo associated with the sea.
  3. Make a paper boat and stick it to the image.


Sweet gift on February 23

Tasty and appetizing crafts February 23, the Pope - a great idea unusual gift. Cook with your child shortbread cookies or muffins, allow him to participate in the process of preparation: mix the ingredients, cut out molds for cookies figures. Choose themed molds: stars, tanks, aircraft, ships or medals for bravery. muzhu2-700x495
Men who like sweets, you can give an original crafts of chocolates, decorated in a nautical style.


Crafts by February 23 photos








The original ideas of gifts for the Day of Defender are many. Inspire the proposed craft options, turn your fantasy and fly with children, putting in gifts for February 23 for Pope or grandfather love, attention and care.


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